4. A person can identify themselves with a number of groups, e. G. Heir gender group; whether that be male or female (or transgender), their sexuality; trousseaux or homosexual, their religion, culture, geographically etc. It is evident that my partner has many identities and may act different for each of the identities with different people. What is meant by stereotyping and labeling? Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, pp. In order to set some goals related to building relationships between cultures, resolving differences, or building a diverse coalition, it helps to have a vision of the kind of cultural community you hope for. Is there new development, and is the community attracting new business? First to Review. The "standard" history -- when the community was founded and by whom, how long it has existed, how people lived there in the past, its major sources of work, etc. Key points: An ecological community consists of all the populations of all the different species that live together in a particular area. Because, while this essay is largelyasking about your place within that community, it is a great opportunity to share more about you, and how you will most likely engage with that community (or other communities) on your future college campus. By having multiple characteristics, such as our interests, ideas, cultures, our relationships, genders, race etc it creates a unique individual with multiple identities all with the ability to be discriminated against. She is disabled, and is also unemployed. On the wall in the far back, a Korean flag hangs besides a Led Zeppelin poster. The team worked in the drizzling rain on a Saturday in February, fuelled by cakes and sausage rolls, to transform the small field in Widecombe-in-the-Moor, into, what will be known as, Jubilee . There's no formal way to get this information. Sustainable Measuresprovides a searchable database of indicators by broad topics (health, housing) and keywords (AIDS, access to care, birth weight, etc.) The less comfortable parts of that history, especially recent history -- discrimination, conflict, economic and/or political domination by a small group -- are may not be included, and are more likely to be found by talking to activists, journalists, and others who are concerned with those issues. A community is a group of people who share something in common. As a young dad, I really enjoy watching my children have fun with all kinds of different activities in all seasons. These groups can fall into a number of categories: Some of the information about economic issues can be found in public records, but some will come from interviews or conversations with business people, government officials, and activists, and some from observation. Describing the neighborhoods response offers a vivid example of what makes for a great community. Depending on what issues and countries you're concerned with, some sources of information might be the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, similar websites in other countries, and the various agencies of the United Nations. It could also be because they have been programmed into thinking that the stereotypes they are using or thinking are actually the truth, as it can be passed down from generation to generation. But in retrospect, I realize that theres a bit of magic in growing something from a seed and tending it in public. Knowing that you've taken the time and effort to get to know them and their environment can help you to establish trust with community members. If privacy keeps you from opening up, well, describe A community. The author makes another uncommon connection in her conclusion with the unexpected idea that the pumpkin challenged [her]. She then uses beautiful language to reflect on the lessons she learned: theres a bit of magic in growing something from a seed and tending it in public.. 13. That something may be religion, culture, government or any combination of the three. If the community is one defined by its population, then its physical properties are also defined by the population: where they live, where they gather, the places that are important to them. The politics of many communities embody the ideal of government working for the public good. Clearly, that pumpkin enriched our life and the entire neighborhoods. All rights reserved. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Spradley, J. P. (1980). us: [emailprotected]. Angelina Jolie was born on June 4 1975 in California Los-Angeles. The community has a large influence on me because it told me how to live together, and everyone from different religions are same and whatsoever we care for everyone because next one is not your neighbour, he/she is your family member. There may be neighborhoods where staff members or participants should be accompanied by others in order to be safe, at least at night. By continuing well University researchers, staff and administrators of health and human service organizations, and activists may all have done considerable work to understand the character and inner workings of the community. One year, we found our pumpkin splattered across the street. Anything we do in a community requires us to be familiar with its people, its issues, and its history. He evidently has multiple identities and can be seen in many ways. Make an appointment to talk to one or more local government officials. There is a different mix of people within the community in which I live. (250 words). The audience can relate to the story in many of the same powerful ways that I do. The Narrative Structure. For those of us who work in community health and development, it's important to understand community -- what a community is, and the specific nature of the communities we work in. A good way to accomplish that is to create a community description -- a record of your exploration and findings. Assessing Community Needs and Resources, Section 1. You can also talk about how you changed personally. Explain how people may develop prejudices. Keep in mind that communities can be defined by Place: groups of people who live/work/play near one another, Action: groups of people who create change in the world by building, doing, or solving something together (Examples: Black Lives Matter, Girls Who Code, March for Our Lives), Interest: groups of people coming together based on shared interest, experience, or expertise, Circumstance: groups of people brought together either by chance or external events/situations. In still others, the emphasis is on power itself, so that political decisions are made specifically to keep a particular party, group, or individual in control. Word spread, and people came to our house to share in our dismay. The media shows Islamic people as terrorists by showing only the examples of this in the media and scaring the public into believing it. Distrust or actual discrimination aimed at particular groups -- based on race, class, economics, or all three -- may be glossed over or never mentioned. Your actions certainly may become part of this community essay as a way to demonstrate the ways in which you identify withand contribute tothis community. These are often defined by race or ethnicity, professional or economic ties, religion, culture, or shared background or interest: These various communities often overlap. Describe what it means to respect peoples differences and why it is important to respect differences. Anonymous neighbors left these, plus, a truly gigantic 200 lb. This is because, in most rural communities, people have quite a bit of property, and they can have many plants and animals on their property. The Community Tool Box is a service of the. When you're considering introducing a new initiative or program and want to assess its possible success.Aside from when you first come to a community, this is probably the most vital time to do a community description. 12. A few years back, I would have replied: Neither. The frustrating moments of miscommunication, the stifling homesickness, and the impossible dilemma of deciding between the Korean or American table in the dining hall, all fueled my identity crisis. When someone discriminates against someone they use that prejudice and treat someone based on their ideas. My street is a thoroughfare for walkers, dog walking, bicycles and skateboards. Their self-image, many of their attitudes, and their aspirations are often reflected in the places where they choose -- or are forced by circumstance or discrimination -- to live, work, gather, and play. An example of where stereotyping had a negative effect on a group is Blacks were actively discriminated against and held out of certain places ND activities. People can also become a bit lazy and not make the effort to change their outlooks. For a fuller picture, you could add photographs of some of the locations, people, conditions, or interactions you describe (perhaps as a Photovoice project), as well as charts or graphs of demographic or statistical information. 1. In addition, however, there are some specific people that it might be important to talk to. Within my community you can see people have many interests, I can see them riding their bikes and playing football. People's answers to questions about it may ignore important points, either because they seem obvious to those who've lived with them for all or most of their lives, or because those things "just aren't talked about." glass enclosure in a sloped wetroom instead of needing a shower curtain. When my partners and I came together, we had a strong foundation of love These may also encompass community theater and music companies run and staffed by community volunteer boards and performers. Here she introduces the problem. This is another potential structure, often times great for essays that dont necessarily focus on a particular challenge. The question of who wields the real power in the community is another that may rarely be answered, or at least not answered in the same way by a majority of community members. They will experience these sews on a daily basis and it will stick with them and influence their views. From what I can observe, there are a few people from Poland (whom speak Polish and English) and there are people whom have a black ethnicity to which am unsure where they originate from and the language other than English which they speak. The next morning, our patch contained twelve new pumpkins. squeegee available to scrape the water down at the end. One can't describe the immense gratitude and happiness when you live your WHY daily. For those of us who work in community health and development, it's important to understand community -- what a community is, and the specific nature of the communities we work in. Example 1: My mother is a parent in front of her children, she is also a wife to my father, and she used to be a daughter to her parents and is now a grandparent to my daughter. She is a Christian, and is heterosexual. Ive learned to accept my ambiguity as diversity, as a third-culture student embracing both identities. M a mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend, niece, cousin, friend etc I am a number of people to the people am close to, all which have different identities. requirements? The Rankings & Roadmaps show us what is making residents sick, where we need to improve, and what steps communities are taking to solve their problems. Understanding and Describing the Community, Chapter 3. (If the community isn't defined by geography, note and observe the areas where its members live, work, and gather.) Our community cares and works hard at creating a family friendly atmosphere. Community bylaws and regulations are often available at the public library. His curiosity and weekly updates about the pumpkin helped us connect. March 2023 Community Day: Slowpoke and Galarian Slowpoke. She is a famous actress whom I have known as Lara Croft and I have watched all her movies. A Korean ballad streams from two tiny computer speakers. Windshield and Walking Surveys, Section 22. The three types of communities are rural, urban, and suburban. Diversity has enhanced my community as it has brought new and different products and services to my community; this includes different items of clothing or food products. Some things you might like to know, besides the number of people in the community: In the U.S., most of this and other demographic information is available from the U.S. Census, from state and local government websites, or from other government agencies. A sense of community may, indeed, lead you to act in certain ways to advance a cause, donate your time, or exert your energies to meet the needs of your community. Reexamining the community -- or perhaps examining it carefully for the first time -- can infuse an organization with new ideas and new purpose. There are groups of older people gathering and taking, socializing with one another. Describing the Community, from a WHO (World Health Organization) manual: Emergency Preparedness: A Manual for Managers and Policy Makers. Highlight some of the variations you may observe in terms of: Interests Beliefs Ages Lifestyles Personal, social and cultural identities. When I tell a story, I can shape the world I live in and share my deepest emotions with the audience. A person will have many characteristics that may be shared by others. This mlange of cultures in my East-meets-West room embodies the diversity that characterizes my international student life. In Neighborhood Planning: A Guide for Citizens and Planners. Angelina Jolie she exemplified these characteristics. Does the community have a particular business or business/industry category that underlies most of the jobs? It's likely that it will take a number of conversations, some careful observation and some intuition as well to gain a real sense of the community's social structure. How do you describe a community? In other communities, politics takes a back seat to economics, and politicians listen largely to those with economic power -- the CEO's, owners, and directors of large businesses and institutions. Also important are how various areas of the community differ from one another, and whether your impression is one of clean, well-maintained houses and streets, or one of shabbiness, dirt, and neglect. 1. There are many ways you can create a description of the community. There are many cultures within my community, therefore there are more than one alluding devoted to faith and religion. Offices of local, state, and federal government agencies (Welfare, Dept. He is a friend and a keen Villa Supporter. To respect those differences is to accept that everyone has the right to be different. It's a great place to have children and raise a family. To find out about various aspects of the community, you'll need a number of different methods of gathering information. That exercise asks: What did you actually do in that community? The Neighborhood Organizer's Handbook. The Neighborhood Works. The County Health Rankings illustrate what we know when it comes to whats making people sick or healthy, and the new County Health Roadmaps show what we can do to create healthier places to live, learn, work and play. Consider answering these three questions in your essay if you choose the Narrative Structure: Heres an example of a narrative community essay based on a challenge that tackles those three questions, roughly in order: I look around my room, dimly lit by an orange light. We'll discuss all of these aspects of community in greater detail later in the section. The "WONDER" system is an access point to a wide variety of CDC reports, guidelines, and public health data to assist in research, decision-making, priority setting, and resource allocation. I wouldnt be surprised if some day I started my own form of quirky pumpkin growing and reap the benefit of true community. no drainage issues. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. An example of this is conflict, by stereotyping and labeling people in a negative way could cause conflict e. G. Scottish people are tight fisted. and the companies they support. Geographically I would describe myself as a Brume, a British citizen. Start a Community Garden - Food brings people together and there are few better ways to foster that community than by growing it together. I would say that I am a part of the western culture. Section 2. You can discuss skills you learned, such as carpentry, public speaking, animal care, or another skill. Also, for the first time in Pokmon GO, you'll be able to encounter Shiny Galarian . This could include, being a Southampton supporter, lorry spotter or even being male, all at once. Its a chance to say: Heres how I connect with folks in this community. Due to the area, the Muslim religion is very prominent especially with cultural outfits. There are a number of questions you might ask yourself and others to help you understand the community's economic base and situation: What is the anchor of the community's tax base? As storytellers, we aim to touch lives and better the world around us through our stories. How has it shaped your perspective? Having enough familiarity with the community to allow you to converse intelligently with residents about community issues, personalities and geography. 8-11. First: Use the Values Exercise at this link to brainstorm predictable values that other students might describe in their essay and then vow not to use those values. Jones, B. Locating a social situation. 279. Growing up, the pumpkin challenged me as I wasnt always comfortable being the center of attention. Some believe it is innate, some believe it is learned . In fact, heres a simple GoogleDoc you can download and fill in right now. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. The Distressed Communities Index(DCI) is a customized dataset created byEIGexamining economic distress throughout the country and made up ofinteractive maps,infographics, and areport. Whichever community defines your work, you will want to get to know it well. The community's physical characteristics. You just don't get such lush, delicious parks anywhere else. The most obvious is simply to organize, record, and comment on your information by category: physical description, government, institutions, etc. writing your own paper, but remember to Third: Describe one example per paragraph, perhaps in chronological order. Not having the proper background information on your community may not seem like a big deal until you unintentionally find yourself on one side of a bitter divide, or get involved in an issue without knowing about its long and tangled history. Taking the time and effort to understand your community well before embarking on a community effort will pay off in the long term. Because you live there, you are a part of the community. About half of rural residents (47%) say they live in or near the community where they grew up, including about a quarter (26%) who say they have always lived there. 37.5C. Tamang sagot sa tanong: ctivity 3: CHANGES IN MY COMMUNITY Briefiy describe the community where you presently live, 2. Required Application Package Documents. Free 1-on-1 college application coaching for you. It is ordinary but there are remants of the Beatnik period. . Stereotyping is when you judge a group of people with a shared characteristic who are different from you based on your own and/or others opinions and/ or encounters. Advertisement Still have questions? Museums, theaters, concert halls, etc. Together, you share neighborhood assets such as parks, churches, grocery stores and laundromats. Interviews may include enlisting as sources of information others who've spent time learning about the community. Your contribution can help change lives. It's a subjective exercise, as everyone will have different priorities . However, it is also possible to be discriminated against for other identities that he may have as well. The country is now multicultural, with many languages, cultures, different food and services; it has provided a new and differently skilled work force and enhanced the economy. It may save you many hours of effort. TheU.S. National Institute of Mental Healthprovides statistics and educational information for the public as well as information for researchers. To communicate a sense of a community in which one lives, it would be effective to describe the government structure, layout, civic organizations, general aesthetics, educational system and what types of people live there. Anything we do in a community requires us to be familiar with its people, its issues, and its history. Applying to College Abroad: A Guide for American Students, How to Research Colleges Without Visiting a Campus, Online Courses & Professional Development, How to Write the Community Essay: Complete Guide + Examples. I would not consider myself as being very religious however; being a part of the Church of England it is important to me to live by the guidelines of the church. Conducting Needs Assessment Surveys, Section 8. Learn more. Religious institutions. Saturday, March 18, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time. Community centers. It is evident that my mother has many identities and may act different for each of the identities with different people. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism Using Small Area Analysis to Uncover Disparities, Section 23. ThisHuman Development Index Mapis a valuable tool fromMeasure of America: A Project of the Social Science Research Council. Answers to these and similar questions may both explain the situation (and the attitudes of the local population) and highlight a number of possible courses of action. Studying the physical layout of the community will serve you not only as information, but as a guide for finding your way around, knowing what people are talking about when they refer to various areas and neighborhoods, and gaining a sense of the living conditions of any populations you're concerned with. Community centers may provide athletic, cultural, social, and other (yoga, support groups) activities for a variety of ages. Every community has a physical presence of some sort, even if only one building. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. The Small Town. Example 3: My partner is a friend to myself and a boyfriend, he is a father to my daughter and a son to his parents, and he is a brother to his sisters and an uncle to his niece and nephew. Simple GoogleDoc you can also become a bit lazy and not make the effort to change their outlooks the. Structure, often times great for essays that dont necessarily focus on a community requires us to be different from... 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