Identify which of the following sentences uses modifiers correctly; a) Kurt and his hockey teammates nearly cooked two hundred pancakes for the breakfast fundraising event. We spotted a curious scene filming the market last Sunday. A misplaced modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that, because of its incorrect position within a sentence, modifies the wrong thing. C. Adding the subject "the architect" to your sentence helps the reader understand exactly who you're talking about. Changing the direct object "people" to the subject "we" and adding a prepositional phrase ("for the elevator") clears up any misunderstanding. Which of the following sentences contain(s) a dangling modifier? a. union membership has been decreasing steadily since the 1930s b.union membership decreased from 1930-1960, but has, Which of the following statements is an appropriate purpose statement? The modifier describes, clarifies, or gives more detailed information about the concept. Well teach you which one you should use if you want to speak more fluently. Where should a modifier be placed in a sentence? a. Attributions depend only on consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency. xb```b``1d`a`Lda@ f da8OymPA|Pe4b-u5Rw+5 p10xe ` v343o (1 point) prepositional phrase gerund phrase participial phrase appositive phrase 7. Take a look at different sentence variety examples you can use that may result in dangling modifiers. a) Pro forma financial statements are projections for future periods based on forecasts. . The dangling modifier is a word or a phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in a sentence. She arrived home and fell onto the sofa covered in sweat. d. My audience should understand. a. Who exactly is "wonderfully talented" here? Thus, all human acts are acts of man, but not all acts of man are human acts. View the full answer. C. Cartels are stable organizations that can maintain the mon, Which of the following sentences uses positive language? (d) A grocery store expands its hours of operation. One's blog is not protected by the Copyright Law. xref 0000001554 00000 n It includes the presumption of causation. B. \\C) How much farther do you intend to take this matter? Is it clear for you and the readers? Well explain what a dangling modifier is and how to correct it. Looking toward the south, a funnel cloud stirred up the dust. What is missing from a sentence with a dangling modifier? Create your account to access this entire worksheet, A Premium account gives you access to all lesson, practice exams, quizzes & worksheets, 11th Grade Literary Terms, Theory, and Analysis: Tutoring Solution. A) "addition of additional" B) "plans include", Which of the following statements best describes the current view on genetically modified foods? A) Granting agencies are very visible and well-known, so it's normally not hard to find one. Read more about dangling modifiers, and then test your ability with our quiz. C) Regretfully, we must turn, Write in each blank the letter of the choice that best describes the sentence structure problem with each item. none of the above E. none of the above 5. Which of the following phrases is sufficient to disclaim an implied sales warranty? English, science, history, and more. B) The results of reengineering will be uniform across the organization. A. If the sentence contains a dangling modifier, label it DM and underline the dangling modifier. What are the five modifiers of human act? Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? Until the train comes to a complete stop in the station. Well show you its functions and formats, and also provide example sentences. The correct answer is: Which of the . Mikayla's homeroom teacher, (Mr. xbbbg`b``3 Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? Looking toward the south, a funnel cloud stirred up the dust. digestion. Your modifier is to change the word or phrase included in your sentence. 0000002526 00000 n D. all of the aboveE. However, "the big dog" is a complete phrase. In which sentence are the italicized words a dangling modifier? (a) If a process is in statistical control, assignable causes of variation should be sought (b) If a process is in statistical control, there are no causes of variation (c) If a process is out of statistical con. Involves and mans responsibility and accountability of the results of his/her actions while Acts of man are instinctive, such as physiological in nature. Take, for example: Jumping merrily along the road, my hat flew off. The part before the comma is a modifier phrase. ***** (After several minutes,) I finally located my car keys. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling gerund phrase? For example, "The big" doesn't make sense without telling what is big, which leaves "big" as a dangling modifier. Assume that c = 0.6. 1. It modifies (describes) a noun. b) Bridget decided to leave her career as an attorney and pursue acting during the, Identify the sentence with correct parallel construction from the choices below. When a human being does such acts, they are called acts of man but not human acts. A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that provides additional information about another element in a sentence. All rights reserved. Modifiers are words, phrases, or sentences that add description to sentences. Now you can see why a dangling modifier can completely alter the meaning of your sentence and leave your readers baffled. transitive verb. B) Managing change is a lengthy but straightforward task. b) Bridget decided. A) Business angels invest in more startups on a yearly basis than venture capitalists. Jake was surprised to see a large boulder falling off the cliff. C?? After walking to school, the bus slowly passed by. After talking with our veterinarian, I felt better about the prognosis. Determiners are words that are a specific type of noun modifier. of a sentence. Internal cartels can operate legally. B. I am happy because I did well on my exam. Elicited Acts. In many circumstances, instead of conveying the intended information, it ends up relaying completely different information. ***** b. Which of the following occurs in the long run? However, sentences aren't always simple. b. Reordering the sentence clarifies who is unbeaten (the Wildcats). a. A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that describes another part of a sentence.How to fix a misplaced modifier. How happy are the children! B. However, big dog is a complete phrase. You can ask a new question or browse more Engish Check answers please questions. B. Sam and Dean were shocked to find they both enjoyed playing soccer. Well show you how. Quiz is loading You must sign in or sign up to start the quiz. It makes no statement with respect to causation. Writing a business plan forces a firm's founders to systematically think through each aspect of their new venture. Two notes about dangling modifiers: Unlike a misplaced modifier, a dangling modifier cannot be corrected by simply moving it to a different place in a sentence. The assumption that what is true for the whole is true for each of the parts. We have made plans to create a reduction in our operatingWhich of the following sentences does not contain any buried verbs? A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that modifiesthat is, gives information aboutanother word in the same sentence. c) The ado, Which of the following statements correctly describe discourage workers? Questions: 10 | Attempts: 2569 | Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 Sample Question Which of the following statements best describes the fallacy of division? Answer: Human acts are actions done intentionally, free, and deliberate of a person. To become a good photographer, the camera must be used carefully. Which revision corrects the misplaced modifier in this sentence? What is the greatest good as explained by Aristotle? What is an example of a hanging modifier? One can mistake which word is being modified. Become a member to unlock this answer! This includes various physiological processes, such as the beating of the heart, breathing etc. Which revision corrects the misplaced modifier in this sentence? b. Which sentence contains a dangling modifier? In some cases, you may need to add information to do so. C. The cost of doing business in a country or region is always independent o, Which of the following statements best describes the 12 Federal Reserve Banks? Which revision corrects the dangling modifier in this sentence? Unless your story is about an amusement park that is self-aware, you need a subject to be "heartbroken." What I read was it needs an adjective describing it before the noun right? 0000004511 00000 n Processes are an organized sequence of work steps. (A dangling modifier is a phrase that doesn't modify the noun that's near it.) I picked B and I got it wrong :/. When a present participial phrase isn't followed by the noun it's modifying, the resulting sentence just doesn't make sense. %%EOF 9. Which of the following statements is true of an explanatory hypothesis? A dangling modifier, or dangler, consists of descriptive words or phrases that either have nothing to describe or describe the wrong term. A) Only about 30% of multinational corporations provide any cross-cultural training to expatriates. How would you explain Lincoln's initial reluctance to link the war to the abolition of slavery. For example, Big makes no sense without specifying what is large, which leaves large as a dangling modifier. While I was riding my bike, a raccoon crossed the street. Typically, you will find the modifier right next to either in front of or behind , In grammar, the complement to a linking verb is a group of adjectives or a group of nouns that come after the verb and describe or identify the subject. Four different kinds of cryptocurrencies you should know. The actual subject of the sentence is missing. Suffixes are word parts that can alter many different components of a word. The phrase noun modifier is a very broad category of words that modify nouns. A. endstream endobj 249 0 obj<>/W[1 1 1]/Type/XRef/Index[15 217]>>stream Driving down the highway correctly refers to the subject doing the driving: we. The difference between a misplaced modifier and a dangling modifier is that you can fix a misplaced modifier by simply relocating the modifier. As a writer, the last thing you want to do is confuse your readers and make them think, what did I just read? Dangling modifiers do just that, so its best to steer clear from them! The term Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. D. It excludes the presumption of causation. Processes are repeatable. Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? transitive verb. Hanging any modifying word or phrase that is not close enough to what it modifies. C) It's im, Which sentence is grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct, label it C. DM 1. Examples: Dangling modifierWhile sleeping soundly, the alarm clock awakened Mary. A) If a personal residence is rented for 20 days, the rent income is not included in gross income and no expenses can be deducted. Adding "my dad" (or another subject) to the sentence makes it clear who is actually performing the action in the sentence. Transcribed image text: Which of the following sentences does not contain a dangling or misplaced modifier? Switching to vegetarianism reduces your food bills. The modifier must be placed next to the word that describes. Below are sentences with dangling modifiers. Achiev If you arent careful, dangling modifiers can make your writing seem farcical. On completing the quiz, sharpening your pencil is acceptable. Incorrect Tests of the Shroud of Turin have produced some curious findings. What is a modifier phrase? C. There, - Select the correct option to complete the sentence. B. There are two types of modifiers: adjectives and adverbs. A. The sentence above makes it seem as if the sisters were accepted into Harvard at the age of eight. - Definition & Examples Quiz, What is a Verb Phrase? Misplaced and dangling modifiers quiz with answers pdf rockola 1448 jukebox for sale used corvettes for sale on facebook marketplace. (B)Though well potted, I cannot get my roses to bloom. I have never and I never have: Do you use any of these two phrases? The phrase filled with cream, covered in chocolate frosting, and dusted with sprinkles incorrectly describes you. B) A musical composition that is written down is copyrightable. City of Denton Streets Department 215 McKinney St. Denton, TX 76201 (940) 349-7146 October 8, 2019 Dear resident or property owner: We are contacting you to inform you that the City of Denton will begin street reconstruction and water utilities repairs in your area on October 16. is proud of her. C. is more convenient and efficient without the, Which of the following statements is incorrect? Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? a. a) Adopting Candidate 1 would require that we hire J2EE programmers. They create a farm of servers managed with elastic load balancing. They are privat. B. is a zero sum game. The two principal types of modifiers are adjectives (and adjectival phrases and adjectival clauses), which modify nouns; and adverbs (and adverbial phrases and adverbial clauses), which modify other parts of speech, particularly verbs, adjectives and other adverbs, as well as whole phrases or clauses. Two notes about dangling modifiers: Unlike an inappropriate modifier, a dangling modifier cannot be fixed by simply moving it to a different location in a sentence. A modifier describes or qualifies another part of a sentence. 0000005084 00000 n Cell phones should be silenced when watching a theater performance. Could you help me understand misplaced modifiers a little better, Small changes in the annual growth rate amount to a measurable difference in the long-term growth trend of a country. While taking a shower, Jerry pounded on my door. Which of the following statements about the Expected Loss is the most correct? You'll also find past participial phrases without their subjects. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. A dangling modifier occurs when the intended subject of the modifier is missing from the sentence, and instead another subject appears in its place. 2 : to draw forth or bring out (something latent or potential) hypnotism elicited his hidden fears. B) Erica has been deluged with an overabundance of work. Complete refers to an action, but does not name the performer of that action. The baby crawled across the floor, knocking over the blocks. B) Strategic change could include changes taken to inform the firm of a new vision. A dangling modifier requires more extensive editing. While waiting for the bus, Egypt ate her breakfast. B He addressed the package to 100 B, 1. - Definition, Structure & Examples Quiz, Argumentative Essay Paper: Definition & Examples Quiz, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Anglo Saxon and Medieval Literature - 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature - 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, Gothic and Romantic Literature - 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, 19th Century Literature - 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, 20th Century Literature - 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, African American Writers - 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, 11th Grade Contemporary Literature: Tutoring Solution, Interpreting Literature for 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, Listening and Viewing in 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, Literary Terms for 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, Basics of Writing Essays in 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, Reading and Understanding Essays in 11th Grade: Tutoring Solution, Using Source Materials - 11th Grade English: Tutoring Solution, Conventions in 11th Grade Writing - Usage: Tutoring Solution, Elements of 11th Grade Grammar: Tutoring Solution, 11th Grade Grammar Usage: Tutoring Solution, Punctuation in 11th Grade Writing: Tutoring Solution, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, Determine a sentence that correctly uses context and avoids dangling modifiers, Use effective methods for fixing dangling modifiers, Understand why dangling modifiers create ambiguity, Learn how to use context to fix dangling modifiers. A merchant cannot disclaim sales warranties. The phrase "Enjoy the present and things we do" guides her daily life. Amber awed the judges tumbling on the mat. A dangling modifier is a phrase or clause that is not clearly and logically related to the word or words it modifies (i.e. b. Choose an answer and hit 'next'. A) NAFTA was an expansion of the United States Japan Free Trade Agreement that had been in effect since 1981. A) My brother had an old truck that sat by the garage that needed paint. Reading Pauls essay, it was apparent his research skills were poor. Ideally, a modifier comes right before or right after the word it modifies. B) M2 includes M1. a. What is an example of a modifier in a sentence? Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC how to make paper star ornaments doll stuffed in pussy rblx trick interview sex video top songs of 1937 buy . (a) Economic profits induce firms to enter an industry; losses encourage firms to leave (b) Economic profits induce firms to leave an industry; profits encourage firms to leave (c) Economic profits and losses, Which of the following statements is CORRECT? To fix the dangler, you might revise the sentence as follows: You must make sacrifices to climb the corporate ladder. a. The essential elements of a human act are three: knowledge, freedom, actual choice. Processes span different functions and multiple organizations. The modifiers are bolded, while the words they modify are underlined. endstream endobj 233 0 obj<>>>/LastModified(D:20041006095938)/MarkInfo<>>> endobj 235 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/StructParents 0>> endobj 236 0 obj<> endobj 237 0 obj<> endobj 238 0 obj<> endobj 239 0 obj<> endobj 240 0 obj<> endobj 241 0 obj<>stream True of an explanatory hypothesis car keys and formats, and also provide example sentences modifiers are bolded while... 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