We worked with him for over a year. Luckily I only had my chiwe had to sleep in my car in different parking lots for about 3 weeks. A pet is a Family member nothing less !!!!!!!! People are always quick to judge. Do you think that someone who dumps an animal at a shelter should be able to one day adopt again? Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312. A Zebra doesnt change its stripes. A pet is a commitment, the life of the animal commitment. Obedience Classes, Seminars, andPrivate Consultationsare available for varying levels of training and behaviour issues. I totally understand that there are all kinds of circumstances, but I have to go with a NO because these people take an animal to a known Kill facility knowing that their dog or cat do not have the best chances of being adopted is just as bad as abuse. By all means: live your little heart out girl, but please dont bank on affecting me, cause you wouldnt succeed for a nano-second (I wont hold my breath waiting) Have a nice day. It really depends on the reason for surrendering. So my Beagle and I did our best and we prayed that our old man would be okay there. Unless you are ready for that, dont put an animal through what that lack of commitment can mean for them. If they are not been able to take care of the dog/animal, of course this will be special circumstances. The second time my cat wouldnt come into the house at all and I had to feed her outside. How the humans in the piece above could line up QUEUE UP for their dog to be killed is beyond me. We adopted a 10 month old pit bull and we had to rehome him because he was too energetic, but we werent allowed to return him and we didnt drop him off at another shelter. Anyone who surrenders a dog should never be allowed to adopt another dog, and should definitely be put on a national do not adopt list. Anybody who adopts from a shelter/rescue is most likely well aware of the plight of the majority of shelter animals, and would be hard-pressed to relinquish a dog to the same shitty situation it came from, if they have a smidgeon of a conscience. How glad I am! Loss of a job, income and/or home, a beloved dog being a danger to a new baby, severe illness where the owner cant care for their beloved pet, are a few examples which might force a heartbroken owner to give up their beloved pet. If anyone should definitely be denied the ability to adopt a pet, it should be animal abusers and people who abandon their dogs in the street. And if the owners were there surrendering their dogs, I think they should have euthanized them at the same time. Absolutely not!!!! If they brought a pet back to a shelter, they should be put on a list and be banned for life from owning another animal! I know I was young and ignorant once..and Ill bet a lot of other folks were too. Colorado 2013 stats show there were 101,911 dogs in the rescue/shelter system that year. Passing judgment on people without any comprehension of their actual circumstances is extremely cruel. If unforseen circumstances force the adopter to give up the animal, every effort should be made to secure a new safe home for the pet. It was bad. I dont think so I guess it would be differant depending on the circumstances but pets are for life if your not willing to stick your neck out for them then you probably shouldnt have one.. Something that makes me so mad is when people surrender dogs because they get to big it is like if you didnt want a big dog then why did you get it.. People should really do their research before they get an animal. When she dies, I will mourn. The lame excuses of: I cant handle him, there too expensive, I dont have time, Im moving and my new place cant take animals dont fly. You can check it in Urgent Part 2 Urgent Death Row Dogs in FB or their site. I have had to do this twice. To me, they at least deserve someone to mourn their death. If you have found a stray dog, please contact the animal control officer in the town in which the dog was found. Some months back I noticed very skinny cat passing by my birdfeeder. No way. People who condemn and judge the people who relinquish only hurt animal welfare and give animal shelters a bad name. If youre losing your home, lose your job, your infant has life threatening allergies, you become too ill or injured (with months/years of rehab with no one else to care for your pet) to physically be able to care for your petbelieve it or not, there ARE heart wrenching reasons that cause this to happen. The vet immediately said put her down. Whilst also being a single mother with a baby? But I refused to put him in a shelter, if a rescue group was able to take him in and he could go into a home I would do that. A dog who cared for his charge for years then was thrown away! This means that for one reason or another the owner has had circumstances arise where they can't keep the pet. It would make more sense to compare it to never being allowed to have custody of a child because you abandoned another child in the past. It should include anyone convicted of animal abuse as well as anyone who turns in a dog at a kill shelter. Dog Surrender Form If you have multiple animals, please submit a separate form for each animal. However, this year I adopted a dog who ended up being a danger to my adopted cat and my dads adopted chihuahua because she had very strong prey drive. No, they should not be able to adopt again. I also think maybe consideration should be given whether the person drops the dog at a kill or no kill shelter. We dont know what the case may have been: maybe it was a poverty issue, loss of job and could no longer take care of the dog, maybe the person was now deployed, deported, maybe the person wasnt as educated as they originally thought on the idea of owning a dog, and the best option was to surrender the dog. However, there are some legitimate reasons such as a pet that has become terminally ill or extremely aggressive, or a person who loses all sources of income for an extended period of time and can no longer care for the pet. Hed been there before, after all. Thanks for listening Artfloozy. As soon as the pup gets to be 10-12 months old, them dump them and get a new puppy! They should be completely banned from ever owning a pet. I never saw her again. However, I can readily see ways for these low lifes to get away with it legally. everyone else gets along fine with each other. Anyone who knowingly leaves their dog at a kill shelter is not a person who can be trusted to take care of any pet now or in the future. i never called to see if he was adopted. Give em a break for heavens sake. Some people adopt with the idea that-If we dont like it-bring it back. I also think its important that the screening process be more difficult for people to get a dog. Anyone that can do this has little to no conscience or compassion and should not be considered for pet adoption. And there is a trend hereI wouldnt be SURPRISED at all, if the people that surrender their animals have probably abanodned their children in some fashion, like not paying child support or agreeing to give up their rightstheres something wrong w/you if you are like thatif you dont care about living things, animals, humans, etc. Shes my Nutella in a jar!. Now, some of you think these standards are harsh, but walk on the other side of the road for a minute. Definitely NO!!! 5. I do not feel that anyone who dumps their dog or cat at a animal shelter should ever be allowed to adopt again. I must say that I have come to love all animals better than most humans. Then, in a perfect world, Id be all for not surrenderers re-adopt, but it isnt a perfect world and things happen. The idea that people think of pets as disposable property makes me ill. So what do we dobuy from a breeder. I think they should be put on a National do not adopt list forever. We dont have children our cats are our children. To dump an elderly pet in a shelter is one of the most cold hearted things a person can do and you do not deserve the pleasure of adopting another while the one you dumped will most likely be killed. I think that the people who are selling or adopting the pet out have a responsibility to make sure the adopter is informed,financially equipped and ready for the responsibility. If a person simply does not want the bother of a pet at 25, then at 40, he still doesnt want the bother. Answer (1 of 7): I can't believe that would be a problem. My first reaction, no, no more chances. I also have a cat that has to live in my garage and roam around the neighborhood it was dumped at my house I have had it neutered brought it today on shots microchip and flea treated. I dont believe in kill shelters, how can it even be called a shelter? On the other hand, if somebody has a dog taken away due to abusive treatment, that person should not be allowed to adopt again. We encourage you to exhaust all other options. These are my Children, I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. She lunged at my face, but I grabbed her collar in the front and held her at arms distance. Worse still is the person who says I cannot be bothered to look after him/her any longer I think there should be a national registry accessible for every shelter and breeder..anyone to look up to see if there is the name of a person who abused or dumped a dog to a kill shelter. Now her comes a dose of reality, if the animals doesnt make it to our house, it may end up a farm that uses 3s method of animal removal. Think about it. No. I put over $3000. How about taking your outrage out on them?! There is a $35.00 fee for all animals accepted into our adoption program. They would only throw them out in the field, parks, highways to fend for themselves. Nowadays, too many people are totally irresponsible animal owners . By Tamar Love Grande Nov 22, 2016. I think it should be a case by case basis. I could list several more reasons, but the whole point is to show that if somebody relinquishes their animal, they will always need to go and support the pet store instead of their local animal shelter because they refuse to adopt to them. I surrendered a dog I had for several years because he attacked my neighbors kid & ripped open his ankle, he snapped & bit my son twice & he killed my cats kitten & he would attack any dog that got near him. So, to say we should never be allowed to adopt again, is not fair at all. I kept turning my back toward her and she was also going in circles, jumping on me, trying to bite me. It would be nice if it could be determined on a case by case basis. No dog/animal should be given to a furever family that either going to give the dog/animal back at any time!!! When you take a pet then everything must be taken into account. My first inclination is to say no, if you surrender a pet you have no business getting a new one. If there is no other option available to you but giving up legal rights to your pet, the Pet . Why not says HSUS, ASPCA and PetSmart Charities . Check with your local humane society/animal shelter. It was better then her living in a car and she got adopted right away. Circumstances, really, truly matter. Problem : it is easier to send to a kill shelter rather than search for other alternatives. How could anyone do this? Just because my dog went mad doesnt mean another dog will so just because I surrendered a dog doesnt mean I would do it again. You see, she was a senior, and no one wanted an older dog. I hv 3 dogs..all rescue. Hence why I think the above information would be good to document for possible future adoptions; I was visibally distraught, young, and couldnt give the care it needed; all reasons that can be fixed with time and maturity. And ideally, most loving pet owners would find any way to keep their animal. YES!! Do you know that there are people who only like puppies? He had already had two homes by the time we found each other. No way anyone that could just give up baby to a shelter doesnt deserve to own another . Anyone who gives up their animal should never be allowed to adopt again! Ive had to relinquish ownership of two cats that I had, because my living situation changed so fast, that I had no other options. On Wednesday, I took the afternoon off and the kids and I spent the rest of Dakotas remaining time at the shelter with him. I know that there are way too many people who have no feelings and could care less about the animal and its feelings. But, I would much rather someone who cannot properly care for their beloved pet surrender them to a responsible shelter then leave them on a road somewhere or give them to someone who will not love and care for them. Yes there is going to be a cost, food, pet insurance, perhaps spaying/neutering, a warm blanket and perhaps a dog coat, a shelter if your pet is to spend time outside, veterinary care such as annual booster vaccinations, per care if you want a holiday break. Founder: Harlan Kilstein. 305-884-1101. This is the best circumstance because you will already have a better chance of seeing your dog again and the odds are in your favor the home will be a good one. I dont think you can make an absolute rule about this, because people surrender dogs for a variety of reasons. I dont how people could just get rid of their pet like yesterdays garbage. Read their stories, and tell me if you think the persons that betrayed those dogs with an array of lame excuses are deserving to have another dog. All should be registered, vets should have access to a database and if they bring in an animal for services, they should be heavily fined. Surrender Your Pet The vast majority of the pets at our humane center are ones we have transferred into our care from government shelters where those animals' lives were at risk. This is a system that needs new rules and the dogs are suffering by the irresponsible weak laws we have to protect them. Others see their dogs as untrainable they should simply be worked with. Why should they be able to adopt again? Working in rescue I have seen it all. Giving a dog up to a kill shelter is a different story, we are not all the same. So that owner surrenders the dog to be put down. As compassionate rescuers and animal-loving people, it's important not shame people for surrendering their pets. 1 answer. Never knowing if their dog was killed or adopted. Surrendering Your Pet. If they are facing financial and/or health issues, then they should be able to adopt when they get back on their feet. But some people should not be allowed to adopt again like if they just dont want it anymore, say its too old (without very expensive medical conditions), or like one guy I saw at my local shelter, didnt want that particular gender. By Appointment Only Surrender appointments are available Monday through Saturday from 12-4PM. There is a $50.00 fee per animal for out-of-county residents. Consulting with a veterinarian or shelter worker regarding an animal's behavior should be done before, not after, surrendering the animal. People can and do change I remember as a child, riding with my mom to surrender our cat and her litter of kittens to our local pound. I live on a farm a deal with a dozen cats and 2 to 3 dogs a year. Totally agree people who surrendered any animal should be put on do not adopt list You know how many animals will be saved due to this list.. gr8 idea. Money we just didnt have. NO ABSOLUTELY NOT !! These people should not be allowed to breathe, much less ruin animals lives. I dont believe for a minute that animal all of a sudden became aggressive for no apparent reason, just out of the blue, unless he had a brain tumour, 10 out of 10 times its due to the owners ignorant and neglectful keep, which usually ends by doubly victimizing the animal. Thx for Listening . Sometimes people who would be good pet owners have family emergencies they have no control over, death and major illnesses, or the pet might have a medical problem that the new owner just cant handle. It broke my heart and I think of him every day. NO! They gives us their love unconditionally, and their loyalty. People who surrender their pets to a kill shelter should be blacklisted! To me there is no difference. The reason there is so many dogs and cats is because people never get their pets fixed. They should NEVER be allowed to adopt again! I want this for them for the rest of their life. Id want to leave a little bit of leeway. As a limited admission shelter, the Naperville Area Humane Society can accept pets only as space permits. I had an answer, but then thought a little more about this; if the person did not drop the animal at the shelter would they otherwise try to dispose of the animal like garbage, or worse? A photograph that went viral on social media showed dozens of pet owners, with their animals ranging in size, age, shape, and breed, lined up outside the intake department of a South Florida kill shelter. Absolutely not. Very bad weather was approaching so I moved the cat inside into a spare bedroom. If your pet was adopted from Heartland Animal Shelter: The cat however was totally, 101% terrified of the dog (who was about the same size as the cat). I AGREE WITH YOU 110% My wife and i just had the same unprovoked aggressiveness with our last rescue dog . People dont change. I used to delivery papers in early morning hours and I have found cats & dogs on the side of the road. But no. There are millions of dogs killed every year in this county and the ones that dump their dogs are a part of those millions. was too much. A dog should not have to suffer, have to die, because of idiot humans. Many just dump them at the shelter when they get old, sick, or arent the dog they had hope theyd be. Spay and neuter need to become something done routinely if you cant afford it maybe getting that pet should wait. Its like using abortion as a form of birth control. Abandonment is what theyre doing, and thats supposed to be a misdemeanor in California. In no way should a person who surrenders a pet be allowed to adopt pet! Things my husband promised me we would do together for him when I agreed to let him keep the stray he found two years ago. I think that owner should be able to adopt again in the future. I have two critters that I have gotten from rescues. Absolutely not!!!! Vicious with my daughter and one day he bit her in the face n because I surrender him no one wont let me adopt again n I feel its on fair. Shelters and rescues need fosters to help care for dogs while they look for their forever homes. Id hope someone would forget or decide not to bother after a 5yr and a 10 yr ban. Now retired after 35+ years, I have adopted a dog (setter) I have always wanted, and will keep until she or I die. Call 412-345-0348 to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff about the pet you are looking to surrender. I wish there was a way to flag the names of individuals who harmed their pet before giving them up. Its not acceptable for more than 1/2 the reasons these poor innocents are dumped for. But we need to do a better job educating people before they get a dog and do a better job screening people before dogs are adopted so that this DOESNT happen. When you arrive for your appointment, be sure to have your ID, important pet-related documents (such as vaccination records), and a form of payment ready. A lack of commitment to a pretty dies not a suitable future adopter make. If they surrender their pet to a kill shelter knowing that the dog would more likely be euthanized then they should be put on a list that is made public nation wide to all rescue groups, breeders, shelters, etc to prevent them from ever adopting or purchasing a dog or a cat in the future. No they should not be able to adopt again. It's to help them. NO. I understand there may be some extenuating circumstances, such as a sudden terminal illness of the dog, or even of a family member, or a sudden loss of income that continues to the point of not being able to care for the animal. Not everyone knows theres another alternative. Someone situation can change in an instant and judging someone based on that is ridiculous! They should not be allowed to adopt again because its just allowing people to continue the cycle. Many times these shelters will also help you find someone to adopt if you dont feel comfortable leaving them there. You owe it to them to make sure they are properly restrained, spayed or neutered, and loved unconditionally. Contact us at (403) 205-4455. What if the persons spouse is abusing the animal and they are taking it to the shelter to keep it safe? I think it should be yesunder certain circumstances. I imagine that the way they treat other people can only be marginally better. After about two months of feeding and talking to the cat every day it finally let me pet it. No excuse, no sad story, no reason on earth!! I do believe that these should NEVER be allowed to adopt again. This might help somewhat with pet overpopulation! But she said the shelter told her they had homes waiting for them and they would leave immediately. What would you do if you had to downsize just to have a roof over your heads and that place didnt allow you to have a pet of any kind? I had to surrender my do and it hurt like hell. Youd rather they not surrender the dog but let it suffer from lack of veterinary care, food, or attention or let it fend for itself. Lets not put everyone in the same barrel, here, folks. Or if theyre a known animal abuser then no. The greatest horror is that of aging dogs, that breaks my heart when they are neglected and murdered, cause they are no longer serving a purpose for owners. A 10 yr ban of their pet like yesterdays garbage dog at kill... To flag the names of individuals who harmed their pet before giving them up a system year. Living in a perfect world, id be all for not surrenderers re-adopt, i... By Appointment only surrender appointments are available Monday through Saturday from 12-4PM they! 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