Thats why they try to make their members think that if it wasnt for them, theyd be lost. Learn about a non-12 step solution with proven results. Do you feel uncertain about whether your beliefs belong entirely to you or not? He disappeared during that first night, rushing back to the life he'd fled. You can only accept or reject the thoughts of others. I was born and raised in a religious cult. They may punish you for contradicting their values. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving 3. Do you have to attend their retreats and seminars on a regular basis? Very Important: Please give this next thought your deepest consideration prior to beginning to read the following information. Much of my mental and physical battle came from many other resources that helped me to understand the reasoning behind how deeply rooted the control was in my mind and heart. Roach gave up his robe for Armani suits and a Tibetan prosperity gospel, which he continues to preach worldwide today. Project MKUltra secretly experimented with "mind control" techniques, dosing people with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) without their consent. On the evening of the 18th November 1978, Jim Jones persuaded his followers to drink a punch laced with cyanide. 13 April 2006. In psychology, we call it the effect of groupthink. The effects of indoctrination and brainwashing from a cult or religion can last a lifetime, even if the victim is able to wake up from its severe mental grasp. There is no single path to a cult, but there are patterns, and by recognizing his own, Remski was able to understand what Joseph Campbell famously stated regarding Arthurian tales, among other mythologies: freedom is in the wound. Cults typically instill the belief that "outsiders" (non-cult members) are dangerous and wrong. Please take a minute and read about this on It is not magic and it is not fake. Stay in touch onFacebookandTwitter. This ideology that most religions teach is a psychologically unhealthy black and white view to have of the world. The control Jones held is far from unique among the leaders of destructive cults and new religions. We are so quick to default our thinking immediately to Catholicism when it comes to child molestation because of it permeating the headlines for so long now. Was it a reward for doing something you enjoyed doing? In November of 2016, The Washington Post published a rather shocking article uncovering this problem specifically highlighting Australia. But I hope you can understand that none of this is true. In 1995, The Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult carried out a deadly sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway. Instead of rehashing tragic cult history or infiltrating an extremist religious sect, IndoctriNation is hosted by a therapist, Rachel Bernstein, who deeply examines why cults happen in this. Control the person's social and/or physical environment; especially. I was in 4th grade. Roach systematized his own brand of Tibetan Buddhism, one that the Dalai Lama and senior leaders rebuffed. His studies and research led him to the point where he was able to break it down into levels of severity and compartmentalize the whole process of actually controlling someones mind. Most of us are familiar with the classic definition of brainwashing: an attempt to control a persons beliefs and behavior using psychological techniques. Each local body of elders in the local congregations of Jehovahs Witnesses is likewise viewed by the entire organization as being the direct line to Gods holy spirit, having the same divine authority. He is loved again when he acknowledges that his devotion to the cult is the only thing that will bring him salvation. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. 1. Cults may keep new recruits from talking to other new recruits. We will be using the organization Jehovahs Witnesses as a case study. This rule is very cult-like because its very confusing, and it also contradicts itself. Theyre just manipulating you. Here is how it is achieved: First, one must become acquainted with and become used to the correct terminology pertaining to religious indoctrination. This way the reader could take in the first four points and have a few days to ponder what was presented before considering the last four points. Would they all make fun of me? A new book has added fresh insight into Megxit. In fact, at one point the CIA owned . The cult leader can then use these statements to shame individual members publicly. The immediate hurdle is recognizing youve been indoctrinated. How did it happen? The thing were not talking about in cult life is living a normal, ambivalent, adjusted life, where you realize you will be happy and sad, things will die, relationships will end, you will get sick and well again, things will continue. But, Remski continues. You must use their methods to achieve success or happiness. Remember, the whole point of this website and this global conversation is for all of us to work together and help each other. In the Siberian mountains an ex-traffic cop known as Vissarion Christ has thousands of followers. Youre part of a group thats special, destined, blessedyou feel complete. The sum of these techniques constitutes what some people call "mind control." As we were putting this information together, it became clear that the material being presented could potentially be lifesaving to someone in need of help. Photo / Getty Images. When an innocent child has had its innocence ripped from them, even if the accusations cant be undeniably confirmed, then the only option is to involve the authorities, allowing them to conduct an investigation so that justice can be served. The Ditman (1967) study compared drunk drivers who were court-ordered to attend AA . As he puts it, A certain amount of metaphysical thinking sets you up for that to compensate for the structural inequalities in your life. In his dreamscape Roach was all good, all powerful, an apt comparison to the members of Buddhafield that loved Michels ballet lessons, his open talks of sexuality (well, not that open), his shirtless body twirling and swimming in the Los Angeles sunshine. For example, you may be punished for not being able to speak or communicate with your loved ones. T he "real self" is never completely destroyed but is suppressed by the cult self. There are cults within cults, like the two thousand or so accepted faiths that borrow from Christian doctrine: Mormonism, Eastern Orthodox, Catholicism, Protestantism, Lutheranism, Scientology, Christian Science. This table demonstrates the major similarities falling into each of the three categories. 77SharesSubject and Expectation: In part two of this ongoing series recounting the story of how he escaped the most dangerous religious cult in the, Spread the Love - Share this Post! They want to convince us that we cant be held responsible for our actions because the outside world is always changing and we cant keep up with it. Hyde Park couple turns cult experience into support group. But most psychologists believe that cult brainwashing techniques, which are similar to techniques used in prisoner interrogation, do change a person's thought processes. This will make this information more reachable online to those that may be seeking help in regards to escaping a cult. The final step is vital. Its similar to the multiple factors and perspectives that people come through in developing their adulation for Donald Trump. For that reason, I will be using all three terms: thought reform, mind control, and brainwashing. Spread the Love - Share this Post! Love Bombing. In this two-part editorial, The Small Town Humanist will be discussing what indoctrination means, how brainwashing works and explaining in detail how mind control techniques used by religious cults can absolutely destroy someones life. Have you ever been told that if you leave the cult, youll be punished? It is illogical to the Nth degree for us to think or feel that we know more about these subjects than these experts do. It is my personal belief and opinion that this religion is a cult in the truest sense of the word. Cults not only provide firm answers to every question, but also make promises that appeal to those needing reassurance, confidence and affirmation. Thats what real groups tend to do in real life. that he participate actively in the manipulation of otherswhatever his way that these will appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the Are you really willing to give your money to people you dont even know? Which brings us to the seventh step. Darwin missed an amazing example of evolution. Young adults often go off to college happy and excited, but come . (Photo by Ted Aljibe/AFP/Getty Images), Share How Do People Become Indoctrinated Into Cults? That's a big subject, but as a potted guide here are eight steps to mind control. To be clear, the term cult was initially used for a ritual actcultus comes from Latin, meaning worship. Throughout the world the word is still used to cite a religious group. 4 "Cults Insist On Reprogramming The Way People See The World." Cults insist they are the only ones that know the truthabout society. on Twitter, Share How Do People Become Indoctrinated Into Cults? But is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? On the contrary, all serious sins, whether committed by us or someone else that we may have knowledge of, is absolutely to be brought to the attention of the local body of elders. An analysis of Dr Arthur J. Deikman's book on cult behavior 8. Hes been involved in two cults: the Gelukpa Tibetan Buddhist group headed by former diamond dealer Michael Roach and former real estate salesman Charles Andersons Endeavor Academy. If you notice yourself becoming increasingly devoted to any type of group, then its time for you to take a step back and get your mind checked for any signs of brainwashing. The leader typically controls every minute of a member's waking time. If Will Allen's documentary, Holy Hell, teaches us one thing, it's that there's no easy answer. Many religions, spiritual teachings and philosophies use the 12 Steps. selfish, and petty in the face of the great overriding mission This requires Only after leaving Roach and, later, Andersons group, could he understand that he had been starving even though food was right in front of him. She investigates self-compassion, emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and the ways people make decisions. She dreams to create an uplifting documentary one day, inspired by her experiences with strangers. Doctor Robert Jay Lifton, an American physiatrist and author whose work began and concentrated intently on the psychological causes and effects of violence from wars on the human psyche. You cannot make rational decisions without their guidance. Towards a Demystified and Disinterested Scientific Theory of Brainwashing by Benjamin Zablocki [This item has been expanded and moved HERE ] 10. Have you ever been told that you have to do something because others say so? 1. In the second criteria [Mystical Manipulation], it was explained how the Governing Body at the organizations headquarters is viewed as being the direct line to Gods holy spirit and direction. Along with this achievement, he then took what he had discovered and created what came to be known in the field of Psychiatry as The 8 Criteria for Thought Reform (mind control or brainwashing). Thats how you can avoid being indoctrinated. The main character, Tyler Durden, tells his followers that they can do anything but not everything at the same time. He called himself Osho. Follow. Lifton preferred to call it thought reform as opposed to mind control from a psychological standpoint. Mr. Liftonif somehow you manage to read this article, I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to you. Does this make sense to you? TOVIA SMITH, BYLINE: Michelle Queen, a 46-year-old from Texas, is one of a quarter of Americans, according to a recent Ipsos . Even if your answer is positive, you should think twice before taking further action. This one is a rather easy one to explain. The reason why groups tend to make their members obey is the shared desire to maintain group consensus. Information manipulation can be used to control peoples thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Thats what happened to Matthew Remski, a Toronto-based yoga therapist and Ayurvedic consultant. You have had your mind changed by the ones who want to change your mind for their own purposes: the people who control your mind through indoctrination. There are cults within cults, like the two thousand or so accepted faiths that borrow from Christian doctrine: Mormonism, Eastern Orthodox, Catholicism, Protestantism, Lutheranism, Scientology,. I felt his body in my body, the same gangly awkwardness, the same hiked-up shoulder, the same thoracic kyphosis when he sat in meditation. This is a central doctrine of their belief system. The group uses "thought reform" methods If your serious questions are answered with cliches, you're probably in a cult. Even though the religious are quick to point out that others have been brainwashed (such as communists, other religious adherents . People are indoctrinated every day in all sorts of ways. May your wonderfully empathetic heart be at peace with the knowledge that you have helped so many of us to live again. An ex-member told the Japan Times that he took part in a gruelling, 10-day "madness" camp. By controlling the physical and social environment, an attempt is made to destroy . How a cult-recovery therapist helps former NXIVM members regain their independence: 'There's a huge amount of fear and loss'. The idea behind information manipulation is that individuals are not always aware of what they are being influenced by and how they are being influenced. For example, if a friend of yours is a member of a small group, then your friends will often try to get you involved in the group as well. People are indoctrinated without leaving their bedrooms. For Steven Hassan, a former Moonie turned cult expert and author of The Cult of Trump, the answer is decidedly yes. If this sounds like whats happening in your life, it might be time to take a step back and take a closer look at how the information is shaping your beliefs. Shutting down your dissent by threatening to withhold the prize By this point, the sell becomes a little harder. Jehovahs Witnesses have one unalterable rule that they simply refuse to compromise on. Even the most intense religious indoctrination can be overcome. They make you feel you can do anything but actually, they are controlling you and punishing you for contradicting their values. Besides, cults often try to isolate their members from the outside world so that theyre unable to get in touch with anyone whos not in the cult. It emerged from somewhere deep in childhood; it was about both mirroring and splitting. Even if you dont want to be in the group, theyll make sure that your friends will keep on pressuring you into getting involved with them. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Here is a video explaining these failed predictions very clearly A Brief History of Watchtowers Failed Armageddon Predictions. You could form a canasta cult, or a World of Warcraft cult, if you want. There are cults that are tax-free and religions that are not. A woman born into David Berg's Children of God recalled this technique as a "wave of peace and love". Having strength and confidence in your own personal faith, ask yourself honestlydoes my religion or organization use this technique? In cult recruiting and indoctrination, these techniques include: Deception - Cults trick new recruits into joining the group and committing themselves to a cause or lifestyle they don't fully understand. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. And for those who stay on, the recruiting process culminates in the submission of their own personalities to the "will of the group." In the next section, we'll see what cult indoctrination entails. Lloyds video library is vast and extremely valuable to anyone that is mentally trapped inside of the Watchtower. Its okay to get rewarded. I believe personally that they have done this to monopolize, as much as possible, the need for any of their followers to desire to look elsewhere for knowledge. In my 46 years, I have intently studied seven or eight of the more dominant religions of the world. strength and confidence in your own personal faith, ask yourself honestlydoes Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: Julia Layton He did, however, relate this process to the current American electoral cycle. Bringing all of this back to my mind has currently silenced me on the subject. No one has all the answers. give expression to these tendencies. Invite them to come along again, and again, until they're a part of the family. However, the goal of this writing and essentially this website is to reach as many people as possible to help us all to evolve from within and to open our minds to questioning everything in our lives. If that group has some, to borrow a term from Alan Watts, inside dope, then in your mind its not a cult at all. Derek Beres is working on his new book,Whole Motion: Training Your Brain and Body For Optimal Health(Carrel/Skyhorse, Spring 2017). A very current example of this disgusting policy in action is the recent lawsuit that was imposed on The Watchtower Society in regards to the case in Helena, Montana in September of 2018. actions which are consistent with the totalist ideology and policy; anything else You receive these rewards by serving and spreading your ideas to others. In the next section, we'll take a look at what it's like to live within the confines of a destructive cult. above, it seeks to provoke specific patterns of behavior and emotion in such a It is their unwavering belief that Armageddon will destroy every single person on this planet that is not devoted to Jehovah God and living as an active Jehovahs Witness. Needless to say, its another warning sign of being indoctrinated. This one is executed very differently inside of a brainwashing mind control cult. Members may be deprived of sleep or food, given exhausting tasks, kept away from their usual support networks. STEP ONE: IDENTIFY THE POTENTIAL RECRUIT You'd expect the focus to be on troubled youngsters, but many groups target people with useful skills or access to money. Share. They might use fear or guilt as a tool to get you to believe their message. Who was the father of American photojournalism? desires. Of course there are positive aspects of cults and religions: social support, a sense of purpose, shared motivation, community outreach. Well, Im afraid there may be: over-indulgence in rewards. Every religion that I researched had an absolute line drawn in the sand, between good and evil. Tell mehow many pedophiles in the history of our world do you think have ever committed the heinous crime in front of a third person besides himself/herself and the child, or have ever thought to themselves,You know, if Im ever questioned about molesting that child, Im definitely going to confess to the crime because its such a disgusting and unspeakable thing to do? The Watchtower can publish as many articles that they want professing to be adamantly against child molestation and viewing it as disgusting. Any doubts, assertiveness or remaining ties to the outside world are punished by the group through criticism, guilt and alienation. by some other supernatural force) to carry out the mystical imperative, the Brainwashing:: Cult leaders are known to repeat various lies and distortions until members find it difficult to distinguish between reality and cult life. Changing - Indoctrination Refreezing - Reinforce the new identity These three steps are key to understanding how authoritarian cults operate and create a new identity (the "cult self"). Was it a reward for being a good friend? Yes, there's actually a standard psychological step-by-step guide, for building your very own cult. Members are told what to eat, what to wear, how to feed their children, when to sleep the member is removed from all decision-making. And viewing it as disgusting not everything at the same time all of this website and this global is... Deikman & # x27 ; s a big subject, but come peoples thoughts, beliefs, and.! Environment ; especially for doing something you enjoyed doing attend their retreats and seminars on regular. Witnesses as a tool to get you to believe their message is never destroyed. Indoctrinated into cults further action 46 years, I have intently studied seven eight. 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