Pastor Stephen Armstrong discusses all that the Bible can tell us on the coming world leader called the Antichrist. A Breakout Session teaching presented at the 2017 VBVMI Bible Conference held in San Antonio, Texas, on October 13-14, 2017. The 2014 VBVMI Bible Conference Main Session for Pastor Stephen Armstrong, who explains the Biblical imperative to study the end times. Proudly Serving the Communities of Van Zandt County and surrounding areas, Grand Saline, Texas, East Texas, Tyler, Sulphur Springs, Terrell, Athens, Greenville, Rockwall, Seagoville, Mesquite, Rowlett, Kilgore, Balch Springs, Wylie, Mount Pleasant, These priorities will all be combined and will mutually strengthen one another in each local church. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. CONFESSIONAL STATEMENT Its in the Bible.. Regarding sex, the church should avoid both the secular societys idolization of sex and traditional societys fear of it. Irreligion and secularism tend to inflate selfencouraging, uncritical, selfesteem; religion and moralism crush people under guilt from ethical standards that are impossible to maintain. Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. He came to know the Lord in his early 30s, while serving as an Air Force officer. The core dynamic of gospelcentered ministry is therefore worship and fervent prayer. We'll help you find the right words to comfort your family member or loved one during this difficult time. In the event that there is an error 3. We not only hear of these influences, we see their effects. Living as salt in a world that is decaying and light in a world that is dark, believers should neither withdraw into seclusion from the world, nor become indistinguishable from it: rather, we are to do good to the city, for all the glory and honor of the nations is to be offered up to the living God. The speakers from the 2015 VBVMI Conference gather for Q&As. Yet postmodernisms response is dangerous in another way: its most strident voices insist that claims to objective truth be replaced by a more humbly tolerant and inclusively diverse subjective pluralisma pluralism often mired in a swamp that cannot allow any firm ground for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints. Such a stance has no place for truth that corresponds to reality, but merely an array of subjectively shaped truths. Memorial Tribute Website Proudly Provided by: Map | But Messiah warned us that wolves would invade the flock, to deceive them. The church is the body of Christ, the apple of his eye, graven on his hands, and he has pledged himself to her forever. We yearn to work with all who, in addition to embracing the confession and vision set out here, seek the lordship of Christ over the whole of life with unabashed hope in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform individuals, com- munities, and cultures. Learn 4 common ways to present the Gospel. On the one hand, we are troubled by the idolatry of personal consumerism and the politicization of faith; on the other hand, we are distressed by the unchallenged acceptance of theological and moral relativism. UNITED STATES This good news is biblical (his death and resurrection are according to the Scriptures), theological and salvific (Christ died for our sins, to reconcile us to God), historical (if the saving events did not happen, our faith is worthless, we are still in our sins, and we are to be pitied more than all others), apostolic (the message was entrusted to and transmitted by the apostles, who were witnesses of these saving events), and intensely personal (where it is received, believed, and held firmly, individual persons are saved). A Texas pastor who hailed coronavirus as a "privilege" and a "wake-up call" for sinners, particularly those who engage in sex outside of marriage, has died from the fast-spreading disease. In this perspective, the gospel appears as creation, fall, redemption, restoration. If we undercontextualize, it suggests that we want the trappings of our own subculture too much. 1. Pastor Armstrong teaches on the coming apostasy of the church described in the New Testament letters and in the book of Revelation. The kingdom of God, already present but not fully realized, is the exercise of Gods sovereignty in the world toward the eventual redemption of all creation. This Book of Memories brings those affected by loss together by encouraging communication and self-expression. We want to be radically distinct from the culture around us and yet, out of that distinct identity, we should sacrificially serve neighbors and even enemies, working for the flourishing of people, both here and now, and in eternity. Do you see what he is doing? Reading along the whole Bible. By his perfect obedience he satisfied the just demands of God on our behalf, since by faith alone that perfect obedience is credited to all who trust in Christ alone for their acceptance with God. Irvin Baxter, the founder of Texas-based Endtime Ministries, succumbed to symptoms linked to COVID-19 on Tuesday, about a week after he was initially hospitalized and put on a ventilator, according to a post shared on the churchs website on Tuesday. If your area does not have a regional chapter and you are interested in starting one, please contact us at [emailprotected]. If you have need of our services, please call us, day or night, at: Steps in Planning a Funeral or Memorial Service, Writing Down a Life: Crafting the Obituary, Social Expectations: a Primer on Funeral Etiquette, Notifying Creditors and Government Agencies, Funeral Home Websites Powered by FrontRunner Professional. We believe that every expression of Christianity is necessarily and rightly contextualized, to some degree, to particular human culture; there is no such thing as a universal ahistorical expression of Christianity. The claim to objectivity is arrogant, postmodernism tells us, and inevitably leads to conflicts between communities with differing opinions as to where the truth lies. 3. By giving friends and family a special place to tell their stories and express their feelings of loss, it helps them care for one another during a very difficult time. Held in San Antonio, Texas, on October 9-10, 2014. We therefore do not see our corporate worship services as the primary connecting point with those outside. The statements of Scripture are true, precisely because they are Gods statements, and they correspond to reality even though our knowledge of those truths (and even our ability to verify them to others) is always necessarily incomplete. Please click the register tab and sign up for a new account. Come share in that mission at Verse By Verse Fellowship. Because the gospel calls us to holiness, the people of God live in loving bonds of mutual accountability and discipline. Regarding money, the churchs members should engage in radical economic sharing with one anotherso there are no needy among them (Acts 4:34). Ways to honor Stephen Armstrong's life and legacy. The Plan of God We believe that from all eternity God determined in grace to save a great multitude of guilty sinners from every tribe and language and people and nation, and to this end foreknew them and chose them. Those who receive his salvation are not the strong and accomplished but those who admit they are weak and lost. Christ wins our salvation through losing, achieves power through weakness and service, and comes to wealth through giving all away. After becoming a believer, Stephen experienced God's call to learn and teach the Bible, so in 1997 Stephen left the military, found a job in Colorado, and began a self-directed course of study in preparation to teach the scriptures. As pastors, we intend to do this in our churches through the ordinary means of his grace: prayer, the ministry of the Word, baptism and the Lords Supper and the fellowship of the saints. 2. Through the lighting of a memorial candle, your thoughtful gesture will be recorded in the Book of Memories and the proceeds will go directly towards helping ensure that the family and friends of Stephen Armstrong can continue to memorialize, re-visit, interact with each other and enhance this tribute for future generations. It brings out the means of salvation, namely the substitutionary work of Christ and our responsibility to embrace it by faith. Verse By Verse Fellowship, a Northeast Side church, announced Pastor Steve Armstrong died after his battle with the coronavirus, which has claimed more than 1,800 others in San Antonio. Stephen passed away August 22, 2014 in Grand Saline. You can search using the name of your loved one, or any family name for current or past services entrusted to our firm. reports daily on death announcements in local communities nationwide. Though truth is propositional, it is not only something to be believed, but also to be received in worship and practiced in wisdom. As the mediatorial King, he is seated at the right hand of God the Father, exercising in heaven and on earth all of Gods sovereignty, and is our High Priest and righteous Advocate. The supreme need of all human beings is to be reconciled to the God under whose just and holy wrath we stand; the only hope of all human beings is the undeserved love of this same God, who alone can rescue us and restore us to himself. Based on the supposed future 7-year tribulation period, Pastor Steven Anderson teaches a futuristic fulfillment of Revelation. This only causes the world to hate Christians all the more. The end result is that they are misleading the end-times saints, so they are not prepared for what lies ahead. The Roman Emperor killed over 10 million saints to try to wipe out the early church, but it just kept growing. Beloved son of Norman (2007) and Anne Armstrong; cherished father of Brandon and Riley Armstrong; loved brother of Jill Armstrong (Glenn 2017) and Lisa Patton (Vern); loving partner of Paula Berthelot .He will also be sadly be missed by Lynn Armstrong, beloved mom of their two sons. The kingdom of God is an invasive power that plunders Satans dark kingdom and regenerates and renovates through repentance and faith the lives of individuals rescued from that kingdom. Use the form above to find your loved one. Funeral Home Services for Steven are being provided by Golden Gate Funeral Home. We're sorry but there are no candles available for lighting. We believe that by his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus Christ acted as our representative and substitute. CLICK ON Bible Prophecy Fulfillment Books, The 70th week of Daniel 9 is very important because it validates the Bible, it proves Messiahs deity, and because knowing the fulfillment helps us understand Messiahs apocalyptic vision in the book of Revelation. We desire to advance along the Kings highway, always aiming to provide gospel advocacy, encouragement, and education so that current- and next-generation church leaders are better equipped to fuel their ministries with principles and practices that glorify the Savior and do good to those for whom he shed his lifes blood. (The hermeneutical issue). That same year he also founded Verse By Verse Ministry of San Antonio (later to be renamed Verse By Verse Ministry International) out of a desire to offer his unique style of in-depth Bible teaching for free to a worldwide audience via the internet. If we think we can just ignore God and live a sinful lifestyle, well, we cannot do it. He did this so that in him we might become the righteousness of God: on the cross he canceled sin, propitiated God, and, by bearing the full penalty of our sins, reconciled to God all those who believe. The Fall We believe that Adam, made in the image of God, distorted that image and forfeited his original blessednessfor himself and all his progenyby falling into sin through Satans temptation. Because it points us to a man who died for his enemies, the gospel creates relationships of service rather than of selfishness. The practical evidence of this is that our local churches increasingly welcome and embrace people of all races and cultures. The Restoration of All Things We believe in the personal, glorious, and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ with his holy angels, when he will exercise his role as final Judge, and his kingdom will be consummated. The gospel, however, humbles and affirms us at the same time, since, in Christ, each of us is simultaneously just, and a sinner still. At the heart of corporate worship is the ministry of the Word. Immortal and eternal, he perfectly and exhaustively knows the end from the beginning, sustains and sovereignly rules over all things, and providentially brings about his eternal good purposes to redeem a people for himself and restore his fallen creation, to the praise of his glorious grace. The Tri-une God We believe in one God, eternally existing in three equally divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who know, love, and glorify one another. Books about the fulfillment of the 70th Week Of Daniel 9, Messiahs Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24, and Messiahs apocalyptic vision in Revelation; are now available. These writings alone constitute the verbally inspired Word of God, which is utterly authoritative and without error in the original writings, complete in its revelation of his will for salvation, sufficient for all that God requires us to believe and do, and final in its authority over every domain of knowledge to which it speaks. We believe in the bodily resur- rection of both the just and the unjustthe unjust to judgment and eternal conscious punishment in hell, as our Lord himself taught, and the just to eternal blessedness in the presence of him who sits on the throne and of the Lamb, in the new heaven and the new earth, the home of righteousness. It is true that some Jews are being used by the Jesuits of Rome, to steal, kill and destroy; but they are not the beast of Revelation. That means 95% have already committed fornication!. The Power of the Holy Spirit We believe that this salvation, attested in all Scripture and secured by Jesus Christ, is applied to his people by the Holy Spirit. The church serves as a sign of Gods future new world when its members live for the service of one another and their neighbors, rather than for self-focus. All six speakers from the 2017 VBVMI Bible Conference come together to discuss our topic, "Fighting the Good Fight." June 24, 2017 Secularism and religion conform people to behavioral norms through fear (of consequences) and pride (a desire for selfaggrandizement). Horizons Event Centre in the information presented, According to the Endtime Ministries website, she was home as of Monday, but still feeling fatigued. 3. The Olivet Discourse, Matthew 24, was fulfilled in that generation, just like Messiah foretold that it would be. In the 21st century, it's not just urns and gravestones anymore. The gospel moves people to holiness and service out of grateful joy for grace, and out of love of the glory of God for who he is in himself. But the gospel of grace, centered on a man dying for us while we were his enemies, removes selfrighteousness and selfishness and turns its members to serve others both for the temporal flourishing of all people, especially the poor, and for their salvation. The Spirit of God not only converts individuals (e.g., John 16:8) but also renews and cultivates the face of the earth (e.g., Gen 1:2; Psalm 104:30). Truth, then, is correspondence between our entire lives and Gods heart, words and actions, through the mediation of the Word and Spirit. David Kessler's top 4 tips for dealing with holiday grief. Mono, Ontario Adam and Eve were made to complement each other in a one-flesh union that establishes the only normative pattern of sexual relations for men and women, such that marriage ultimately serves as a type of the union between Christ and his church. They will emphasize repentance, personal renewal, and holiness of life. For some people, the best send-off is one that they would have loved to attendthemselves: a big party. Services for Stephen James Armstrong, 22, of Grand Saline, are scheduled for 10 a.m., Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at Bartley Funeral Home with Bro. Please use the comment box on the bottom of the page, to let us know what topics you would like us to cover. Together to discuss our topic, `` Fighting the Good Fight. core dynamic of gospelcentered is. Not just urns and gravestones anymore the Olivet Discourse, Matthew 24, was in! To holiness, the gospel creates relationships of service rather than of selfishness primary connecting point those. 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