In this senior service school program, he researched how the U.S. marine transportation systems resiliency could be improved given challenges associated with the novel coronavirus pandemic. If you have questions or comments regarding a published document please Its coverage area stretches from Sandy Hook, New Jersey, up the Hudson River to Albany. A Sector is a shore-based operational unit of the United States Coast Guard. The SMC is usually the District Commander through the District's Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) for offshore SAR, or the Sector Commander, through the Sector Command Center for coastal SAR. Subscribe to: Changes in Title 33 :: Chapter I :: Subchapter A :: Part 3. Sector Lower Mississippi River Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. The District Commander's duties are described in 1.01-1 of this subchapter. (b) The boundaries of MSU Valdez's Prince William Sound Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones start at Cape Puget at latitude 595604 N, longitude 1482600 W, proceeding north to latitude 613000 N, longitude 1482600 W; thence east to the United States-Canadian boundary at latitude 613000 N, longitude 1410000 W; thence south along the United States-Canadian boundary to latitude 601824 N, longitude 1410000 W; thence southwest to the sea at latitude 600118 N, longitude 1420000 W; thence south to the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 561450 N, longitude 1420000 W; thence along the outermost boundary of the EEZ to latitude 544926 N, longitude 1482600 W; thence north to the point of origin. Subject to the overriding provisions of 3.40-5, the boundaries of Sector Lower Mississippi River's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone include all of Arkansas and all of Oklahoma with the exception of the Red River and Lake Texoma; in Missouri: Dunklin and Pemiscot Counties. In the 20 years following the war, the Coast Guard's responsibilities concerning anchorage regulations and vessel movements in American harbors grew. (b) The boundaries of the MSU Houma Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones start at latitude 285000 N, longitude 880000 W.; thence proceeds west to latitude 285000 N., longitude 892706 W.; thence northwest to latitude 291800 N, longitude 900000 W; thence northwest along the northern boundaries of Lafourche, Assumption, Iberia, and St. Martin Parishes, Louisiana; thence northwest along the northern boundary of Lafayette and Acadia Parishes, Louisiana; thence south along the west boundary of Acadia and Vermillion Parishes, Louisiana to the Louisiana Coast at longitude 923700 W, thence south along longitude 923700 W to the outermost extent of the EEZ; thence east along the outermost extent of the EEZ to longitude 880000 W.; thence north to latitude 285000 N, longitude 880000 W. [USCG-2006-25556, 72 FR 36322, July 2, 2007, as amended by USCG-2013-0491, 80 FR 20163, Apr. The boundaries of Sector Miami's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone start at the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 280000 N, longitude 792334 W, proceeding west to latitude 280000 N, longitude 813000 W; thence south to the northern boundary of Collier County, FL, at longitude 813000 W; thence following along the boundaries of Collier County east along the northern boundary to the eastern boundary and then south along the eastern boundary to the southern boundary of Collier County; thence south along the western boundary of Miami-Dade County to the sea at latitude 251036 N, longitude 805129 W; thence east along the southern boundary of Miami-Dade County to latitude 252452 N, longitude 801939 W; thence southeast to the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 251134 N, longitude 794131 W; thence north along the outermost extent of the EEZ to the point of origin. Rio Vista. Monitor progress of the SAR mission and request additional SAR resources as necessary. District Intelligence staffs are responsible for the application of intelligence policy, doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures and are versed in all aspects of the intelligence cycle. [USCG-2006-25556, 72 FR 36318, July 2, 2007, as amended by USCG-2010-0351, 75 FR 36277, June 25, 2010; USCG-2013-0397, 78 FR 39170, July 1, 2013]. The PSC exam was quickly expanded to validate vessels for compliance with the requirements of both the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 (MTSA) and the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS), which was negotiated through the IMO and serves as the international counterpart to the MTSA. As a Coast Guard Helicopter Flight Examiner, Instructor Pilot, and Aircraft Commander, Commander Slapkunas has accumulated over 4,100 flight hours in the MH-60T flying homeland security, law enforcement, and search and rescue missions. Sector Upper Mississippi River's office is located in St. Louis, MO. This Act vested the Coast Guard with a wide range of responsibilities, including the safeguarding of waterfront property, supervision of vessel movements, establishment of anchorages and restricted areas, and the right to control and remove people aboard ships. When referenced, the outermost extent of the U.S. EEZ is the line of demarcation produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) using the NAD 1983 coordinate system and projected to the WGS 1984 grid system. Naval reservations on shore at Newfoundland; the ocean area encompassed by the Search and Rescue boundary between Canada and the United States easterly to longitude 63 W.; thence due south to latitude 41 N.; thence southwesterly along a line bearing 219T to the point of intersection at 37 N. latitude, 6713 W. longitude with a line bearing 122T from the New Jersey shoreline at 4018 N. latitude (just south of the Shrewsbury River); thence northwesterly along this line to the coast. Sector Boston's office is located in Boston, MA. Naval reservations in the islands of the West Indies and on the north coast of South America. 3,912 were here. Parties of Coast Guard Personnel also inspected ships' equipment for safety and made recommendations for replacing firefighting equipment or called fire hazards to the attention of owners. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the PSC program was immediately expanded to address emerging security concerns for United States ports. Conduct intelligence activities to provide timely, objective, relevant, and actionable maritime intelligence to drive operations, enable mission support, and inform decision making for Coast Guard and Homeland Security missions and National Security requirements. Subpart 3.85 - Seventeenth Coast Guard District. Command Sector Commander: Captain Clinton J. Prindle Deputy Sector Commander : Commander Paul Mangini Command Senior Chief: Master Chief Anthony M. Martinez Senior Reserve Officer: Commander Michael "MAC" McCarthy Reserve Command Senior Chief: Master Chief Wayne E. Davis Units USCG Sector Southeastern New England Detachment Rhode Island The purpose of the workshop was to enhance the capacity of government officials in border security and management and promote inter-agency, intra . [USCG-2006-25556, 72 FR 36319, July 2, 2007]. Subpart 3.35 - Seventh Coast Guard District. or existing codification. 15, 2015]. 21, 1987; CGD 96-025, 61 FR 29959, June 13, 1996]. While pier and facility guards were important, harbor patrols were just as significant as those from shore and consumed much of the manpower of the COTP offices. 3.70-15 U.S. Coast Guard Forces Micronesia/Sector Guam Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. Jensen will serve as the Captain of the Port, officer in charge of marine inspection, federal on-scene coordinator, search and rescue mission coordinator, and federal maritime security coordinator for all of southeast Alaska. They are established by the Commandant and their areas of responsibility are described in this part. (b) The Eleventh Coast Guard District is comprised of: Arizona; Utah; Nevada; California; and the ocean area bounded by a line from the California-Oregon state line westerly to 40 N. latitude, 150 W. longitude; thence southeasterly to 5 S. latitude, 110 W. longitude; thence northeasterly to the border between Guatemala and Mexico on the Pacific Coast (1438 N. latitude, 9219 W. longitude). graduated from the same Academy and was commissioned into the U.S. Coast Guard as a Marine Safety Officer. Sector Lake Michigan's office is located in Milwaukee, WI. The Sector Commander's second-in-command is the Deputy Sector Commander. U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 27, Coast Guard Sector Charleston Jul 2018 Vice Flotilla Commander, Feb 2019 - Aug 2019 Supervised administration and coordination of Flotilla staff . Subpart 3.25 - Fifth Coast Guard District. Unless otherwise specified, the Sector Commander's authorities include Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator, Federal Maritime Security Coordinator, Federal On-Scene Coordinator, and, in most Sectors, Officer in Charge Marine Inspection (OCMI) and Captain of the Port (COTP). 1 CFR 1.1 3.05-15 Sector Northern New England Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. Copy of COMDTINST 5700-13A, USCG External Affairs Manual. Subject to the overriding provisions of 3.40-5, the boundaries of Sector Upper Mississippi River's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone include all of Wyoming except for Sweetwater County; all of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, and Iowa; all of Missouri with the exception of Perry, Cape Girardeau, Scott, Mississippi, New Madrid, Dunklin, and Pemiscot Counties; that part of Minnesota south of latitude 462000 N; that part of Wisconsin south of latitude 462000 N, and west of longitude 900000 W; that part of Illinois west of longitude 900000 W and north of latitude 410000 N; that part of Illinois south of latitude 410000 N, except for Jackson, Williamson, Saline, Gellatin, Union, Johnson, Pope, Hardin, Alexander, Pulaski, and Massac Counties; that part of the Upper Mississippi River above mile 109.9, including both banks, and that part of the Illinois River below latitude 410000 N. [USCG-2006-25556, 72 FR 36324, July 2, 2007, as amended by USCG-2013-0491, 80 FR 20163, Apr. They provide tactical intelligence support to the District and Sector Intelligence Staffs, and to Command Intelligence Officers in their area. (b) The boundaries of the MSU Port Arthur Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones start at the intersection of the sea and longitude 923700 W; thence north along the eastern and southern boundaries of Cameron, Jefferson Davis, Allen, and Rapides Parishes, Louisiana to the southern bank of the Red River; thence northwest along the southern bank of the Red River to the northern boundary of Red River Parish, Louisiana; thence west along the northern boundary of Red River Parish and Desoto Parish, Louisiana to the Louisiana-Texas border; thence north along the Louisiana-Texas border to the Texas-Arkansas border at the northern boundary of Bowie County, Texas; thence north along the Texas-Arkansas border to the Texas-Oklahoma border; thence west along the Texas-Oklahoma border to the northwest-most boundary of Fannin County, Texas, including all portions of the Red River; thence south along the western and southern boundaries of Fannin, Hunt, Kaufman, Henderson, Anderson, Houston, Trinity, Polk, Hardin, and Jefferson Counties, Texas to the sea at longitude 942500 W; thence southeast to latitude 290000 N, longitude 934000 W; thence southeast to latitude 275000 N, longitude 932400 W; thence south along longitude 932400 W to the outermost extent of the EEZ; thence east along the outermost extent of the EEZ to longitude 923700 W; thence north along longitude 923700 W to the Louisiana Coast. A strander hiker was rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard at Mussel Rock Beach on early Sunday morning. The FMSC will develop and maintain the AMS Plan in coordination with the AMS Committee, and is responsible for implementing and exercising the plan. 33 CFR 103.205 The general statements of policy in the rules describing Coast Guard organization are prescribed pursuant to 5 U.S.C. (Redirected from Sector Commander) Sector Commander is the position title of the commanding officer of a United States Coast Guard Sector, usually of the rank of Captain (O-6). The Sector North Bend office is located in North Bend, OR. Coast Guard Sector San Juan received a new commander Thursday, who will be responsible for Coast Guard forces in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and overseeing the unit's 1.3 million square nautical miles area of responsibility in the Eastern Caribbean. During World War I, the Coast Guard served under the Navy and enforced rules and regulations that governed the anchorage and movements of vessels in American harbors. The boundaries of Sector Virginia' Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zone start at a point on the Virginia-Maryland boundary at a point 38 0136 N latitude, 751434 W longitude, thence south east to a point 371914 N latitude, 721313 W longitude; thence east to the outermost extent of the EEZ at a point 371914 N latitude, 710254 W longitude; thence south along the outermost extent of the EEZ to a point 363300 N latitude, 712934 W longitude; thence west to the Virginia-North Carolina boundary at a point 363300 N latitude, 755200 W longitude; thence west along the Virginia-North Carolina boundary to the intersection of Virginia-North Carolina-Tennessee at a point 363517 N latitude, 814038 W longitude; thence north and west along the Virginia-Tennessee boundary to the intersection of Virginia-Tennessee-Kentucky at a point 363603 N latitude, 834031 W longitude; thence northeast along the Virginia State boundary to the intersection of the Virginia-West Virginia State boundaries at a point 390757 N latitude, 774942 W longitude; thence southwest along the Loudoun County, VA boundary to the intersection with Fauquier County, VA at a point 390050 N latitude, 775743 W longitude; thence east along the Loudoun County, VA boundary to the intersection with Prince William County, VA boundary at a point 385633 N latitude, 773918 W longitude; thence south along the Prince William and Fauquier County VA boundaries to the intersection of Fauquier, Prince William, and Stafford County, VA at a point 383324 N latitude, 773154 W longitude; thence east along the Prince William and Stafford County, VA boundaries to the western bank of the Potomac River at a point 383013 N latitude, 771800 W longitude; thence south along the Stafford County, VA boundary to a point 382230 N latitude, 771814 W longitude; thence south and east along the boundary between the southern bank of the Potomac River and Stafford, King George, Westmoreland, and Northumberland Counties in Virginia to a point 375311 N latitude, 761415 W longitude; thence east along the Maryland-Virginia boundary as it proceeds across the Chesapeake Bay and Delmarva Peninsula to the point of origin at 380136 N latitude, 751434 W longitude. French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to reduce the number of French troops in Africa under a "new security partnership" with the concerned nations and to roll out more ambitious economic policies. (a) The District Office is in Seattle, Wash. (b) The Thirteenth Coast Guard District shall comprise Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana; and the ocean area bounded by a line from California-Oregon state line westerly to latitude 40 N. longitude, 150 W., thence northeasterly to latitude 5440 N., longitude 140 W., thence due east to the Canadian coast. Coast Guard 33 CFR Part 165 [Docket Number USCG-2023-0170] RIN 1625-AA00 Safety Zone; Aransas Bay, Corpus Christi, TX . WASHINGTON DC 20593-7318. Today, D13's headquarters is located in Seattle with three Sector offices managing operations in their respective areas - Puget Sound, Columbia River and North Bend. Current Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 IGLD 1985 24-Feb 3-Mar 10-Mar 17-Mar 24-Mar Lake Ontario 243.3 25 26 26 26 27 The inland Area of Responsibility (AOR) includes the entirety of the following California counties: Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendecino, Siskiyou, Trinity, Shasta, Tehama, Glenn, Lake, Colusa, Butte, Plumas, Lassen, and Modoc. Lt. View the most recent official publication: These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. Largely due to the success of what came to be known as the Coast Guard's Port State Control (PSC) program, the IMO adopted new standards to expand the authority of port states when conducting safety inspections onboard foreign vessels. Groups of intelligence personnel attached to a unit comprise an intelligence component. Coast Guard Intelligence components bring three unique and critical characteristics to the intelligence and law enforcement communities: Maritime Access, Maritime Emphasis, and Maritime Expertise. Sector Virginia' office is located in Portsmouth, VA. Sector North Carolina's office is located in Wilmington, NC. [DATUM NAD83], [CGFR 67-15, 32 FR 5270, Mar. By: MLAA. (2) In some Sectors, a Marine Safety Unit (MSU) retains OCMI and COTP authority over a designated portion of the Sector's area of responsibility. US Coast Guard Forces Micronesia Sector Guam. Officer, Port State Control Sector Boston; Division Vice-Commander. Sector Columbia River's office is located in Astoria, OR. Vallejo. An official website of the United States government, Coast Guard Formal Investigation - Spirit of Norfolk, Sector Jacksonville Prevention Department Information Page, National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC), Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - The designation was first used during World War I and was given to the officer responsible for loading munitions aboard ships. 3.65-20 Sector North Bend Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator Zone. New York, NY. the hierarchy of the document. USCG-2023-0134] Safety Zones; Annual Events in the Captain of the Port Buffalo Zone AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. After World War I, the COTP officers were retained to regulate peacetime port activities, and the position continued to be known as the COTP. It also includes all ocean waters and islands contained therein of the EEZ bounded on the north by the northern boundary of the Eleventh Coast Guard District, which is described in 3.55-1; and on the south by a line bearing 240 T from the intersection of the Monterey-San Luis Obispo Count lines (approximately 3547.500 N latitude) and the California coast to the outermost extent of the EEZ; and on the west by the outermost extent of the EEZ. (b) The boundaries of the MSU Duluth Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones comprise all navigable waters of the United States and contiguous land areas within an area starting at a point latitude 462000 N, longitude 883000 W, proceeding west to the Minnesota-North Dakota boundary at latitude 462000 N, longitude 963630 W; thence north along the Minnesota-North Dakota boundary to the intersection of the Minnesota-North Dakota boundary and the international boundary at latitude 490002 N, longitude 971346 W; thence east along the international boundary to a point at latitude 475923 N, longitude 873510 W; thence south to a point near Manitou Island Light at latitude 472509 N, longitude 873510 W; thence southwest to a point near the shore of Lake Superior at latitude 465151 N, longitude 874500 W; thence southwest to the point of origin. These small harbor craft worked in tandem with offshore patrols and the Coast Guard Beach Patrol to watch the vast shore lines. 3.40-10 Sector Mobile Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. Bio Portrait Sector Miami Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. Coast Guard watch standers in Sector San Juan received a call from a 911 Emergency Service operator, who relayed a call from a man reporting the fishermen overdue. [USCG-2006-25556, 72 FR 36322, July 2, 2007, as amended by USCG-2013-0491, 80 FR 20163, Apr. The ICC is responsible for conducting Coast Guard-centric analysis and production in response to national- and operational-level intelligence requirements. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. One of two overdue fishermen was rescued by Coast Guard MH-60T Jayhawk helicopter aircrew and a Good Samaritan vessel Monday after the fisherman was found stranded on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Background and more details are available in the A Coast Guard MH-60T Jayhawk aircrew rescued Luis Previously, Captain Kahle served as a Secretary of Defense Executive Fellow, where he directly engaged with senior executives across leading U.S. companies to identify organizational best practices and foster collaboration between industry and the DoD/DHS. This page was last edited on 30 November 2022, at 21:30. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Port Arthur, is located in Port Arthur, TX. PART 3 - COAST GUARD AREAS, DISTRICTS, SECTORS, MARINE INSPECTION ZONES, AND CAPTAIN OF THE PORT ZONES, Subpart 3.05 - First Coast Guard District. (b) The First Coast Guard District is comprised of: Maine; New Hampshire; Vermont; Massachusetts; Rhode Island; Connecticut; New York except that part north of latitude 42 N. and west of longitude 7439 W; that part of New Jersey north of 4018 N. latitude, east of 7430.5 W. longitude, and northeast of a line from 4018 N. 7430.5 W. north-northwesterly to the New York, New Jersey & Pennsylvania boundaries at Tristate; all U.S. The official website for the United States Coast Guard Atlantic Area Sector Commander is the position title of the commanding officer of a United States Coast Guard Sector, usually of the rank of Captain (O-6). [USCG-2006-25556, 72 FR 36326, July 2, 2007, as amended by USCG-2008-0073, 73 FR 15080, Mar. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow The Dangerous Cargo Act of October 1940 and the restructuring of anchorage regulations during that same month clearly laid out and expanded previous regulations and provisions. Each Sector is responsible for the execution of all Coast Guard missions within its Area of Responsibility (AOR), with operational support from Coast Guard Cutters and Air Stations. (a) The District Office is in Alameda, California. [CGFR 61-40, 26 FR 10351, Nov. 3, 1961, as amended by CGD 87-008, 52 FR 13084, Apr. Each COTP Zone and each Marine Inspection Zone described in this part also includes the contiguous zone adjacent to the area or zone for the purpose of enforcing or acting pursuant to a statute effective in the contiguous zone, as defined in 2.28 of this subchapter. For other uses of the term outside the U.S. Coast Guard, see Captain of the Port. user convenience only and is not intended to alter agency intent 3.70-10 Sector Honolulu Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. Also reporting directly to the Sector Commander are the Command Master Chief (CMC), the Senior Reserve Officer, and the Sector's Auxiliary Coordinator. To protect vessels and important installations within each port facility, the Coast Guard created security zones around the dock areas. Sector San Diego's office is located in San Diego, CA. site when drafting amendatory language for Federal regulations: The Espionage Act, passed in June 1917, gave the Coast Guard increased power to protect merchant shipping from sabotage. (eg: (b) The Fourteenth Coast Guard District shall comprise the State of Hawaii; and the Pacific Islands belonging to the United States south of latitude 40 N., and west of a line running from 40 N., 150 W. through latitude 5 S., 110 W.; the ocean area west and south of a line running from position 51 N., 158 E. to position 43 N., 165 E.; thence due south to latitude 40 N.; thence due east to longitude 150 W.; thence southeasterly through latitude 5 S., longitude 110 W. [CGFR 61-40, 26 FR 10352, Nov. 3, 1961, as amended by CGFR 70-150, 36 FR 912, Jan. 20, 1971]. 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