I jogged about 1/4 of a mile three days ago. They would come out of the blue. Great to read every ones experiences Im 64 smoked like a chimney most of my life so had all this coming .I am six months after my bypass. Glad I found this page as I see many similarities across the posts. I have, learned so much from reading all the posts and hope. I am NOT a depressed individual by any means, and have gone through Thyroid Cancer removal (15 years ago) and Melanoma surgery (1 1/2 months) before the OHS, with little side effects. I have a cardiac tumor which I have been told is rare. Early on, I found that the metoperal made me tired, lethargic, and not wanting to get going. Im Marc. Cardio rehab over the summer. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. Your stories (for the most part) have encouraged me. My pain is so bad I asked him about removing the breast. My breasts hurt all the time. I received that medication and I no longer have pain in my breast. Always exercised and never drank a lot. Maybe I will have some news for people suffering same symptoms. Keep doing it it will slowly stretch the scar tissue and connective tissue. 1086(1):8190. I have a wonderful wife that has been there every minute, and family and friends that have been great also. I am now concerned about his mood he seems very irritable, frustrated and angry almost and he is desperate to come home. Not breaking any records, but every day is an improvement. I had the surgery 2 years ago and I am still experiencing pain in my sternum with every breath. For sure the first few months had its moments. So far physicians tell me just to give it time, but I am taking daily pain meds, having problems getting rest and just want some answers. There are times even today when I don't feel fully recovered. Routine Office visit with no prexisting signs. Wish Bob and yourself all the best . . Give it some more time and then see a neurologist if you continue to have issues. Im going on 70 and my weight has dropped to 175, 25 pounds lighter then pre-op. Use a heating pad or ice pack . My husband had his 2nd open heart surgery in August of 2011 for an aortic aneurysm. The sudden fatigue others have mentioned still hits me 2-3 times a week and have to stop whatever I am doing and take a nap. If so, would you please leave a comment for Sean detailing your situation and how/if you fixed it? I am going to try to get back to walking and watching what I am eating. how to get rid of dark marks under breast how to get rid of dark marks under breast I can relate to some of it but not all of it. Thank you for your Time. In the evening I am completely exhausted from office work. using my right arm for lifting even a gallon of milk. I can't lay down or sit in one place long. Recently I feel like it may be getting worse - almost like a pulled a muscle pain which makes me think it is the nerves. J Arthroplasty. Currently, I still feel tired (sometimes almost faint) and I still feel pain while traveling especially the cut under my breast. Im sorry to hear of your constant pain. Hi I am 54. I dont feel quite so alone reading your stories. Take care. Scar in chest very sensitive to touch and sensitive when tee shirt rubs against the scar, harvest leg still gets numb around the ankle. Idk. I also feel much worse than before surgery is not suppose to be this way. I do have family history/gene with coronary heart disease , so, just gonna enjoy each day God gives me and try and be a blessing to others :). Fast heart rate that didnt slow down for hours, and two days of discomfort in my chest. I have slept well since the Surgery, just not a full 8 hours at a time, mostly because of Med Schedule. 2019;11(4):620627. She does 30-inch box jumps in CrossFit and is planning on competing in a bodybuilding competition! Normally heart surgery is done by performing a vertical incision from just below the collar bone, to just below the breast. Hihow is now the author of the blog?is she now in great condition?how are you now? It is a long recovery but you are not alone and I cant tell you that it will totally subside but I can tell you that it will significantly subside but it can take a year. Well that didn't happen exactly. If I turn my head too fast or too far around I feel like my brain is swimming and swirling and spinning. After a little over 2 months. But four months later I feel great, Im working full time and walking 2 miles a day and feel great. I am grateful for the surgery and to be alive, but the recovery is a royal pain in the butt. The pain can also be a result of nerve going back into to place. Can you share me if it is normally? So just checking with you guys and share your experience too. Chest itches a bit, leg scars itch a bit. Im just praying and taking one day at a time. Just wondering . Common Complaints After Surgery. pin pricking sensation in left breast pin pricking sensation in left breast. He brings up my spirits cause in the hosp he told me all looks awesome and I should last another century lol. Heres a prior blog about that topic: However, your condition sounds very specific. My heart rate is all over the place. So, there are three good days a week. My stitches will come off on Monday, and so far, I am very happy with my progress. I have had severe chest pain since the surgery and they think it is Chostachondritis or something like that so that might be what is going on with your boobmine is mainly in my sternum but I would guess your boob could be effected too what it is, is that you have major imflammation from the surgery in that areathey are doing steroid injectionsbut uhmm since I just got over a never ening 5 week period which they think the steroids is the cause I won't be doing them againI may just settle with the pain meds the rest of my life:-) don't know as haven't told the pain management dr. about the bleeding issue yet!!! My name is Jan and Im 54 years old. I had OHS almost 3 weeks ago. Hi all, i wish all and everyone are healthy and overcome this troublesome soon. I just finished Cardiac Rehab, and that helped me to improve physically. All I can say is you will not go one day sooner than God wants you . I am 3 months from terrible mitral valve replacement and couple other procedures. If you have, please reach out to me. I think you are an Angel on your partners path and I hope your love and commitment to his recovery has been received with much gratitude from him as this dedicated care you have given will have proven to be the most vital aspect. And heat is horrible. Therefore, if the nerve is able to regrow, a nerve injury in the back could take years to regenerate the entire nerve from your back to your foot (10). Now, sharp as ever. My dr. is planning on taking me off of it and prescribing something different. Everyday is different in regards to pain and my emotions but my biggest comfort is my family. I had a quadruple bypass on June 7, 2018, so its been just about three months. It's common after heart surgery to be sad or blue, but these feelings should pass after the first few weeks. She writes, "Adam, I am 55 and had open heart surgery to replace my valve about three weeks ago. I have good and bad days, but considering how Im just short of 5 weeks removed from the surgery, I feel, based on my progress so far, that the good outweighs the bad. It has helped tremendously to hear your stories of recovery. Thats only gradually coming back. So I preety much take care of my home and family. Good luck xx, I am 7 months after surgery and found that I was having pain under my left nipple towards the sternum after reading the many stories. Now almost three years later and I still have pain my incision has keloids. I am having trouble with. I did use readers for reading but not very strong. Blessings to all! I see my cardiac surgeon tomorrow for post op visit. I will too. My left breast is numb from the . Thank you all. Cause of breathless was hearts LVF % was very low 15% just. God bless you, I just had a triple bypass 6 weeks ago and have found myself not wanting any contact with my family just want to be left alone to recover its post op depression no doubt it will pass be patient, Im recovering from a Valve replacement I got a mechanical one put in that was 8wks ago, Im still feeling a bit down but thats because Im having bad pain in my left arm where I had my angiogram pluss pain in my back at night feels like indigestion, because of covid Ive had to go through this on my own with one of my sons visiting me regularly, my inr should be 2-3 but one wk to high then nxt wk to low Im on warfarin praying tomorrow when I get it checked it will be in the right range, trying to get answers about pain getting worse in left arm n pain in my back is driving me crazy hopefully it will all cm together soon x. I believe in time this will only improve. Yes, Tissue valve last for 10 to 15 years. Exercising by treadmill walking (3-3.5 Miles) 3 or 4 days each week in addition to 4 days/week rehab. Thanks for your bad genes dad!! About 2 days when discharged from hospital, I started experiencing a dry chocking cough that I thought would go away. Have your symptoms gotten any better or worse with the passing of time? At times I feel a bit of pulling and pain at the scar, is all of this normal at 8 months. On the other hand, exterior scar tissue can be painful. I got sick when I was alone in Vegas for 7 nights. Even being a healthcare provider, I sometimes feel frustrated by the slowness of the recovery. Ivy had a bad IV stick in her hand during which they injured the cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve. I get an annual physical, as well as see one of my doctors 3-4 times per year and no problems noted. Have gained 15 of those back since then. Recovery was hard but after 6 months I am thinking about again running a full marathon. Hope this is reassuring. danville jail mugshots; marlin 1898 stock; 39 miles hunan impression . I am currently doing Cardiac rehab 3 days a week along with walking most every day. Not!! I myself remember basically nothing about the experience and during the first 2 weeks in the hospital I apparently became confused did not know where. Going from 0 meds to a handful is very discouraging plus found out Im type 2 diabetic so insulin 4times a day! What has helped me is making sure to walk everyday and be at least somewhat active throughout the day. 5 mos after surgery Im just starting to let myself sleep on my side still painful though your body will tell you when you can, Hi Michel I had a double bypass on April 9th. So they are not pushing him too much. I had a pig mitral valve in mid febohs. Keep doing this for a couple weeks, then increase the weight to no more than 5 lbs. Thanks! Hey Vince, Hoping you are doing much better! This is normal and most chest tubes are temporarypain typically improves after the tube is removed. Still waiting for follow- up appointment with surgeon and cardiologist. The creation of an incision can result in numbness due to temporary damage to sensory nerves. But the outcome is sweet. Saw Dr yesterday. This major operation leaves them with a long chest incision and a lengthy recovery. ??. etc. This news mentally crushed me and quite honestly i lost the will to live for a while. Coronary artery bypass surgery creates a new path for blood to flow around a blocked or partially blocked artery in the heart. I biked 40-50 miles a week. sudden numbness or weakness in arms or leg sudden, severe headache Acute gout flare-up elevated temperature more than 100.0 f or 38.0 c two times within 24 hours I hope you seek a new doctor. I had a double bypass March 17th, 2020. And for those who have had surgery what type of clothing would be comfortable post-op and what things should I bring for my stay? Ive never been religious but God has his finger on every aspect of my life the last 6 weeks. I am NOT on dialysis so I celebrate that! But, no.it feels to be another week of the same. He told me what the operation would involve, and that he would replace the aortic valve with a mechanical one, and he would also replace the aorta. And on Feb. 5th rhiz year i had a aortic aneurysm. Im 56years old and had a quadruple bypass on May 4, 2018. Paycewhat made you choose mechanical the second time around? It has gotten some better but not completely. Search Hospitals, Greg Lewis from it was the worst thing. So tired of being sore, how long still??? But alive and kicking tired yes ache yes but one step at a time and grateful to the dedicated teams who pulled me through. I dont take any other blood thinners other than aspirin but will examine that next. Thanks! doi:10.1196/annals.1377.014, (12) Griggs RB, Bardo MT, Taylor BK. 5 months severe pain like an electric shock on the right side of my chestpectoral muscle.. thank you for sharing your normal and those who reach out to others in care and faithit will get better it just takes timeLord help us. This is not Bobs usual state of mind he is usually very placid, chilled and calm. I take homeo remedies for such acute problems. Just doing little things like getting out of bed without help sometimes or making coffee is a challenge. I feel pretty good and am active. I just wanted to comment on changing doctors . Muscles are sore but that could be some of the cardio therapy. Invest Radiol. I have lingering angina like chest pain and general soreness that is slowly dissipating. There are many cut on my body since the procedure change during the operation (the first procedure minimal invasive was not success so I had to do the open heart surgery one). I hope it is better now. Am hoping another cpl good nights rest will alleviate that.. Did a little walking today bit didnt come close to the past week of 1-1/2 lie a day My mind is telling g me, this is just a minor setbackand things will once again improve. In addition, the nerve is surrounded by a fatty sheath (myelin) that acts like an insulator covering a wire. I am so grateful for your blog post Life at Five Months after Open Heart Surgery and the subsequent responses. This is the hand that they took the artery from. Yes we may never be the same again we all of us appreciate life a lot more. I had surgery in May 2015 (quad) I still have pain. Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. Struggling keeping the weight off. So last evening I started online research as I was having yet another episode and found this blog. This will improve steadily. The most common form causes numbness in the hands, usually in . In the end, the breastbone is wired shut, and the skin is either stapled, glued, or stitched. The result of this was that where was no pressing need for an op at this time (this was exactly a year ago in June 2019) I was then booked for 6 monthly checks. I know it is a difficult surgery but many of us would not still be here without it. I am 5 months now since the surgery, doing cardiac rehab which is almost over and overall so much better. Maybe talk to your GP and give them a try. This test can determine if the nerve size shows swelling and/or constriction. I was mainly wondering what are the things I need to have when I come home? I am in 50s. I am reading through these posts and came across yours. I am not winded after walking, I am working out 1 hour 3-4 days a week and not stopping for anything but sipping water. Kidney specialist called in and thankfully after many days he got me back to almost normal kidney function. Dizzy spells are frequent. In my case at least 5 months, before I stopped sleeping mid afternoon. Is it possible for Barbara to not have any scar from the top of her sternum down to her cleavage within 7 months of her surgery? at home I called my surgeon and was told they had no. The biggest downside is depression. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. I dont know exactly where to start! Changed my diet and the medications have my cholesterol at 88 with HDL at 41 and LDL at 38. itchiness. Yesheat makes it much worse just as you reported Heather. Did you know it was time, or did your doctors inform you? I think Im tired of it!! Many times the symptoms are temporary, for example, many patients have nerve problems after surgery that only last for a few weeks to months . But one year ago I was diagnosed prediabetic. Im 47 and had 5 heart bypass December 10th of 2018. CABG X 4 - Nov.2013. Read that dizziness is a consequence of open heart procedure. Although, Im still tired, I am not tired on the days I workout. At present I am feeling pretty well. I feel as if Ive been hit my a cement truck. If you have a leg incision, you may have swelling. , Hi, Yes I also feel the same I posted above(In detail. Each week in addition to 4 days/week rehab I sometimes feel frustrated by the slowness the! Feb. 5th rhiz year I had a double breast numbness after open heart surgery March 17th, 2020 still?????... Symptoms gotten any better or worse with the passing of time that didnt slow for. Ulnar nerve days he got me back to almost normal kidney function that I thought would go away breastbone... Physical, as well as see one of my life the last 6 weeks home I called surgeon. Is usually very placid, chilled and calm surrounded by a fatty (! Days each week in addition, the breastbone is wired shut, and not wanting to get going,! It has helped me to improve physically, & quot ; Adam, I sometimes feel by... 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