Thank you so much for this. But pray for your son to have a spirit of valor and godly discernment especially; for God to deliver him from every unholy influence and from the wrong people, and to connect him with the right people. thank you LORD for your guidance and wisdom and for this wonderfull person called Jamie. Thank you so much! Pray for everything in the situation to look JUST LIKE JESUS. The specifics help in the midst of some of the confusion of the situation I am in. And Jesus will win every time. Rebellion, pride, homosexuality, are just a few of the manifestations we have seen in her and its coming to a head. But, if you are the pastor there, then I pray you would stand up with a spirit of valor and root Jezebel out of your church. This teaching makes so much sense. But she would come in as though she is the only lifeline to Jesus for him and his only way to Jesus is through praying and her help. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in directing your prayers. "It begins on our knees," he says. The night my father in law hurt me, it sent me to the emergency room in fear of a concussion. This woman will come into his life betraying herself as such a willing helpful spirit and friend but the minute he starts getting better and socializing with others, she goes into rages of jealousy and rants on social media. They use rape for control with mind reading a prays to God afterwards. A LOT of healing needs to take place. My Helpers Are Turning Around to Help You, Says the Lord! My husband started being violent, cussing and then even my father in law! Hi Susan. I am dealing with this in my marriage as well. I wept when seeing the following scripture come true in her life. The accusations she spews at me are clearly parroted lies from her father. And when youre in it, you look left, right, and center for direction and maybe even a sign. After so many years children have adopted the Spirit itself, Dear Jammie your timing is always perfect. And as for your daughter all I can say is truth always comes out. She is the first great instigator of persecution against the saints of God. We prayed and released the testimony of Jesus. Jesus is SO, SO, SO much greater than any evil spirit. Just read your post on the Jezebel spirit which was operating in one of my former tenants. I know for myself personally. She and my dad almost ruined my marriage, God blessed me with a good wife who thankfully has stayed by my side. There is a huge amount of hate always directed at me. Walk in the spirit. If this kind of spirit has infiltrated your work place, the supervisors will need to take charge and let this person go. I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. I pray for gods will in all matters of my life. Confronting Jezebel isnt the answer when destroying the Jezebel spirit from our nations, homes, and elsewhere. Just remember, you cant tolerate this spirit and successfully eradicate it from your or anothers life. Every area of my life is in a bad state. She directs IHOP-Fort Lauderdale and serves as news editor of Charisma magazine. Gods Word says you canand that its not too hard! And Jesus came through and absolutely drove that thing out. Literally sing the Name of Jesus in your worship. Ive been struggling however, in the flesh (problem #1). If Jezebel is not a spirit of control and manipulation, what, then, does Jezebel look like? A woman confides in her, for instance, that she is having sex out of wedlock. Right after we got married I kept feeling like there was something haunting my husband, and influencing him. Adam Mabry shows us how rest helps us make space for relationships, shared experiences and moments to remember; how it liberates us from the pressure of self-reliance; how it gives us a chance to think and reflect; and how it stops us from burning out. I pray for her true salvation but my main concern is for my friend to revert back to alcoholism and lose his faith. It identifies with women whose husbands dont love them as Christ loves the church. Thank you so much for your prayer points. Male or female, a Jezebelitemeaning a person who is influenced or dominated by this spiritis a subtle seducer. Jezebels influence runs much deeper than a desire to make someone a mouthpiece or puppet, or control the worship song list, or intimidate people from joining the inner circle in order to guard the leadership positions of those it controls. God will be victorious! Its literally perfect for this article. Im so very sorry youre going through that. Any insight about this? We are a christian family but she went way the other way. Im staying with my daughter who is facing total destruction against an adulterous affair where her husband has left and turned his back on the Lord. Jezebel was a Phoenician princess who married Ahab, king of Israel. This is why so many are deceived. As soon as I came upon your article on it, I kept saying Yes! He is a recovering alcoholic and has many health issues. The Lord showed me this with an absolute lightning bolt of revelation awhile back, when I was asking Him how on earth to pray against a Jezebelic situation. Hers family rules the choir. She shows, with keen biblical insight, that Jezebel does much more than most believers thought-and that it's time to expose the deceit and defeat the spirit's insidious work. I am struggling with guilt because I still love them. He wants a divorce and I do not. My friends late ex-wife operated under a Jezebel spirit. I can tell you this from experience. Of course you can serve God if you want to. God Bless What is the "spirit of Jezebel"--and what influence does it have on your life? As the outpourings of God are rumbling in nations, the enemy is trying to distract and circumvent God, but the glory is greater than the counterfeit. And the key word is subtle. Part One of Prayer: Addressing His Divine Attributes (See Revelation 2:18) Lord Jesus, I thank You that You are the Son of God, the One who has eyes like flames of fire and feet of brass. So beloved, if youre dealing with a Jezebel spirit, dont be afraid. She is filled with bitterness and anger and blames me for everything. I am a spirit filled Christian, and have been all my life. When you pray these prayers do you mention the person or persons name or just the Jezebel spirit ? She will turn on the one who refuses to do her will or submit to her (especially if she has been successful in manipulating this person in the past), frequently with a vicious, berating verbal attack aimed at humiliation. Release the testimony of Jesus. You can see the character of The Savior and He is the one lifted up through it all and gets all the glory that is what makes it true! By pulling back the curtain on . its such a blessed to me because this spirit has caused alot of havoc in the church and also in our personal lives as it paves its way to the leadership of the church. And the key word is subtle. Thank you for being a vessel. The spirit of Jezebel will cause you to go into hiding. I have done a lot of bad things that hurt other people. And I fell at his feet to worship him. It has always amazed me over the years that this kind of spirit can get very smart and intelligent people to do its evil bidding so easily. Our Father is so wonderful and mighty in all His ways!!! But I know there are others that can connect to my story. Please pray Gods will over my marriage and my husbands life. I will continue with my Fasting, Praise and Worship knowing my family is in love, peace, health, guidance and protection from Our Savior, Our Redeemer, Our Rescuer, Our Deliverer, and Our Chief Shepherd. Then once all of the legal rights have been fully taken care of and broken with God the Father, then move to bind all of the underling demons to the chief Jezebel demon, and then from there, proceed to cast all of them out of the person as one spirit. Elle Friday 11th of June 2021 The Ways in Which the Jezebel Spirit Will Operate, Deliverance System For Casting Out Demons on the Inside of a Person, When People Let You Down: Dealing with Disappointment. With clarity and authority, this book exposes the signs of Jezebel spirit, its strategies of . I will strike her children dead. And what is the true spirit of prophecy? Beware! Thank You. Jude urges us to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to us, because certain men have crept in unnoticed ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ (Jude 4). The Jezebel spirit is behind abortion, peaceful protests disguised as hatred, and same-sex marriage. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel: How to Overcome the Spirit o at the best online prices at eBay! Posted on Last updated: November 14, 2018, In part 2, I discussedThe Ways in Which the Jezebel Spirit Will Operate. Thank you for following our L'rd's commission. Please pray and if there are any guidance you may have or prayers. She shows, with keen biblical insight, that Jezebel does much more than most believers thought--and that it's time to expose the deceit and defeat the spirit's insidious work. Pray for the humility of Jesus to be released in every person involved in the situation (Philippians 2:5-11). Could you please clarify? Jamie. 2. I need to go over it again and again and make notes. The good and holy thing is stronger, every time. Thats correct! There are moments in life where it feels like your prayers are hitting the ceiling. My ex husband and his wife are controlled by a Jezebel spirit ( covert and over narcissists) they have seduced my 16 yr old daughter against me. It looks just the way many books describeon the surface. Thank you so very much for this beautiful description of how to combat this thing. Kerina, Thank you for your guide on the jezebel spirit and how to be delivered from such spirits operating at work, home, .I am now able to do much with the guide by the Holy Spirit direction cause I am having such attacks at work and home. Did you find this post helpful? JESUS is the Center of everything. This spirit o I hope that I can retain this information to use in times of need. The pastor of our church stoped our counseling sessions and said that this was beyond him and he could no longer help us. Coming in the opposite spirit means you see something evil, but instead of railing against the evil thing, you pray in the good and holy thing in its place. She lives in south Florida. I pray that these words will help change a very difficult situation for my young son and I. Amen. This evil spirit has been responsible for not only tearing down churches, pastors, and different Christian ministries, but it has also been . She is remembering her lessons over the years and knows this is a time to rejoice when she meets the enemys attacks with more prayers of Gods promises. A. The Jezebel spirit claims people that hold positions mainly in religious and political circles. My wife and I have been married for 20 years, every four years something major happens and we have arrived once again at that point. Just what I needed to get me through a long , emotional , hardship I been dealing with a long time . We are living in a very advance stage of electronic technologies and someone is abusing me with these technologies. It leads people to eat food sacrificed to idols. Jarrod Pugh). I am desperate. Worship God! It's now been a handful of very bad ones now. Thanks for reading! Its also what Ive been hearing from Holy Spirit. This book was released on 2013-06-01 with total page 192 pages. how to recognize the difference between the Jezebel spirit and the true prophetic, ask God to fill you with His perfect love, my story about how God delivered mefrom fear here, An Encouraging Word For Parents With Struggling Kids, Prophetic Word: You Have Encountered Your Own Authority, Prophetic Word: I Am Inviting You to Slow Down, Prophetic Word: You Were Made for Strength, Honor, and Glory. This is an impressive and mind blowing message so great and powerful just what i am in need of in my life right now Ive been battling with this jezebel spirit with my blood younger sister, friends, and fellow congregants and the situations has brought me so much distress and brokenhearted because why is it that most of the time the people i care about are mostly the ones that is turning around to be my hypocritical enemy at my presence they will be kind and good but behind my back they assassinated and condemn me to others in a brutal way most especially my younger sister up to an extent she went as far as commending a negative report about me to our mother thank God that parents know the character of their children even though they are many they can acknowledge their divers attitudes and God has always been by my side to fight my battle shes also depriving me of some certain benefits that can come to me please Jamie pray for me and as i have been praying yet this your post has added more to my understanding on how to pray against jezebel spirit and WIN wow am very much happy thank you in Jesus mighty name AMEN. Without these, she would be lost forever, hence the threat of Jesus. I knew right away He was/is behind this onebecause of the spirit of your message and your exhortation to lift up the name of Jesus. However there are still devastating consequences: parental alienation of the three children towards their father, him being emasculated for 25 years, broken relationships with in-laws. Develop a magnificent obsession with the Son of God, and focus EXCLUSIVELY on Him. If you do, it will establish a stronghold base within your environment and from there, it will launch major attacks on both you and anyone else that is in this environment. But if God does fully expose this kind of evil spirit to the person who has it, and the person is then ready to be delivered from it, you can then do the deliverance like we have shown you in the other articles in the Spiritual Warfare Section of our site. It can be an emotional ligation, dependence on a person, division in marriage, which are substitutes for the Lord. Alma, hi. But I will pray more. Jesus Christ is our wisdom, our righteousness, our sanctification, and our redemption. One time it became so bad he almost took a drink. It's important to know what to do in those moments and not lose hope in the promises of God. This spirit's ultimate goal is to conquer or neutralize the prophet because a discerning leader is its greatest enemy. One even promises five steps to stopping the Jezebel spirit in a single day! Thank you God bless you sister. Likewise, a Jezebelite is quick to encourage sin. And the other has rob me and her brother of our inheritance. I speak life to him every day via texts. No matter what you pray and how long you pray, the breakthrough just isn't coming. Thank you for this. Rivers of Revival - Neil T. Anderson 2019-06-18 Since the Day of Pentecost, seasons of revival and awakening have brought refreshing to the spiritually dry, life to the spiritually dead, and miraculous encounters with the Holy . Yes!.. to everything you posted! Thankyou. 5. . Yes! I never went along with their toxicity and what they wanted so I was the one they always dumped on. hi,i wanted to say that YES there is nothing greater than Jesus..i am facing a divorced actually and it is very complicated for me,my wife started to seduce others,been like a queen at home,well exactly the symptoms of the jezebel day when i was starting to know the truth,she woke up and decided that she doesnt loves me and God told her to leave meam praying and praying all the time,join me in my prayer,i know God created marriage and not divorce,my wife name is prisca,and i love her so much,i know God will not let my marriage to break,no evil spirit is greater than Jesus Christ. If by chance this person is not open to receiving any kind of deliverance and they are causing major trouble, strife, and dissension in a church, prayer group, or Bible study class, you may have to ask this person to leave so this evil spirit does not continue to attack the other people who are in the same environment with this person. minutes later this very person appeared with two other male persons again trying to kill me, i remember saying to the person are you coming for a second time. I found out that he was ragin mad because i had moved out from my husband (his son), because when he, my father in law was only 3 yrs old, his father had abandoned him and his mother and 10 other children. So if theres anything to glean from this its 1) Your safety comes first and formost. Jesus has already won this thing! Along with these traits, the spirit is accusatory and vengeful. It contains many stories about how people who have been under this spirits influence have been confronted in love, delivered, healed, and restored. You have been a key answer to my prayers!!! The Spirit of Jesus wins every time! Its like she changed overnight and my daughter and I dont know who she is anymore. This spirit wants to engage you and overpower you. So you read how to recognize the difference between the Jezebel spirit and the true prophetic. The timing is perfect. Ive written a blog detailing all I went through most things no one believes. Will the in just situations prayer be effective to release him, or do you know how we should pray and approach this. Thank you for this article. by Jeremy Burns | Aug 25, 2014 | Spiritual Warfare. As you know, God gives sinners every opportunity to come clean from blatant sin. "It begins in the prayer room and at the prayer meeting. The Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Jezebel How To Overcome The Spirit Of Control Idolatry And Immorality Author: Subject: The Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Jezebel How To Overcome The Spirit Of Control Idolatry And Immorality Keywords We have had enough. If you desire to see your husband healed and delivered, then pray, pray, pray for him. Pls God have mercy on us all, For God is Love., I gone through the same at work. The Spirit Of Jezebel: .. News video on One News Page on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 This evil spirit has no victory of me or anyone involved. Unlike the revival at Asbury University in Kentucky this month, the Holy Spirit has been working on the campus of Texas A&M University Corpus Christi for quite some time now. Fast-forward 54 chapters in the Bible and you find the false prophetess Jezebel who teaches and seduces Gods servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. How to Defeat the Jezebel SpiritThe Jezebel spirit is a demonic spirit that takes its name after the infamous, Jezebel, in the Bible (1 Kings). So pray these things specifically into your situation: Stand firm. By acquiescing to her idolatry, King Ahab broke the first two commandments: You shall have no other gods before Me. She had 2-3 hour lunches often with her boss. Nowadays, many evangelical churches interpret sola scriptura to mean that they can do whatever they want as long as theres some adherence to the Magazine SubscriptionPodcastsArticles From Current IssueCharisma NewsCharisma HouseCharisma App, Contact UsAdvertise With UsWriters GuidelinesCareersMeet the Editors, Charisma MediaCharisma MagazinePrivacy PolicyStatement of FaithTerms of ServiceReprint Permisson. It hates our president, rebels against law enforcement, and controls the media and entertainment industries. Digest it. This thing has been dividing & causing chaos in my marriage the entire time. Thank you for this teaching & reminder that Jesus is SO much greater!! Book excerpt: Leading Prophetic Voice Reveals New Insight on Defeating an Ancient Evil According to leading prophetic voice Jennifer LeClaire, the subversive Jezebel spirit continues to deceive many. As stated before, destroying the Jezebel spirit isnt easy. Guided by no principle, restrained by no fear of either God or man, passionate in her attachment to her heathen worship, she spared no pains to maintain idolatry around her in all its splendor. Needed this, it came at a perfect time too! Not the other way around. This battle has gone on over 5 years now. For example, a church leader overlooking sexual sin in another leader increases the Jezebel spirits power. If you ever come across a person who has this kind of evil spirit on them, and this person is working close with you to some degree, whether it be at the church you attend, the church you work for, your place of employment, or if by chance it be with your very own spouse, the very first thing you must do is go direct to God the Father in prayer and get His direct advice and strategy on how to deal with this thing. Totally feel more peace now about praying against this some sites have over-Magnified this spirit. In addition, she writes one of Charismas most popular prophetic columns, The Plumb Line, and frequently contributes to Charismas Prophetic Insight newsletter. Amen! Love, I want to serve God, but I cant. Your posts have been an inspiration, coming with perfect timing. Still, the spirit exists. All of a sudden it was like all Hell broke loose. Defend yourself and others using the Word of God as your sword. Thanks for the prayers and the points, I am starting to practice them immediately. Please pray for me, I am under attack! How to Defeat the Jezebel Spirit Mike Signorelli 186K subscribers Join Subscribe 2.4K Share Save 25K views Streamed 1 year ago How to Defeat the Jezebel Spirit In this video I teach. Jesus is my attorney and Im Gods vessel. Open confrontation can be deadly. I prayed and the Lord told me the problem and gave me direction. Orchestrate or control everything around him or her. Two days later sis Jamie you send me a email about jezebel spirit. Expect retaliation because this spirit never admits guilt or truly repents. May God fill you with the Spirit of Christ and help you persist in prayer, Janet! For example: You see? He physically picked me up and slammed my head on the ground. Former Satanist John Ramirez shares what he has learned over the years Have you ever really paid attention to the events in your life that seemed to be orchestrated? Confirmation indeed. He said HER SIN IS AGAINST ME. Your email address will not be published. I searched it out at a time of dissension and division in our church and wow! Again, you cannot give any ground to this kind of evil spirit. Some of this I knew how to do, but definitely needed help to learn more0 When I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me to resources and strategies, your article was the first one that came up. 3. There are advanced technologies that are abusing people all over the world, but our media rarely speaks about it. Thank u God Bless ?? Only the LORD can deliver but only if the individual truly repents and submits to Him, to His Word." Anita Villarreal Its Traits and Character thank you for the notes, it will really help me in my battle when praying against the spirit of jezebel, now a days some Christians are blinded and cannot discern the spirit of jezebel dwelling amongst their families, churches. Wow. May our Daddy God lead you and guide you, heal your heart, restore you, and let you feel His arms wrapped around you, keeping you safe, during this time. Thats what repent means: that you turn around and go the other way. But in the pursuit of revelation, it is often easy to miss its purpose. I pray for the lord to place protection over all involved in my attack. This evil spirit must be resisted right at the outset if at all possible. But I believe God can give you wisdom to know what to do, and He can change this situation, as you pray and lift up Jesus. i am an Apostle and founder of Gods Anointed Ministries South Africa. I have prayed against every spirit I could think of, except this one. Meditate on it. I bookmarked this page so I can come back to it, but will tweak how I pray for sure. this spirit is uglythank youthank youthank you, I believe you and I pray things have gotten better now in Jesus name, Hi Jamie thanks for this post very powerful, I dont know if my pastor has a jezebel spirit, I didnt go to church Sunday and he has not contacted me, he has even delayed my messages on whatsapp, when it finally went through he did not reply, i will pray for him but Im seeing things about him that I didnt see before please help me pray about it I do not like to speak badly about a man of God, if I am wrong I pray that God will forgive me. With these technologies first great instigator of persecution against the saints of God political circles you to., pray for gods will over my marriage the entire time a woman confides her. Who is influenced or dominated by this spiritis a subtle seducer a perfect time too bad almost... 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