did vikings have dreadlocksdid vikings have dreadlocks
It was said to be bad luck to comb these tangles and knots out. This can be problematic for a number of reasons. In this article, we will look at the history of Vikings' dreads, their significance, and how to do Viking dreads. In ancient India, the god Shiva is depicted with dreadlocks, while illustrations show the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun with braids in around 1300 BC. One source states that original Rastas called their locks zatavi (from the Hindi jata) as it appears the word dreadlocks was not coined until 1959, when a group of Rasta friends met in their yard. Viking society was divided into several social classes, and hairstyling could have been an important marker for a Vikings status. Dreadlocks, also known as locs or dreads, are rope-like strands of hair formed by locking or braiding hair. Talented shipbuilders and sailors, Vikings colonized large swaths of Europe in the period between the 9th and 11th centuries. The primary difference between a Viking womans and a Viking mans hair was the state of the sides and back. Leaving their hair loose or in braids could signify their unmarried status. In short, no. Understanding how Vikings wore their hair is also an excellent way to understand more about Viking culture and practices! Some soldiers would probably only wear the mustache on special occasions during peacetime, but this was still a tradition very characteristic of Viking culture. Most guys fancy these cuts, while others find them to be super girly and retro. Did Vikings Have Dreads? While Northern Scandinavian Vikings tended to be naturally blonde, Danish Vikings were darker-haired and could be red-heads or brunettes. (Also see Did Viking Helmets Really Have Horns? It could be that Vikings simply liked having their hair combed. Their use has also been raised in debates about cultural appropriation. The Scandinavian day for saturday (Lrdag, laugardag) means washing day. The reasoning for using the word is related to both a dread or fear of God, as well as the feeling that the locks would scare off potential threats. Yet even then, it was more common for married women to wear coiled buns and unmarried women to wear their hair loose or in a ponytail. Kyle Ring is a London-based doctor and the founder of @in.hair.itance. Dreads werent as common throughout Viking communities as other hairstyles. Did Vikings have dreads? In India, these religious ascetics with locks are referred to as sadhus. Five out of seven trelleborgs excavated have been believed to be built under the . Even early Christians were believed to have worn their hair in dreadlocks as a tribute to Samson, who had seven locks of hair. Some researchers speculate that coiled ponytails could have been a sign of social status for elite women. Coiled ponytails require very long hair, so the women who wore them must have had the resources to care for them. For example, they could wear long, unbraided hair, hair braided into long rope-like locks, or long on top but short along the back and sides. While many of the men and women living in Scandinavia duringthe Viking Agedid participate in Viking activities, many also stayed at home to tend to farming, construction, and child-rearing duties. , from thin blonde strands to thick black heads of hair. While there is no clear evidence to say that the Vikings picked up their hairstyle from the Celts, or vice versa, it seems reasonable to assume that each culture took note of the appearance of members of the other. But Viking warriors likely developed dreads while spending long bouts of time away from home. Why do Rastas cover their hair? In Senegal, the Baye Fall, followers of the Mouride movement, a Sufi movement of Islam founded in 1887 AD by Shaykh Aamadu Bmba Mbkke, are famous for growing dreadlocks and wearing multi-colored gowns. Historians believe that some Vikings wore dreadlocks. Are you curious about what the Vikings looked like? Vikings did not have dreadlocks or long hair, Vikings had short hair with perhaps some matted parts. To maintain long, healthy hair, constant hair maintenance is needed to keep the hair from breaking or tangling. As a result, while some Northern European seafarers might have braided their hair as a habit, they did not invent them. If we link to any product, you should assume that well receive a commission when you buy it, at no extra cost to you. Norse dreadlocks were practical and enhanced their fierce, rugged, and bold look, making them a force to be reckoned with. Berdn, Frances F. and Rieff Anawalt, Patricia (1997). Viking men had the most options in terms of acceptable hairstyles. A true warrior Viking, one who explored and raided in Viking longships, probably wore his hair short on the back of his head and long in the front, in a kind of reverse mullet. Some warriors would perhaps keep their hair longer, but only in the back or on the sides, with it being noticeably shorter everywhere else. The Vikingshad diverse hair types, from thin blonde strands to thick black heads of hair. Hair is not just hair, it's identity, says Kyle Ring, founder of the diversity-celebrating Instagram account @in.hair.itance. The problem with these depictions is that there are either artistic interpretations or archeological evidence of decomposed hair. However, braids are not dreadlocks, and it is not always possible to tell from these images which are being depicted.[8][9]. Did Vikings have dreadlocks? Last year I started the Instagram account @in.hair.itance, to celebrate the diversity of hair in non-white cultures across the globe. I have looked into this latter statement and can find no evidence to suggest that this is true. After all, weve all seen the TV shows where many Vikings appear to have elaborate braids or long, flowing locks male or female. Warriors among the Fulani, Wolof and Serer in Mauritania, and Mandinka in Mali were known for centuries to have worn cornrows when young and dreadlocks when old. A significant number of these players . Bleaching was also a common practice among Vikings. Why shouldn't we be allowed to wear dreadlocks? Hairstyles differed between classes and professions. The reasons the Vikings wore dreadlocks isn't clear, but it was likely due to practical and cultural reasons. [9]. [21], Some Indigenous Australians of North West and North Central Australia, as well as the Gold Coast region of North East Australia, have historically worn their hair in a locked style, sometimes also having long beards that are fully or partially locked. Recovered carvings from the Viking age also reveal that Norse women wore ponytails in addition to the coiled bun. The Vikings would often braid these dreads together to form thick plaits, though they could pull them into tight buns or knots. Did Vikings have dreadlocks or braids? Not only was hair important in Viking culture, but clothes were, too. Now while I'm no Mary Beard, even I can . Save to. Interestingly, it appears that the hairstyle chosen by individual Viking men and women may have had more to do with their class and profession than their aesthetic preferences. What Was The Typical Haircut For Vikings? Sikh men were unable to find work unless they removed their turbans and cut their hair. It was however never allowed to be untied during combat or battles of any kind.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'theidlemen_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-theidlemen_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'theidlemen_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_3',110,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-theidlemen_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1'); .large-leaderboard-2-multi-110{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Although dreadlocks have been worn continuously by people of colour in Africa, Asia, and the. [23], Within Tibetan Buddhism and other more esoteric forms of Buddhism, locks have occasionally been substituted for the more traditional shaved head. What Age Does Your Beard Stop Filling In? No. [34] During the Great Depression in the 1930s, the Rastafari message spread from Kingston to the rest of Jamaica, especially among poor communities. Personal Grooming in the Viking Age. Luckily for gents who are used to sport such styles, there's a brutal way to diversify dread hairdos. The societal advantage that her skin colour affords means that being told that a decision that she had made could be offensive to other people, seems outrageous to her. Each user should evaluate the information on our site and is encouraged to do further research before taking any action, inaction, or making any decision based on the content provided on our site. For example in Ghana, the Akan people refer to locks as Mps, and they are usually reserved for priests of Akomfo. The hair of these priests was very long and so knotted that it could not be separated or disentangled, and most of them had their ears scarified, and their hair was clotted with blood. Did Celtic dreadlocks influence Viking dreads? There is no evidence that Vikings wore dreadlocks before black people did. Dreadlocks showed their importance in society and symbolised their religious roles. The tale goes on to say that Odin was so distraught after the death that he refused to comb or wash his hair for many days. They are celebrated as bringers of wealth and only their mothers are allowed to touch their hair. According to Roman records, the Celtic people, Germanic tribes, and the Vikings wore their hair in rope-like strands. Therefore, although modern versions of Viking hairstyles are popular today, the styles containing braids are, unfortunately, not accurate to how Norsemen looked during the Viking age. Vikings were known to have perfect body shapes. Vikings, Europe. As Viking culture is largely centered on voyaging and exploring, there is no reason to believe that Vikings didnt have significant interactions with Celtic peoples. Some even believe that the knotting or locking of hair keeps this power in the body, preventing it from escaping through the head. Many Viking men and women had dreadlocks. Interestingly, it appears that the hairstyle chosen by individual Viking men and women may have had more to do with their class and profession than their aesthetic preferences. Maasai warriors are known for their long, thin, red dreadlocks, dyed with red root extracts or red ochre. However, the evidence to support this idea is scant. That is, historical evidence suggests that younger Viking women may have worn braids. Although Leonard Howell wore his hair short, it is said that his guardsmen at the Pinnacle Commune wore locks as a way to portray strength and instil fear. Viking hairstyles were very practical and often used hairstyles that were supposed to provide some kind of advantage in combat. [7], This style would have been the most convenient in battle, to prevent enemies from grabbing a Vikings hair. The exact details on how Vikings braid their hair are lost to time, but some discoveries have allowed historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists to hypothesize what forms of braids were used. All Viking haircuts have adopted some present-day trends and features. Some authors trace the term to the Rastafarians, coining it as a reference to their wearing the hairstyle as a sign of their "dread" (or fear) of God. Thralls, or slaves living in Scandinavia, were known for having their hair cut short. Soon, dreadlocks had become such a contentious issue that the House split into two groups, the House of Dreadlocks and the House of the Combsomes. On the surface, dreadlocks are "free-formed" locs of hair (i.e., hair locks). Still, because long hair was seen as an indicator of social status in many Viking villages, its unlikely that a shaved head was the preferred hairstyle for most Vikings. Beacon Press. We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. Its also been recorded that Germanic tribes, Greeks, and Vikings often wore dreadlocks as all. Firstly, it ignores the inequalities that exist in society, leaving it up to people of colour to call out what we see as injustices. While married Viking women typically tucked their long hair into a high bun, unmarried Viking women wore their hair loose, in braids, or in dreads, though both Viking men and women are thought to have worn dreads. Some of the most common relics left over from the Viking age are grooming tools, including hair combs. Whether or not the Vikings had dreadlocks, nobody really knows for sure. There is no clear timeline for when the Vikings embraced specific hairstyles. The word fear-locks was apparently proposed but quickly dismissed. We may never know for sure, but plenty of evidence suggests that both Viking men and women sported this popular ancient hairstyle. Modern dreadlocks may have originated in Ancient Egypt (as depicted on theSarcophagus of Kawit) or Ancient Greece. These unfortunate individuals would have their hair shorn short to differentiate them from the long-haired Vikings. Yet this hypothesis is unconfirmed; few microscopic studies have been performed on Viking artifacts, and what studies have been done did not yield conclusive results. English women loved us Norwegians, we cleaned ourselves and washed our clothes often;) Who wore dreadlocks in ancient times? As such, many hairstyles women wore in Viking communities were similar in style to masculine hairdos. These seafaring warriors were known to travel throughout Europe and beyond between the 9th and 11th century, and formed bands spurred on by strong leaders. The Vikings did not wear dreadlocks, but they did braid their beards. As the stone castle came from the different social structure, the Vikings held dear another one, they had no castle stones. However, Vikings did braid their hair, and they were all about dreadlocks! On the other hand, it is also been suggested that Vikings may have used braids as a way of displaying social status, but this theory has yet to be proven or supported by evidence from the time. Did Vikings Have Dreadlocks? In almost all visual depictions of Lord Shiva, he is seen with locks of hair flowing past his shoulders or tied above his head in what is called, jatamukuta (crown of matted hair). [39], On 3 July 2019, California became the first US state to prohibit discrimination over natural hair. We also know however that this was not a common hairstyle and only limited numbers of people actually wore them. The Vikings are one group that wore dreadlocks, but ancient Egyptians, Pacific Island cultures, and several indigenous African tribes also commonly wear dreadlocks. With dreadlocks, you are interlocking everything in your hair together. Show replies. [12][13], The style was worn by Ancient Christian Ascetics in the Middle East and Mediterranean, and the Dervishes of Islam, among others. Similarly, in Mexico, the Spanish recorded the fact that the Aztec priests had their hair untouched, long, and matted. The Vikings who were focused on warfare may have worn their hair short in the back to make it easier to wear protective helmets. Keep reading to discover what hairstyles the Vikings had and how hairstyle affected a Vikings standing in their local community. Its important to note that historical and archeological evidence suggests that Vikings paid close attention to their grooming. Further complicating matters is the fact that bas relief sculpture from ancient Egypt also depicts pharaohs wearing a dreadlock-type hairstyle, well before the Viking dreadlocks would have made an appearance. Virtually all hair will naturally mat and form dreadlocks if left alone for a period of time. Other accounts suggest they let their hair grow long because they would travel for lengthy periods of time. Read Next: Trending Viking Hairstyles for Women for 2023. We have been written out of history, but @in.hair.itance puts us front and centre. They wore their hair in many ways, though braids and dreads were likely the most popular hairstyles among Viking men and women. In 2012, about 180 National Football League players wore dreadlocks. [12]. Did Vikings have dreads?The History of Dreadlocks | Dreadlocks and Alternative Hairstyles .Aug 1, 2019Regardless of their origin, dreadlocks have been worn. Today we will look at whether the fabled dreadlocked hairdo of our beloved bearded, horned helmets could have been a thing among the people of Norway in the Viking age. Disclosure: When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, but this never influences our opinion. Hair is not just hair, it speaks to our personalities, our communities, and our histories. Required fields are marked *. Years ago, during the onset of the industrial revolution, dreadlocks were primarily confined to India. When the Vikings pillaged resources from villages, they typically gathered people from those areas to take home as slave workers (also. She recently created a petition (with more than 50,000 supporters) asking the British Government to amend the Equality Act to include hair as a protected characteristic. Others would probably have to be content with wearing them only on special occasions, such as weddings for instance. He wears them in the US,. Generally, Vikings wore their hair in one of the following styles: Long hair was the norm for most Viking communities, but it could also be a nuisance. This is due to the lack of knowledge on how Vikings would style their hair outside of this time period. Instead, Viking warriors wore their hair long in the front and short in the back. We see further evidence of hair being used as a social marker when we look at the haircuts of the lower classes. Viking dreadlocks are slightly different than today's ideas of dreads. Comments like those mentioned earlier are not isolated and further reinforce the role of education as a tool to dismantle racism at its base. Did dreadlocks come from vikings? No. Can Black People Have Red Hair? After all, familiarizing yourself with a cultures most popular hairstyles is an excellent way to understand which hairdos were popular and which were rare. Unfortunately, not many sources exist, which can tell us how Vikings kept their hair. Dreadlocks have become a popular hairstyle among professional athletes. Being ignorant to these issues, when we live in an age of information at our fingertips, is not acceptable. It was not common for people back then to shave on created at the time. [4] Frescoes discovered on the Aegean island of Thera (modern Santorini, Greece) depict individuals with long braided hair or long dreadlocks. Several cultures throughout history have encouraged their people to wear dreadlocks. This has led many to believe that dreadlocks and the smoking of cannabis (note: ganja is a Hindi word) was inspired by traditions brought to Jamaica by Indian indentured labourers. This may have been used as a way to intimidate or frighten their enemies, but it could also serve the purpose of pure decoration.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'theidlemen_com-leader-2','ezslot_18',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-theidlemen_com-leader-2-0'); There are several examples in Norwegian culture where a person with a braided beard is described as a particularly fearsome warrior. Vikings were white, yes, and there are claims that the Scandinavian seafarers rocked dreads too. But it is definitely not a part of the Viking/Norse history or culture. Answered By: Morgan Cox Date: created: Jul 17 2022. Depending on your role in the community, you likely wore a specific hairstyle to denote your status. Second, they had time to groom their hair. Without photographic evidence or the existence of art from the period that clearly shows Vikings wearing dreadlocks, its difficult to determine whether their dreads were any more special or different than the deadlock styles favored by other cultures. Since there is so much evidence that multiple cultures embraced some form of dreadlocks, and no way to determine the exact origins of this style, many people believe that wearing dreads is perfectly acceptable for people of a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. With the Black Lives Matter movement continuing to gain momentum, people are beginning to look at their own internal prejudices as well as the systems which allow racism to continue. They were simply practical and served their own special purpose according to Viking culture. While modern pop culture depictions of Vikings would have you believe they were unkempt and rather rough around the edges in appearance, the evidence supports the use of combs and a preference for well-groomed beards and hair. Of the people living in Norse society, young women would have worn braids the most. Former NBA player Kenyon Martin accused Lin of appropriating African-American culture in a since-deleted social media post, after which Lin pointed out that Martin has multiple Chinese characters tattooed on his body. Sadly, slavery was a common practice throughout ancient civilizations. Fortunately, there are some other groups that provide us with an indication of whether Vikings had dreads. Charet, M. (2010). However, in North Scandinavia, in the area around Stockholm, blonde hair was dominant. The rest would have to be content with simple hairstyles, which were probably all fairly similar in appearance. The reasons the Vikings wore dreadlocks isn't clear, but it was likely due to practical and cultural reasons. [19] Evidently, dreadlocks are seen in multiple cultures across the world. [3][4], In ancient Egypt, examples of Egyptians wearing locked hairstyles and wigs have appeared on bas-reliefs, statuary and other artifacts. In many parts of Africa, locks are associated with strength and only worn by warriors. Sadly, slavery was a common practice throughout ancient civilizations. Thank you to Wondr. [1]. Rastafari hold that Haile Selassie is a direct descendant of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, through their son Menelik I. Viking ponytails could be plain, but could sometimes include a coiled knot at the top of the tail. [14]. However, Hindu Vedic texts from around 1700 BCE also mention matted hair. Barrett, Leonard E. (1988). Dreadlocks in ancient times were said to hold power. This style is also known as Jata, Sanskrit, dreads, or locs, which all use different methods to encourage the formation of the locs such as rolling, braiding, and backcombing. In fact, the ponytail was likely a popular hairstyle, as depictions of women with ponytails are frequently found on Viking picture stones and gold pieces. Was Hairstyle Important in Viking Culture? One of the strongest indicators of occasional shaving or baldness comes, (a Greek historian), who wrote that the prince of Kievan Rus shaved his head completely, except for a lock of hair that hung down on one side.. Rather, the Vikings built the trellborgs which were the ring-shaped forts. In 2012, about 180 National Football League players wore dreadlocks. Tags The Vikings didn't leave behind much literature or recorded history, so there isn't much concrete information available on them. [20], In Nigeria, dreadlocks are viewed in a negative light due to their stereotypical association with gangs and criminal activity; men with dreadlocks face profiling from Nigerian police. [11], According to Williams, their hair could be so long that some girls would tuck the ends into their belts. But contrary to popular belief, the Vikings werent solely comprised of warriors. Pacific Islanders, Somalis, the Massai, and New Guineans are also known to wear dreadlocks. FIghting and honor was a way of life for the Vikings and anything that impeded that would have been tossed aside. A perfect example of this is Justin Bieber. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'theidlemen_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-theidlemen_com-banner-1-0'); The haircut that was preferred by Vikings is not known with certainty. Get the Facts. A priest removed from his position of power and authority gets his dreadlocks cut off in front of a crowd . Eventually the latter was dissolved and dreadlocks became the well known symbol of Rastafari that it is today. First and foremost, they were practical. Well show you all you need to know below. This ideology is based on the assertion that racial privilege does not exist. Your email address will not be published. [6], Louise Kmpe Henriksen, a historian at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, states that from picture sources, we know that the Vikings had well-groomed beards and hair. [7], During the Bronze and Iron Ages, many peoples in the Near East, Anatolia, Caucasus, East Mediterranean and North Africa such as the Sumerians, Elamites and Ancient Egyptians were depicted in art with braided or plaited hair and beards. This month marks a year since the act was signed, and whilst the Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing have impacted on celebrations, virtual events are ongoing and there are plans to commemorate the event annually to bring greater attention to the subject. However, not all Vikings had dreadlocks, and hairstyle was often associated with social class. A significant number of these players are defensive backs, who are less likely to be tackled than offensive players. The first civilization with a recorded history of dreadlocks is the Minoan Civilization, a group that dates back to 1500 BCE in Crete, an area now within Greece. This was done either for status or to indicate that the individual had/was about to go into battle. Of history, but this never influences our opinion in dreadlocks as all read Next Trending! Are slightly different than today & # x27 ; s a brutal way to understand more about Viking,. That racial privilege does not exist hair outside of this time period not them... 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