The DMZ was to be fortified, much to the dismay of the III MAF leadership. The aircraft is painted in the colors of the Sikorsky Company, and the company's name appears above the right landing gear. USS Princeton (LPH-5) moored to a buoy in the harbor at Hong Kong BCC in 1964. Asbestos in Navy Ships Clausen did not falter. Overloaded, Pless jettisoned his rocket pods, and nursed his helicopter out of the LZ. From 26 Mar to 6 Apr the SLF and HMM-362 participated in OPERATION JACKSTAY with two South Vietnamese Marine battalions in the Rung Sat Special Zone south of Saigon. All Rights Reserved. Nixons troop withdrawal plan began on 14 Jul with BLT 1/9 leaving for Okinawa. Reclassified Amphibious Assault Ship (Helicopter) (LPH) 2 March 1959. After a busy night with 6.2 hours already logged, the medevac package was alerted to an emergency evac of 3 WIA southwest of An Hoa in an area known as Antenna Valley, well outside the friendly AO. Any questions?. If you contact a Shipmate through HullNumber, your email address is not displayed in the message to your Shipmate. Because of the increasing demand for fixed wing and helicopter pilots in RVN, the US Air Force and the US Army began training pilots for the USMC. Eight months later Without hesitation, LCpl Everett and the corpsman left the aircraft and searched the dark area for 30 minutes, locating and loading all of the casualties. From May 1959 January 1960, Princeton trained with Marine units from Camp Pendleton, then deployed to WestPac to train in Okinawan waters. MAG-36 units at Quang Tri airfield were HMM-163 (H-34s), HMM-262 (H-46As) (from SLF) and VMO-6 (UH-1Es). The South Vietnamese Marine Division (VNMC) held the advancing NVA at the My Chanh in April. On 8 Mar, the 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (9th MEB), including Battalion Landing Team (BLT) 3/9 and BLT 1/3 were landed across the beaches and via Da.Nang harbor. From Manila Princeton joined the 7th Fleet in the Marianas Soon after this on another black night, an HMM-263 medevac effort brought out 27 WIA from a hot LZ just SW of Thuong Duc following the ambush of a 7th Marines patrol. Crews were issued bullet bouncers, a garment worn bib-wise designed to stop a .50 cal round. The USS Iwo Jima replaced the USS Princeton on 7 May. In October 1964, Princeton exchanged WestPac training for the real thing as she returned to Vietnam and joined the Pacific Fleet's Ready Group in operations against North Vietnamese and Viet Cong (VC) forces. With the amphibious landings delayed, the helicopters of HMM 362 departed the USS Princeton at 0720 and heliolifted Company A to Landing Zone (LZ) Robin and Company C to Landing Zone (LZ) Sparrow. MAG-16 helos lifted in a reinforcing Marine regiment and intense fighting continued well into May. The CH-53D Sea Stallion assault helicopter was delivered to the USMC with a lift capacity of 8000 pounds and 38 troops, which increased the payload over the H-53A by two tons. One, the success of Operation ENDSWEEP was directly linked to the release of U.S. POWs held in North Vietnam, and two, Marines obey the orders given them. H-46 missions were restricted to emergency only. These packages consisted of four to six CH-46Ds, two to four AH-1Gs and one UH-1E on standby to be used against targets of opportunity in the last months of the war. A detachment of two YOV-10Ds had arrived on 26 May for combat evaluation. Interdiction missions followed, and by 4 April Princeton's planes had rendered 54 rail and 37 highway bridges inoperable and damaged 44 more. In September, three HUS-1s were hit by small arms fire, and a crew chief was wounded, becoming the first Marine helicopter aircrew casualty of the war. The Republic of South Vietnam: 1965 to 1970 . The wing stations carried 19 shot 2.75 in rockets, flares, CBU-55 (FAE) weapons or 150 gal. and for the next six days continued the pace to support marines fighting t In January 1954, Princeton was reclassified CVS-37 and, after conversion at Bremerton, Washington, took up antisubmarine/ Hunter-Killer (HUK) training operations in the eastern Pacific. Marine helicopters and crews on the ARGs stood by with a 300-man reaction force on a 48-hour standby to rescue downed crews or escaping American Prisoners of War (POWs). "Deckhouse II" and support for "Hastings" followed as Navy On 15 Sep, VNMC troops took the Citadel and Quang Tri City. By the late 60s, all new production UH-1Es, CH-46s and CH-53s were equipped with pilots armored seats, and CH-46s also had engine armor. At one point, the pilot gave him a direct order to remain in the helicopter. USS Forrestal (CV-59) had one Vietnam war cruise, in the summer of 1967. Cook and the recon team leader carried one of the wounded down the trail to the aircraft while Penn and the corpsman followed with the other. MajGen Raymond G. Davis, CG, 3rd MarDiv, believed in a more mobile posture regarding the usage of helicopter assets to insert troops. and in August Princeton got underway for the United States This was the first major contact with the 21st NVA Regiment. Dear Mr. Anderson, Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! Princeton sailed for home The National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference (RDT2) has custody of the Logbooks of U.S. Navy Ships and Stations, 1941 - 1983 in the Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel (Record Group 24). During December, a most unusual and heroic medevac took place. HMM-164 (H-46As) was assigned to SLF B aboard the USS Tripoli. Allen Smith USS Princeton: 50k: USS Princeton (LPH-5) moored to a buoy in the harbor at Hong Kong BCC, circa 1960s. On 31 Aug, during a medevac, a CH-46A from HMM-262 disintegrated in-flight while enroute to the USS Tripoli. The 2nd Battalion arrived in September. Built at Camden, New Jersey, USS Princeton (CVL-23), an Independence class aircraft carrier, was commissioned in February 1943.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. Forty percent of the total USMC munitions on hand in I Corps was destroyed. With the NVA acceleration of the attacks again, Nguyen Van Thieu resigned on 21 April as President of South Vietnam. It also includes ships supplying and supporting these operations. Veteran owned business since 2000. In January, the NVA commenced probing attacks on many major South Vietnamese cities. He was released by North Vietnam and returned to the United States in 1973. So much for the withdrawal ordered 6 months earlier. HMM-162 joined HMM-163 in Da Nang in response to increasing helicopter requirements in-country. She was decommissioned in 1970, and sold for scrap in 1971. From May until January 1960 The history and Technology of Submarines (Grade 5), To the Ends of the Earth and Beyond (Grades 5-8), The Date that Lives in Infamy: Pearl Harbor (High School), Codes and Signals: Breaking the Spy Games of World War II and Vietnam, Damage Control Mission Brief: (Blue Navy) A Study Based on the Battle of Okinawa, Damage Control Mission Brief: (Green Navy) A Study Based on the Battle of Okinawa, Author Talk: The Suffragist Playbook: Your Guide to Changing the World with Rebecca Boggs Roberts and Lucinda Robb, Family Art Workshop: Kites and Observation, Talk: The Washington Navy Yard During the Civil War, A Conversation with Historians Dr. Regina Akers and Dr. Eddie Valentin: From Benjamin Drummond to Doris Miller: Race, Identity, and the Struggle Against Discrimination in the U.S. Navy, Virtual Book Talk: When Giants Ruled the Sky: the Brief Reign and Tragic Demise of the American Rigid Airship, with John J. Geoghegan and Curator, Gordon Calhoun, April 18, 1906 -- San Francisco, California, December 16, 1922 Rescue of Vinh-Long Passengers, September 6, 1930 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, December 1948-January 1949-Beirut, Lebanon and Port Said, Egypt, 1954-1955 Vietnam (Operation Passage to Freedom), October 13, 1954 -- Haiti (Hurricane Hazel), February 7, 1955: Evacuation of Chinese from Tachen Islands, October 1955: Tampico, Mexico (Hurricane Janet), October 1959 Nagoya, Japan (Typhoon Vera), November 3, 1961 - Belize, British Honduras (Hurricane Hattie), August 1969 Mississippi (Hurricane Camille), October-December 1973 Colombia and Haiti, February 1975 Mauritius (Cyclone Gervaise), April 29, 1975 Operation Frequent Wind, 1980-1989 Rescue of Vietnamese Refugees, September 21, 1981 Rescue of Datu Kalantiaw, January 28, 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger, April-August 1989 - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, September-October 1989 Charleston, South Carolina, January 1990 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, August 5, 1990 Liberia (Operation Sharp Edge), 1991-1996 - Iraq (Operation Provide Comfort), 1992-1993 Somalia (Operation Restore Hope), 1992-1996 Yugoslavia (Operation Provide Promise), March 1997 - Albania (Operation Silver Wake), January-March 1998 Kenya (Operation Nobel Response). of the Republic of South Viet Nam. The YOV-10Ds remained until late August. USS Princeton (CV/CVA/CVS-37, LPH-5) was one of 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers built during and shortly after World War II for the United States Navy. The regimental commander used this for admin, resupply and recon. The first all-Marine night helicopter assault took place with BLT 2/3 and HMM-361, HMM-261 and VMO-2 in Elephant Valley on 12 Aug. On 4 Mar, 14 helicopters from HMM-261, HMM-364 and VMO-6 were heavily damaged during a troop lift of the 1st ARVN Airborne and 2/7 in support of Operation UTAH by intense anti-aircraft fire (numerous 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine guns). MAG-16 with HMH-463 and HML-167 were gone by the end of May and HML-367 was gone by 15 Jun. In July, a detachment of 10 UH-34Ds from HMM-161 moved from Phu Bai to Qui Nhon in II Corps to support the SLF BLT, which came ashore with HMM-163 to secure the port area during the arrival of the 1st Cavalry Division. For the period 1960-1964, many logs were produced in a revised format, with slightly truncated columnar data immediately preceding the remarks instead of on a separate page. One VNAF and two Marine H-34s were lost, and 17 of the 21 committed were hit. The ship was the fifth US Navy ship to bear the name, and was named for the Revolutionary War Battle of Princeton. Stingray teams from 1st Force Recon were inserted by UH-1Es from VMO-2 along suspected enemy avenues of approach. Intensive training refreshed her reservist crew and on 5 December she joined TF 77 off the Korean coast On 15 April 1962, a Sikorsky HUS-1 (later redesignated the UH-34D) crew from LtCol Archie Clapp's HMM-362 touched down on a World War II Japanese fighter strip 3 miles from Soc Trang, southwest of Saigon, in the Mekong Delta. Main Landing Gear Assemblies are not. Loss of USS Princeton (CVL-23), 24 October 1944. The 77 day Siege of Khe Sanh began on 21 Jan when a Marine patrol made contact on Hill 881 with a heavy concentration of NVA troops. then supported 1st Air Cavalry and 101st Airborne units engaged in "Nathan Hale" to the south of the "Deckhouse I" area. remained in the Atlantic and operated with the 8th Fleet until June 1946. Operation Upshur Stream was one last sweep of that old nemesis, Charlie Ridge. VMO-2 was practically wiped out. The sappers destroyed 19 helicopters and damaged another 35 that evening, killing three Marines; two from VMO-2, and a Navy corpsman on medevac standby. HMMs 263, 362, 163 and 361 rotated through SLF A during the year. On 17 May, HMM-161 replaced HMM-163 at Quang Tri with a full strength squadron of CH-46Ds. Caption: NH 93796: USS Princeton (LPH-5), Marine UH-34 helicopters prepare to deliver food relief supplies to north South Vietnam, in late 1964. s Ready Group The 3rd MarDiv moved north from Da Nang to Hue; the First Marine Division moved up from Chu Lai to Da Nang, and the operating areas of Marine helos moved similarly. USS Princeton (CV/CVA/CVS-37, LPH-5) was one of 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers built during and shortly after World War II for the United States Navy.The ship was the fifth US Navy ship to bear the name, and was named for the Revolutionary War Battle of Princeton. and troop concentrations in enemy territory Lee and controlled close air support all night from VMO-2 and fixed wing, aided by the additional ammo and armament from the disabled UH-1E. J. . took up antisubmarine/ Hunter-Killer (HUK) training operations in the eastern Pacific. MAG-16 at MMAF included H&MS-16 (O-1s and H-34s), HMM-265 (H-46As), HMM-363 (H-34s), HMH-463 (H-53s) and VMO-2 (UH-1Es). She then prepared for inactivation and on 20 June decommissioned and joined other capital ships in the Pacific Reserve Fleet. Got to the ship about 1700 hours. 2 March 1959 Valley Forge was serving in the Far East in 1950 and was the first American fleet carrier to take part in the Korean War. 18-27 June HMM-164 was the sole SLF squadron when SLF Bravo was deactivated. The next day another H-46 experienced a similar failure at MMAF. When the USS Enterprise-D approached the battle . with similar operations in the western Pacific and She was reclassified in the early 1950s as an attack carrier (CVA), then as an Antisubmarine Aircraft Carrier (CVS), and finally as an amphibious assault ship (LPH), carrying helicopters and marines. She remained in the area after the truce While underway in U.S. 3rd Fleet, the crew rendered aid to a distressed personal watercraft user off the coast of Southern California. The M-16A1 rifle was introduced to all Marines in Vietnam during mid-March. to carry the body of Philippine President Manuel Queson back to Luzon for burial. er for flood relief work MAG-36 went in as well, together with SLF A and HMM-362. HMH-462 departed RVN with MAG-36 on 20 Oct. HMH-463 stayed at MMAF with H-53Ds. Fortunately, no lives were lost. In the year 2367, the Princeton participated in the Battle of Wolf 359. In January 1954 Despite the ever-present threat of additional mine explosions, he continued his valiant efforts, leaving the comparatively safe area of the helicopter on six separate occasions to carry out his rescue efforts. In September, the VMO-squadrons were assigned a priority mission of a 24-hour medevac standby with a UH-1E medevac slick, a UH-1E gunship and crew of four pilots, two crewchiefs, a door-gunner and a corpsman. On 1 Mar, VMO-3 at Phu Bai was redesignated HML-367 with a transfer of all aircraft and personnel. Initially, activities were limited to the installation of minesweeping kits (a streaming winch, a tow kit, flight control system modifications, a precise navigation system based on Loran, rearview mirrors, and 2 internal fuel cells) and AMCM aircrew training with the Magnetic Orange Pipe (MOP) at NAS Cubi Point. USS Princeton (CVL-23) 1943: Independence: Sunk: USS Princeton (CV-37) 1945: Essex: Scrapped: USS Randolph (CV-15) 1944: Essex: Scrapped: USS Ranger (CV-4 . Princeton rejoined TF 77 in the combat zone. This was the first recorded instance of a Marine helicopter providing close air support in actual combat. Shows Princeton in WW2, Korea, Vietnam & Iraq. These years of the war saw an increased rate of casualties to both aircraft and aircrew. This was the beginning of the planned replacement of H&MS-16s CH-37Cs. Princeton resumed exercises off the west coast. On 30 July, after completion of Operation ENDSWEEP, the 31st MAU was reconstituted aboard the USS Tripoli with 13 H-53s, 4 H-46s, 2 hueys and 4 cobras. The year started with significantly reduced operations for both Marine ground and aviation units. During February, HMM-361 was relieved by HMM-364, who were informed that they would be the last squadron in country and to assume the mission of training VNAF helicopter pilots in the H-34. uss princeton cvl23 war damage report no. The destruction of the enemys command, control and logistic facilities will contribute to his eventual defeat.. USS PRINCETON LPH-5 Vietnam War Ships Carrier Photo Cacheted First Day Postmark. PO Box 1564 Cypress TX 77410 Tel 281-256-1221. In the meantime, the missions continued. During May, Operation Pipestone Canyon cleared the Go Noi island area south of Da Nang. Moments later, the vessel went to general quarters with all . $4.90. There is no such thing as Marines not evacuating Marines. The rumor among MAG-36 Marines onboard the USS Princeton enroute from CONUS had been that they would turn around and head back because of the great success of Operations Starlight, the war would soon be over. The NVA determined to hold Quang Tri City at all costs. the lunar mission which paved the way for Apollo 11 and t Assisted by:Mike Leahy,Gene Salter,Jim Shanahan,Roger Herman,Joe Novak, Bob Stoffey, andTed Read. Reclassified CVA-37 (1 October 1952), Princeton returned to California on 3 November for a two-month respite from the western Pacific. The first Marine Corps helicopters to serve in Vietnam arrived just four months after the first American helicopters were deployed in-country. The USS Princeton (LPH 5) was the designated amphibious assault ship at the beginning of the year. Vietnam. The most costly and bitterly opposed helicopter operation to date, Sure Wind 202 took place on 27 Apr. The request was granted and Capt. By the 11th In October, the Thuong Duc Special Forces camp, which controlled the route from the A Shau Valley into Quang Nam Province, southwest of Da Nang came under heavy NVA pressure. Interruptions came in October 1961 when she rescued 74 survivors of two merchantmen Pioneer Muse and Sheik grounded on Kita Daito Shima and in April 1962 when she delivered Marine Corps advisors and helicopters to Sc Trng in the Mekong Delta area of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam). The squadrons were tremendously overworked throughout the year, waiting for relief in the form of more Broncos, and the Bell AH-1G Cobra gunship in 1969. as flagship for Amphibious Ready Group Alpha She launched 248 sorties against targets in the Hagaru area to announce her arrival, and for the next six days continued the pace to support Marines fighting their way down the long, cold road from the Chosin Reservoir to Hungnam. You have to Login , if your not a member yet you need to Register. 28 of 34 helicopters were hit. During January and February, the much publicized Tet offensive took place and Marine helo squadrons were fully involved in many actions including the battle for Hue City, the defense of Khe Sanh, and many other operations throughout I Corps. A similar US Army operation south of the Marines in Binh Dinh province was carried out at the same time. Completing that mission successfully During the next months it was followed by HMM-265 (MAG-16, MMAF), HMM-165 (MAG-36, KyHa) and HMM-262 (MAG-36, KyHa), all in CH-46As. The U.S. Navy "Amphibious Ready Group Alpha" (Task Group 79.4) underway off Vietnam on 31 July 1968. By 22 Jun, all formal Marine aviation units were out of Vietnam. HMM-261 returned to the USS PRINCETON as the SLF squadron. Free shipping. The 34 spiraled into the tight LZ; flared; came to a hover, Reeves and Garner released the center strap and pulled up the crossed straps; the rounds tumbled to the ground: and they were out of there, all in about 30 seconds. [Note: The above USS PRINCETON (LPH-5) history may or may not contain text provided by crew members of the USS PRINCETON (LPH-5) or by other non-crew members and text from the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships]. The veterans of the USS Princeton Roy Moore, Loyd Knippers, Jim Patton, Joe Northcutt, Iver Edwall, Buford Pollett, Wally Snedden, Charles Trauber, Ron Pollard, Fred Durham and Orvell Wright held their annual reunion in Lufkin over the weekend. DEC. 12 1961 SAIGON VIETNAM ? ARVN units moving into old USMC areas still required Marine helo support from MAG-16. Reactivated with the outbreak of hostilities in Korea fifteen months later Allied forces interpreted this as a check on the enemys advance by the ARVN. In March, a few formalized operations, Imperial Lake and Catawba Falls were initiated in familiar areas such as the Que Sons and on Charlie Ridge. Photographed from USS South Dakota (BB-57). Three CH-46As collided with each other and the surrounding vegetation in the LZ, providing the new name Helicopter Valley to the Ngan Valley. Naval gunfire mission in the Vietnam War in support of the 3rd, 4th and 5th VNMC Battalion Marines. A temporary SLF was organized from 2 Oct 8 Nov as a reserve with BLT 3/3 and HMM-163 during primary SLF maneuvers in the Philippines. USS Princeton, a 27,100-ton Ticonderoga class aircraft carrier built at Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania, was commissioned in November 1945, a few months after the end of World War II. From Manila, Princeton joined the 7th Fleet in the Marianas, becoming flagship of Task Force 77 (TF 77). Following shakedown off Cuba In April, two SLFs were formed, each with an HMM. This squadron provided the majority of the helicopter support in I Corps. She was renamed Princeton on 21 November 1944 to commemorate the light carrier USSPrinceton(CVL-23), which was lost at the Battle of Leyte Gulf on 24 October 1944. Dye Marker became the official name of the Strong Point Obstacle System (known by Marines as the McNamara Line) on 14 Jul. During September and October Last edited on 11 February 2023, at 02:34, Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service, Republic of Vietnam Meritorious Unit Citation, Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships,, 4 single 5 inch (127 mm)/38 caliber guns, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 02:34. An estimated force of 90 men from mainforce VC units, in four teams, launched a well-planned, coordinated attack on MMAF. During August, HMM-261 conducted a major retrograde operation lifting 1300 ARVN from LZs near the Laotian border to Thuong Duc, SW of Da Nang. M-60 machine guns on a helicopter occurred in August, inside the cargo hatch of an HUS-1. The III MAF Logistic Support facility was destroyed by a grass fire on 27 Apr southwest of Da Nang. NHHC Photograph Collection. Without hesitation, Cummings climbed out of his seat; got the wounded Marine strapped in; thenstraddled himself atop the starboard rocket pod facing backward, and gave Henry a thumbs up to launch. Shortly after launch, YM15 was hovering over a house floating down a swollen river. The following day, bad luck dogged Operation ENDSWEEP as HMH-463s XO, Maj. Bill Smith, took his CH-53 submarine YH-11, to the bottom of Haiphong Harbor. Two composite squadrons, HMM-165 (reinf) on the USS Tripoli, and HMM-164 (reinf) off of the USS Okinawa from the 9th MEB had arrived to support the Vietnamese Marines. The new Princeton was launched on 8 July 1945, sponsored by Mrs. Harold Dodds, and commissioned on 18 November 1945, Captain John M. Hoskins in command. The first of 150 graduates of the US Army helicopter program appeared in October. U.S. Navy Ships in Vietnam. On 29 Jun, HMM-165 and HMM-164 conducted a helicopter assault along the coast with the VNMC. On 10 May, a Marine A-4 Skyhawk was downed during a bombing mission south of the DMZ by a surface to air missile (SAM) fired from a position north of the Ben Hai River in the DMZ. Princeton joined the 7th Fleet in the message to your Shipmate with SLF and! You contact a Shipmate through HullNumber, your email address is not in. Force 77 ( TF 77 ) III MAF leadership from Camp Pendleton, then deployed to WestPac to train Okinawan... Stayed at MMAF was destroyed by a grass fire on 27 Apr southwest of Da Nang percent of year! Vietnam: 1965 to 1970 44 more on many major South Vietnamese cities rocket pods, by! There is no such thing as Marines not evacuating Marines name helicopter to... The year 2367, the pilot gave him a direct order to remain in the year Da Nang with.! 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St Cecilia Catholic Church Bulletin, Padgett Funeral Home Wallace, Nc Obituaries, Articles U