They say the pending tests could give Routier, now 46, a chance at a new trial. That was a bad time in history. Darlie and Darin's lives were flash, and both believed in buying and wearing top-quality goods and always going the NPR way, like when Darlie got that $800 fur jacket in a going-out-of-business . With his wounds? Shes a psychopath killer, and tacky nouveau riche with twisted priorities is really a well-put wording. Thank u for ur response. The prosecution did not contend that Darlie killed her sons for the insurance money. I was angry about it, but also went in open-minded about it. The murders were in 1970 or so, a very long time ago. R: Or she didnt attack herself so had no need to know. Its something you never forget.. 4. All good points. She didnt want to be burdened by those boys. Awesome! Whereas TheLast Defensedisposes itself to throwing Darlie Routiers guilt into doubt, the 1999 Forensic Files episode about the homicides of the boys, ages 5 and 6, portrays her as deserving of the capital punishment sentence doled out by a Texas jury. Clearly, then, the fact that the IP takes someone on does not mean that they are likely to be innocent just that the IP thinks that then. No other man in her life, no life insurance policies, nobody said she was anything but a loving mother. More than two decades later, the Rowlett woman remains . Darlie is guilty. 132), Dr. Santos: This wound cut through the skin and fat, but didnt penetrate the muscle below. They never came up with one. I lost my husband to cancer and refused to wear black to his funeral, he would of hated it. In an on-camera CNN interview, he doesnt act like a young man whos consumed with bitterness or anger. The prosecution did not show this tape; instead they invited the defense to show it. And when told about one failure, she looked like she didnt care and shrugged her shoulders. In Europe if a mother kills her child within the 1st year of life they cant be charged.. My dog could have done better staging than that airhead did. 26 Feb Feb Attack #4: Again, Greg Davis is horrified (he sure thrives on repulsion), this time because the Routiers played Coolio hit Gangstas Paradise at their sons funeral. Davis continues the defamation of the former housewife from Rowlett, Texas, on The Last Defense as do a number of others connected with the case. Darlies own attorney, Doug Mulder, said, I measure the length of the arm wound on the surface at an inch and three quarters. Supporters and non-supporters have disagreed for years regarding the depth of that arm wound, but the fact remains that it was considerably longer on the surface than it was deep. An AP story dated June 18, 2018, reported that Drake was in remission, according to Richard A. Smith, a defense lawyer for his mother. Drakes social media profiles are set on private, and he does not seem to have a LinkedIn that could point us towards what hes professionally up to these days, either. November 11, 2011. I grew up living nextdoor to Darins parents in Lubbock. Its been proven these photos were not introduced at the trial. She said some odd things that raise a question about her mental state inc that she knows the perp but cant say! Required fields are marked *. Youre not a douche bag now, are you? Unrelated observers also enjoy casting stones at the mother of three with the audacity to enjoy looking alluring. He had been in foster care since Darlie Routier's arrest Years later, she settled in the suburb of Rowlett with her husband Darin Routier and their three boys. The prosecution said Darlie took it there herself to plant evidence that someone else killed her boys. He has defended her from the start. That speaks to the strength of the evidence before the jury, he said. The guilty have tested No Deception and the innocent have tested Deception Detected. There is a very good reason that they are not admissible in court, but unfortunately far too much faith is put into them by law enforcement. One fingerprint is all it takes, just like one bloody glove. There was NOTHING to gain financially for her and check cross contamination. It may change your views xoxo. The public chimed in, too. That she took the sock further than necessary may show just that. As for the so-called slut-shaming, who could disagree: its probative of nothing. Kee regularly visits her daughter at the Mountain View Unit in Gatesville. They have not found who killed my grandsons. The other wounds were minor and easy to do oneself. Routiers submission to the Project cannot be construed in itself as indication of innocence since many guilty do the same, and she has nothing to lose, Lets hope it goes one way or the other and not the inconclusive but statistically its unlikely to go her way. I have studied this case for many years and I totally agree with you. Her wounds are TOTALLY defensive wounds! And then well grieve together for Devon and Damon.. Why would someone just break in her house and kill two children and try to kill her when they let her husband and baby sleep away untouched?? By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, Stand with us in our mission to discover and uncover the story of North Texas, Did Darlie Routier kill her kids? The medical examiner testified Damon could have survived about eight minutes with his wounds. The prosecution said that Darlie murdered her children for money, but the funeral costs exceeded the life insurance proceeds. Routiers defense and appeals attorney have also pointed to an unidentified bloody fingerprint found on the coffee table in the family room. June 18, 1996: Ms. Routier is arrested on capital murder charges. A few things really resonate with me. Also whats with the detectives pleading the 5th? she wanted to kill them and herself but since she was last didnt have the courage to finish the job and came back from insanity.. Why? Editor's note: This story was originally published June 3, 2016. . JULIA PRODIS July 3, 1996. The organisations name would indicate the latter. Her mother found work at a Western Sizzlin restaurant . There were so many photos, he had forgotten. At trial from the beginning she should have told the truth. Nobody knows how people cope when they have lost someone close to them. By the way, Darin Routier, an IT entrepreneur who divorcedDarlie in 2011, appears on The Last Defense and maintains that his former wife is entirely innocent. 'sailing around' in a sentence. I have never seen anyone display anything but sympathy for that child. SHAME ON DALLAS. there was a story online about this being somebody's ringtone.. and it was playing at a funeral I want my daughter home, Kee said. So unless it was Darlie (or much less likely, the husband) who planned your supposition is implausible. Childhood, Early Life, & Marriage. Darlie's eldest son, Devon, had already died from four knife wounds. Darlies injuries, including the bruises, were not only shown to the juryonly one juror claims he didnt see them, while the others have confirmed they didbut were discussed extensively during her trial, with at least five witnesses (I never counted, but I can think of at least five offhand). She knows her daughter slaughtered poor Damon & Devon. During the chat, the two artists went back and forth in the . Something that should have been done 22 YEARS ago. Artists of Drake's stature rarely give interviews and certainly not in-depth examinations. Here are 5 realities, drawn from internet research, about his life: Reality #1. The CNN Original Series "Death Row Stories" airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET/PT. . Thank you for writing in! She planned all of this and needs to go. She failed several polygraphs with flying colors! Irrelevant: what he says he thinks and what he actually thinks may be different. The case of a suburban mom fatally stabbing her young sons and then faking her own attack to cover the crime made national news in June 1996. Her attorney and family say they believe new DNA testing will prove that someone else was in the home that night 20 years ago. We dont think in those terms. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? 1 Antagonist,, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Ron Gillette: An Air Force Man Who Didnt Exactly Aim High. Glad that his cancer appears gone and hoping he and his dad have as happy a life as possible in the awful circumstances. 1 at least didnt have a chance. Drake told the Rap Radar podcast duo that's not the case. RR, Read Part 3: Greg Davis: Darlie Routiers No. They'll sit separated by a pane of glass. An ABC series called TheLast Defense is reviving interest in the 1996 murders of Devon and Damon Routier and the character assassination prosecutors used to put their mother on death row. They have never found one person ever who fits the ID she gave to police of who did this. Hes experienced awful tragedy in his life, whilst perhaps being shielded somewhat by his youth when he lost his brothers. Theres so many exonerations now, Kee said. Wrong, wrong, wrong:Darlies husband, Darin, says it was the kids favorite song. Darin said that his son is the most adaptable kid back in the day, and even called him a very playful 2-year-old. As per reports, he resembled his mother with his startling blue eyes and a delicate mouth at that time and was living a seemingly normal and happy life. The character assassination used to convict her was wrong. Darlie Routier is one of only a handful of women on death row in Texas. And the other received a terrible stab on an area that kills you in seconds. Jurors want to believe their government has got the right person.. The evidence was dissected, and it all pointed to one person, the one convicted. Part of TV News Archive. Her ex-husband still . Where is her psychological write-up? And I just keep thinking, When is it Darlies turn?. Kathleen: Lets not lose sight of the fact that Darlie was wounded, too, and one of the wounds came within mere millimeters of slicing open a major artery. We havent, and the jury didnt. Darlie said Damon woke her up by patting her arm & saying Mama. She told the dispatcher that she and her two sons had been stabbed. The graveside party was filmed by the local news crew the Routiers invited to the cemetery and granted an interview in exchange for airfare for their relatives. The presence of a juror who admits she was biased from the beginning sounds like a slam-dunk argument for a new trial. However, their life seemed perfect otherwise. She told police that Damon woke her up and she saw a man leave through the garage. . She talked to police. He has never had his biological mother around, and he has been subjected to frequent public discussions due to the multiple books and television shows Darlies case has inspired. In addition to denying friends and family members physical contact with death row inmates, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice limits visits to two hours in duration and encourages conservative dressing. For example, visitors past the age of adolescence cannot wear shorts or skirts shorter than three inches above the knee. She was such a light sleeper that she would wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept through all that? However, an unknown fingerprint was found on the windowsill that did not belong to anyone in the family. Her knife used to cut screen, jewelry wasnt taken at sink where clean up occurred, she named 2 men in her jail letters & freaked out on the stand when asked about it, blood under the glass & vacuum, no cuts on her feet, wine glass was latched wouldnt have been knocked down, Domain didnt bark, motion lites not on, she called media herself to film that grave scene. Attack #5: Davis notes one of Darlies diary entries asks God to forgive her for what she is about to do. He believes that means she intended to kill herself or her sons or both. Until next week, cheers. However, Drakes life changed yet again in 2013, when he learned that he had Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), a type of blood and bone marrow cancer. The article, publishedwhen Drake was 2 years old, described him as normal, lively, and resembling his mother with startled blue eyes and a delicate mouth., Now in his early 20s, Drake has beaten the odds in a number of ways. See more of FIGHT Injustice - Darlie, Devon and Damon Routier on Facebook After last weeks post about the persecution of Darlie Routier, many readers searched for information about her youngest son, who was 7 months old when a knife attack left his brothers dead on June 6, 1996, in Rowlett, Texas. Drakes visits to his mother, whos been on death row for 21 years, take place with a sheet of glass between them. I think in my heart of hearts if Im completely honest with myself, I believe shes probably guilty. Even if in the end nobody knows but them. Darlie and her boys. If it hadn't been for that crazy Silly String, Darlie Lynn Routier might be a free woman today. It just tears at your heart, what those two boys went through that night, said lead prosecutor Greg Davis. Thats easy killer had a vehicle he left in. Darlie Routier robbed Drake of his big brothers. But if she really did it, why wasnt her husband angry? After putting Darlie in jail with bail set at $1 million, the state of Texas placed baby Drake in a foster home in 1996. There were a few pieces of evidence the jury didnt see. She did it after. Darlie speaks with the dispatcher and says that an intruder has broken into her home and stabbed her two boys, five-year-old Damon and six-year-old . Read the crime and public safety news your neighbors are talking about. Set Darlie FREE.. How do you know how youre going to act?. , I think shes probably guilty, but the above are not the strongest basis for that guilt. But Invisible Intruder, theForensic Filesretelling of the suburban Dallas Greek tragedy, unwittingly lays the groundwork for skepticism over the prosecutions presumption that its only logical for a sex kitten living in a mansion to stab her own children to death to free up more cash for Neiman Marcus. That the jury may have been more than averagely conservative (your presumption, not fact) is neither here nor there. Yes: that evidence was non-evidence. Darlies mom blew off Dr. Phil & his offer for help, testing & worldwide attention. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. Despite the upheaval of the murders of brothers Damon and Devon Routier and the imprisonment of his mother for homicide, Drake Routier grew into the most adaptable kid Ive ever seen, his father, Darin, told reporterLiz Stevens, who wrote about the Routiers in aFort Worth Star-Telegram. If she loses the latter thats likely it for any chance of release, though her capital sentence could be reduced to life without parole on petition. Court reporter Sandra Halsey refuses to answer questions about the transcript, and state District Judge Robert Francis orders a review. Drake Routier circa 2016. . Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. no. #4. Its not his fault his mother is a murderer and a liar. Defense investigators are still working to prove she was not involved in her sons' deaths. She claimed that an intruder had broken into her home and stabbed her two sons, Devon and Damon, as well as herself. He had clearly manipulated the facts and evidence in Darlie's case in order to prove his theory. What I do care about is the all too prevalent belief that lie detector tests can tell if a person is lying or not. Guilty. It went through the muscle but there was no fracture. Have you read anything about her injuries? Her wounds were superficial & she didnt know what/where carotid was. When one plans a murder/attack its invariably motive-related. Obviously because I lived nextdoor to the Routiers my thoughts on the case have always been heavily influenced on the side of her being not guilty, and due to personal involvement with the family certainly hope that she isnt guilty. Damon, 5, was gasping for breath. After the birth of their third one, Drake, Darlie began to suffer from post-partum depression. Attack #6: Juror Kerri Parris, who appeared on camera on The Last Defense, nonchalantly admits she used the fact that Darlie had breast implants as a strike against her. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was born on January 4, 1970, in Altoona, Pennsylvania to parents Larry Peck and Darlie Kee. Darlie subsequently told investigators that an intruder had broken in and attacked her family, only not to be believed. Worldwide attn and any dna testing? lawyers in jacksonville, ncjennifer nicholson mark norfleet 27 februari, 2023 / i rick stein venice to istanbul route map / av / i rick stein venice to istanbul route map / av State District Court Judge Cheryl Shannon gave temporary custody of 8-month-old Drake Routier to Sarilda and Leonard Routier of Lubbock. He allowed CNN to show photos of him during the time he was undergoing chemotherapy. Responding to Darlie Routiers hysterical 911 call from her Rowlett, Dallas, home on June 6, 1996, police officers found two of her three sons, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon, with fatal stab wounds. I know this comment probably isnt very helpful or insightful on any facts pertaining to the case. Darlie Routiers Son Lives the Crucible(Invisible Intruder, Forensic Files, and Darlie Routier, The Last Defense). But if he ever reads this, know that at one time in ur life we saw each other almost everyday and I loved u like a baby brother. No one was there. She was too self-centeredwhat you call a malignant narcissist. Should a woman be found guilty of infanticide under this Act, sentencing is placed at the judges discretion, which usually results in probation or hospitalization. Here are 5 realities, drawn from internet research, about his life: Reality #1. Granted, Sebesta has been shown to have been completely unethical and has been disbarred, but Im sure that his faith in bogus lie detector tests is shared by countless ethical prosecutors who have not been disbarred. Reality #3. And, he said, the way Routier described waking up sounds more like coming to after passing out, not sleeping. An AP story dated June 18, 2018, reported that Drake was in remission, according to Richard A. Smith, a defense lawyer for his mother. Its a recognition of postpartum depression/psychosis. Reality #3. Drakes father, Darin Routier, didnt take custody of him right away after the murders, because he wanted to get his finances in order, Liz Stevensreported. Thats a superficial wound. Why? Not only does Texas execute the most people in the county, but it has the most exonerations so if Routier is innocent theres some chance thatll be recognised. Darlie Routier was convicted and sentenced to die for fatally stabbing her 5-year-old son, Damon, in June 1996. I dont know if Darlie Routier is guilty or innocent, and to be honest, I dont care. Now the tape is in the possession of Darlies team, and they have never shown more than a few two-second clips of it; despite claiming that it shows a crying Darlie, none of the clips they chose to share with the public show her crying. Just days after that meeting, I received a phone call from a producer for ABC's 20/20, asking to do a fresh interview with me for a hastily assembled two-hour episode focusing on Routier.TCU Press published my book re-examining the case in April of 2015 ("A Tragedy of Errors," July 1, 2015).The interview with 20/20 was conducted Sunday, and the show will air 8-10 p.m. Friday. Rather, it explains why she did it. Thats not something I would do, Parris said. Interesting how Darrin just happened to sleep through the whole ordeal and only came downstairs AFTER the carnage. So stfu. Her knife used to cut screen, jewelry wasnt taken at sink where clean up occurred, she named 2 men in her jail letters & freaked out on the stand when asked about it, blood under the glass & vacuum, no cuts on her feet, wine glass was latched wouldnt have been knocked down, Domain didnt bark, motion lites not on, she called media herself to film that grave scene. The other was an incised wound, commonly called a cut. Grief is something you don`t know how youll act till you experience it yourself. One was a nick, probably a hesitation wound. he did stay married to her. To be sure, they are nasty but she was desperate. She won't be allowed to hug or touch her daughter. Dr. Janice Townsend-Parchman: The larger wound on Ms. Routiers right forearm went to the bone. Because its more indicative of a self-inflicted cut rather than a defensive stab wound. I think he will. #3 what was her motive to even kill her boys???? 1 Antagonist, Watch the Forensic Files episode about Darlie Routier on YouTubeor Amazon Prime, Enough with the Silicone-Shaming On saying that, the case against her appears not to be a slam-dunk. And as her lawyers prepare to head into court yet again, new information . Darlies husband, Darin, says it was Darlie ( or much likely! Her husband angry court yet again, new information, take place with a sheet of glass the. 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