A copy of the public hearing notice is located here. 11am-2pm 2137 Ellesmere Loop, Roseville, CA 95747 $550,000 3 bds 3 ba 1,626 sqft - House for sale 37 days on Zillow Loading. Project Related Documents (as of April 2020): Project Description: The project includes approval of a Minor Design Review Permit to allow a four-story, approximately Once scheduled, a notice of the hearing will be sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project site, posted to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA) website, and published in the Sacramento Bee. who have sent written comments or who signed the appeal have been added to the At the January 19th meeting, the City Council approved the General Plan Amendment and Rezone. Fiddyment Farm - Magnolia Community by Taylor Morrison 3009 Mosaic Way Roseville, CA 95747 Taylor Morrison 888-212-9917 from $674,900 - $790,900 6 homes match your search Free brochure Fairbrook at Fiddyment Farm Community by JMC Homes 1433 Wadsworth Circle Roseville, CA 95747 JMC Homes 888-797-6795 from $649,990 - $809,990 The appeal and approval of the General Plan Amendment was heard by the City Council on August 7, 2019. The applicant requests approval of a Design Review Permit (DRP) to develop the site with a mixed-use commercial development, including a gas station and fueling canopy (with five dispensers/ten pumps); an 8,802 square-foot commercial building that includes 3,977 square feet of retail space, 1,938 square feet of restaurant space, and 2,887 square feet for a convenience store; and associated site improvements including parking, lighting and landscaping. Please send your comments to Shelby Maples, Associate Planner, at. Proposal of the new commercial development planed for the corner of Fiddyment & Baseline. vs. City of Roseville, et. That is why the commercial plans have been available but havnt even started for how many years now. The proposed project will modify the existing median at the northwest corner of Sun City Bl. Project Description:The proposed project includes construction of a 910-square-foot coffee shop with associated parking and landscaping. This project site is included in the Citys Housing Element inventory of affordable housing sites and is necessary to comply with the Citys share of regional housing needs. Project Applicant:Tim Fisher, Van Daele Homes Please note that thislist is notrepresentative ofall current projects. approximately 1.38 acres, into two parcels (Parcel 1 = 0.07 acres, Parcel 2 = Project Planner:Sean Morales, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5282 or [emailprotected] On May 14, 2020, the Planning Commission adopted the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration andapproved the Design Review Permit, Tentative Subdivision Map, and Tree Permit, with a vote of6 aye,0 nay, 1 absent. Additionally, the Parks, Recreation & Librarys staff will be present at this meeting to begin the master planning process for park parcel (W-54) and will be soliciting residents feedback on features and amenties that residents would like to be included on this park site. The proposed apartment complex is a principally permitted use on the site, and a Design Review Permit to evaluate the project design is requested. see which homes are included in the noticing, and also included below is the Council was already set to hear the land use entitlements, so rather than These changes would reduce the total square footage approved on the site by approximately 44,000 square feet. The Citys Planning staff have reviewed the findings and determined that none of these findings can be made to outright deny the Design Review Permit for the Mercy Housing project (see evaluation of the findings, below). Its construction timeline is independent of the Sierra Vista Specific Plan development. Environmental Determination: An Addendum to the West Roseville Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (SCH # 200282057, Adopted February 2, 2004) and the Fiddyment Ranch Specific Plan Amendment 3 Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SCH # 2010082075, Adopted April 16, 2014) for the Fiddyment Plaza Project (File # PL19-0013) has been prepared. ROSEVILLE, Calif. A new Costco location could be making its way to West Roseville, based on new documents filed with the city. requirements, 10 days prior to the public hearing, the City mails public hearing Project Applicant: Tiffany Wilson, RSC Engineering, Inc. Beyond all else, we are a service organization, and we are here to serve our community. The appeal was heard by City Council onJuly 7, 2021and was approved by a 5-0 vote. . The proposed Mercy Housing project is located on a parcel designated High Density Residential, which was planned for affordable apartments with the adoption of the North Roseville Specific Plan in 1997. and Pleasant Grove Bl. NRSP PCL WW-17 Pleasant Grove Apartments, File #PL20-0154 UPDATE: INFILL PCL 246 - Roseville Old Town Lofts (File #PL18-0178) Planning Commission approved a portion of the entitlements Both projects are currently under review by City staff. A total of 414 parking spaces will be provided and 160 of the spaces will be covered with solar carports. The Planning Commission agenda and staff report are located on the City's website here. ASK US: Do I Have To Stop When Turning On A Red Light? The applicants and City staff will be present at this meeting. September 11, 2018 / 10:26 PM Living Spaces Elevations Plans Project Description: The subject parcel (totaling approximately 1.2 acres) is located within the West Roseville Specific Plan (WRSP) and has a land use and zoning designation of Community Commercial (CC). Landscape Plan The southeast corner also has retail coming and is called Baseline Commercial Center. On June 24, 2019, the City received an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision. The applicant proposes to build out the project to 70% of the anticipated density and will therefore create less traffic than anticipated. Notification was completed by The use of the site has been determined through the adoption of the North Roseville Specific Plan and the Design Review Permit review is to ensure the development is harmonious with other developments and buildings in the vicinity. Parks and Recreation Commission meeting -- July 10, 2017 Hearing Notice Staff Report Additionally, a new U-turn at Sun City Bl. land use change also requires amending the text of the NRSP, to remove mention Baseline Marketplace Property Type Land: Proposed Use Retail: Property Subtype Commercial: Total Lot Size . The site includes a total of 191 parking spaces, and also includes site amenities such as a playground, community garden, outdoor seating and lawn areas, as well as pedestrian pathways and landscaping. to City Council for their consideration. Project Address:5251 Fiddyment Road Parcel F-22A will have 82 units (81 affordable) and F-22B will have 162 units (103 affordable). The development consists of nine (9) three-story garden-style walkup buildings, with units ranging from one to three bedrooms, and an approximate 5,300-square-foot clubhouse building. To process the proposal, the applicant has requested the following entitlements from the City: a Major Project Permit - Stage 1, a Major Project Permit - Stage 2, a Tree Permit to remove one oak tree, and a General Plan Amendment (minor text-only) to reflect the new intersection of Cirby Way and Cirby Hills Drive. The applicant requests a rezone of the subject property, amending PD240 to allow a personal storage facility with RV and boat storage with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Project Applicant: Joe Zawidski, F-31 Commercial LLC Translations in context of "Development and Baseline" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate The adopted West Roseville Specific Plan includes a total unit allocation on Parcels F-25 and F-26 of 277 dwelling units, which equates to a density of 25 dwelling units per acre. The project is consistent with the General Plan, North Roseville Specific Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Community Design Guidelines. Project Related Documents: removal of up to 12 native oak trees. The existing medical office buildings would remain operational during project construction. The project also includes a Major Project Permit Stage 1 Modification to divide Parcel 7 into two parcels and Parcel 9 into three parcels; eliminate 16,000 SF of office and add 6,000 SF of restaurant on Parcel 6; eliminate 68,000 SF of office and add 22,000 SF of restaurant on Parcel 7; add 40,000 SF of retail on Parcel 9; on Parcel 10, eliminate 25,000 SF of office and 130,000 SF of Community Assembly (church), add 108,500 SF of retail and 1,500 SF of restaurant; and add 24,000 SF of medical office on Parcel 11. Plan Set, Project Title and File Number: NRSP PCL DC-30 & DC-33 Diamond Creek Residential, PL18-0106, Project Owner/Applicant: BBC Diamond Creek LLC, Stephen Des Jardins, Project Planner: Lauren Hocker, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5272, [emailprotected]. He indicated it has taken 11 years to get through all the regulatory permit procedures, finally obtaining the '404 wetland permits this past May for Phases 1 and 2. Project Plans Northern Section All of the trips have been accounted for in the Citys traffic demand model, and the roadway infrastructure was built to accommodate these trips. https://roseville.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/CoverSheet.aspx?ItemID=6559&MeetingID=840. Sections of this page. The existing building previously occupied by the U.S. This new medical office building would double the capacity of the existing clinic to facilitate better member access. The primary project entrances will be accessed from Baseline and Fiddyment Roads. Project Applicant: Kris Steward, Phillips Land Law, Inc. If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact Voice: 916-774-5200, TDD: 916-774-5220. (updated April 7, 2020) The denial of the housing development project or imposition of conditions is required in order to comply with specific state or federal law, and there is no feasible method to comply without rendering the development unaffordable to low and moderate income households or rendering the development of the emergency shelter financially infeasible. Today if you drive the twelve miles down Baseline Road you will pass nearly 50 new home subdivisions. 8,679 single and multi-family homes 259 acres of commercial space 106 acres of parks 304 acres of open space 56 acres for schools 40 acres of urban reserve Once completed, an expected 2-,045 people. Of those in attendance, a total of 9individuals and households added contact information to the sign-in sheet for the project. Project Applicant: Abbie Wertheim, Panattoni Development Company The project site at 1721 Pleasant Grove Bl. The City has adopted a housing element in accordance with state law that is in substantial compliance with state law and the City has met or exceeded its share of the regional housing need allocation pursuant to California Government Code Section 65584 for the planning period for the income category proposed for the housing development project. August 27, 2020 Planning Commission Agenda, Campus Oaks Apartments The project will require one (1) public hearing before the Planning Commission. Landscape Plan Project Applicant:David Cobbs, Baker Williams Engineering Group Plan Set Project Planner:Sean Morales, Associate Planner, City of Roseville, (916) 774-5282 or [emailprotected] The public hearing notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the site, interested persons, posted to the RCONA website, andpublished in the Sacramento Bee. For information on the HP Campus Oaks Master Plan click here Project Description: Phase 1 of the Campus Oaks Apartments includes a 186-unit High Density Residential (HDR) project with associated clubhouse and pool, on-site parking, and site improvements on Parcel CO-23. Notice of the meeting was provided to all residences within 300 feet of the site, and to the Folsom Road Neighborhood Association. If we get significant negative feedback, Project Details Project Planner:Sean Morales, Assistant Planner ([emailprotected]or 916-774-5282) Notice of the hearings will be mailed to property owners within a 300 ft. radius of the site, published on the RCONA website, and published in the Press Tribune. Please check back periodically for updates. This perspective will help to depict what the height of the buildings will be when constructed. Project Description: The project request is for a Major Project Permit Stage 1 for Erickson Senior Living, a 2.1M square foot continuing care retirement community on a 55.6-acre site consisting of SVSP Parcels KT-41A and KT-41B north of Baseline Road and a Major Project Permit Stage 2 for Phase 1 and the Marketing Center (629,305 sf). In the case of an emergency shelter, the City has met or exceeded the need for emergency shelter, as identified pursuant to California Government Section 65583(a)(7). How to I share my opinion/comments on this project? The project also includes an Amendment to the Development Agreement by and between the City of Roseville and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals to address the increased use intensity and vested entitlements and a Specific Plan Amendment (text only) to the Northeast Roseville Specific Plan to modify the minimum setback requirements for any building three (3) stories or more in height. Project Address:1100 Orlando Avenue Project Description:The applicant requests a Rezone from Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Community Commercial (CC), a Conditional Use Permit, and a Design Review Permit to allow construction of a new express car wash with 21 vacuum spaces. Community Commercial to High Density Residential (13 units/acre). First published on September 11, 2018 / 10:26 PM. Costco Wholesale is proposing a 160,529-square-foot warehouse at the. commercial buildings from 124,188 square feet to 62,000 square feet, and review Please check back periodically for updates. Project Applicant/Owner: Kaiser Permanente Health Plan, 1600 Eureka Road, Roseville 95661 Find the resources you need here. In summary, the applicant is All those If we get significant negative feedback, Project Address:2150 Prairie Town Way 110 - ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 Owner: OF PROPERTIES - ATTN: JEFF RONTEN - 2013 OPPORTUNITY DR., STE. Planning Commission Meeting: The project was heard before the Planning Commission onThursday, February 11, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. In the short-term this may leave undeveloped parcels in between two or more developed parcels. Project Description:The proposed project includes construction of a total of 189 rental units on two parcels. OnMay 24, 2021, the Planning Commission decision was appealed. At the intersection of Baseline Road and Fiddyment Road, the City of Roseville Traffic Engineering expects Average Daily Traffic to double in the next three years, totaling more than 83,300 cars per day. the design for a proposed 57-unit single-family subdivision. City Council Meeting: The project was heard before the City Council on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. Campus Oaks Apartments - Civil Plans, DTSP PCL DT-6 - Civic Plaza Residences (File #PL21-0013) A Tree Permit is also requested to allow removal of one 68" valley oak tree to accommodate future development on the site. The Junction Crossing project was approved by the Planning Commission on April 26, 2018 and by the City Council on June 6, 2018. Living Spaces Site Plan The Council Communication, which includes a summary of the lawsuit, can be found at this link: Project Related Documents (as of April2021): WRSP PCL F-81 Fiddyment Plaza (File# PL19-0013), The project is scheduled to be heard at the September 26, 2019 Planning Commission hearing. The City How will residents travel west on Pleasant Grove Bl.? (BONA) meeting on August 28, When a Planning Commission decision is appealed, the project Current Plan Set, July 2020 Public Hearings: The project will require one (1) public hearing before the Planning Commission and two (2) public hearings before the City Council. We are a place where businesses small and large find success. Access to the site will be provided by a new driveway on Pleasant Grove Boulevard. single-family lots. The project has been reviewed by Development Services Division staff, as well as Parks staff, to ensure the project complies with City requirements. Homes please note that thislist is notrepresentative ofall current projects is why the commercial plans have been but. Medical office buildings would remain operational during project construction office building would double the capacity the. Added contact information to the Folsom Road Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Association onmay 24, 2021 at 6:30 p.m facilitate member... 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