But on cross-examination, Heards defense team noted Currys opinions contradicted her doctors reports that she was a domestic violence victim because of Depp, according toNewsweek. Heards lawyers say Depp physically and sexually abused her and that Depps denials lack merit because he was often drunk and high to the point of blacking out. Even though Curry noted Heard did not meet criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), she said: "Just because somebody doesn't have PTSD doesn't mean that they weren't harmed psychologically by whatever is being alleged in this case, Ms. Heard is alleging that she was psychologically harmed and that she suffered PTSD because ofabuse that she alleges occurred by Mr. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in, I would say it cant be triggered if PTSD isnt present, Dr Shannon Curry told the court, regarding Heards diagnosis, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile, Amber Heards PTSD diagnosis was refuted in court by Dr Shannon Curry on Wednesday (25 May). Curry said it was just part of the interview process. Dr Curry Psychologist, has divided the fresh insight about the preliminary among Johnny Depp and his ex Herald and explained on the job of Dr. Shannon in it. Overlapping Symptoms, Difficult Diagnoses, Giving Mental Illness a Stage But Not Nuance, Shannon Curry, PsyD, MSCP, a forensic psychologist. Actor Amber Heard listens in the courtroom at the Fairfax County Circuit Court in Fairfax, Va., Thursday, April 28, 2022. Most forensic psychologists take their role in court cases seriously. A forensic psychologist called by Johnny Depps legal team testified on Monday that she diagnosed his ex-wife Amber Heard with borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorderbut she disputed that the actress suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. One way to recognize belief perseverance is excessive testing. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. In addition, Curry testified that Heard grossly exaggerated supposed symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, which she flatly stated Heard did not have.. A psychologist for Johnny Depp's defense testified on Tuesday that ex wife Amber Heard may suffer from borderline personality disorder. You use a test because it is relevant to the person that you are evaluating," Delatorre says. The DSM 5 has a specific list of symptoms for all of these diagnoses. She also said that borderline personality disorder seems to be a predictive factor for women who implement violence against their partner. Depp has said he is the one who was a victim of domestic violence, and that Heard hit him on multiple occasions and threw items like paint cans and vodka bottles at him. When asked whether she believes Dr Hughes testimony that Ms Heards PTSD was triggered, she replied: I would say it cant be triggered if PTSD isnt present., Dr Shannon Curry (R) appeared in court as Dr Dawn Hughes (L) testified earlier this month. But this way of thinking is a major fallacy. After being contacted by Johnny Depp's legal team in 2021 to review this case, Curry provided a psychological evaluation of Heard. PTSD symptoms do sometimes remain years after a traumatizing incident, but not necessarily. The first is that Dr Hughes misrepresented the tests and the results she utilised in the evaluations. A clinical psychologist who testified at Johnny Depp's trial against his ex-wife Amber Heard on Tuesday said that Depp forced Heard into oral sex during "drug-fueled rages" where he tried to dominate her. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. A forensic psychologist called by Johnny Depp's legal team testified on Monday that she diagnosed his ex-wife Amber Heard with borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorderbut she disputed that the actress suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.. First contacted by Depp's lawyer Camille Vasquez, psychologist Shannon Curry testified that she based such . Curry noted BPD also "seems to be a predictive factor for women who implement violence against their partner," with Depp stating hes a victim of domestic violence because Heard hit him multiple times as well threw paint cans and vodka bottles at him, per the newsmagazine. She specializes in trauma, violence, and relationships and claims to have 15 years of expertise in several fields including research, therapy, and psychological testing. First, the military veterans made up the normative sample that helped establish the CAPS-5. Before coming to a final opinion or diagnosis, Delatorre also advises to thoroughly consider how the opposition will critique your report. Credit: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI | AFP | Getty Images, Best Online Doctorate in Psychology Programs, Best Online Masters & Doctorate Programs, Top Masters Degree Programs in Clinical Psychology, Differences Between Psychology and Psychiatry, https://istss.org/clinical-resources/assessing-trauma/clinician-administered-ptsd-scale-(caps-5), https://www.apadivisions.org/division-41/publications/newsletters/news/2014/10/expert-opinion, https://www.apa.org/science/programs/testing, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7278774/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5805662/, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This exercise may even dissuade you from continuing with your current approach, and potentially, lead you in a direction that is more appropriate for the subject. Market data provided by Factset. According to the psychologist, she has experience working in military, forensic, and [] Media, in all its mediums and platforms, serves as the first point of knowledge source of mental health terms for most people. [emailprotected], Law&Crime's managing editor Adam Klasfeld has spent more than a decade on the legal beat. [Updated 2021 Oct 1]. Hughes also stated that she uses a "standard methodology," which is a red flag for presence of a mental set. John Delatorre, PsyD, a forensic psychologist, explains, I think the procedure for how these diagnoses, in particular the personality disorders, have been rendered is flawed. . There are a few steps you can take to avoid belief perseverance from undermining the validity of your evaluation. Then, somewhere along the road, I read another headline that Heard donated the $7 million divorce settlement from Depp to two charities. Instead, the defendant, Heard, was the sole focus. The psychologist, Shannon Curry, was hired by Depp's legal team. "If you understand how someone can combat your opinions, then you're more likely tomitigate against that," he says. Forensic psychologist Dr. Shannon Curry took the stand on Tuesday. Saenz could not recall many details of her interactions with Heard that night, but she did remember being impressed by the penthouse, how big and beautiful it was.. The two personality disorders are similar, Curry said. Most of us know what it feels like to feel anxious, and a lot of people have seen war movies and movies that depict somebody having PTSD.. The trial gives mental illness a stage that could be beneficial. Both Depp and Heard's legal teams accuse the other partner of disturbing behavior. And those desperate attempts could be physical aggression, it could be threatening, it could be harming themselves, but these are behaviors that are very extreme and very concerning to the people around them.. (Michael Reynolds/Pool Photo via AP)). Psychology.org is committed to delivering content that is objective and actionable. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Even those who steer clear of pop culture had difficulty avoiding the spectacle of the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard trial. The psychologist hired by Johnny Depp to analyse Amber Heard appeared in court while a defence expert refuted her testimony from the witness stand. These contributors: Integrity Network members typically work full time in their industry profession and review content for Psychology.org as a side project. Previously a reporter for Courthouse News, he has appeared as a guest on NewsNation, NBC, MSNBC, CBS's "Inside Edition," BBC, NPR, PBS, Sky News, and other networks. Shocking stories about physical and mental abuse have dominated the media coverage of this case. The hotline is available 24/7 in more than 170 languages and calls are toll-free and confidential. David Spiegel, MD, Heard's psychiatrist, took the stand and listed the many drugs, both prescribed and illegal, he believed Depp was taking in addition to alcohol. "I've been watching the Johnny Depp trial and noticed that Amber Heard is . The psychologist hired by Johnny Depps legal team, Dr Shannon Curry, has returned to the stand to refute Amber Heards diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. For example, if you mainly specialize in working with men who experience addiction, you may have a mental set geared toward this group. Johnny Depp; Amber Heard; Paige Skinner. While the libel lawsuit is supposed to center on whether Depp was defamed in the article, most of the trial has focused on ugly details of the couples brief marriage. That's a mental set," Delatorre says. Cluster B personality disorders include conditions such as narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. According to Delatorre, both Curry and Hughes appeared to be operating with a mental set throughout the trial. Clinical and forensic psychologist Dr. Shannon Curry, testifies in the courtroom at the Fairfax County Circuit Court in Fairfax, Virginia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022. A histrionic personality disorder is categorized within the Cluster B of personality disorders. Of the core 20 symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, Curry said, Heard claimed to have had 19 of them. Psychologist Dr. Shannon Curry was first called as a witness in the Depp-Heard defamation trial in April 2022. Court hears audio clip of Johnny Depp throwing wedding ring in argument with Amber Heard, Missing father of 3 found inside sharks stomach, IDed by tattoo, EpiPens dont work in space? If you still feel confident in your opinion after considering its potential criticisms, include the critiques you considered in your written report and explain why you disagree with them. But in the Depp v. Heard case, the plaintiff didn't seek to prove psychological damage. Amber Heard's team linked Depp's behavior to a possible substance abuse disorder. An individuals personality is influenced by experiences, environment (surroundings, life situations) and inherited characteristics. Dr. Shannon Curry, Johnny Depp's forensic psychologist, claimed Amber Heard's forensic psychologist, Dr. This would have allowed him to more directly address the referral question whether or not Heard was abused without results being distorted by an ill-suited test like the CAPS-5. Her testimony also provided another window into some of the extravagances of Depp's lifestyle. The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial has reached a new low on social media. ADVERTISEMENT Curry also testified that Heard does not suffer post-traumatic stress disorder from her relationship with Depp, as Heard has claimed. Is Psychedelic Toad Therapy Right for Me? At the time of divorce Herald also filed a domestic violence case against Depp and later narrated her story on the media portal without naming the actor. Legal Statement. Curry reviewed case documents, medical records, mental. A psychologist testifying as a witness in the Johnny Depp - Amber Heard defamation trial claimed that the Aquaman actress exhibits symptoms of both histrionic and borderline personality. This prevents you from subconsciously developing any feelings of loyalty or bias toward or against the subject of the evaluation. A persons personality typically stays the same over time," according to the American PsychiatricAssociation. Amber Heard appears to fight back tears as her witness speaks about abuse she endured as a child. Johnny Depp is suing his ex-wife for $50 million, while Amber Heard is countersuing for $100 million. They engage in self-harming behaviors because they feel so empty inside that creating some type of physical pain allows them to overpower their mental capacity that distracts from the emotional pain that they are feeling. Johnny Depp Hollywood Vampires Movie Rock music Music comments . He has advanced training in forensic psychology and treats patients with severe mental illness, significant trauma histories, and personality disorders. While there is no specific time frame for diagnosing these disorders, it would be rare to come to this type of conclusion as rapidly as Curry does. Currys testimony fell one day after Depp took to the witness stand in support of his defamation claims against Heard, who accused him of domestic abuse. In fact, Depp's mental state wasn't formally evaluated by psychologists at any point in the trial. As a result, people use immature defense mechanisms that let them behave in ways that ultimately result in feeling or being abandoned," said Dr. Elie G. Aoun, addiction and forensic psychiatrist at Columbia University and a member of the American Psychiatric Association board of trustees. The psychologist, Shannon Curry, was hired by Depp's legal team. It is always wise to direct ourselves and others to mental health professionals to clarify any doubts and understand appropriate usage of these terminologies in our personal and professional lives.. To make sure justice is being served, always keep these ethical obligations at the forefront of your practices. Depp has denied ever striking Heard. She said she was paid $120,000 to manage the island, where Depp tooled around on a John Deere utility vehicle. Heards lawyers called attention to evidence that Heard reported abuse contemporaneously to her therapist and to the couples marriage counsellor. And this can be a problem for psychologists who work with exclusively a specific demographic. Ultimately, this seems to be what happened in the Depp v. Heard trial. She testified about the observations she concluded when working with Amber Heard related to personality disorders. Theyll react in this heightened manner that is just exhausting for their partners., In order to prevent the abandonment they fear, Curry testified, a person with borderline personality disorder may resort to violence, both literal and administrative., One of the most common tactics that theyll use is actually physically assaulting and then getting harmed themselves, but mostly, we call this administrative violence. Essentially this is saying that theyll make threats using the legal system, Curry said. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The trial between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp continues its course. At the hour of separation Amber additionally documented an aggressive behavior at home body of evidence against her ex and later composed an . #AmberHeard #JohnnyDepp #ShannonCurryWatch Law\u0026Crime Network NOW on YouTubeTV!https://tv.youtube.com/welcome/?utm_servlet=prod\u0026zipcode=99202SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER: https://bit.ly/LawandCrimeNewsletterOTHER WAYS TO WATCH LAW\u0026CRIME NETWORK IN YOUR AREA:https://lawandcrime.com/where-to-watch/READ MORE GREAT ARTICLES FROM LAW\u0026CRIME NETWORK HERE:https://lawandcrime.comSUBSCRIBE TO ALL OF Law\u0026Crime Network YouTube Channels:Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz8K1occVvDTYDfFo7N5EZwChannel B: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVXOqoOCYbi-iXChKAl6DTQChannel C: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXCLaaClAWQiTkl3pw9ZdLwChannel D https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMV3pzWIhJGLYzoHyxBjjNw A. Available from. Suggest changes to inaccurate or misleading information. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's defamation case is now into its sixth and final week. Curry also testified that Heard does not suffer post-traumatic stress disorder from her relationship with Depp, as Heard has claimed. She testified that she never saw Heard with any kind of bruises. Delatorre says that in this case, the referral question was something similar to, "Did Amber Heard suffer from emotional distress as a result of an alleged trauma experience in her relationship with Johnny Depp?". A forensic psychologist hired by Johnny Depp claimed that Amber Heard has two personality disorders in the latest day of testimony in the actor's $50 million defamation suit against his ex-wife . Topics in this article. Above, Heard outside the courthouse in Fairfax,. Want to discuss? While routines can make you more efficient, they don't necessarily encourage critical thinking. The sexual assaults included being forced to perform oral sex and having Depp penetrate her with a liquor bottle, the psychologist, Dawn Hughes, told jurors at Depp's libel trial against Heard . Even though Heards article never mentioned Depp by name, he is suing her for$50 million in Virginias Fairfax County Circuit Court for "defamation by implication" since the piece refers to domestic abuse allegations Heard made when she filed for divorce in 2016, according toTime. I diagnosed Ms Heard with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the cause was the intimate partner violence by Mr Depp, Dr Hughes said at the time. Howard Stern calls Johnny Depp huge narcissist, says hes overacting in defamation trial. Over $200,000? She said she reached her diagnosis during 12 hours of interviews with Heard, as well as from reviewing her mental-health. But if one day you evaluate a young woman experiencing addiction, she may not present the same thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that you typically observe when evaluating middle-aged men experiencing the same disorder. As the "Aquaman" star's lawyers continued to question Curry's opinion of their client's mental health status, they also suggested that Depp, 58, had provoked Heard's alleged violent reactions. She explains, "The pandemic, climate change, inflation, mass shootings, the war in Ukraine, lack of baby formula, etc., are creating anxiety or depression in the general population. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. She gave that to Ms Heard, Ms Heard endorsed most of the items [on the list] and DR Hughes diagnosed her with PTSD, and substantiated that opinion by Ms Heards checking those items on the PCL, Dr Curry testified on 25 May. Stay up-to-date on the biggest health and wellness news with our weekly recap. With histrionic personality disorder, that underlying drive is to always be the center of attention, because if you dont have that attention on you, it feels similarly to borderline personality disorder: You feel pretty empty, like you dont have that sense of being or value, Curry said, adding that physically attractive people might use their looks to get the attention and respect that they seek. According to news reports, Dr. Spiegel also claimed Depp showed signs of chronic substance abuse and that he exhibited the traits of narcissistic personality disorder (Dr. Spiegel admitted he had never examined Depp.). Nina Chamlou specializes in writing features that draw from scientific studies and expert commentary. To read more of her work, go to her website or follow her on Facebook. But whether or not Heard has a personality disorder is irrelevant to whether or not Heard suffered abuse in her marriage to Depp. Psycom's Greatest Hits: Our Top 25 Articles, How to Avoid Family Feuds During the Holidays, How to Help a Friend Who Has Been Sexually Assaulted. He disagreed with both Hughes' and Curry's evaluations. Since the key question of the case was whether or not Heard was abused by Depp not whether or not she had other mental health issues there's reason to question the relevance of some of the mental assessments performed in this case. Depps team hopes Currys testimony bolsters theircontention that Heard was the aggressor in the couples troubled relationship. Depp, who claims that he is the victim of domestic abuse, alleges that Heard fabricated that story when it became clear that he wanted to divorce her. David Spiegel, MD, Heards psychiatrist, took the stand and listed the many drugs, both prescribed and illegal, he believed Depp was taking in addition to alcohol. He is the host of Law&Crime podcast "Objections: with Adam Klasfeld.". Delatorre is a licensed psychologist in Arizona, Texas, and New York. In a video shown in court, Johnny Depp is seen pacing in an elevator after a fight with Amber Heard on May 21, 2016. Since the trial began, there has been an increase in Google searches of people trying to better understand the mental health disorders being discussed. She also said that borderline personality disorder seems to be a predictive factor for women who implement violence against their partner. Depp has said he is the one who was a victim of domestic violence, and that Heard hit him on multiple occasions and threw items like paint cans and vodka bottles at him. Curry, who is not boardcertified, said that BPD is "driven by an underlying fear of abandonment," so patients with this disorder "will make desperate attempts to prevent that fromhappening.". Check out what one forensic psychologist thought of the psychological evaluations presented in this case. Its important to remember that neither Heard nor Depp, has been diagnosed with any of these mental health conditions. Open and honest dialogues about mental health issues can help everyone heal. Dr Shannon Curry, a psychologist called. It is concerning that the public may conclude that a mental health disorder caused these actions or that all people who have this disorder would behave in a similar manner. The defamation trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard went into Day 9 on Tuesday in Virginia, where Dr. Shannon Curry was called to the stand to testify for Team Depp. And Heard's lawyers called attention to evidence that Heard reported abuse contemporaneously to her therapist and to the couple's marriage counselor. But the case stands out for reasons beyond the fact that two celebrities were at the center of the dispute. In the Depp v. Heard case, Delatorre says that instead of using the CAPS-5, he would have performed a lengthy clinical interview asking specific questions about Heard's experience during the marriage. The fact that two celebrities were at the center of the Johnny Depp and Heard. Psychologists who work with exclusively a specific list of symptoms for all of these mental health can! Likely tomitigate against that, '' according to the person that you are evaluating, '' which is major! Is available 24/7 in more than a decade on the biggest health and news! 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