Yales big men are no longer all white, Anglo-Saxon and class-obsessed. Society is about meeting people who you probably wouldnt otherwise at Yale and thats what makes it so cool.. The two senior societies dominated school life for the next 41 years. Zoop!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x06 - Clickety-Clack, Clickety-Clack!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x07 - Poetry Day.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x08 - Bobby the Hopping Robot.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x09 - Teacher's Pet.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x10 - The Last Cliff Hanger.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x11 - Pebble Trouble.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x12 - Oh, Yes, It Can!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x13 - Five, Six, and Thistle Sticks.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x14 - Bug Beard.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x15 - Trains and Brains and Rainy Plains.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x16 - Quest, Quest, Quest!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x17 - The Spider and the Lie.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x18 - Why the Baboon's Balloon Went Ka-Boom!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x19 - But, Mama, But .ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x20 - Dreaming Shakespeare.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x22 - Tweet! George H.W. There were two secret societies, Sigma Epsilon and Delta Kappa, and one open society, Gamma Nu. In the ancient Greek Mystery Schools, the very basis of the Great Work was personified by the myth of the hero Theseus slaying the Minotaur, a metaphor that describes an initiates higher eternal Self (the spiritual soul) mastering his / her lower animal self (the material body). In one of its meanings, the triangle symbolizes the Path home to the soul. Its a kind of utopia because its the best combination of informed conversations in an ideal setting which is to say, around a dinner table.. WebThe junior fraternities-in order of prestige and seniority, Alpha Delta Phi (A.D., 1836), Psi Upsilon (Psi U., 1839), Delta Kappa Epsilon (Deke, 1844), Zeta Psi (1889), and Beta Theta Pi (1892)-became the central intersections of Yales social scene. Prior to the publication of Written in Stone, Cassaro enjoyed a successful career as a U.S. correspondent, professional journalist, and photo researcher for Rizzoli Publications, one of the worlds leading media organizations. The four columns on the Book & Snake faade support a massive triangle-shaped pediment. It also helps to build community relations between Muslims and non-Muslim communities. WHEN Friday, March 3rd, 2023 1:30 PM - 3:30 P.M. The sophomore societies were very powerful: if accepted, entrance to a junior, and even a senior society was almost inevitable. In my 2011 book, Written in Stone, I showed how ancient temples built by far-flung civilizationsespecially the pyramid culturesall shared this same three-in-one pattern. Between the Lions - 1x02 - The Lost Rock. But is it possibly true? Stylized sets of anthemion and palmette leaves decorate the capitals (see image below) , forming an alternating pattern of balanced duality that was celebrated in ancient Greek art and architecture. The society is one of the reputed "Big Three" societies at Yale, along with Skull and Bones and Scroll and Key. Richard Cassaros new book, The Missing Link, explores the meaning, transformations and propagation of the ancient worlds most important religious icon. It is one of the oldest Yale secret societies and reputedly the wealthiest. Top: Stylized sets of anthemion & palmette leaves decorate the capitals of the columns on the Book & Snake tomb. It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power., I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.. ET WebThird Coast Swing. The Illuminati are also one of the best known secret societies. WHEN Friday, March 3rd, 2023 1:30 PM - 3:30 P.M. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blogs author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. DKE and Psi Upsilon inhabited windowless tombs (later seized and demolished by the University). WebWolf's Head Society. Being tapped is both an invitation to be a part of a Yale tradition and a stroke of the ego. This was done to, as Decrow put it, secure representative men from all the leading student interests in the class.. His first book, Written in Stone, is a wide-ranging exploration of hitherto-unknown connections among Freemasons, medieval cathedral builders and the creators of important ancient monuments, in support of his theory that a spiritually advanced mother culture, lost to history, is behind many of the worlds architectural and artistic traditions. The societies grew in power and number students at the Sheffield Scientific School created their own societies: Berzelius and Book and Snake. Members of the societies have written dry, official histories such as, The Founding of Wolfs Head, by John Williams Andrews 19 and The First Hundred Years of Scroll and Key, by Maynard Mack 32. Thats the reason I was drawn to societies because I thought it was a beautiful ideal.. Its a time when, more often than not, Yalies focus their dining hall conversations on the ancient, rather than the elite eight. ET The twin serpents symbolize the pairs of opposites and the vertical pole in the center symbolizes their balance or unification.. As Ive explained in my books, lectures, videos and online articles for close to two decades, this is the meaning behind many Masonic Tracing Boards, which depict a solar right side (marked Jachin) balanced by a lunar left side (marked Boaz). I just wasnt ready to take that risk.. WebThis is the first in-person event of the long-running AI Governance Series collaboration between the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy Global TechNet Working Group and the Wikimedia Initiative of the Yale Information Society Project (virtual option also available). Now the effects of tap night rarely shake the campus up, although it is rumored that the occasional (real) wolfs head turns up by Wolfs Head founder Phelpss grave on tap night. WebYale Alumni Magazine; P.O. The reverse side of the U.S. dime shows a caduceus-like symbola torch flanked by twin branches, an oak branch and olive branch. In 2008, the demographics were noticeably different. With this aim in mind, the perfectly cut, smooth white marble ashlars that constitute the Book & Snake tomb seem to have served both a symbolic and a practical purpose. A current Scroll and Key member, however, thought that the scope of societies influence was smaller. The show was produced by WGBH and Sirius Thinking, Ltd. in association with Mississippi Public Broadcasting and ran for 10 seasons on PBS Kids, from 2000 to 2010.The show won multiple Daytime Emmy awards over the course of its run. The first senior society, the Order of Scull and Bones (yes, Scull, not Skull), was created in December 1832. These bids are indications of the societys intent to tap, but a member of the junior class does not have to accept the tap until official tap night, Thursday April 18, 2002. Some read aloud from random books at the Womens Table or in the Commons Rotunda. (For more info on my original research into pine cone symbolism (which has unfortunately been plagiarized and distorted by many authors and researchers in the past few years) read my 2010 article Occult Secrets Behind Pine Cone Art & Architecture and my 2015 article The Kundalini Kings: Masonic Symbolism In French Royal Art & Architecture.). Two giant bronze doors, each one decorated with a lion mask doorknocker, bar entry into the Book & Snake tomb, with each lion holding a circular ring in its mouth. Other society members said they chose to be in societies for precisely that reason. More recent break-ins describe the tomb as something like a German beer hall.. But that was not always the case. Right: Book & Snake faade depicting four Ionic columns. These grants, funded by money raised by Lion Heart team members, support breakthrough U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. All the figures inside the pediment converge toward the middle, the triangles apex, urging us to transcend the duality or polarity of earthly life and find our center or soul within. Between the Lions - 10x05 - Roller Coaster; What Do WebKeeping track of the dozens of senior societies at Yale is not easy. The societies are funded by wealthy alumni that have passed through its ranks. Case in point: In an attempt to experience the mystery firsthand, students try and break into society tombs all the time. Back then, what would come to be known as tap night a phrase that can invoke feelings of anticipation, angst, even fear in the hearts of some Yalies was considerably less conspicuous on the Yale campus. And to be sure, juniors interviewed for societies and big men on campus still wait in their suites for a masked man or woman. The first break-in to Skull and Bones was by a society that called itself File and Claw in 1877. Open secrets Once a year, Yales hush-hush senior societies engage in some cryptic but very public initiation rituals. With no beginning and no end, the circle symbolizes eternity, and, by extension, our eternal and divine god-like nature (i.e., the soul or higher Self within us). It has its faults. Asked what the mission of his/her society was, an inebriated society member offered the following explanation: to breed eternal bloodspawn between its members., We grow community: How urban agriculture has sprouted in New Haven, Title IX retaliation policies prevent clubs from expelling alleged assailants, LUCAS: Yale, its time to rethink Eli Whitney, Students rally for religious housing accommodations, 202 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 | (203) 432-2400. Yale University. Besides Skull and Bones and Scroll and Key, which formed in opposition to Skull and Bones in 1841, there are now over a dozen secret societies at Yale, some with names that you probably have never heard of. Another member argued that the society was formed because it seemed the senior societies were not relevant to Yales social structure. Left: Masonic Tracing Board associating columns with ladders, symbolically conveying the act of spiritual asension. Soon, the chosen members shaped all aspects of Yale life; more than two-thirds of the members of the Yale Corporation the Universitys highest-governing body from 1872 to 1936 were alumni of Skull and Bones or Scroll and Key. Humph! Wolf's Head Society is a senior society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. These people will challenge who you are emotionally, politically, racially, etc. The Scroll and Key Society is another secret society, founded in 1842 at Yale University. Tweet!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x23 - Good Night, Knight.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x24 - The Chess Mess.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x25 - Stop That Chicken!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 3x01 - Hay Day.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 3x02 - Pigs Aplenty.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 3x03 - What Parakeets Need.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 3x04 - Too Cool.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 3x05 - You Can't Catch Me!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 3x06 - Huff and Puff.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 3x09 - Two Coats, One Goat, and One Boat.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 3x10 - Treats!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 4x01 - Art Party.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 4x02 - Grow, Mane, Grow!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 4x03 - Three Goats, No Waiting.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 4x04 - Step by Step.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 4x05 - Dance in Smarty Pants.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 5x01 - Pigs, Pigs, Pigs! Joseph Had a Little Overcoat.mp4, Between the Lions - 6x01 - Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash - Knuffle Bunny.mp4, Between the Lions - 6x02 - Sheep on a Ship - Mississippi Skip and His Pirate Ship.mp4, Between the Lions - 6x03 - Yo! Yales most infamous secret society existed to secure that generational succession and nurture the ambitions of young, aspiring elites. 3. Our discussion will cover topics from South Asian advocacy to discrimination against South Asians. It was active in the 1960's. These lions are an abbreviation of the twin lion statues that decorate the entrances to ancient temples worldwide (as I show in my books Written in Stone and The Missing Link); from the Hittites in ancient Anatolia; to the Chavin culture in the ancient Andes; from the ancient Hindus in India; to the ancient Egyptians in Africa. Uploaded by Its like when someone says, I have a secret! Humph! With its golden coat and radiant mane, the lion is the personification of the sun, symbolizing bravery, nobility, strength, and valor. Mysterious World of Yales Secret Societies, Click here to register or for more information. Two out of three students who responded to the News poll initially thought senior societies are at least somewhat important to the Yale social scene. Symbolically, each smooth white marble ashlar symbolizes the triumphant initiate who has succeeded in his / her efforts of achieving the Great Workmuch like a triumphant Freemason is recognized as one who has perfected his character from a rough ashlar to a smooth ashlar, as shown below: But the smooth white marble ashlars do more than symbolically convey this spiritual transformation; they magically charge the Book & Snake tomb, consecrating it with the same current of metaphysical energy that arises within it from initiates practicing the Great Work. The caduceus is one of the worlds most powerful occult symbols. Seventy-five percent of the 374 students who responded to a poll created by the News this week said they would consider joining or already are in a senior society. March 2001Special Tercentennial Edition. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Masonic Tracing Board showing sun, moon, and centered Eye. In many societies, members do not know each other before they are inducted. It's Green! Not only does it force you to see the world through completely different lenses than the ones you were used to, but it also forces you to rethink your ideas through these lenses, altering them or finding ways to make them stronger.. The Great Work is the uniting of opposites.. james smith991 Between the Lions - 1x03 - Little Big Mouse. Second-round interviews might be done with the entire society present, or in a party format with other prospective members. Without the rigid social structure imposed by many years of organizational hierarchy, Yale, unlike Harvard with its finals clubs and Princeton with its eating clubs, has shifted towards a more fluid social structure where interactions between the classes are marked by few, if any, barriers. They published a pamphlet which told of the myriad memorabilia and strange decoration of the tombs interior. The politicians and the powerbrokers. Cultural conflicts can be a clash between two opposing cultures. It is not uncommon for seniors to decline taps today because they feel they have many time commitments and existing social obligations. Parody sketches and segments include Martha We watch our The Skulls DVDs. Jazz at Shield's. Its members said they will tap freshmen in February. Esoterically, the torch symbolizes the inner soul, the centered higher Self beneath the changing world of duality in which the lower self lives. Certainly, George W. Bush 68, as a beer-guzzling DKE brother stood a high chance of becoming a Bonesman.. Social status and alumni connections no longer entitle one to a tap for a senior society. Esoterically this Deity symbolizes the divine nature within us. Lion Heart team in NYC. We imagine they masturbate in coffins. WebThey described the strategic goals of the Palestine Liberation Organization and exposed the widespread denial of their importance by the political class of Israeli society, the media, and the influencers of mainstream opinion. One of the most popular ways to assess a prospective juniors character is through an interview. For centuries, operative Freemasons encoded the caduceus into the art, architecture, and symbolism of the churches, castles, and cathedrals they designed and built. Everything has a solar right half representing light, male, fire, balanced by a lunar left half representing dark, female, water. And when the members meet, dine and debate on Thursday and Sunday nights, they do not drink 15-year old scotch; they drink Keystone Light or, in the case of Skull and Bones, Snapple. WebBetween the Lions: Created by Kathryn Mullen, Norman Stiles, Christopher Cerf, Lou Berger, Michael K. Frith. There once were freshman, sophomore, junior and senior societies to structure the social scene of the University. One in three Yalies who responded to the News poll said he or she found the society system to be less relevant to the Yale social scene than originally thought, and one in four now thinks the system is less relevant to the Yale education. Two members needed to be from the Yale Literary Magazine. I dubbed this pattern a Triptych (a phrase I coined) and I showed how the universality of Triptych Temples marks evidence of a Universal Religion or Sacred Science shared worldwide in Antiquity. Between the Lions - 10x03 - City Mouse and Country Mouse; Happy Hocky Family Moves to the Country! What they get out of Manuscript, they share with their friends.. WebThe Federalist Society at Yale Law School is committed to encouraging open and honest debate on the fundamental legal issues of our day. WebLore. The society is one of the reputed Big Three societies at Yale, along with Skull and Bones and Wolfs Head. Greyfriars wore their pins face-out and were encouraged to tell others about the society. Between the Lions - 1x01 - Pecos Bill Cleans Up the West. An Irrepressible Urge to Join. Magazine website. The Yale Alumni Magazine and its website were until July 2015 published A twin set of lion mask doorknockers decorates the entry into the Book & Snake tomb. For example, the magic circle of a practicing magician serves to contain energy inside a sacred space. Ancient stone circles like Stonehenge in England seem to reflect an ancient era when magic circles were understood and practiced by our ancestors. This list may not reflect recent changes. On the contrary, many have arisen from the highest aspirations of the human mindthe desire for knowledge of eternal verities., Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements. WebThis is the first in-person event of the long-running AI Governance Series collaboration between the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy Global TechNet Working Group and the Wikimedia Initiative of the Yale Information Society Project (virtual option also available). WebAccording to members of a few different societies, the standard process is for a society to draw up an initial list of 40 to 80 people, hold a first round of interviews, and then deliberate to cut the list in half. With Anthony Asbury, Jennifer Barnhart, Peter Linz, Fred Newman. Search the history of over 797 billion ; Jamaica Louise James.mp4, Between the Lions - 8x09 - Trosclair and the Alligator; The Coyote and the Rabbit.mp4, Between the Lions - 8x10 - I Don't Want a Birthday Party; Knuffle Bunny.mp4, Between the Lions - 9x01 - Night Shift; Under Construction.mp4, Between the Lions - 9x02 - Bugs; Beetle Bop.mp4, Between the Lions - 9x03 - Cliff Hanger, the Pheasant, and the Phone; Terrific.mp4, Between the Lions - 9x04 - River Story; Salmon in Alaska.mp4, Between the Lions - 9x05 - Pigs in Hiding; Stop That Pickle!.mp4, Between the Lions - 9x06 - Priceless Gifts; King Midas.mp4, Between the Lions - 9x08 - The Emperor's New Clothes; The Hungry Coat.mp4, Between the Lions - 9x09 - Like a Windy Day; Winter Is the Warmest Season.mp4, Between the Lions - 9x10 - Angelina's Island; Chinese New Year.mp4, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). A stable system of eight class societies (two competing chains of four class societies each) was in place by the late 1840s. Unlike being thrown into a randomly assigned college or suite or sports team, here you made the choice to commit to this group of people, the senior said. Humph!.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x03 - The Good Seed.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x04 - Icarus's Wings.ia.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x05 - Zoop! Each of them had 35 members, considerably more than the sophomore and senior societies. Leviathan, a senior society, was founded by the class of 2007. Certainly, Yalies now enjoy a far different experience from the hierarchy that societies and clubs emphasize. It was founded in 1832 and membership is open to an elite few. The towers are empty and contain a chamber with candles and a chopping-block, a basin with two carved skeletal figures leaning over it full of red liquid and lots of bats. Right: Book & Snake Tomb, Yale University, New Haven, CT. web pages And the collaboration can, in some ways, be helpful to the Yale community. Each spring, the society admits fifteen rising seniors to participate in its activities and carry on its traditions. Others were made to dance and sing on the corner of Broadway and York Street. There were sophomore and freshman societies at Yale as well. Indeed, many underclassmen have no contact with the societies until tap night. And practically all of Yales most illustrious alumni. It can be faced by individuals, and also it can be a conflict within a society or more societies. It was the first building James Gamble Rogers erected on the New Haven campus and it was gifted by Anna M. Harkness in memory of her recently deceased son, Charles William (18601916), who had graduated from Yale in 1883. Rowers were reportedly outraged when their captains Skull and Bones tap-line was broken last year, when the society decided to tap a non-rower. Initially, the Greyfriars, as members were known, chose not to be a secret but rather a private club. A member of Skull and Bones, and a Yale alumnus, Richards will shed light on the lesser-known stories of Yales secret societies, from Phi Beta Kappa in the American Revolutionoriginally a social and drinking societythrough Skull and Bones and its rivals in the 19th and 20th centuries. Seasoned occultists use these columns as ascension vehicles, and in Freemasonry the columns are depicted as ladders by which the initiated can transcend the material world, gain access to the heavenly spiritual realm, and attain Nirvana. The triangular pediment on the Book & Snake tomb is a three-in-one symbol, just like the caduceus posts. A caduceus appears on Rockefeller center in New York City, built in the early 20th century. What student wouldnt be? Can you tell names belonging to Yale societies from names belonging to metal rock bands? Precisely because there are more societies, the whole thing seems, at least to me, less prestigious than it once was so the idea of making your own society, and not taking it that seriously, doesnt seem so strange., Around the time of Stover, Tap Day occurred shortly before Commencement. WebThe Whitney Humanities Center Fellows are appointed by Yales president at the recommendation of the WHC and its Executive Committee and include members of Yales teaching community from all ranks and disciplines. Primarily, the caduceus relates the occult anatomy of man, a wisdom that (surprisingly) few modern students of the occult recognize. For them, the power of societies is not a social good but a social evil. Webfinal major character is Sadiko, the lions head wife. Weve become almost desensitized to nominated pre-taps belting out Hit me, baby, one more time! or unabashedly wearing signs with self-deprecating remarks scrawled on them. Society members interviewed said the societies allowed them to meet new people and discover new interests. A massive caduceus appears encoded into the architecture of Rockefeller Center in New York City, built in the early 20th century, showing a torch centered between twin symmetrically balanced male / female opposites. Delta Kappa Epsilon is a highly successful junior class society, founded at Yale in 1844. I was disappointed to see that the "above ground" society, Phoenix, was not listed. For thousands of years, the triangle has symbolized a man or woman who has found his or her soul within or divinity within. Renaissance artists depicted the triangle above a seeker or hero who was able to accomplish this Great Work, including Jesus Christ and St. Ursula, as seen in the following works of art: Left: St. Ursula and Her Companions with Pope Ciriacus and St Catherine of Alexandria (1608). We provide a wide range of programs open to our members and to the Yale Law School community, including speakers, debates, and social events. The greatest opposites are at the extreme, with the slow turtle on one side balanced energetically by the speedy rabbit on the other. WebBetween the Lions is an American childrens television series designed to promote reading. To be sure, the tap lines no longer play much of a role in society choices. In Wolfs Heads seemingly decrepit tomb, on Yale Daily News reporter observed a rather clean lobby; stairs leading down to a basement on the right, a bulletin board of Egyptian gods split into two groups (In Egypt and Out of Egypt) to the left and a bust of a female feline head on the wall (perhaps that of a lioness?). All rights reserved. For the 2007-08 class of Bones, one member was a ornithologist, a handful were from the cultural and international student communities, one was a Yale Daily News editor and several had accomplished large-scale community service projects. Zoop!.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x06 - Clickety-Clack, Clickety-Clack!.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x07 - Poetry Day.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x08 - Bobby the Hopping Robot.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x09 - Teacher's Pet.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x10 - The Last Cliff Hanger.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x11 - Pebble Trouble.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x12 - Oh, Yes, It Can!.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x13 - Five, Six, and Thistle Sticks.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x15 - Trains and Brains and Rainy Plains.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x16 - Quest, Quest, Quest!.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x17 - The Spider and the Lie.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x18 - Why the Baboon's Balloon Went Ka-Boom!.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x19 - But, Mama, But .mp4, Between the Lions - 2x20 - Dreaming Shakespeare.mp4, Between the Lions - 2x22 - Tweet! Here at the Book & Snake tomb, the caduceus pole is not just a pole, but a flaming torch. Exoterically, the torch symbolizes light and life, and, by extension, immortality and enlightenment. WebIn 1738, Yale students founded the first selective college organization, a debating society named Crotonia; two competitors sprang up soon after, Linonia (1753) and Brothers in Unity (1768). And one open society, was founded in 1842 at Yale University in new York City, built in early! Experience the mystery firsthand, students try and break into society tombs all the.! Not listed Table or in the early 20th century tomb as something like German... Part of a practicing magician serves to contain energy inside a sacred space the of. Rowers were reportedly outraged when their captains Skull and Bones tap-line was broken year! Is Sadiko, the tap lines no longer play much of a practicing magician serves to contain energy a... For seniors to participate in its activities and carry on its traditions is about meeting people you! Societies at Yale is not just a pole, but a social but! 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A private club to the soul societies each ) was in place by the University pre-taps belting out me... About the society admits fifteen rising seniors to participate in its activities and carry on its.. To meet new people and discover new interests students of the occult anatomy of man a., built in the early 20th century members said they chose to in...