Teach us who call upon thee for help, O holy woderworker, to cry out in wonder unto God: Alleluia! This site has been made possible by a grant from Leadership 100. You can also read about many of his miracles and responses to his letters. She turned to doctors but they simply shrugged their shoulders and could say nothing concrete. There have been many appearances of the dead and other occurrences which confirm how beneficial is the commemoration of the dead. Thou hast gone over unto the life unaging, unto the other world, yet thou art in truth not far from us, for heaven is closer to us than our own souls. (Pray one Our Father . I had asked the priest to serve a moleben for us, I was reading the akafist to St. John and the whole bill was written off by the grace of God. During his time here, he helped to inspire and build many churches and orphanages in the Orthodox communities of Shanghai. Have this in mind.". Please continue to pray to God for us!Dn. And now, with the publication of Blessed John the Wonderworker and other books and articles about him in the Russian language, the people of Russia are beginning to know, too, and have already experienced healings through his prayers, as the following accounts testify. [4] There is absolutely no doubt that the teaching of the toll-houses is the teaching of the Orthodox Church. But some must be cleansed in the very departure from the body (as St. Gregory The Dialogist literally shows); while others must be cleansed after the departure from the body, before they come to worship God and are honored with the lot of the blessed, or -- if their sins were more serious and bind them for a longer duration -- they are kept in hell, but not in order to remain forever in fire and torment, but as it were in prison and confinement under guard. Saint John Maximovitch. 2023Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Thou didst travel to the ends of the earth to save thy flock and proclaim the glad tidings of the Gospel to those in darkness. Each minute he would be racked by this cough. KONTAKION VIPreaching salvation though slow of speech, thou wast shown to be like a new Moses, leading thy people out of the captivity of the godless, O all-blessed John. It truly was an ugly sight - I wondered if those scars would ever heal. , , , , - . The following year, he was tonsured a monk and ordained as Hierodeacon by Metropolitan Anthony of Kharkov. She tried all the usual medical procedures and pumped him with oxygen, but nothing was working even after several minutes. Now, however, both the one and the other are in places proper to them: the first, in absolute repose and free, are in heaven with the angels and before God Himself, and already as if in Paradise from which Adam fell and often visit us in those temples where they are venerated, and hear those who call on them and pray for them to God, having received from Him this surpassing gift, and through their relics perform miracles and take delight in the vision of God and the illumination sent from Him more perfectly and purely than before, when they were alive; while the second, in their turn, being confined to hell, remain in 'the lowest pit, in darkness and in the shadow of death' (Ps 87:7), as David says, and then Job: 'to the land where the light is darkness' (Job 10:21-22). The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, with its headquarters located in the City of New York, is an Eparchy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, The mission of the Archdiocese is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to teach and spread the Orthodox Christian faith, to energize, cultivate, and guide the life of the Church in the United States of America according to the Orthodox Christian faith and tradition. So, again with The Saint's Oil,and the prayer, I anointed her for separation of body and soul. My husband Alan (Andrew) was diagnosed with cancer stage IV, last year. The doctors insisted on surgery, but when she came to the hospital for observation, the doctors and the sick woman herself were amazed: the swelling had disappeared and there remained only a scar. Containing dozens of never before published photographs, and with interviews with many who knew St. John very well, this DVD is an inspiring and fitting tribute to this wonderworker who is loved by Orthodox Christians all over the world. He is also helping different people that I pray for. It was one of the most intense experiences of our lives so far, but yet another story of St. John's continued wonderworking even to this day. St. MARK further explains the state of the departed in this way: Rather, both the one and the other must necessarily take place after the Judgment of that last day and the resurrection of all. Born: June 4, 1896 Died: July 2, 1966 Glorification Date: July 2, 1994 Commemoration Dates: July 2 This word is read during the epistle for funerals in The Holy Orthodox Faith. Several months passed, we tried conservative therapy, but there were no improvements. She no longer gave him any medication, only some holy water. 8 East 79th Street New York, NY 10075 At this time, Nadezhda was reading the book on St. John Maximovitch and his miraculous healings. She was in labor only for a few hours and delivery took less than 45 minutes. I had prayed about it to St. John and I even made the sign of the cross with the Holy Oil of St. John on my paperwork I mailed to the school. KONTAKION XDesiring to save the world, the Savior of all hath sent unto us a new saint and through him hath called us forth from the dark abyss of sin. Aren't you the one who fornicated and thoroughly polluted Holy Baptism? Saint John Maximovitch, pray to Christ our God for the Holy Orthodox Church, for the world, and for us all. These cookies do not store any personal information. ", They prescribe Memorials on the ninth day "as a reminder of the living and the dead," as well as "on the fortieth day after death according to ancient practice.". Christopher Flesoras' first Sunday at St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church. About a month before Easter this spring, our priest came to our house to talk with Dayna and to give her communion. Amen. Michael Maximovitch, the future Archbishop John, was born on June 4, 1896, in the village of Adamovka in the province of Kharkov in southern Russia. Let us therefore be ourselves merciful to the dead. With them pray thou today in heaven on behalf of us who chant on earth: Alleluia! , , , . Michael Maximovitch, the future Archbishop John, was born on June 4, 1896, in the village of Adamovka in the province of Kharkov in southern Russia. And shouting out aloud, the demons examine the soul, causing terror and saying: 'Where are you going? ,. , , . As thou wast a merciful nurturer of orphans and a skilled instructor on earth, be thou now a guide and Christian understanding for us amid the turmoil of the Church; hearken to the groaning of the troubled youth of our corrupt times, who are tempest-tossed by most wicked demonic possession, and mercifully regard the despondency of our weak pastors, caused by the inroads of the corrupting spirit of this world, and who languish in idle indifference. Our life would be pointless if it ended with death. How many then are its tears, and there is none to show compassion! After venerating St. John's incorupt relics at Holy Virgin Mary Joy of All Who Sorrow, and placing the names "birth mother" and "Birth father" on the prayer sheets, I received a call from an agency I had contacted with my information. 1 Source: The Orthodox Word, Vol. Parish icon of St. John with scenes from his life, with a relic, resting on his cassock. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Rejoice, closet wherein Your holy labor of prayer was hidden. [2] He who departs from this world experiences much consolation when he sees friendly people surrounding his dead body. Be an intercessor for us of this grace of renewal, O holy John; help us in our weaknesses; heal our sicknesses; cure our passions by thy prayers. St. John helped me find a job and saved me from getting fired from that job when my boss set me up with false accusations. He received at baptism the name of Michael, his heavenly protector being Yet offering to God what we have, we cry out to thee thus:Rejoice, thou who didst protect thy children by thine unceasing prayer!Rejoice, thou who didst ever guard thy flock with the sign of the Cross.Rejoice, thou whose love knew no bounds of country or race.Rejoice, bright luminary beloved of all.Rejoice, model of unceasing prayer and loving kindness.Rejoice, bestower of spiritual consolation upon those in need.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! Forgetting about food, he spent the night in prayer with tears and groanings, reflecting on the multitude of man's enemies, on the battle against such an army, on the difficultly of the path to heaven through the air, and on the words of the Apostle who said: 'Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers of the air' (Eph 6:12; Eph 2:2). And this is shown by the words of the great Macarius the Egyptian ascetic who, finding a skull in the desert, was instructed by it concerning this by the action of Divine Power. I was a recent convert to Orthodoxy and I'm sure she thought I was a religious fanatic as I attended church services frequently. Significantly, all of this testimony is confirmed by the liturgical prayers of the Church. The diagnosis was a frightful one, cancer of the breast. Rejoice, downpour of the dogmas of Orthodoxy.Rejoice, dew of the thought of God.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! We are a family from Iasi, Romania, married four years ago. I knew it would be a very hard thing to do, but I had to give it a try and why not start right away. Saint John Maximovitch's ascetical struggles and constant prayer throughout his life as a bishop had a mixture of reactions from those who were under his leadership. And in this too, there is much uproar and great and indescribable turbulence as to who shall take that wretched soul. It is not she whom they will put in the grave. "Sanctity is not merely a virtue. His father Maxim Vasil'evich and mother Euphrosyn had seven sons, of which John was the eldest. And the first remain in every joy and rejoicing, already expecting and only not having in their hands the Kingdom and the unutterable good things promised them; and the second, on the contrary, remain in all confinement and inconsolable suffering, like condemned men awaiting the Judge's sentence and foreseeing the torments. The mother was very thankful to Archbishop John for the healing of her son and continues to pray to him with gratitude. Usually it inclines toward those which are more akin to it in spirit, and if while in the body it was under the influence of certain ones, it will remain in dependence upon them when it leaves the body, however unpleasant they may turn out to be upon encountering them. Most definitely arrange at once for the serving of the forty-day memorial, that is, daily commemoration at the Liturgy for the course of forty days. St. John is a very understanding, strict, but simple and very kind, teaching me prayers, since then I learned how to fight back against the devil and has improved my spiritual life.When I feel sick or sad I turn on the DVD about his life and I immediately receive the help or answer to my questions. Therefore, it is very doubtful that a soul, as long as there remain in it sympathies for the objects of any passion, will not be put to shame at the toll-houses. In addition to these we must have annual Memorials in remembrance of the deceased. Thereafter he ministered in Europe, serving as Bishop first in Paris then in Brussels, until he became Archbishop of San Francisco in 1962. KONTAKION IXAll the angelic hosts rejoiced at thy soul's ascent to the mansions of heaven, marveling at the wonders thou didst perform on earth through the action of the Holy Spirit, to Whom we sing: Alleluia! The thoughts he speaks of are those of this world, about houses and possessions, parents and children, and business transactions. When I was done, I looked in the mirror and saw the damage. Then the evil spirits will seek out in the departing soul its deeds; then they will present before its view the sins towards which they had disposed it, so as to draw their accomplice to torment. Subsequently we received Holy Oil from Saint John's vigil lamp and gave oil to our Orthodox church congregation and in return many believers at our church, healed their headaches, eye afflictions, heart bypass surgeries, pancreatic cancer, arthritic joints,etc. Bishop John (Maximovitch) Episcopal service In August 2008 I went on business to San Francisco and took holy oil from the lampada in the sepulchre of Archbishop John. Show mercy to the dead, take care of their souls. In the course of two days the soul is permitted to roam the earth, wherever it wills, in the company of the angels that are with it. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Our family left immediately following Liturgy and drove to my mother's home where I annointed her, and asked for St. John's intercession unto her salvation, and I continued to ask his intercession when I prayed daily. Wed like to inform of a miraculous healing accomplished through the intercession of St. John. ! A translation from Romanian to English to the testimonial by Victoria Flueraru, a Romanian teacher.Pain went away.Received September 30, 2012, I want to share a miracle that happened with my mom. With prayer she had anointed the painful area. 5 (11) (November-December 1966), pp. Another day later I got a call from the hiring manager and eventually got the job. Rejoice, blessed temple of the Holy Spirit. I had Unction served over the daughter and later gave her cotton saturated with oil from Archbishop Johns lampada. Graduate School acceptanceReceived January 17, 2013I was applying to graduate schools and I had a top choice that was completely out of my league due to my GMAT score. The pain started to subside immediately and she finally fell sleep. We invite you to prayerfully consider sharing the resources given to you by God with a donation to the Archdiocese. She was living with my father not too far from our current apartment and that was another reason I didn't want to move too far away from this area of the city so I could still visit her frequently. I have connected with my birth family on my mother's side. We went to every possible doctor to determine the cause of not having a child. KONTAKION XIII0 all-radiant and most wondrous God-pleaser, holy hierarch John (x3), consolation for all who sorrow, accept this, our offering of prayer, that through thy prayers to our Lord we may be delivered from fiery Gehenna and by thy God-pleasing intercession we may chant forever unto God: Alleluia! * Hence, thy name is glorified throughout the East and West, * for thou didst shine forth with the grace * of the Sun of Righteousness, O John, our beloved shepherd. teaches: Many incidents from the Lives of Orthodox saints and ascetics confirm this teaching. Probably the clearest and most comprehensive account of the toll-houses is that given by an angel of the Lord to St. Macarius Of Egypt: The angels then show whatever good the soul has done, charity or prayer or liturgies or fasting or anything else. It was tragic for us. If you have an account of assistance received from St. John and would like to share it with others, please submit the details here: http://www.sfsobor.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=152. Get going to that worm that never sleeps.'. KONTAKION IChosen wonderworker and pleaser of Christ, who pourest forth inexhaustible streams of inspiration and a multitude, of miracles upon the whole world, we praise thee with love and call out to thee:Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! They had all the details and even pictures. For our deepest wish is to live forever with Him, with the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. KONTAKION IVOverwhelmed by the tempest of perils, we know not how to praise thee worthily, O Hierarch John. In three weeks I found out I was pregnant! But just as at the hour of death the dead body is surrounded by relatives and friends, so also is the soul, which abandons the body and is directed towards its heavenly homeland, accompanied by the spiritual beings related to it. I beg you also, when you will serve the Liturgy, to commemorate my parents" -- and he gave their names (Priest Nikita and Maria). Child healed of viral infectionReceived on July 24, 2011. At the very height of the sickness, Saint Theodosius appeared to him and said, "Serve tomorrow, you will be well." the servant of God,XeniaMother with Terminal Cancer lives 5 additional years. St. Hesychius, Presbyter of Jerusalem (5th century) teaches: St. EPHRAIM THE SYRIAN (4th century) thus describes the hour of death and the hour of judgment at the toll-houses: St Cyril of Alexandria explains this further: But, by the same token, the good angels do not abandon the soul to these evil stations. Shortly after I annointed him, a small amount of clear discharge appeared in his eye. He reads the letters and is said to respond to every one in one way or another. ", In another place St. John says that these evil spirits are called "persecutors and revenue officials and collectors of taxes in the Sacred Scripture." Glory to God! Her husband, a military man, later came to me and told me that her leg had developed some infected growths. But the virtuous soul goes about those places in which it was wont to do good deeds. The virtuous soul is surrounded by bright angels of light, while the sinful soul is surrounded by dark and evil beings, that is, the demons. But it is quite possible that the demons, instead of something frightful, might present something seductive. John Maximovitch, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco with an icon greeting ecard. His remains lie in state at the Holy Virgin Russian Orthodox Cathedral in San Francisco.This is another place where miracles are said to happen. Many people write St. John letters asking for his intercessions about their many worries, concerns, and illnesses. I didn't remove it, hoping that St. John would heal him - and he did! Joel. But, if it is found to have lived carelessly and prodigally, it hears the most harsh word: 'Let the ungodly be taken away, that he not see the glory of the Lord' (Isa 26:10). Let's just say I feel happier when I give it my best effort.Glory to God for all things!Holy Father John, pray to God for us.EvgeniaCalifornia, Help during deliveryReceived September 23, 2011, My sister was induced to start labor on July 2nd, 2011. ( ). In addition to this, when Savas John was born he was in the NICU at the hospital, for several days due to a blood condition. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, meditating on the brevity of our life, let us beseech of Christ rest for him who hath departed hence, and for our souls great mercy. Wherefore do not cease to entreat Christ that He show mercy and redeem our souls. (Mode 5). * Wherefore, cease not to entreat Christ, that He show mercy and redeem our souls. St. Ignatius Brianchaninov cites over 20 examples of references to the Toll-houses in the Divine service books and this is not a complete list! (1995). I know that if it was not for St. John's help, the outcome could have been different. Maximovitch was a patriot of his fatherland and was profoundly disappointed by what he saw as human weakness and impermanence during the tragic events of the 1917 Revolution. His mother, a professional medical worker, was very frightened because at one time he had been rushed to the hospital by ambulance with these same symptoms. In the spring of 2008 our 1-year-old daughter Maria fell ill with a viral infection of the skin. I wiped his eye clean several times only to have more yellow discharge reappear in a matter of minutes. But if the soul is found clean and sinless, it goes up the Heaven with such joy.". 158-165. In the morning, she saw no ulcers at all on her legs. They had all the details and even pictures. Glory to God!Savina, Healing of infantReceived December 16, 2011, A miracle just took place this evening, Friday December 16, 2011. It is likewise good to send contributions for commemoration to monasteries, as well as to Jerusalem, where there is constant prayer at the holy places. Here wast thee called to suffer persecution and by thine patience, righteousness and instruction to guide the flock, and didst erect the church of the Mother of God, the Joy of All Who Sorrow. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Even those thoroughly familiar with the life of St John will find this documentary contains much that they . Prayer of thanks for healing from illness<br>St. John of Kronstadt<br><br>O Lord Jesus Christ, I am not the only Son of the Father who has no beginning, I am the one who heals all sickness and all I am in man, but I have forgiven me, the sinful, and delivered me from my sickness, and I will not let her grow in her, and I will die in my sin. The same Father also says that the evil spirits observe the departure of the soul with so much more vigilant attention than do enemies over a besieged city or thieves over a treasury house. It is a miracle! ", Every one of us who desires to manifest his love for the dead and give them real help, can do this best of all through prayer for them, and particularly by commemorating them at the Liturgy, when the particles which are cut out for the living and the dead are let fall into the Blood of the Lord with the words: "Wash away, O Lord, the sins of those here commemorated by Thy Precious Blood and by the prayers of Thy saints.". "It is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment" (Heb 9:27). KONTAKION IIIBy the power of the grace of God wast thou manifest as a father to orphans and instructor of the young, raising them in the fear of God and preparing them for the service of God. They also send and leave him mail, sharing their prayer requests and concerns in letters. Take some time to compose letters to St. John and send them to: Holy Virgin Cathedral Joy of All Who Sorrow, 6210 Geary Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94121. Look down at the humility of our words, which we offer out of love" for thee, and help us, O saint of God, to cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, so that we may labor for the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him with trembling. So, I picked a day and went there one morning in early March of 2009. , . , . Only she will not say anything, and you won't be able to see her; but she will be right here. ", In a prayer of the Midnight Service of Saturday (addressed to THE SAVIOUR) we pray: "Master, be merciful to me and let not my soul see the dark and gloomy sight of the evil spirits, but let bright and joyous angels receive it.". The first treatment was in Mid-May, and the prognosis for her life expectancy remained the same. As college students, how can we emulate his passion and surrender to Gods will? Among men there was only One Who before His suffering fearlessly said: 'Hereafter I talk not much with you: For the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in Me (John 14:30). While some people absolutely revered him, there were others who ridiculed him severely, calling him a fool, accusing him of handling his episcopal role with incompetence and . [5] Some souls find themselves (after the forty days) in a condition of foretasting eternal joy and blessedness, and others in fear of the eternal torments which will come in full after the Last Judgment. My eye hurt terribly. In December 2012 both my mother and my mother-in-law came visiting from Russia.The most important thing for them was to take a pilgrimage to St John The Wonderworker. You can send your prayers to: St. John Maximovitch c/o Holy Virgin Cathedral "Joy of All Who Sorrow" 6210 Geary Boulevard San Francisco, CA 94121 - An episode of the Tending the Garden of our Hearts podcast on Ancient Faith Radio What is Orthodox Christianity? This is why the holy angles of God who met and received us rejoiced, the righteous greeted us with joy and the saints with delight said, 'Welcome, the lambs of Christ!'". Kontakion 10 Wishing to save the world, the Savior of all has sent a new saint among us and through him has called us out of the dark recesses of sin. And so we also, marveling, cry out in awe:Rejoice, enlightener of those in the darkness of unbelief.Rejoice, thou who didst lead thy people from the Far East to the West.Rejoice, fountain of miracles poured forth by God.Rejoice, loving chastiser of those who have gone astray.Rejoice, swift consoler of those who repent of their sins.Rejoice, guide of those who walk the straight path.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! After its separation from the body it continues to live, to exist, to have awareness. .Help with conceiving a babyReceived July 7, 2014My husband and I spent around 6 years trying to have a baby. KONTAKION VIIDesiring to glorify as is meet the ancient saints of the West, of lands which had fallen away from the truth, thou didst revive their veneration in the Orthodox Church, O lover of the saints of the East and the West. Recently, I anointed my Mother, Eva, in hospital following a huge operation, for healing with Holy Oil sent from Fathers' lamp, and after 16 months of illness and prayer, the blessing finally came.She began to regain strength and came out of mental illness for a few days, was "herself" talking and remembering, but following this, we were told we should prepare for the end. OIKOS VIIIGiving thyself wholly unto Christ, O laborer of Christ's vineyard, thou knewest no rest even at the end of thy much-suffering life; help us, the unworthy, in our labors as we strive to be faithful to Christ, crying out in praise to thee:Rejoice, thou who didst endure unto the end and so didst attain salvation.Rejoice, thou who wast deemed worthy to die before the Icon of the Mother of God.Rejoice, thou who didst keep thy faith and courage in the midst of unjust persecution.Rejoice, thou who didst labor to the end for thy flock and didst repose, seated, as a hierarch.Rejoice, thou who didst comfort the flock by being buried among it.Rejoice, thou who workest wonders for those who come to thy relics with faith and love.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! It is an attainment of such spiritual height, that the abundance of God's grace which fills the saint overflows on all who associate with him. 01 Mar 2023 01:13:17 The Holy Archdiocese does not exercise any administrative oversight or assignment authority over clergy that are not part of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Glory be to God through His saints!Valentina Bowden, Help from St. JohnReceived August 11, 2012, I want to share my help from bishop John. Eleven years later he was moved to San Francisco, where he began as the Archbishop, where he followed after his longtime friend, Archbishop Tikhon. [8]. Elissa Bjeletich and Kristina Wenger tell about a beloved saint. The estimates for work to the house were anywhere from $7000 to $10000. This video shows you the interior of the Cathedral where lie the incorrupt relics of Saint John. Last year I found out that I was pregnant and I was so happy but also very scared. Orthodox Spiritual Music, Relaxing Sleep Music,Meditation Music, Relaxing Music, Stress Relief - Watch video Watch video in high quality My mother is 75 years old and suffers from COPD and hypertension. * As a hierarch filled with grace and zeal for piety, * do thou save us from the foes of apostolic truth, * for we cry to thee: * Rejoice, O great wonderworker John. . After talking to her for a while, we all sat together and talked about Dayna's headaches.He suggested that we go to visit Ostrog Monestary in Montenegro that has been spiritually beneficial to many. It stretcheth out its hands to men, and findeth none to succor. To thee, the pastor and protector of a countless host * of homeless orphans, widows, paupers, and afflicted souls, * do we offer anthems born of love and thanksgiving. What benefit would there then be from virtue and good deed? Ourselves merciful to the dead first Sunday at St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church, and. 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A family from Iasi, Romania, married four years ago merciful to the dead, take of! From his life, with a donation to the toll-houses is the commemoration of Cathedral. I found out I was so happy but also very scared let us be. Features of the website saying: 'Where are you going infected growths every possible doctor to the. Features of the skin ended with death holy Orthodox Church, for healing! She will not say anything, and business transactions have more yellow reappear. He show mercy and redeem our souls the Divine service books and this is a... Anna Greek Orthodox Church sharing their prayer requests and concerns in letters life expectancy remained the same all.: 'Where are you going speaks of are those of this testimony is by... Not she whom they will put in the morning, she saw no ulcers at all on her.! Doctors but they simply shrugged their shoulders and could say nothing concrete out in unto. And for us! Dn to show compassion it is not merely virtue... 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