If you do not see any temperature indication on the strip, this means your synthetic urine temperature is below 88F. The only difference is that you put the synthetic pee into the cup instead of your own urine. Synthetic urine will pass in the lab. But it depends on several things going right for you. Using tap water with powdered fake urine is a major blunder that will not provide a valid sample on a drug test. Open the heater package, peel the paper off of one heater and stick it to the backside of the tube, directly opposite the temperature strip. In each Simple Solution kit, youll find a 3.5-ounce bag of synthetic urine, fitted with tubing to recreate lifelike urinating. Iambonkers, Reddit. Quick Luck - Recommended Fake Pee For Drug Test. I know what Im picking. Not all top-notch brands usually work there - they have their own shops. Yes, Simple Solution can be reused, if you dont need the full amount for your test. I got the stuff from their direct website, checked the batch number, and the temp was perfectly in range, so I dont know what the issue is. We just know thats the main reason why people buy these products! Theres virtually no way to make this look like youre taking a normal pee. Heres the shortlist of the best synthetic urine kits. Email: customerservice@urinedrugtesthq.com, That Youll Need to Make Fake Urine At Home, Rescue 5 Day Detox Review (2023) Here Are My Results, Total Stealth Detox Drink + Capsules Review. Sub Solution powdered urine is the market bestseller and offers the best balance between price and product features. For over 15 years, they have provided customers with fake urine that works well for passing a drug test or pulling a prank. I would recommend this product., My only gripe against this product is the warmer it provided. Clear Choice was launched in 2003 and is still dominating the artificial urine market to this day. Does Simple Solution come with a temperature strip? Simple Solution is a fake urine kit (for fetish use of course) which some people claim has helped them clear the hurdle of intrusive drug testing. It contains the same properties, including Creatine, pH balance, Specific gravity, Proteins color, Foam, and Uric acid. What temperature should Simple Solution be? Our dog-specific 2X Pro-Bacteria and enzyme formula discourages future marking of the same spots . However, this test is expensive and time-consuming and is done in very rare cases. The liquid form of synthetic urine is relatively simple. This kit costs $85, and I recommend adding a stash leg belt to the kit so that you can discreetly attach the container to your leg. The fake urine sample is packaged in a vial that must be transferred to a larger container to combine and make the imitation pee. Theres a whole range of fake urine products that is available for purchase. Its harder than mixing powdered urine, and the shelf life could be dubious at best. Quick Luck synthetic urine includes a standard 3oz bottle containing synthetic urine, heat activator powder, a temperature strip (ranging between 94 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit), and two. What happens with a drug test, what they look for, and the steps you can take to avoid getting detected? It is easy to prepare and can adjust to fit a waist size of up to 38 inches. If you have a urine kit, your clothes should cover it entirely and have zippers or pockets to allow for easy access. There are a couple of ways to use this Sub-Solution Synthetic Urine. The synthetic urine formula must be as close to the real urine as possible. Preventive Advice for Artificial Grass and Odors. You can save the solution the way it is. Full Clear Choice Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Instructions. When she is not managing her business, Colonial Stores, Lisa spends most of her time researching about synthetic urine products to review. That was because the labs began to look for the Biocide in the samples. If the color or smell is strange, your sample can cause suspicion during the visual inspection. Clear Choice Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Kit Sub Solution powdered urine is the market bestseller and offers the best balance between price and product features. Do not use on wool or leather. The immunoassay test is used in pre-employment drug testing and most other situations. Omar, Reddit, Quick fix did not work for me. . The pads will have an indicator light that tells you when its on, so theres no need to worry about leaving it on for too long. I even had it a perfect temp, Monkey Whizz belt was undetectable as I did get a pat-down. Outside the testing facility, use the heat activator powder to bring the sample to within the correct temperature range (between 90F and 100F). But if you dont want to spend quite as much, and have preparation time, then Sub Solution is an equally good option. Usually, you will need to use a microwave and activate the heatpad in order to prepare your sample within the . Login . Rescue 5 Day Detox Review (2023) Here Are My Results, Total Stealth Detox Drink + Capsules Review. . The heat pad will provide up to 10 hours of heat once activated. Even a minor variation in measurements or temperature might corrupt the entire sample. But we spent a lot of time trying to make this seem natural and came up short. Monkey whizz is a lifesaver. When ready to submit the sample during a drug test, use a stick to verify the desired temperature. The shaking will cause the required foam and dissolve the powder in the water. It's pretty much the surest fake pee that pretty much everybody uses. Practical jokes just reached a whole new level with the SweetPee Deluxe urine prank system kit. The company touts this as being a unisex fake pee. It's completely assembled and simple to use. If you use a heating pad check the strip on the bottle to ensure the samples temperature is within the required range. The main difference is that synthetic urine does not contain any of the banned substances that may be detected in a drug test. Address: 2055 Unit #3 Westinghouse St. San Diego, CA 92111 USA | . Listed below are some of these issues to consider. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. Generally, synthetic urine contains urea, creatinine, uric acid, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride. Think Im going to go with actual urine this time. Got the negative result for the 10-panel, pre-employment drug screen. . Once this is the case, heat it up until it reaches 95 degrees. Amazon and Walmart also sell synthetic urine, but the assortment can be quite poor. Make sure you shake the rest until no more synthetic urine powder is left and you only see bubbles. Synthetic urine works by providing a fake urine kit or fake urine sample containing all of the same chemicals found in human urine. Do not use on wool or leather. What iseven more important is the self-heating mechanism. This review was last updated in March 2023. The kit comes with a heat activator powder which raises urine temperature within seconds and is far superior to a heating pad. Youll soon discover that it smells exactly like normal urine. There is so much more at stake than just that. Just mix it, heat it up, and then use it on a drug test. Eco-Friendly and Gentle. So, be careful with this. This kit has the same advanced formula as the Quick Luck urine and is 100% effective and undetectable. It looks like real urine and even froths like it. Amino Acids, Resins & Reagents for Peptide Synthesis. >> CLICK HERE TO READ OUR REVIEW OF OUR FAVORITE SYNTHETIC PRODUCT <<. Obviously, conducting research on the real thing isnt exactly a cleanly business, so some researchers prefer synthetic substitutes like Simple Solution. Supplements such as Vitamin B were some products are synthetically produced from the fermentation of plant or lactose carbohydrates can show traces of THC which is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Women may use the same approach or place it between their bra and skin for maximum effect. Fake urine isnt cheap. There are a few signs that you can look for to tell if your urine is terrible due to incorrect application of the instructions. So, you can use it anytime you want. It must contain numerous factors, including creatinine and urea. Then it keeps the temperature for up to 10 hours. >> CLICK HERE TO READ OUR CLEAR CHOICE SUB SOLUTION REVIEW <<. I recommend using a stash leg belt. 2021 tooslick. EASY DEEP CLEANING - The new Continuous Power Spray penetrates deep into carpet fibers to reach odor at the source and effectively lift out the toughest pet stains. Apply the temperature strip on the front of the 50ml tube. Clear Choice is a reliable artificial urine sample. I tried it on two occasions, and it both worked great. At the budget end, TestClear Powdered Urine Kit is the best option. Synthetic urine ona belt. The synthetic urine can be mixed with water up to eight hours before use. Ted, Los Angeles, After finding out that I had to pass a test for a new job offer I spent countless hours researching and settled on Sub Solution as the means of accomplishing success! You must open the vial and pour the entire contents into the collection cup. Tackle severe dog urine stains and odors with Simple Solution Urine Destroyer Stain and Odor Remover. Treat them like humans, and they will do the same in kind. The key to the whole thing was being calm and engaging in a convo with the test taker. When it comes to Simple Solution, things arent as simple as they seem. . Most synthetic urine kits are unisex, meaning they can be used safely by both girls and guys. I put Quick Fix Plus Synthetic Urine to the test by performing the test most labs and walk in clinics perform. This makes it necessary to make the fake urine appear as authentic as possible. If you do this at your workplace, it is more likely that you will be caught. Use only as directed. So Id like to let everyone know that it does not fail-proof. If it starts boiling, then youve overdone it. Sub Solutions Synthetic Urine for example, is laboratory designed to mimic human urine perfectly. The urine bladder can be easily attached with a stitched velcro strap so that it will fit your body discreetly. If you didnt know, there are different types of drug panels when it comes to testing for different substances. From everything I read online, the heat of the urine was going to be the toughest part. Biochemicals. It came with a self adhesive heating pad, powdered urine, mixing bottle with temperature strip, and heating powder for the synthetic urine. By this we mean keeping it in the box until youre ready to use it, out of direct sunlight, and in a cool, dark place. You should store it in a cool, dry place and avoid direct sunlight. If you have no other options to pass a drug test but to use a fake urine sample, and if you have nothing else to lose, then you can risk smuggling your homemade fake pee even into the most secure testing facilities. Synthetic urine is a liquid that will help you to pass a urine drug test. Unfortunately, there are so many potential issues in play here, that 80 bucks seems like too much to ask. Its a lot easier to store than a liquid vial. Make sure you shake the rest until no more synthetic urine powder is left and you only see bubbles. The best way to conceal a container on your person is by wearing baggy clothing. You can get 'The Sub' here. Includes a Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Kit and The Practice Kit. What if we told you that there is an amazing product that can do just that in the form of a synthetic urine belt. Once youve got your hands on a good synthetic urine kit for passing drug tests, it is crucial that you only mix the product right before you are about to drop your sample off at the lab. Plus 3 Safest D8 Carts, 5 Best CBD Oil Cartridges Wholesale Products. Clothing Options. If stain persists, apply again. The Simple Solution kit is sophisticated, which explains the higher price tag. Stored correctly, Simple Solution should last for two years. Best brands will allow you to pass the immunoassay level analysis as well. Widely considered as the best fake pee ever made, it's made a name for itself with a 99% pass rate when used for urine drug tests. Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Kit Rating: $85.00 Quick Luck Premium Premixed Synthetic Urine Rating: $100.00 Out of stock Oral Clear - Saliva Neutralizing Gum Rating: $90.00 Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink Rating: $55.00 Stash Boxers - Stay Calm & Be Prepared Rating: $29.95 Incognito Belt - Premixed synthetic urine on a belt Rating: $125.00 But all is not sunshine and puppy dogs. My reasons for choosing this product were long-standing reputation, nutrient balance, and easy-to-follow instructions. Every substance that enters your body must go through the natural process of metabolism. Its outrageous. The premixed nature of Simple Solution makes setup super easy, and the elastic belt is comfortable to wear. Its real powdered urine. And some of the products may be banned on Amazon. In other situations, security levels may be much higher, and the escort may demand that you pull up your shirt above your navel, and pull your pants down. It contains 11 chemical compounds found in real urine, it looks, smells, and froths . Most of the synthetic urines come in a form of powder and you have to add water and mix them. This fake urine kit has several components . A fake urine kit for a drug test is a product that might include anything from tiny plastic tubing to a fake color-matched penis as part of the delivery system. Simple Solution Synthetic Urine, Product In-Stock: Quick Fix synthetic urine comes in varieties. The answer is yes. This means that ordinary, distilled water would even pass a drug test since it contains no such substances, so as a fake urine. Works This will break down any clumps and bring the heat activator back to its original granular form. What you're getting with Quick Fix is a very basic synthetic urine kit: The fake urine is premixed It contains urea and uric acid Quick Fix also contains creatine Quick Fix does not contain biocide It's balanced for pH and specific gravity It "sort of" looks like the real thing I was a bit nave looking back, but I trusted the feedback online. Female users are fans of the delivery system, which uses urination devices that can be discreetly concealed between their buttocks and held in place with a thong. However where can find reliable address? This analysis is done with the panel drug test, and it will detect if there are drug metabolites in your urine. They claim to keep the heat going for roughly 18 hours. Purified water, natural non-pathogenic bacteria, denatured ethanol, natural enzymes, detergent and fragrance. What Are the Different Types of Drug Panels? These cases were reported mainly with urine drug tests. I even had it a perfect temp Sub-Solution Synthetic Urine - Best Synthetic Urine Formula Pros Premixed fake urine Realistic gravity and pH Organic pee chemical compounds Toxin-free Includes heat source Cons Shorter. But unlike many brands on the market, this fake urine does not come in liquid form. The pre-mixed laboratory fake urine is clean, fresher, and toxin-free. If you are using Ibuprofen, it is recommended you switch to Aspirin the day before the test. For alcohol, all you need is 6 to 24 hours, and it will be completely gone from your system, for cocaine, about 1 to 3 days, and for heroin, you will need 2 to 5 days. Try This One Instead, The Whizz Kit Review: Heres My Take On It, Dont Monkey Around: How to Use Monkey Whizz Correctly. If someone wanted to, they could conceivably strap this bladder of fake pee to their person and use it to dispense a urine sample for the purposes of keeping their job. Make sure you practice this at home before you go to the test facility. Its not. To keep the pee at the proper temperature, there are 2 heating pads that come with the kit which you wrap around the bladder. The product usually comes in a kit that includes a plastic container with a top that is filled with clear, pre-mixed pee. You can read more about me here. As strange as it may sound, some people in various parts of the world fully believe that urine has therapeutic benefits. The price is $125. The Clear Choice Sub Solution synthetic urine contains the following ingredients: The most important synthetic urine ingredients for drug testing are uric acid and urea. Im in the bathroom blowing on a hot sample and was just told to come out if I cant pee. This includes adding biocide protection and batch verification. The chemical makeup of this synthetic urine is designed to match that of human urine as closely as possible. It is ideal when kept on the skin and in the warmest parts of your body. Due to the amount of mixing and measuring that must be done, theres a greater risk of things going wrong. You can skip the microwave part, but then youll need about an hour to warm the sample to the required temperature. In the worst-case scenario of Magnum synthetic urine, it actually contains a separate vial of uric acid that they started putting in with the synthetic urine because it didnt contain any! During the drug test, the presence of each of these substances in the human urine is checked. Full-package Sub-Solution synthetic urine with heat-up vial. Has a container and packets of heat sources, Passes dipstick and chemistry urine screens with ease. Moreover, regular marijuana users can test positive after months of abstinence because THC is stored in body fat cells and is continuously released into the blood. The system comes with a heating pad to keep the urine at body temperature and a syringe for easy filling of the device. Think Im going to go with actual urine this time. He failed., Quick fix did not work for me. I had warm up purified bottle water in a bowl for 15 seconds. MADE FOR TOUGH ODORS AND ORGANIC STAINS - Simple Solution Extreme Stain and Odor remover is three times stronger than our regular formula to eliminate tough to clean pet stains. So I said in the previous post I wanted to do a Quick Luck synthetic urine review. Even Homemade Synthetic Urine? You want the PH to be between 5 and 7 for best results. . This step is critical and the main reason people fail to pass the drug test with fake urine! Doesnt sound too appealing now, does it? Getting results with Sub-Solution Synthetic Urine. Be careful, everyone, because this stuff isnt perfect., Ive used Quick Fix several times now for pre-employment drug tests with no issues whatsoever. What Exactly Is Synthetic Urine? Pour the powdered urine in the small vial into the larger 50 ml tube. Simple Solution is actually a kit that contains 3.5 ounces of premixed product in a bladder-style clear plastic bag, along with a tube you can use to dispense the pee when the time comes. It is small, discreet, and easy to use. The drug testing procedure is quite straightforward. A lot of people choose this synthetic urine over powder because it is a lot simpler to use before a drug test. The perfect time would be no more than 10 seconds in the microwave. https://schema.org/InStock. So in this guide on using synthetic urine to pass a drug test, we will talk about everything. But to summarize our take on it, we dont think its worth it to make these things on your own. If you will use heat activation powder, skip this step. Fun fact though, drug testing labs use synthetic urine to calibrate their urine screening equipment, so when used correctly, it is easy to trick the system. And for that reason, scientists have to study it. The urine container has the temperature strip attached, so youll have control over the temperature. Stick the heat pad to the bladder bag, between the belt and urine pouch. If youre going to use synthetic urine, you must know how to store it properly before a drug test. 1. There are synthetic urine kits available on the internet that is advertised solely to women, but dont be fooled there is nothing outstanding or different about these products, except maybe for their price tag. If you have urine powder, do the following: Remove the screw cap from the plastic container and fill it with lukewarm tap water to just under the cap. The simple answer is, yes, synthetic pee as an alternative to human urine works in beating a home or lab drug test. Tap in about one-third of the heat activator powder (shake it to ensure its not clumped), and gently shake the sample until it dissolves. Simple Solution should be at a temperature between 94 and 102 degrees to match the normal range of human body temperature. Natural Pet Stain and Odor Eliminator. In our experience, Clear Choice Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Kit is the only brand of synthetic pee that has never failed a urinalysis and is quite possibly the only urine that is not detectable, which is why we consider it the best fake urine brand. In this guide, you will learn everything you need about synthetic urine and how to use it to pass a drug test. Using Ibuprofen, it looks like real urine and how to use this Sub-Solution synthetic urine are... Test facility, and the shelf life could be dubious at best cup instead of your own.! Normal urine urine belt not managing her business, so youll have control over the temperature for up to inches... And they will do the same chemicals found in real urine as closely as possible more likely you... 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