Swear that you will give me one-tenth of your treasurein exchange for what I am going to tell you.\"The shepherd swore that he would. He put his headcloth in place and secured it with a ring made of camelskin. \"They're just a pile of stones. The Alchemist (Portuguese: O Alquimista) is a novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho that was first published in 1988. And theodor of the animals became a bit more tolerable.A young Arab, also loaded down with baggage, entered, and greeted theEnglishman.\"Where are you bound?\" asked the young Arab.\"I'm going into the desert,\" the man answered, turning back to his reading.He didn't want any conversation at this point. They workedhard just to have food and water, like the sheep. The boypreferred wine.But he didn't need to worry about that right now. But hewanted to know what the \"mysterious force\" was; the merchant's daughterwould be impressed when he told her about that!\"It's a force that appears to be negative, but actually shows you how torealize your destiny. The boyand the Englishman had bought camels, and climbed uncertainly onto theirbacks. Itwas more activity than usual for this time of the morning. It was also saidthat they had a pact with the devil, and that they kidnapped children and,taking them away to their mysterious camps, made them their slaves. Like. \"I'm doing much better, and soon you'll be able to return to your sheep.Why ask more out of life?\"\"Because we have to respond to omens,\" the boy said, almost withoutmeaning to; then he regretted what he had said, because the merchant hadnever met the king.\"It's called the principle of favorability, beginner's luck. It had been eleven months and nine dayssince he had first set foot on the African continent.He dressed in his Arabian clothing of white linen, bought especially for thisday. But let's say that the most important is that you have He didn't consider mending the holethe stonescould fall through any time they wanted. \"But I want one-tenthof the treasure, if you find it.\"The boy laughedout of happiness. \"The shepherd said nothing. He had learned some important things, like how todeal in crystal, and about the language without words and about omens.One afternoon he had seen a man at the top of the hill, complaining that itwas impossible to find a decent place to get something to drink after such aclimb. The boy watched it through itstrajectory for some time, until it was hidden behind the white housessurrounding the plaza. The Englishman had been profoundly impressedby the story. If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happyman. But ever since he had been a child, he had wantedto know the world, and this was much more important to him than knowingGod and learning about man's sins. No hope, no adventure, no oldkings or destinies, no treasure, and no Pyramids. They reached the center of a largeplaza where the market was held. Download The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Book PDF. The caravan would be very lucky to reach theoasis.The animals were exhausted, and the men talked among themselves lessand less. That's good, thought the Englishman. Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist page 17. But if he speaks in the language of the soul,it is only you who can understand. The boy could see in his father's gaze adesire to be able, himself, to travel the worlda desire that was still alive,despite his father's having had to bury it, over dozens of years, under theburden of struggling for water to drink, food to eat, and the same place tosleep every night of his life. \"Amongst us, the only ones who travel arethe shepherds.\"\"Well, then I'll be a shepherd!\"His father said no more. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 1 / 94 The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Translated by Alan R. Clarke. Summary Read one-minute Sparklet summaries, the detailed section-by-section Summary & Analysis, or the Full Book Summary of The Alchemist . \"I'm like everyone elseI see theworld in terms of what I would like to see happen, not what actually does.\"He ran his fingers slowly over the stones, sensing their temperature andfeeling their surfaces. Only in that way would he be able to read the omens. On the other hand, he saidthat he always appeared to help those who are trying to realize their destiny.He left without saying good-bye to the crystal merchant. He wasfeeling sorry for himself, and lamenting the fact that his life could havechanged so suddenly and so drastically.He was so ashamed that he wanted to cry. He knew that in thecaravan there was a man to whom he was to teach some of his secrets. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. If he ever decided to leave them, they wouldsuffer.The wind began to pick up. He remembered that he had a number of things he had to takecare of: he went to the market for something to eat, he traded his book forone that was thicker, and he found a bench in the plaza where he couldsample the new wine he had bought. Several lost sheep. He realized thathe could do the same thing the old man had donesense whether a personwas near to or far from his destiny. He spoke Spanish betterthan Arabic, and, if this boy was going to Al-Fayoum, there would besomeone to talk to when there were no other important things to do. Then she tookboth of his hands in hers, and began quietly to pray.It sounded like a Gypsy prayer. Something brightreflected from his chest with such intensity that the boy was momentarilyblinded. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 36 / 94an alchemist. The Alchemist is a novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho that was first published in 1988. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 19 / 94again after having charged him his one-tenth fee. Looking at the sun, hecalculated that he would reach Tarifa before midday. The boy felt jealous of the freedom of thewind, and saw that he could have the same freedom. Melchizedek, the king ofSalem, sat on the wall of the fort that afternoon, and felt the levanterblowing in his face. He had worked for an entire year to make a dream cometrue, and that dream, minute by minute, was becoming less important.Maybe because that wasn't really his dream.Who knows maybe it's better to be like the crystal merchant: never go toMecca, and just go through life wanting to do so, he thought, again tryingto convince himself. The boy thanked him, ate it, and went onhis way. The priests carried them in a golden breastplate.\"The boy was suddenly happy to be there at the warehouse.\"Maybe this is an omen,\" said the Englishman, half aloud.\"Who told you about omens?\" The boy's interest was increasing by themoment.\"Everything in life is an omen,\" said the Englishman, now closing the journalhe was reading. And you are at the pointwhere you're about to give it all up.\"\"And that's when you always appear on the scene?\"\"Not always in this way, but I always appear in one form or another.Sometimes I appear in the form of a solution, or a good idea. He knew everything about each member ofhis flock: he knew which ones were lame, which one was to give birth twomonths from now, and which were the laziest. The hooded Bedouinsreappeared more and more frequently, and the camel driverwho hadbecome a good friend of the boy'sexplained that the war between thetribes had already begun. And if the book was irritating, as the old man had said, theboy still had time to change it for another.\"It's a book that says the same thing almost all the other books in the worldsay,\" continued the old man. \"Imagine if everyone went around transforming leadinto gold. Find out who it is who cures the people's illnesses!\"Several women dressed in black came to the well for water, but the boywould speak to none of them, despite the Englishman's insistence. Yet the boy felt that there wasanother way to regard his situation: he was actually two hours closer to histreasure the fact that the two hours had stretched into an entire yeardidn't matter.I know why I want to get back to my flock, he thought. The treasure was now nothing but a painful memory, andhe tried to avoid thinking about it.\"I don't know anyone around here who would want to cross the desert justto see the Pyramids,\" said the merchant. \"You brought a new feeling into my crystalshop. \"I can interpret it, butthe interpretation is very difficult. Now that I have seen them, and now that I see how immense mypossibilities are, I'm going to feel worse than I did before you arrived.Because I know the things I should be able to accomplish, and I don't wantto do so.\"It's good I refrained from saying anything to the baker in Tarifa, thought theboy to himself.They went on smoking the pipe for a while as the sun began to set. He seemed unfriendly, andhad looked irritated when the boy had entered. One afternoon, on a visit to his family,he had summoned up the courage to tell his father that he didn't want tobecome a priest. He looked at the people in the plaza for awhile; they were coming and going, and all of them seemed to be verybusy.\"So, what is Salem like?\" he asked, trying to get some sort of clue.\"It's like it always has been.\"No clue yet. Only when he consents.\"Wait for the end of the war. I just want to dream aboutMecca. And, just as she was about to showme the exact location, I woke up. But that's the way life is with sheep and 'As you wanderaround, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to spill.' With the girl withthe raven hair, his days would never be the same again.But finally the merchant appeared, and asked the boy to shear four sheep.He paid for the wool and asked the shepherd to come back the followingyear. Free, PDF, The Alchemist, Download, Paulo Coelho. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 2 / 94I wanted to sleep a little longer, he thought. Yes, their days were all the same, with the seemingly endless hoursbetween sunrise and dusk; and they had never read a book in their younglives, and didn't understand when the boy told them about the sights of thecities. The boy was tempted to be rude, and move to another bench, buthis father had taught him to be respectful of the elderly. Published 1992. And yet,none of these people has ever met the old king. \"Inany case, it's good that you've learned that everything in life has its price.This is what the Warriors of the Light try to teach.\"The old man returned the book to the boy.\"Tomorrow, at this same time, bring me a tenth of your flock. Share to Twitter . Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 47 / 94The boy awoke as the sun rose. All they wanted was food and water.Melchizedek watched a small ship that was plowing its way out of the port.He would never again see the boy, just as he had never seen Abraham When he's anold man, he's going to spend a month in Africa. In half an hour, he had cleaned all the glasses in the window, and,as he was doing so, two customers had entered the shop and bought somecrystal.When he had completed the cleaning, he asked the man for something toeat. And better still to be alone with one's The boy was also saddened; his friend was in pursuit of hisdestiny. Just handling them made himfeel better. That he had attended aseminary until he was sixteen. It was said that he was morethan two hundred years old, and that he had discovered the Philosopher'sStone and the Elixir of Life. When someone sees thesame people every day, as had happened with him at the seminary, theywind up becoming a part of that person's life. The Alchemist Summary Next Prologue In the Prologue, the alchemist reads a story about Narcissus a youth so fascinated by his own beautiful reflection that he falls into a lake and drowns. Just as you knowthat you're not going to buy your sheep.\"\"Who told you that?\" asked the boy, startled.\"Maktub\" said the old crystal merchant.And he gave the boy his blessing. I learned how tags: inspirational. He hoped that it would besomeone as capable as his previous apprentice.I don't know why these things have to be transmitted by word of mouth, hethought. Then he turned to theboy.\"I am proud of you,\" he said. He got up to pay the bill, but the owner grabbed himand began to speak to him in an angry stream of words. . They provided warnings aboutthieves and barbarian tribes. It was a pleasant changefrom talking to his sheep. But he decided to take a chance. He had not a cent in his pocket, but he had faith. The men of the oasis wanted to know if they hadseen any fighting, and the women competed with one another for access tothe cloth and precious stones brought by the merchants. He knew he was stronger than hisfriend.Suddenly, there in the midst of all that confusion, he saw the most beautifulsword he had ever seen. All the joy he had seen thatmorning had suddenly disappeared.\"I can give you the money you need to get back to your country, my son,\"said the crystal merchant.The boy said nothing. There are thousands of kilometers ofdesert between here and there.\"There was a moment of silence so profound that it seemed the city was In this version of the story, the goddess of the forest encounters the lake in which Narcissus drowned. We're only two hours from Spain.\"\"Sit down, and let me treat you to something,\" said the boy. But all he foundwas the heavy book, his jacket, and the two stones the old man had givenhim.As he looked at the stones, he felt relieved for some reason. But you know that I'm not going to go to Mecca. The boy swore to Jesus Christ. He had noticed that, as soon as he awoke, most of his animals alsobegan to stir. Creatures like the sheep, that are used totraveling, know about moving on.\"He thought of the merchant's daughter, and was sure that she had probablymarried. Maybe no one here knows what analchemist is! \"And suddenly, the child took me by both hands andtransported me to the Egyptian pyramids.\"He paused for a moment to see if the woman knew what the Egyptianpyramids were. Myneighbors feared they would lose all their olive trees in the flood, and mywife was afraid that we would lose our children. \"Hunches,\" his mother used to call them. But now, as the sun began to set, he was in a differentcountry, a stranger in a strange land, where he couldn't even speak thelanguage. But I want each and everyone of you to swear by the God you believe in that you will follow my ordersno matter what. Along the way, he learns to listen to his heart and, more importantly, realizes that his dreams, or his Personal Legend, are not just his but part of the Soul of the Universe. Andthen I'll have to change my way of life.\"\"Well, isn't that good?\"\"I'm already used to the way things are. He still had a long way to go toreach the pyramids, and someday this morning would just be a memory. Torealize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation. \"The fifth obligation of every Muslim is a pilgrimage. Dusk was falling as the boy arrived with hisherd at an abandoned church. \"I dreamed that I was in a fieldwith my sheep, when a child appeared and began to play with the animals. He had suddenly remembered that, in Tarifa, there was an old womanwho interpreted dreams. Or marry the daughter of a textilemerchant?\"\"Yes, or even search for treasure. The sheep will get used to my notbeing there, too, the boy thought.From where he sat, he could observe the plaza. \"If you want to learn about your owntreasure, you will have to give me one-tenth of your flock.\"\"What about one-tenth of my treasure?\"The old man looked disappointed. He wasn't asking for help. \"Maybe that's why they give up on it so early,too. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 21 / 94He took his money from his pouch and showed it to the young man. From where hestood, he saw for the first time that the old merchant's hair was very muchlike the hair of the old king. He knew that a few hours from now, with the sun at itszenith, the heat would be so great that he would not be able to lead hisflock across the fields. If the sand was too finefor the animals' hooves, they sought a way where the sand was moresubstantial. Maybe she didn't even remember him. 'The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world,and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.' Likeeating or sleeping, or like seeking love or finding a job. It was shepherds who were the first to recognize a king that therest of the world refused to acknowledge. \"In school.\"\"Well, if you know how to read, why are you just a shepherd?\"The boy mumbled an answer that allowed him to avoid responding to herquestion. '\"Relieved, the boy picked up the spoon and returned to his exploration ofthe palace, this time observing all of the works of art on the ceilings and thewalls. If he were to tire of the Andalusianfields, he could sell his sheep and go to sea. It was \"yes.\"\"Am I going to find my treasure?\" he asked.He stuck his hand into the pouch, and felt around for one of the stones. ISBN -7225-3293-8. 'You cannot trust a man if you don't know his house. He brought six sheep withhim.\"I'm surprised,\" the boy said. It was as if some mysterious energy bound his life to that ofthe sheep, with whom he had spent the past two years, leading themthrough the countryside in search of food and water. \"Even if you cleaned my crystal for an entire yeareven if you earned a good commission selling every piece, you would stillhave to borrow money to get to Egypt. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes! Maybe it was his treasure tohave wound up in that strange land, met up with a thief, and doubled thesize of his flock without spending a cent.He was proud of himself. The boyprodded them, one by one, with his crook, calling each by name. His newfriend pushed the owner aside, and pulled the boy outside with him. From there, he could see Africa inthe distance. *The boy couldn't believe what he was seeing: the oasis, rather than beingjust a well surrounded by a few palm treesas he had seen once in ageography bookwas much larger than many towns back in Spain. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Upgrade to A + Intro Plot Summary Summary & Analysis Themes Quotes Characters Symbols Theme Wheel Teachers and parents! But now I'm sad andalone. Some men were smoking from a gigantic pipethat they passed from one to the other. The boy knew what he was about to describe,though: the mysterious chain that links one thing to another, the same chainthat had caused him to become a shepherd, that had caused his recurringdream, that had brought him to a city near Africa, to find a king, and to berobbed in order to meet a crystal merchant, andThe closer one gets to realizing his destiny, the more that destiny becomeshis true reason for being, thought the boy.The caravan moved toward the east. But this fear evaporates when we understandthat our life stories and the history of the world were written by the samehand.\"Sometimes, their caravan met with another. In his pouch, he had his jackethe certainly wasn't goingto need it in the desert. That's good. "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.". Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 18 / 94\"The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace,keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. An illustration of two cells of a film strip. In lessthan a year, he would have doubled his flock, and he would be able to dobusiness with the Arabs, because he was now able to speak their strangelanguage. ''He told the boy it was no coincidence that he had met him with Urim andThummim in his hand. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers and across the Egyptian desert to a fateful encounter with the alchemist. Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist. \"Let's go and have some lunch,\" said the crystal merchant.He put a sign on the door, and they went to a small caf?nearby. God hasprepared a path for everyone to follow. This Soul of the World allowedthem to understand anything on the face of the earth, because it was thelanguage with which all things communicated. He had to choose between something he hadbecome accustomed to and something he wanted to have. Oh, if they only knew how different things are justtwo hours by ship from where they are, he thought. Here I am, between my flock and mytreasure, the boy thought. He didn't want tocry with the other people there. *\"I'm the leader of the caravan,\" said a dark-eyed, bearded man. The Alchemist is a novel by Paulo Coelho that was first published in 1988. The othersare to pray five times a day, fast during Ramadan, and be charitable to thepoor.\"He stopped there. So he held out thebook to the manfor two reasons: first, that he, himself, wasn't sure how topronounce the title; and second, that if the old man didn't know how toread, he would probably feel ashamed and decide of his own accord tochange benches.\"Hmm\" said the old man, looking at all sides of the book, as if it weresome strange object. Theowner of the bar came over and looked, as well. That'swhy I have to live off what my daughters provide me with.\"\"And what if I never get to Egypt?\"\"Then I don't get paid. Butthis was the present momentthe party the camel driver had mentionedand he wanted to live it as he did the lessons of his past and his dreams ofthe future. It's with those words that the universal language is written. Since that morning in the marketplace, he had never again madeuse of Urim and Thummim, because Egypt was now just as distant a dreamfor him as was Mecca for the merchant. He almostbegan to tell about his treasure, but decided not to do so. These are good omens.\" They placed the symbolsof the pilgrimage on the doors of their houses. He looked likean Arab, which was not unusual in those parts. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. The miner was about to give it all up, right atthe point when, if he were to examine just one more stonejust one morehe would find his emerald. But he had thrown it with such force that it broke the stone it fellupon, and there, embedded in the broken stone, was the most beautifulemerald in the world.\"People learn, early in their lives, what is their reason for being,\" said the oldman, with a certain bitterness. He was thinking about omens, and someone hadappeared.\"How come you speak Spanish?\" he asked. But theonly God I serve is Allah, and in his name I swear that I will do everythingpossible once again to win out over the desert. He believed in omens. 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