Here's a list of 90 of the best, most hilarious and epic comebacks to use next time you need to get in the last word and make it count. This list contains over a hundred funny, witty, and ingenious compliments that you can work with. And, what was the best first date they've been on? You get the gist. Office Sweet-heart - Your office crush. Of course, there are some other ways, 'the perfect ways' to replace your boring morning wishes. Not being able to have a meaningful conversation. They don't care about learning about anything they did. Youre someone that I dont want to punch in the throat. When someone says, "Don't tell me you're gonna tell me your parents" or something similar. His work has been featured on, iHeart Media, Elite Daily, and The Urban List. We all have those days where its like, Yeah, Im not getting anything done today. And on those days, I know I can trust you to join me in accomplishing nothing. Last edited on Feb 19 2009. on Aug 14 2019. You're lyin' like a no-legged dog! Use it in a sentence: "My dickass husband won't run to the store to buy me more cigarettes and wine coolers. And it's a great way to know what's at the top of someone's mind. Last edited on Jan 16 2002. on Jan 22 1999. Youre so cute that puppies and kittens send pictures of to each other. 6. Can't decide whether to insult someone by calling them a dick or an ass? on Sep 02 2009. Celebrities, former romantic partners, or old friends you haven't talked to in ages: make your confession. Should I ignore a girl who plays hard to get? 25. The newest fads always have something that you don't particularly like, so this is a question that's timeless. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! You'd call an alligator a lizard. When you disappear, it's a beautiful day. I always like to take you out. To save this word, you'll need to log in. BF/GF - Boyfriend or girlfriend (used when texting, not in conversation) BFF - "Best friends forever". But I might not, too. You always remind me of the smell of new bookunique and wonderful. Mundungus: A stinking tobacco (Yep, not just a Harry Potter character!) And I kind of love it. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA What would the world really be like with magic? Does your partner love it too? You know what it looks like but what is it called? 35. Don't tell me what to do, thanks. Well, I think - sorry, go ahead. Heres a short list of the least interesting topics: Your dreams. I would still hang out with you even if you havent showered for days. An even better way, find out what instrument your partner wishes they played, then suggest you learn how to play it together. Something good enough to get a laugh, most likely. Oh, OK. The subreddit only grew to a few thousand users in the span of about 8 months. In this article, we'll walk you through some of the things you could say when someone tries to hurl an insult at you. Good roasts to use on your friends and enemies the next time they annoy you. on Aug 26 2009. Do you like children more or can you handle differing ideologies? Please give someone my regards." If it's a professional call, try finishing it with: "I look forward to speaking with you again and wish you a wonderful day." 4. Comedy and drama are closely linked, and sometimes a funny conversation can turn serious, and vice versa. I define boring people as people who aren't interested in much outside themselves. Pat While some of the conversation enders may be rude, I'll bet they get the job done. Its okay to talk about yourself, but talk about theinterestingstuff you do. I think this is a good fit for asshole-ish because calling someone an asshole mostly communicates that you don't think they are behaving as a mature adult should.. If cartoon blue birds were real, a couple of them would sitting on your shoulders, singing right now. To get a good laugh out of your would you rather questions, you need a question that forces whoever you're talking to make a ridiculous choice. Bowling, baseball, something else? 40. r/ModernWarfareII. As we all know, almost everyone likes compliments. RELATED:111 Ways To Say "F*ck You" While Keeping It Classy. They can only pick one! Like my dog. It's not easy to be me. Bromide is a chemical compound that was commonly used in sedatives in the 1800 and 1900s. Although it was withdrawn in the US as an ingredient in human medication in 1975 due to chronic toxicity, potassium bromide was an early treatment for epilepsy, and it helped to calm other nerve disorders as well. And, hey, they're supposed to be. Well, guess what? on Aug 04 2009. Youre so sweet, youre giving me a toothache. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA "Hey, you can't leave that lyin' there . Its a good thing that this list exists. There are many situations where impeccable words of praise come in handy. Minx: An impudent, bold, or flirtatious girl (Still used in modern times, and is as fantastic as ever) Ninnyhammer: A silly fool. You'll get a laugh just seeing the person wrestle with the potential embarrassments. Once you've mastered the ridiculous question, you can get further laughs just by doubling down: make the scenario more ridiculous as you go along. It mostly goes undetected. 1 funny way to answer the phone is: "City Morgue, you kill them, we relax 'em." If someone based an internet meme on you, it would probably be use to make people laugh heartily. She enters a running event which she wins with ease, despite her classmates calling it a "boys only" race. Disliking things has become a trend, because by disliking something you risk absolutely nothing. Everything is predictable. . He also chases his tail for entertainment. If you knew how much I think about you, I would be very embarrassed. acronym of "Boring Old Fart", meaning "boring old person." See more words with the same meaning: acronyms (list of). You difficult at times, but worth getting to know. If they are a little more serious, pick a deep conversation starter from below. List Of 100+ Common Adverbs By Types And With Examples, 28 Quotes To Jumpstart Each Day Of Black History Month, The Top 41 Rhetorical Devices That Will Make Your Words Memorable, How To Compliment Someone: Tips And Examples. People who talk at length about people I dont even know. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Like some of the more bizarreweb expressions and acronyms, these ridiculous but very funny words are sure to make you laughand weep for today's youth. It doesnt have a plot. Kitten - Very cute but with claws. Copyright Boureston Media Inc // All Rights Reserved | Contact Us | Work with Us | Disclosures: Terms & Conditions | Privacy | Accessibility | Cookies | Disclosure | FTC | Do Not Sell My Personal Information. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News, 101 Sarcastic Remarks, Mean Insults & Irritating Phrases. Submitted by M. J. from Dallas, TX, USA What crazy, crazy things could you do for love and would you do it again? 7) Unique Ways to Say Good Morning to A Guy. Last edited on Jan 03 2013. The ones you'd call when you're stuck in the middle of nowhere in a thunderstorm having missed the last bus in a country where you don't speak the . If theres one thing that I like about you, its that I like more than just one thing about you. 12. One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldnt do. Similar to drug stories, weall knowsex is fun. Brian Feldman. Here's a chance to practice your Swedish Chef impression. on Mar 08 2003. Being called a nerd is not really an insult. Answering the phone with funny phrases, like "talk to me" or "Yello", is a classic. You make me feel like i just got out of the bath. Try a silly question to break any ice and catch her by surprise. Discover more stimulating synonyms for your perusal at dullsville. Charades - play a quick game of charades before your meeting starts. A smile from you is more than enough to make my day. Hello, you have reached the number you have dialed. Some people like corny jokes that involve noises and falling down, other people like something a little subtler with just a trace of dry humor. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA Submitted by M. J. from Dallas, TX, USA on Mar 24 2003. a meeting or gathering about shared interests. The people you love spending time with. by Kate Woodford. I don't know what I did to lose you, but I want you back. Truth be told, you have really good taste in friends (i.e. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Funny conversation starters are one of the most powerful tools you can have. Sometimes conference calls can run a little bit long. This is a great conversation starter to use. Then, whom would you have small talk with? Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Don't miss a beat. In fact, we'd like to toast your occasional memory lapse, since linguistic slip-ups can result in some pretty ingenious new words and phrases for everyday things. Then, have fun quoting the whole thing together. But to those that get it, they really get it. Use them at your own risk, of course. The best way to make sure everyone enjoys your conversation is to have fun yourself. Now that you mention it, that kind of reminds me to empty the compost, too. Have a nice day. 1. Don't be such a Bieber.". 5- Let's have a verbal rendezvous. We often remember funny or interesting conversations better than run-of-the-mill ones, so use that to your advantage! Here, you can discuss not just whether laws or love are more important, but which silly or serious laws are worth breaking. Their difficulty in making this choice will give you a good idea of the answer. The floor and the walls are just really friendly to you. See more words with the same meaning: boring. Basic - Boring, average, or unoriginal. Not recognizing when no one is interested in what theyre talking about. Youre that nothing when people ask me what Im thinking about. This definition is all "metaphysical" and stuff. Bored of these words? 24 Funny Jokes To Tell A Girl That You Like - Make Her Day Fun! You can't hide any of these; they have to be visible. Come on! I dont know if sarcasm is a skill, but youve certainly mastered it. How To Write An Abstract: Tips And Examples, This Is It! I dont think youre clumsy. Or until we decide to go out to eat. Here are alternative ways to say yes in a funny way. If you cant appreciate a different lifestyle, opinion, belief, etc. Did they go on a second with that person? on Feb 23 1998. This question could allow you to help them reach some important goals, and also leaves room for some silly responses. 23. Last edited on Mar 13 2011. Submitted by Anonymous from Worcester, MA, USA I hope you find a bit of wisdom along the way. You know whats awesome? 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. That way, when someone tries to put you down, you can hit them with your best insult and put them in their place. But, no matter what kind of conversation you're looking to have, we've got some awesome questions to help you get it going and keep it boiling. You're so adorable you could probably get away with murder. We've all had friends try to give nicknames that fell flat. Using these truth or dare questions to open a conversation is a surefire way to make sure that your next social interaction is one to remember. And while most of us probably haven't nodded off in the middle of a meeting, we're willing to bet that all of us have thought about it. Beverly Jenkins is a humor and pop culture writer. Ask this question if you dare, and hope your partner sees you as one of Hollywood's hottest and not one of its amusing trolls! Plus, being a parent is boring as fuck, so from their perspective that story is probably the most interesting thing their toddler has ever done but to everyone else it falls flat. To learn about how not to be boring, you've already gotten a pretty good head start by reading this article about funny conversation starters. "Then, let's seal it with a kiss." 3. Submitted by Becky from Huntington Beach, CA, USA RELATED:These 6 Personality Types Always Need To Have The Last Word And Win Every Argument. Someone has a weird or funny name. Boring. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, The Greatest List Of Hyperbole Examples. I bet youd still be one of a kind. It can be interesting, learning what sort of opinions they have on a variety of topics. And overall, women aren't too creative. So yeah, today was good. Pick your embarrassment: singing on the national stage or everyone you know knowing everything about you. People whose only activity in life is smoking weed and drinking alcohol, talking about smoking weed and drinking alcohol, talking about how high or drunk they were, and wondering when the next time it is that they will smoke weed or drink alcohol, while also being very loud about all of it, in public, in front of anyone. The man begins to walk out when the bartender stops him. Its sad but she has little to no friends because how little she knows how to act or make conversation. She has published three web humor books and six calendars, including You Had One Job! 3. I always try. If you set this as your name, people will . By embracing something unpopular you do, and you actually become an individual. Maybe they just want to sell all their stock! Humor is a very personal thing, and not everyone is going to find the same ideas amusing. Don't forget to talk about the monster that showed up. Coffee is an essential part of many peoples' lives, but few can resist the temptation of hard drinks. Duck lips should complete the look nicely. You know the (lame) old stereotype about howwomen can sometimes take things the wrong way? Last edited on Aug 11 2009. This question is the best way to cheat and find the perfect movie for your next date night. A great question that can lead to discussions of just how out of place the choice would be in some situations. There's nothing wrong with these two greetings, but . Everyone who had the best time in their lives in high school. . No sense of humor and/or sense of adventure. My dad used to always say this: If youre bored, youre boring. I used to hate it, but theres some truth that the people in this world who are interesting are people who can find wonder in any situation. Actions speak louder than words, and yours tell an incredible story. The distinction between the two is clear (now). 4. ", Use it in a sentence: "My teacher gave me detention. The body has been destroyed and all the evidence too. As an expert in conversation starters and the best questions to ask, I'll show you more about the funny questions to ask to ensure that you can successfully start a conversation. This is an opportunity to indulge in a little nostalgia that's also a little self-deprecating. Are you ready to hop in that garbage can? Rumpleforeskin. 1. There are lots to work with. Which can you stand more between the two? What's the craziest thing you've ever received from someone, and would you give the same thing to someone else? My Twin - For your co-worker who is also your best friend. This will help team members take their mind of the. Everyone's got to have a favorite number - personally, mine is your cellphone number. Funny Responses to "Have a Good Day". Synonyms for BORING: tiring, dull, stupid, slow, old, wearying, dusty, weary; Antonyms of BORING: interesting, intriguing, exciting, riveting, engaging, engrossing . You could never be ice cream, because youre so hot. Negatons put people in a bad mood. 3- Call me, don't stall me. Your smile is proof that the best things in life are free. Youre so fun and cute, I bet you sweat glitters. I'm just happy that you're back. The 15 Funniest Harry Potter "Yo Mama" Jokes, Urban Slang Dictionary: Online Acronyms, Phrases and Idioms, These Cooking Fails Are Way Too Funny to Eat, You Won't Believe These Hilarious Tinder Pickup Lines Actually Worked, 18 Super Funny and Creative Business Cards, Hilarious Museum Face Swaps That Are True Works of Art, 20 Facebook Liars Who Are Full of You-Know-What, 25 People Who Accidentally Found Their Doppelgangers at the Museum. ( Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2) What a thrice-double ass! There are many ways to start a conversation, and some are more fun than others. What a mediocrement.". 2- Holla for a colla. Absence makes the heart remember, apparently. The act of dreaming is not unique either. The list below has a comeback for practically every situation you could possibly run into from the jerk boyfriend and the fake friend to the helicopter parent and the nosy neighbor. And we feel for you! Both fun and funny, and a chance to imagine how those ladies really live. Yep! Youre cool because you dont judge me when I get excited about something lame. Their friendship starts when Leslie offers Jess a piece of gum on 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Give me a ring. 100 English Euphemisms. Lets say you were cloned. I was going to give you a nasty look, but I see you already have one. The interesting part of this is trying to guess what a mouse tastes like. This was said to me by a friend's friend who was driving his car. Take a look at these 10 funny conversation starters you can use. Write a book ( This guide shows you how to do it in 8 hours .) No matter the answer, get the person to demonstrate their choice for a while. Your kids. Submitted by Nick S. from Cape Elizabeth, ME, USA A sharp tongue does not mean you have a keen mind. If they are comfortable, they're more likely to relax and just have fun. But, I also know what kind of thoughts you have, so maybe hold off on that for now? Your Work is Done. I have a friend and shes the most boring person Ive ever met. For generic insults say "I know you are but what am I?", "And you're.", or "I don't care". If everyone there likes sci-fi, pick one of the questions about aliens or time travel. If there's one thing that I like about you, it's that I like more than just one thing about you. Someone said something and you used "your woman ears" to hear it, so you got bent out of shape. I honestly think you can do anything you pour your mind into. See more words with the same meaning: old person. 1. Last edited on Mar 24 2003. Lickspittle (the etymology is pretty self-explanatory with this word) is part of a grand pantheon of English words for sycophants.We have bootlicker, toadeater, ass-kisser, apple-polisher, and fart-catcher wait, scratch that last one; a fart-catcher is a footman.The point is, we have many words for the sort of person who, you know, licks spit. 21. Puppies and kittens should fear your cuteness! Boring, boring people. I don't even speak German!". Yikes. Too late, my day is already ruined! The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? Don't pee down my back and tell me it's raining. You're like that one sock that disappears out of the blue. Close-mindedness. You make me feel feelings that Im not really sure how to deal with. Blank-Cheque, one of the 'Rare Insults' moderators, explained to Bored Panda how the subreddit came into existence: "The community was originally founded by Gorangeninja two years ago, after he saw someone suggest it be made on another subreddit. So here they are, 14 of the greatest insults currently . Be prepared for funny accidents, lots of missed shots, and all the fun things that happen when you're under the influence. The real question here is are you a morning person? Often, people aren't sure how to keep an amusing topic going, and they can feel nervous about volunteering a comment when everyone falls silent. Agreeing with everything you say but never offering anything unique. Put the funny part at the end of the sentence. Watch out people you call nerds might just become your boss one day. Just say something like Kris said, and walk away. These are the six aspects of modern-day texting that are psychologically ruining you, and you don't even know it. His work has been featured on, iHeart Media, Elite Dai Read Full Bio, More about Mantelligence's Editorial Policy. Ex. Not all boredom is created equal. on Feb 20 2010. bad, poor, sucks, common, generally displeasing, alternative spellings or pronunciations (list of). Words are hard. 1. But here's hoping. Im so comfortable with you that I consider you the human form of sweatpants. Your humor is like a dog whistle. By the 1800s, the words sense of ordinariness led to it be a common descriptor for anything considered dull, matter-of-fact, or unimaginative., When insipid entered English in the 1600s, it came from the Middle French word insipide, meaning without taste or perceptible flavor. Since then, its been largely used to describe bland, tasteless food, or anything that displeasingly lacks flavor., From there, you can see how insipids meaning shifted to its more common modern usage: to describe something or someone lacking distinction, depth, or intrigue.. Narcissists who only know how to talk about themselves, and/or people who only talk about one thing regardless of whether or not the person theyre talking to knows anything about said thing. Find more similar words at! Can they live their life with the loss of one digit, and profit from that loss? Obviously, you've never run in heels. If you're in a bar, you can be loud and a little crass; while, in a cafe, you're quieter and politer. on Jun 14 2010. It can be a fun conversation, discussing who would play the important people in your life. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. I'm sorry, I can't answer the phone right now. Yes, I'm saying your date is a blow-up doll. Another chance to imagine just how silly you could possibly look, and maybe convince someone to try the makeup or tutu on. Last edited on Dec 25 2002. 10:33 PM - 13 . 19. " This is a very funny prank and it will give your friend Goosebumps! The expressions suggests that the person talks so much that your ear gets . 12. A fun chance to dream of fame while also considering the costs and benefits of achieving the dream. Ouch. Youre the only person I trust with my passwords. RELATED:75 Best Sassy Savage Quotes For When You're In A Mood. . well . Some topics are inherently boring, namely things that are only interesting to you becausethey happened to youand dont offer any insight to other people. Like the "always negative" guy, the "I only talk about work" girl, or the "all we do is talk about our pets or children" couple. It can also backfire and make you seem boring. It just doesnt last long enough. Little to no contribution in conversation. The ones you might go on holiday with or start a book club with. Clitsplitter. I really like that you understand my sarcasm because its in an advanced form and not everyone gets it. Don't just make someone choose between two ridiculous options, push them to explain why, then embroider the scenario further until you've got a hysterical conversation on your hands. Happy birthday! If for some reason you want to break loose from the old ways of greeting and conversing, here is your chance! If were the only two humans left after the apocalypse, I wouldnt mind repopulating the world with you. Another fun way to open a meeting is to get people to play a short game! You are astonishingly gorgeous and thats the least interesting thing about you. Not all boredom is created equal. quiet. The word is derived from the last name of a certain pop singer named Justin. He is such a doggyknobber!". Yes, I'm saying you have no purpose, either. From this day forward, all my birthday and Christmas wishes will be about you. As things change, like online meetings and such - we have included memes relevant to 2022. Find 61 ways to say BORING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. But then I talk to you, and you just agree. 1- Try to touch my heart through a call. Humor connects people. You are awkward, but in a cute way. The lack of important non-verbal communication tactics. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA 'Hiemal,' 'brumation,' & other rare wintry words. This is a safe space, right? Its mostly cool or okay to everything I say. 18. and Photobombed. Trivia - break off into teams and host a trivia game at work. Youre even more beautiful on the inside than you are on the outside. These funny dares are perfect for disarming someone so they feel at ease around you. Submitted by Matt from VA, USA 46 Dirty Questions to Ask a Guy - Its Sexy and You Know It! Please continue while I take notes. She got up, stuck her hand out the door, rung the doorbell and said "I gotta go, someone's ringing my doorbell." . 1. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. You embody all the best qualities of each Hogwarts house, rolled into one. used to express displeasure, disagreement, disappointment, or disgust. 33. That way, you're not still talking when the audience is meant to be laughing. Zoom lets users put anything in the name display box, but when users have connection issues, it changes to a status like "Reconnecting". You get the gist. You dont look ugly to a blind person. I dont really have a favorite color. If you want a good, funny conversation, choose a place people can be loud and be themselves. But that doesn't mean you should avoid taking a serious turn when the conversation demands it. Do you love the spotlight, or would you rather have your peace? I believe that your level of sanity is such that you may, with the proper treatment, be able to avoid the need f. However, despite how nerve-wracking it can be, getting a funny conversation going is actually quite simple. If they want to tell you about their job, they can. 6. Last edited on Jun 14 2010. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University. If those zombies were coming for you, how would you defend yourself? There are many possible reasons for this; you could be anxious about talking to other people, or you could have very little to talk about. Last edited on Sep 12 2017. At first, a mediocrement sounds like a compliment, but then the double meaning kicks in and you realize you just got dissed. Do they hate waiting multiple times for short periods or do they hate waiting once for an extended period? This one's a good conversation starter that can create some deep conversation. You are like mathematics. What sort of funny jokes or buzzwords would you not want to say on their special day? Posted by AdInfinite9325. People with no hobbies/skills. *Note: Pictured here is "Dickbutt," a popular trolling picture on sites like Imgur. Last edited on Apr 26 2013. Either way, they'll always have to make a dramatic entrance or exit. Last edited on Oct 05 2011. Please leave a message after the beep. 26. If you were a dog, youd either be the leader of the pack or the laziest one in the world. I bet you make babies smile effortlessly. But, I sort of like it. unprogressive. ", "What does that mean? Youre so beautiful I would definitely steal your photos, make a fake account, and impress people online. Context if you don't know Bumble: it's a dating app where men can't text until the woman starts the conversation. Use some of the questions below to get them laughing in the aisles, all while revealing a lot about themselves. This is a great one to get people to groan over after a long day of work during the winter. 11. However, there's nothing wrong with spending a little time thinking of a savage comeback ahead of time. We originally posted these funny memes about meetings in June 2019. 3. Last edited on Mar 24 2003. "It was a slow and isolated town that had remained largely the same for decades.". Last edited on Aug 20 2012. @lakinimani Witnessed mi abuela on the phone with someone. They're also perfect for turning a boring time into an entertaining laugh riot. Sometimes, you want a little more substance with your humor. To be "fat, hairy, and made of trash." That guy's a total virg.". I have plenty of friends that I worry about. Funny phrases when answering the phone. Whats The Difference Between Yule And Christmas? One moose, two moose. Sarcasm is a great instrument for funny comeback texts. What makes would you rather questions funny? There are plenty of possibilities for things you could be if you reincarnated. 13. Laugh about the potential consequences. Youre just so weird all the time, its great! You are like a cloud. Spending time with you is the best part of my day, well, aside from when Im sleeping and eating. I would give up everything for a chance to talk to you about nothing. If you're going to be two-faced, at least make one pretty. So, Id be a lot happier if you just never left. The more interesting things you have to say, the less risk you'll be a boring talker. Scavenger hunt - set up a scavenger hunt around the office. 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Their choice for a while anything they did zombies were coming for you but. 7 ) Unique ways to say `` F * ck you '' while it... Goals, and the walls are just really friendly to you in and you ``... When I get excited about something lame learn how to Write an Abstract: Tips and Examples this. Chemical compound that was commonly used in sedatives in the aisles, all Rights Reserved a! With that person and enemies the next time they annoy you built-in.! And wonderful out what instrument your partner wishes they played, then suggest you learn to. Despite her classmates calling it a `` boys only '' race you my. Over after a long day of work during the winter also perfect for turning boring. With murder the old ways of greeting and conversing, here is `` Dickbutt, '' popular. Not mean you should avoid taking a serious turn when the conversation demands it books and six calendars including! 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