web: www.ccgov.org/government/sheriff-s-office/detention-center If my office can be of any service, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance. Kelly S. Mullins, Jury Commissioner (410) 996-5340, SHERIFF Turn left onto Third Street. e-mail: cecilcountylicensing@mdcourts.gov, COURT ADMINISTRATION Cross Cambridge Creek Bridge to the first traffic light. Enjoy a comprehensive and generous benefits package, opportunities for career advancement, and other work-life enhancements. The Judicial Nominating Commissions select and nominate to the Governor persons found by the Commission to be legally and most fully professionally qualified to fill a vacancy. Courtroom at Take the fork to the right which will be marked Route 24 North. Take I-95 to Exit 109-A (Elkton). Continue on Wilkens Avenue (west) and turn left on Walker Avenue (entrance to UMBC). Hours of operation: Monday through Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. NOTICE on Cell Phones, Other Electronic Devices, and Cameras in Court Facilities (effective January 1, 2011), FOR INFORMATION REGARDING CECIL COUNTY DISTRICT COURT CALL: 410-996-2700, Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday, except holidays. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 midnight, 7 days a week. All rights reserved. 301 Commerce Street The Clerk of the Court is a locally elected State official with the responsibilities established and regulated by the laws of Maryland and the Rules of the Supreme Court of Maryland. You will be contacted by a representative of the Office prior to the court date. 410-871-3523, Commissioner StationsLocation/Phone Court location is on the corner of Martin Boulevard and Kelso Drive. e-mail: gary.holmes@mdcourts.gov, LICENSING & MARRIAGE DEPARTMENT On the 22d of June, 1775, in response to a call signed by Dr. N. W. Jones, Archibald Bulloch, John Houstoun and George Walton, many of the inhabitants of the town and district of Savannah assembled at the Liberty Pole in Savannah and elected a council of safety with instruc tions to maintain an active correspondence with the continental con . General Information: 410-996-2700 | Toll-Free Number (In-state only): 1-800-941-0408 TTY users call Maryland RELAY: 711 The courthouse is located at 170 E. Main Street, Elkton, MD 21921-5943. Courthouse is 1/4 mile on the right. Carroll County Commissioner's Station Hours of Operation Open: 24 hours per day / 7 days per week. Advertise your business, organization, or viewpoint on Cecil Times. Monday-Friday: 12:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Take an immediate right onto Western Maryland Parkway and follow to the Washington County Detention Center grounds where the Commissioner's Office is located. Go one block and take at right onto S. Liberty Street. From I95 take exit 77B (Route 24 North). District Court Commissioner 240-313-2841 Fax. Cecil County Public Hearing In accordance with 97-14 of the Code of Cecil County, the Cecil County Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a public hearing on Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the Elk Room of th. 410-313-5296 Fax. The five-member Board of County Commissioners is the legislative and governing body of Lee County, Fla. Each County Commissioner is elected at large for a maximum of three, four-year terms of office. State's Attorney James Dellmyer and his prosecutors take their oath. Justin C. Cross Howard District Court/Multi-Service Center Frederick, MD 21704 Whitney Wisinewski Continue through Greensboro, approximately seven (7) miles into Denton. Follow Route 213 to Route 50. From Rt 270 take the Montrose Rd exit #4 west to the first intersection- turn right onto Seven Locks Road. 1994) . Maryland Departments When the jury trial is prayed, the case is automatically rescheduled for trial in Circuit Court. Take a left at the stop sign to the traffic light. On July 8, Gov. the record obituaries stockton, ca; press box football stadium; is dr amy still with dr jeff; onenote resize image aspect ratio No food or drink are permitted in this building. Continue to the southern end of town, past Washington College. web: www.ccgov.org/government/sheriff-s-office/detention-center, LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION Administrative Commissioner 410-512-2328 Phone Population: 14,748 County Seat: Pecos 79772 Square Mileage: 2,636 Street: 100 East 4th Street Pecos, TX 79772 (432) 445-5418 Bowlsbey, Joyce A. Turn left onto Main Street. 410-638-0740 Fax. Cambridge, MD 21613-1813 When an appointment to a vacancy is announced by the Governor's Office, the name is highlighted in red. Directions Since 1658, the office of Clerk of Court has provided the citizens of Maryland with a variety of essential services. of April, 1888, ordered by the Circuit Court lor Cecil County, in Equity, that the plaintlds, by causing a copy of this order . Take I-95 to Exit 109-A (Elkton). Gerad K. Widdoes, Chief Deputy (410) 392-2107 500 Landing Lane, Elkton, MD 21921 CLARA E. CAMPBELL, Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 3, Cecil County, since August 19, 2016.. Attorney to Board of County Commissioners, Cecil County, 1988-2012; Planning Commission, Cecil County, 1994-2016; Planning Commission, Town of Elkton, 1999-2016; Electrical Board, Cecil County, 2010-16; County Council and County Executive, Cecil County, 2012-; Board of Appeals . Keith A. Baynes, Administrative Judge, Jury Information line for daily juror reporting status. web: www.ccgov.org/government/sheriff-s-office/law-enforcement Make a left onto Crain Highway. 410-638-0740 Fax brandon fugal wife; lucky 13 magazine 450 bushmaster. To view work session and legislative agendas, please visit our calendar and navigate to the specific date. MD Route 2/4 to Duke Street. 120 E. Chesapeake Avenue All rights reserved. Directions From the Beltway (495), take Exit 17B, Route 202 South (Upper Marlboro), Proceed on Route 202 South for 5 miles; turn right onto White House Road.Turn left onto Brown Station Road and continue for about five (5) miles.Turn right onto Dille Drive, Commissioner Office is located inside Department of Corrections. Take Alt. Directions circuit court for montgomery county vargas graciela university of maryland vargas juan maryland department of transportation vargas justo shore up inc vargo barbara cecil county public schools vari nichole prince georges co public schools varkus elizabeth dept of public safety & corr srvs varlack roy prince georges co public schools varner eliza City Police: 410-548-3165 410-358-8250 Fax, Hours of Operation Make a left onto Ritchie Highway (Route 2). Thereafter a voting session takes place and the names of nominees are reported to the Governor. The courthouse is at the corner of Patapsco Avenue and 7th Street. On-Call - Monday-Friday: 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. He exclusively represents individuals who have been injured through the negligence of others. Cross Frederick C. Malkus Bridge and at first traffic light turn right onto Maryland Avenue. fiat ducato motorhome for sale on ebay; jazzboline dress code. About Us; Agendas and Minutes; . 500 Landing Lane, Elkton, MD 21921 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m, Monday thru Friday (excluding Court holidays)**Starting 07/01/2021 the Commissioner's Office located at the District Court will only be open during normal court hours (8:30am-4:30pm). 7311 Waterloo Road Make left onto Washington Avenue and proceed to next street and make a turn left onto Talbot Street. 7500 Governor Ritchie Highway Maryland County Commissioners Tax Assessment List; 1783 Tax Assessment; 1798 Federal Direct Tax; . Location/Phone Nolanda Y. Kirby, Coordinator (410) 996-1157, JURY OFFICE Office located in Cecil County: County Council of Cecil County. 4990 Rhode Island Avenue, Suite 100 Court location is on the corner of Wilkens and Walker Avenues. DISTRICT COURT Defendants are notified in writing of their new court dates for the Circuit Court. Hyattsville Regional Booking Facility On-Call: Monday through Friday 12am-8am and all weekend hours. Circuit Court Courthouse, 129 East Main St., Elkton, Maryland, May 2018. 5 for 40 miles. Upon proceeding down the exit ramp the Harford County Detention Center can be seen to the left. I-95 to 83 South (Jones Falls Expressway-right). 410-819-4010 Phone Defendants may represent themselves or obtain defense counsel. Adjacent to building. It had been created by constitutional amendment in 1970 (Chapter 789, Acts of 1969, ratified Nov. 3, 1970; Const., Art. 245, Washington Street. Box 1245 In Cecil County, the Court replaced the county trial magistrates. Dorchester District Court Jennifer Woode Judiciary Career Center Join more than 4,000 people across the state who are committed to ensuring access to justice, equity, fairness, and integrity in the judicial process. 1792, the undersigned, as Trustee, will sell at Public Sale on the Court House yard in Elkton, Cecil County aforesaid, On Thursday, June 1,1893 AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., ALL THAT VALUABLE FARM situate and lying in the Third Election District ol said county and State, about three miles irom However, there are quite a few parking spaces in the surrounding area that utilize the parking kiosks. Terms of Use/Disclaimer, Circuit Court for Cecil County, MD - Clerk's Office, Report Fraud, Waste and Abuse to the Office of Legislative Audit Fraud Hotline. 120 Broadway Court is located two (2) blocks down on the left. 301-780-8124 Fax. get driving directions from your location, Elkton Board of Commissioners information. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday, Administrative Commissioner Maj. Mary B. Allen, Director (410) 996-5551, (410) 996-5800; e-mail: mary.allen@ccso.ccgov.org 410-548-7048 Fax, State Police: 410-749-3101 Margaret Kemp (1972): [239] [240] First female judge in San Mateo County, California (1978) Rosemary Pfeiffer (1977): [56] First openly L GBT (female) judge in San Mateo County, California (1991). Terms of Use/Disclaimer. Rt. Directions District Court Commissioner's Office No emailed or faxed copies are accepted. Follow Route 24 into the town of Bel Air and just past the Harford Mall where Route 24 will split into two separate forks. Administrator's Conference Room. Follow Dover Street through three traffic lights and one stop sign. Baltimore, MD 21202 General Information: 410-545-8294 Administrative Office At that intersection, Route 213 North is the second right. Michael McGowan is a founding partner in the Law Firm of McGowan & Cecil, LLC. Councilmanic District 3 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m., every day, including Holidays, with 8552 Second Avenue The State always has the burden to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. 170 E. Main Street Maryland Executive Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, & Advisory Boards All rights reserved. Turn right onto US 301 and follow to Route 213. The revenue collected by the clerks for these services is distributed to city, county, and state governments. The table includes all current vacancies. District Court of Maryland 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday (does not include holidays). Directions 11 Washington Avenue The District Court Unit prosecutes all minor traffic citations, serious traffic violations, criminal citations, and misdemeanor offenses. They adopt Elkton budgets, approve taxation and financial decisions, adopt ordinances, and make land use decisions. 410-770-6721 Fax. Travel approximately 75 miles from bridge. Public Transportation: From downtown use MTA bus 19; from East Baltimore, use MTA bus 13.Parking (410) 996-5500; fax: (410) 996-5518 410-228-4142 Princess Anne, MD 21853 Cross the Pocomoke River Bridge.Turn Right onto River Street to Commerce Street. Directions Elkton, MD 21921 Sheriff's Office, 107 Chesapeake Blvd., Elkton, Maryland, May 2018. Commissioner office is located in the front of Courthouse. General Information:410-996-2700 |Toll-Free Number (In-state only): 1-800-941-0408 house for rent in suffolk county, ny by owner. Photo by Diane F. Evartt. On-Call: All weekend, Friday at 11pm through Sunday at 11pm. In 1858 the district courts were established with a civil jurisdiction up to 200 replacing the Court of Requests which only sat in limited places, [a] and had a general claim limit of 10 to 30. 410-871-3522 Fax, Hours of Operation Maryland Judiciary's Annual Statistical Performance Measures is an interactive compilation of trial and appellate courts caseload and performance data. Directions Maj. George M. Tarr, Director (410) 392-2102, (410) 996-5500 410-260-1349, Hours of Operation District Court and Circuit Court share concurrent jurisdiction over many criminal cases in Maryland though most felonies can only be tried in Circuit Court. Route 50 to Rowe Boulevard (Exit 24). Central Processing Facility 301-610-7217 or 301-610-7218 Phone 301-298-4014 Fax, Hours of Operation Join our team and become a valued member of a professional and skilled workforce, and enjoy benefits such as ongoing training, skills development, tuition reimbursement, and other opportunities for learning and growth. District Court commissioner is a judicial officer bound by the Canon of Ethics and cannot be politically slanted, run for office or endorse a candidate. Continue south on York Road until to arrive at Chesapeake Ave. 301-934-5081 Fax. council tax wolverhampton; gate: weigh anchor light novel read; road trip from albuquerque to white sands; worst neighborhoods in delaware county; david seguin and maangchi; nancy morgan obituary; kings creek country club membership cost 0 When approval is granted by the Governor's Office, the names of the individuals nominated by the Commission will be listed in the table below. Neither the Judge nor the prosecutor can prevent a defendant from praying a jury trial. For directions and parking information, visit thedirections web page. Cecil County, 33 F.3d 323, 327 (4th Cir. Terms of Use/Disclaimer. PRESENTATION REQUEST FOR PROCLAMATION OR CERTIFICATE 410-260-1314 Montgomery County sentinel. Justin C. Cross Find 104 listings related to Joint Municipal Court in Baltimore on YP.com. D. Davis, clerk to the Coiiutj Commissioners, has secured a copy of the new general state law. Location/Phone Police in Cecil County join forces for traffic enforcement operation. If a defendant is found guilty of a crime in District Court, the case can be appealed to the Circuit Court for a new trial also known as a trial de novo. Take first left into parking lot of the Frederick Detention Center. NOTE: Applications for this vacancy are not being accepted at this time. Upper Marlboro Courthouse Parking: 170 E. Main Street Turn right onto Gay Street. Court is located on the left at the first traffic light. Every effort is made to ensure that the docket is up to date, however, last minute changesmay occur. Cannabis Reform Supplement Effective 01/01/2023Judicial Officer IDs ( Active & Former Commissioners), 2021 Election Law Charging Language Supplement- Effective 06/01/2021, State of Emergency Charging Language Supplement -Revised 03/30/20, Commissioner Criminal Filing Forms (Non-Law Enforcement), How to Apply for a Public Defenderor Private Home Detention Monitoring Program, Select the city/county in which your commissioner is located. Continue East on Pulaski Highway for approximately one (1) mile until you arrive at Martin Boulevard. George M. Taylor Multi-Service Center Rockville District Court Im very proud of the work we do, and hope the above facts acquaint you with the many services provided by the Clerk here in Cecil County. After the next traffic light the Court will be located on the right. The District Court of Maryland began operating as a court of record in July 1971. This web site is presented for reference purposes under the doctrine of fair use. Courthouse is on the right. Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 500 Landing Lane, Elkton, MD 21921 50/East towards Salisbury. Maj. Mary B. Allen, Director (410) 996-5551, (410) 996-5800; e-mail: mary.allen@ccso.ccgov.org COMMUNITY CORRECTION CENTER Caroline District Court Building Montgomery County Hundred & Election District Maps; Caroline County 1774 Hundred Map . 301-334-8030 Phone 301-880-2721 Fax, Hours of Operation Commissioner's office is located on the ground level. Maj. Barry A. Janney, Sr., Director (410) 996-5845, (410) 996-5810; e-mail: barry.janney@ccso.ccgov.org Hagerstown, MD 21740 Elkton, MD 21922 0468, Register of Wills (410) 996-5330 Administrative Commissioner Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. Maryland Court Help CentersFree legal help with your civil Commissioner Locations Or click on the county: ALLEGANY COUNTY Commissioner Stations Location/Phone 123 S. Liberty Street, First Floor Cumberland, MD 21502 301-723-3150 Phone 301-723-3152 Fax Hours of Operation 24 hours - 7 days a week Administrative Commissioner Christopher J. Nann (301) 723-3153 Directions Proceed east on North Ave. Court is located on left side, at intersection of North Ave. & Harford. View map of Cecil County Commissioner, and get driving directions from your location. (410) 996-5330, 1-888-398-0301 (toll free); fax: (410) 996-1039 District Court Building 301-934-5080. e-mail: mdmanual@maryland.gov. Suggest Listing Stay on Route 50 until you see the Route 90 Ocean City North Sign. The commissioner's office is located in the basement level of the first building on the left side of the street. You will be asked for your full name, address and contact information. The Commissioner's office is toward the left on the North side of the courthouse. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Most criminal cases begin in District Court. Westminster, MD 21157-5656 410-878-8017 Phone CORRECTIONAL FACILITY DIVISION PLEASE NOTE: The site may contain material from other sources which may be under copyright. 700 E. Patapsco Avenue 5, south through Leonardtown to Md. Take US 301 South for approximately twenty (20) miles. A completed copy of the questionnaire must be submitted to the Office in-person. All other times respond to Satellite Station at Howard County Detention Center. You will find the commissioner's address and general information, full driving and parking instructions.For information about mass transit options, click the following links:Maryland https://mta.maryland.gov/Washington Metropolitan Area -http://www.wmata.com/, Make a selection:Allegany CountyAnne Arundel CountyBaltimore CityBaltimore CountyCalvert CountyCaroline CountyCarroll CountyCecil CountyCharles CountyDorchester CountyFrederick CountyGarrett CountyHarford CountyHoward CountyKent CountyMontgomery CountyPrince George's CountyQueen Anne's CountySomerset CountySt. 301-600-2009, Hours of Operation Baltimore, MD 21213 410-803-1815 Baltimore Line, Mailing Address District Court is located in the first annex section of the shopping center. The comments must be received at least one week prior to the Commission meeting date shown in the table below. 410-512-2330 Fax, Administrative Commissioner 410-222-2157. 301-334-8031 Fax, Hours of Operation The Clerks office records land deeds, mortgages, plats, conveyances and other precious documents. Court is located one block down on Third Street.From upper Eastern Shore - Take Route 213 South to Route 301. 410-996-2726 Fax, Hours of Operation 240-313-2841 Fax, Administrative Commissioner Circuit Court Courthouse, Suite 102 c/o Harford County Detention Center At that intersection, Route 213 North is the second right. If you are motivated and committed to providing fair, efficient and effective justice for all, the Maryland Judiciary has a career for you! Location/Phone Proceed on Route 4 for ten (10) miles; take the exit on the right for Upper Marlboro (Equestrian Center). Ellicott City, MD 21043 Elkton, Maryland 21921. Take Naylor Mill Road Exit. Take Exit 43C "Downtown". Public: park in public lots. Anne Arundel County Central Processing Unit Centreville, MD 21617-1092 - 1 - STATEMENT OF INTEREST OF AMICI CURIAE The 20 local, state, and national environmental organizations and citizen groups that appear as friends of the Court in this appeal ("Amici") represent tens of thousands of members in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.1 Many of Amicis members live in areas underlain by the Marcellus and other shale formations, and their communities already are . The Judge ultimately decides if the defendant is guilty or not guilty. 410-901-1430 Phone If you do not fill out the questionnaire, this Office may choose to dismiss the case or trial could be delayed.The questionnaire is available in the lobby of the Office of the States Attorney located in the Circuit Courthouse. 12155 Elm Street, Somerset Plaza, Suite C web: www.ccgov.org/government/sheriff-s-office Cecil County Circuit Court Hours of Operation - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday except legal holidays Clerk's Office Website Clerk of Court - Charlene Notarcola 129 E. Main Street Elkton, MD 21921-5943 TTY users call Maryland Relay 711 General Information Toll-free (in Maryland) 888-287-0576 Photo by Diane F. Evartt. "Hammering Heart" sculpture (2015), by Matthew Harris, Unity Square Garden, Cecil County Courthouse, 129 East Main St., Elkton, Maryland, May 2018. 240-313-2843 Phone From 70 or 270, take Route 85 south towards Buckeystown. Jennifer Woode Directions 129 E. Main Street, Elkton, MD 21921 Phone: 410-996-1021 Open: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM Clerk's Office Circuit Court for Cecil County, MD General Information Maryland Court Help Centers Free legal help with your civil or family matter 410-260-1392 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday - Friday Circuit Court for Cecil County 129 E. Main Street Elkton, Maryland 21921 24 hours - 7 days a week, Administrative Commissioner The docket is updated each Friday afternoon and lists the cases to be heard the following week. 877-519-9766 Toll free At the bottom of the ramp turn left onto Water Street. 301-298-4011 Phone District Court Commissioner, Physical Address: The table includes all current vacancies. 410-313-4740 Phone Make a left and proceed to Wabash Avenue and bear right just before the traffic light at Wabash and Patterson Avenues. 410-512-2535 Fax. Court is on right. Please recognize, however, that this list does not constitute official notification of individuals nominated for, or appointed to, a judicial vacancy. Larry Hogan called Campbell to notify her that he was appointing her to the Cecil County District Court judgeship that opened when Judge Stephen J. Baker retired the previous . Administrative Commissioner 41A through 41-I). [volume] (Rockville, Md.) 410-871-3520 Phone 410-260-1817 Phone You do have to bear to the left then right to access us. 115 W. Dover Street Board of Education *Candidates are listed in the district they are running for in the 2022 elections. There is no designated parking area. Bus Information Directions from Ellicott City: Take 29 S. to 175 E. Stay in left lane. Go three blocks on Harrison Street and at the traffic light make a right and you will see a big gray building on the right, at the corner of the big gray building take a right onto Pershing Street. 301-563-8850 Phone Elkton, MD 21921 He would later become a district court judge. 240-420-4650 Phone Maryland Universities & Colleges Commissioners Office to right rear. CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). 240-313-2840 Phone There is also a public parking garage on South George Street, which is right up the street from South Liberty Street, across the street from the Holiday Inn. Charles County Commissioner's Office General A trial consists of a States prosecutor calling witnesses to testify. Mary's CountyTalbot CountyWashington CountyWicomico CountyWorcester County, Location/Phone Directions (410) 996-1021. (R) McCarthy, Alan J. At Hancock take Interstate 68 West into Cumberland. Phone: 410-996-5335 District Court Questionnaire Notice of Jury Trial Prayer Cecil County Community Mediation Center The District Court Unit prosecutes all minor traffic citations, serious traffic violations, criminal citations, and misdemeanor offenses. Stay on Guilford Avenue to Madison Street and make a rightand continue to St Paul Street. District Court Commissioner At second light make right onto Taylor Ave. Public parking is available at the Navy Marine Corp Stadium. Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Commissioner's Centralized Application Station Directions The Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, met in regular session on January 29, 1998, at 5:30 p.m. in the Government Center Commission Room, Building C, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, Florida. Directions Directions 301-952-5078 or 301-952-5079 Phone Rights assessment, and full originating source citation, is the responsibility of the user. giving the Ouunly Commissioners powers heretofore vested in the legisl.ature. Office located in Cecil County: Search for jobs related to Cecil county roads or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 22m+ jobs. Maryland at a Glance, Search the Manual
Location/Phone County Council; Board of County Commissioners. 410-723-6968 Fax. Silver Spring District Court Proceed off exit ramp onto Route 279. Take Route 213 North approximately fourteen (14) miles. General Information. 240-313-2843 Phone Follow Route 213 to thefourthtraffic light (Main Street). Annapolis, MD 21401 Turn left on Chesapeake Avenue. 410-878-8018, John R. Hargrove Sr. Court Building Worcester, Somerset, Howard counties to join Maryland Criminal Intelligence Network. Turn left onto Route 50 East into Easton. Terms of Use/Disclaimer, Hon. Take Route 695 to Exit 23A (Jones Falls Expressway - Route 83) and continue on Route 83 to the Guilford Avenue Exit. 170 E. Main Street Maryland Cecil managers told to cut back ELKTON Cecil County commissioners are telling their department heads to scale down the money they 11 need during the fiscal 1993 budget year, which begins . 410-512-2533 Phone Talbot County Detention Center Left on Washington Street and right on Baldridge Street. From the Western Shore & lower Eastern Shore - From Bay Bridge, take US 301 North to intersection of Route 213. Turn left onto Main Street. Take Rt 50 East to Salisbury By Pass. The new location, effective August 1, 2011, is across East Jefferson Street opposite the former Rockville courthouse location. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government, For general information and assistance, please contact the front desk of the Cecil County Administration Building at410-996-5200, or email the Public Information Officer at. Information directions from your location, effective August 1, 2011, is across East Jefferson Street opposite former. 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