Scout and Jems father, Atticus, is helping Tom Robinson, who was a follower at First Purchase and probably Lulas friend. When the children play made up games during the summer, Dill came to [be] known as a pocket Merlin, whose head teemed with eccentric plans, strange longings, and quaint fantacies.(8) Dill makes up amazing stories and tells them to Scout and Jem using his imagination. The difference between Atticus in Jem is that one is wiser with years and knows what worth fighting for and what is not, but Jem is too young to understand those ideas. Jem and Atticus have very different reactions to the men who visit Atticus at night to discuss the case. Heredity is just one of several ways of ranking people that Scout hears throughout the novel. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." What else does the jury's behavior tell you about their decision? 6. The early chapters of the novel show a childish excitement and fear about the mysterious Boo Radley. Aunt Alexandra also believed that a worthy family has several generations that can pass these traits down. As time passed, lying became his way of life and a common part of his daily routine. She couldnt live like Mr. Dolphus Raymond, who preferred the company of Negroes, because she didnt own a riverbank and she wasnt from a fine old family. to protect Tom Robinson from angry townspeople. What further realization about Atticus, the trail and the community confuses Scout? Apparently it works for them, right? He was polite to the men even though they came ti tell him news that was going to upset him. She was puzzled by the customs of the church. Because she had the courage to do so, she saved her father and family from a lot of trouble. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. That proves something that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because theyre still human. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. In chapter 23, what prediction does Atticus make about the future? Going to the church was an interesting experience for the children, especially for Scout. The Fjords04 Theme. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. 5. No rags-to-riches stories for her. On one account, Dill was almost caught in the act. Atticus always tells Jem to keep his cool, although as shown with Atticus , Do you really thing so? (146), his will to fight for a cause, or his courage, is unprecedented. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs I think that as time goes by he will grow from his lying phase, only to replace it with another undesirable habit soon after. Ace your assignments with our guide to To Kill a Mockingbird! I think that even though Scout and Jem can see that Dill is lying they ignore it, small things like that dont matter to them. She sums up her definition on courage when the character Atticus spoke of Mrs. Dubose after she passed away. courage is [not] a man with a gun in his hand. And that's pretty hard to do late in the week with Sunday coming at us like a speeding freight train. Scout, [searching] once more for a familiar face (153), found his and started asking him about his entailment. No pel las papas y tardaron mucho tiempo en cocinarse. The Blacks respected the Whites and the Whites spoke down to the Blacks; there was no other way of life known to them. Aunt Alexandra's idea of "fine folks" is very different than Scout's idea of it. That Walters as smart as he can be, he just gets held back sometimes because he has to stay out and help his daddy. 3. Also, Scout;s one sided conversation with Mr. Cunningham gives him and the other men tie to cool off and think about what they are doing. They believe that Tom Robinson should have a fair trial, and not be ridiculed by the town. He was colored children and a colored wife. It is even more impressive because racism was so harsh back then. She did not know why these men were at the courthouse. When Dill lies its his way of creating fantastic stories that he can tell his friends, thinking his friends will admire him he has done all of these fantastic things. From what Atticus taught Scout, she believes that fine folk are those who fight for what they believe in. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. But I never figured out how Atticus knew I was listening, and it was not until many years later that I realized he wanted me to hear every word he said. Not affiliated with Harvard College. In the end Dolphus may surprise the Finch children and they may learn a lesson about judgement and stereotypes. Youve got everything to lose from this, Atticus. Also, most of the men in the posse have children of their own, and would not want their offspring to see something like that. "I think it's how long your family's been readin' and writin'. Kristen, I really like your answer to this question and agree completely. Why does Dolphus Raymond hide Coca-Cola in a brown paper bag? Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Atticus hopes this will distract her from her morphine addiction so she can die without the addiction. Jem felt obligated to protect his father though Atticus knew there was nothing to worry about. This blog is for preview purposes only and all music downloaded should be deleted within 24 hours. He also doesnt care that its not respectable to drink in public. Scout defines "fine folks" to be those who are good on the inside.. how a person acts their goodness and their compassionate hearts. Explain the significance of Atticus reading the Grey Ghost to Scout before she goes to bed at night? I believe that men of that age would not have cared if the children were still there. He knew that the people would soon come to crack under pressure and try to gang up on him. Maycomb gave them Christmas baskets, welfare money, and the back of its hand. Jem is now 12 years old and is experiencing many changes that Scout can't understand. Her voice rose: "It tears him to pieces. Yeah that is a good point. Scout is reflecting on her aunts view that the quality of a person has to do with the quality and longevity of their family tree. The plot and characters are loosely based on . Nothing can happen to Tom until the appeal process is over. Scout has been listening in on her father speaking with her uncle Jack about the upcoming trial. The six-year-old Scout is taken aback, and in this quote, she reflects on how the moment influenced her. In sharp contradiction, Aunt Alexandra is a person who is under the impression that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was (130). Their upbringing and their family heritage. She arranges family by blood, while Atticus considers affection and loyalty. I think it was good for them to see what life was like as a black in Maycomb County but also learning that Calpurnias beliefs and the sermons the preacher spoke were much like the ones Scout and Jem hear at their church and although they worshiped in separate churches, the God they worshiped was the same. [and] she was the bravest person i ever knew, (112). Harper Lee created Dolphus to show that not everyone in Maycomb had a prejuduce. Dill lies about his family life in order to keep his pride. 6. Completa con la forma apropiada de ser o estar. A drunkard, mostly unemployed member of Maycomb's poorest family. Instead of excepting the ridicule of haveing a mixed family he drinks. For example, when Scout begins to talk to Mr. Cunningham about his entailments she did not understand why all the men were looking at [her]. He watches the entire conversation from inside the house because he is scared for Atticuss sake. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. When they first arrive to the church Scout notices the cemetery that is outlined with brightly colored glass and broken Coca-Cola bottles It [is] a happy cemetery (118). List three details in chapter 28 that adds to the mounting tension before Jem and Scout are attacked. Why is this significant? Dill feels the need to create stories so that he can receive attention from others since he receives none at home. 7. what type of danger zone is needed for this exercise. Then, sum up the themes restated in number 52 , the coda to Song of Myself. 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. its true that he did not have a solid home, but I think its more of a need for attention. I believe Dills need to lie is caused by a lack of a stable home as a child. I think he would be in open support of Tom Robinson because as he says But do you think I could face my children otherwise, (88) when conversing to Uncle Jack about whether he could have dropped the case. The childrens manufactured fear of Boo is a stand-in for their general fear of the unknown. Dill introduce himself as Charles Barker Haris and he can read. he is pround of his accomplishments. QUIZ 4. Even though he was sort of an outcast from whites, it is admirable that his fortitude is visible in the book. Somewhere, I had received the impression that Fine Folks were people who did the best they could with the sense they had, but Aunt Alexandra was of the opinion, obliquely expressed, that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was. Literacy isn't a bad approachliteracy means education, which means having a certain class and wealth status. 3. Refers mainly to her tongue and talk but also her different ways of living which have never been exposed before to Scout and Jem. Their family heritage. as Calpurnia says, Were all worshipin the same God.. Also that they realized how much they were deprived and not given an ounce of pity, or even a second glance. I think that Harper Lee would describe courage as the ability to face difficulties and uncertainty in various situations. Can the rapidly evolving virtual office bring (us/ourselves) closer to an ideal workplace? To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by the American author Harper Lee. Courage, in my mind, is the most important motif in the story because throughout the whole story Atticus shows courage thorugh so many incidents with Jem, Scout, and espicially the Tom Robinson case. "Claudia's book is the 'bible' for those schools who want to pursue AI. All people came to see the trial take place because everybody was affected by it. 20% He could be the cure to Maycombs Disease., 1.I think it was a educational expierience because Jem and Scout learned that Calpurnia was one of the four people able to read. Atticus raised Scout to be a respectable young girl, reflecting himself. He is at a young age where he needs to be cared for, not necessarily babied along, but to have someone to help and and someone he can prove himself to. He knows this is his case and he is not going to back out because of criticism. 6) I believe that the character of Dolphus Raymond was created by Harper Lee because she wanted to outline the fact that some people who had the opportunity to be something much more choose to be something much less. In what way does Scout demonstrate sensitivity and compassion in these last two chapters? Scout and Jem have no idea that Dill is really having family problems at home and he is passed between his siblings to and from often. It is easy to tell from this situation that Jem does not ever want anything to happen to Atticus. 5. Also, the fact that there wasnt any hymn books played a role in the astonishment that the kids expressed. There was indeed a caste system in Maycomb, but to my mind it worked this way: the older citizens, the present generation of people who had lived side by side for years and years, were utterly predictable to one another: they took for granted attitudes, character shadings, even gestures, as having been repeated in each generation and refined by time. After hearing this, Scout wants to bring Walter to dinner. Answer the following questions using specifics from the novel (textual support) to enhance your ideas and respond to three of your classmates comments. to make a search; hunt. Some of the reason that Scout and Jem are so afraid is because, to a degree, they still believe that courage and revenge happen physically. 5.The men decide to leave because they admire the small girls courage. 1. 4. The very fact that Jem decided to go was very loyal, and Scouts will to be there with her father was personified by her saying to Jem, Im goin anyway, (149) after he told her to stay put. Scout, Jem, and Dill learned that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because theyre still human. (157). What kind of person is Bob Ewell? Bravery and courage to endure anything even when the situation is hopeless. (13.28). I think that Mr. Cunningham and all the other men left the jail after speaking with Scout for many reasons. The blacks had to sit in the upper level. In such a circumstance, Tom has no reason to believe that the legal system will ever treat him fairly. It's not a difficult case to judge because although there's hard evidence, it doesn't point to my defendant. To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Guide Part Two: Chapters 13-30 Write in Complete Sentences and make sure your font is a different color than the question. On the other hand, Scout thought that a family was people who did the best they could with the sense they had (130). Scout defiantly thinks that a family should be proud of what they already have no matter if they know who their generations were or if they have lived on the same piece of land their whole life. First they decide to leave because they cannot continue their discussion with Atticus if his children are present. 6. He could have declined because it was the easy thing to do but Atticus did what was right. "Jean Louise, stop scratching your head," was the. Mr. Cunningham and all the other members most likely left after Scout arrived in order to spare her from seeing anything bad and simply because theyre human (157). Scout mentions that Aunt A's is of the belief that the longer a person's family has "squatted on a piece of land" the . Atticus ability to go on with the trial because he sincerely believes that all people should be treated equally was true courage. Courage might be maintaining your beliefs no matter what or who comes your way. There were twelve white men on the jury. He lies to add some adventure to a motonous story. 1. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. In what ways are the ladies of the Missionary Society and Miss Gates the teacher hypocrites. He was to symbolize the peoples choice in society. What metaphor does the author use to describe Bob Ewell as he approaches the witness stand? During the trial in the courtroom, Jem and Scout: What is Judge Taylor's interesting habit? Somewhere, I had received the impression that Fine Folks were people who did the best they could with the sense they had, but Aunt Alexandra was of the opinion, obliquely expressed, that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land the finer it was. As a punishment for destroying her flowers. Major problem: it doesn't involve putting people into neat little categories. Um, Mr. Cunningham standing in Atticuss shoes. He says that he destroyed Mr. Ewell's credibility at the trial and if Mr. Ewell spitting in his face saved Mayella a beating, he's fine with it. Aunt Alexandra said. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Before the three get into the church a woman named Lula stops them and voices her opinion to Calpurnia about Scout and Jem being at the church: You aint got no business bringin white chillun here-they got their church, we got ourn(119) There is a clear racial barrier between Blacks and Whites but it is alarming that it comes from this Black woman, Lula. Is Atticus's opinion the only reason, or is there some other difference? Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want She thinks more about how fine folks were people who worked hard, and were overall good people. Historical Context Essay: The Scottsboro Boys Trials, Literary Context Essay: To Kill a Mockingbird & The Southern Gothic Tradition. Scout's impression of Fine Folks were they did the best they could with the sense they had. Jem fails to comprehend. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Scout is speaking to her teacher on the first day of school. 1) Scout and Jems visit to Calpurnias church proved to be both educational and interesting, although it was not necesarrily pleasant. Mrs. Cannatas Blog: Speak Out and BeHeard. Harper Lees deffinition of courage is doing what is right not what is easy. In To Kill a Mockingbird , author Harper Lee uses memorable characters to explore Civil Rights and racism in the segregated southern United . Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want When they saw how tattered and unkempt the chruch was, they realized how deprived the Negro community was. Case and he can read learned that a worthy family has several generations that can pass these traits down courage... I think that Harper Lee as a child for Atticuss sake he receives none at.., Tom has no reason to believe that the people would soon to... 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