From 2005 to 2010, he was an assistant district attorney for the Tarrant County (Dallas) District Attorney's Office. 2023 New York Public Radio. Several other larger immigration courts received multiple judges. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch appointed Kathryn L. DeAngelis to begin hearing cases in August 2016. Judge Taylor served as a law clerk for Judge Robert C. Brack of the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico and for Judge Eugene E. Siler, Jr., of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. 70.6. She will oversee the Atlanta, Charlotte, and Stewart Immigration Courts. That's why the woman from Nicaragua should be allowed to stay here, argues Karen Musalo, the founding director of the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies at U.C. "And he was banging on the door, saying 'open it, you are my woman, you have to open.' The four new immigration judges of the LaSalle Immigration Court bring the size of that bench to five. An immigration judge also decides cases of aliens in various types of removal proceedings. Judge DeAngelis earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 1997 from Southampton College, a Master of Science degree in 2000 from the University of Hawaii, and a Juris Doctor in 2005 from the University of Arizona. But theres no right-to-counsel in immigration court, meaning those who cant afford an attorney arent appointed one by the government. The information on the new immigration judges is extracted from an EOIR news release on their hiring [PDF version]. in different parts of the country tend to have proportionately larger shares from some countries than from Immigration Judge Dion A. Morwood began hearing cases at the San Francisco Immigration Court in October 2018. I asked what she'll do if she loses the appeal. Official websites use .gov The President wants to build a wall on the southern border, and keep asylum-seekers on the other side of it. Law. From 2010 to July 2016, she served as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida, U.S. Attorneys Office, Department of Justice (DOJ). This young woman and her son fled Nicaragua in 2016 to get away from the boy's abusive father. . From 1990 through 1991, she served as a law clerk for the Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer, EOIR, DOJ, entering on duty through the Attorney Generals Honors Program. different immigration judges. Published Oct 26, 2022. He scheduled Mandbirs next hearing for the fall and told him his new lawyer could appear by phone if he couldnt come in person, something that wasnt explained in the video. Immigration Judge Brent H. Landis began hearing cases at the LaSalle Immigration Court in October 2018. Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Samuel M. Factor to begin hearing cases in October 2018. Immigration Judge Jennifer A. The business address is 26 Federal Plz FL 14, New York, NY 10278-4. During that time, she also served as a volunteer judge pro tempore for the San Diego Superior Court from 2007 to 2018. If the IJassigned does not appear in the list, use the full last name. Judge Castaneda had previously served as a prosecutor, most recently for the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Texas from 2016-2018, and prior to that as an assistant district attorney with various local district attorneys offices in Texas. Court Address Immigration Judges Court Administrator Las Vegas 110 North City Parkway, Suite 400 Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-458-0227 McDermott, Ann M. Nguyen, An Roberts, Lindsy M. Immigration Judge Grady A. Crooks began hearing cases at the LaSalle Immigration Court in October 2018. But he says the "Matter of A-B-" ruling may also be a factor . Former immigration judge Mark Metcalf knows how gut-wrenching these cases can be. [5][6][7] In other words, under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), immigration judges act as representatives of the Attorney General and can only act according to authority delegated by the Attorney General (such as under the regulations) or by the INA. about 8.2% of asylum seekers are not represented. Judge Cole earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1995 from Rice University and a Juris Doctor in 1998 from the Harvard Law School. Judge Martinez has a law degree from Texas A&M University School ofLaw. represented by an attorney. He's 3 years old now, an outgoing little kid with a Paw Patrol backpack. (a) Appointment. She has a law degree from the University of Texas at Austin School ofLaw. Immigration Judge Jaime Jasso began hearing cases at the Imperial Immigration Court in October 2018. The Arlington Immigration Court is located in Arlington,Virginia. Phone: (312) 399-6794. From 2006 to July 2016, she served as a supervisory staff attorney for the Staff Attorneys Office, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in New York. Figure1 provides a comparison of Judge Der-Yeghiayan's From 2009 to 2018, Judge Floyd was an assistant chief counsel with ICE at Tacoma. Judge Samuel Alito, President Bush's nominee to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor as an associate justice on the Supreme Court, has been a judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit since 1990. She has a law degree from the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College ofLaw. Bio: The Honorable Samuel B. Cole has been an Immigration Judge in Chicago since July 2016. Immigration Judge Brandon L. Hart began hearing cases at the Fort Worth Immigration Adjudication Center in October 2018. B.A. [2] An immigration judge also decides cases of aliens in various types of removal proceedings. Judge-by-Judge Asylum Decisions in Immigration Courts. But many immigration lawyers disagree. Naturalization Service (INS) in Chicago under the Attorney General's Honor Program. From 2005 through 2006, she served as an associate attorney for Wildes, Weinberg, Grunblatt & Wildes PC, in New York. You can't ask a video to rephrase something to make it clear.. Before becoming an immigration judge, Judge Palmer compiled over three decades of experience as an attorney, judge, and commanding officer in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1987 to 2018. denial rate fiscal year-by-year over this recent period. From 2003 to July 2016, he served as an assistant U.S. attorney, U.S. Attorneys Office, Department of Justice, in Chicago. From 1998 to 2000, Judge Guidry was an attorney with the U.S. Department of Labor in Kansas City, Missouri. Immigration Judge Hye Y. Chon began hearing cases at the Eloy Immigration Court in October 2018. Guatemala (14.7 %), Poland (5%), Pakistan (4.7%), Albania (4.3%). See Figure4. I think it answered everything, he said of the video. Make your contribution now and help Gothamist thrive in 2023. He has a law degree from Whittier LawSchool. See Figure3. Attorney Advertising: prior results do not guarantee similaroutcomes. 16.7% of asylum seekers are not represented. If convicted, Samuel faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. India (3.5%), Guatemala (3.1%), El Salvador (2.1%), Armenia (2.1%), Mexico (1.7%), The Newark Immigration Court is located in Newark, NewJersey. from some nations tend to be more successful than others. "These things are reprehensible," Arthur said. he granted 81, gave no conditional grants, and denied 177. He received his This dataset includes over 300 thousands attorneys registered with the Office of Court Administration (OCA), which oversees and administrates the New York State Unified Court System. Prior to being hired as an immigration judge, she served as an assistant chief counsel for ICE in Kansas City, Missouri, from 2006 to 2018. of relief other than asylum). From 2004 to 2009, he served as an assistant U.S. attorney in Washington D.C. From 1998 to 2004, Judge Floyd was a judge advocate with the U.S. Army. From 2002 thru 2006, she was an attorney with the California Supreme Court. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS reflect in part the personal perspective that the judge brings to the bench. The content of myattorneyusa.comis copyrighted. During this period, Judge Prior to his appointment as an immigration judge, Judge Cole was an Assistant United States Attorney in the Northern District of Illinois from 2003-2016. Lets just say the legal jargon of immigration court isnt nearly as familiar as what viewers see on Law and Order., You can't ask a video a question, said Jeremy McKinney, a vice president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Detailed data on decisions by Judge Factor were examined for the period covering fiscal years 2017 through significantly higher proportion of represented asylum seekers are successful. 19 of the new immigration judges worked in some capacity for ICE and sixteen with the Department of Justice. But its not as user-friendly as the video thats shown during jury duty. CHICAGO, IL Samuel Cole is an Immigration Judge out of Chicago. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch appointed Lisa Ann J. de Cardona to begin hearing cases in August 2016. I've been there, I know. He also previously served as a judge advocate in the U.S. Air Force from 1996 to 2016, with six years of that period being in active duty status and fourteen in the reserves. He showed a deep knowledge of the law, all the time he treated me with respect, all his questions were very direct and clear. Immigration Judge Nicholas A. Martz began hearing cases at the Los Angeles Immigration Court in October 2018. In The Biden team has hired a slate of immigration judges initially selected during the Trump era, angering . Before and after her stint as a U.S. attorney, she was in private practice. The Executive Office for Immigration Review, a Department of Justice agency that runs the courts, said it plans to offer the videos in 20 more commonly-used languages. The settlement agreement between the DOJ's Executive Office of Immigration Review and the National Association of Immigration Judges resolves a dispute centered on the Trump administration's push to nix recognition of the union, which has an existing collective bargaining agreement in place with the agency. From 2001 to 2008, he was an attorney with the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corps. From 2002 to 2008, he was an assistant district attorney in three different district attorney's offices in Texas. single Court when cases are randomly assigned to judges sitting on that Court, each Judge should have Judge Factor earned a Bachelor of Arts in 1995 and a Bachelor of Science in 2002, both Masters began hearing cases at the Boston Immigration Court in October 2018. Figure 1 provides a comparison of Judge Factor's denial rate each fiscal year over this recent period. Grinberg and Segals immigration lawyers are highly skilled and experienced in all areas of immigration law and related federal litigation including Writs of Mandamus and Habeas Corpus as well as APA Action in Federal District Courts, Petitions For Review in U.S. She has a law degree from the Southern Methodist University Dedman School ofLaw. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch appointed Samuel B. Cole to begin hearing cases in August 2016. Immigration Judge Samuel M. Factor began hearing cases at the New York City Immigration Court in October 2018. Immigration Judge Paul A. McCloskey began hearing cases at the Arlington Immigration Court in October 2018. Catch up on the most important headlines with a roundup of essential NYC stories, delivered to your inbox daily. "District Counsel of the Year" award in 1998 and the Frank J. McGarr award for "Outstanding According to Part 118 of the Administrative Rules of the Unified Court System & Uniform Rules of the Trial Courts, every attorney admitted to practice in New York Stat, whether resident or nonresident, and whether or not in good standing, shall file a registration statement with the Chief Administrator of the Courts within 60 days of the date of such admission, and during each alternate year thereafter, within 30 days after the attorney's birthday, for as long as the attorney remains duly admitted to the New York bar. Great Judge and excellent human being. The Fort Worth Immigration Adjudication Center received seven new judges, bringing its total to nine. when an Immigration Judge serves on more than one court during the same period, separate Immigration Judge The union has already complained that EOIR has been cutting back on interpreters for other court hearings. Immigration Judge Eric C. Bales began hearing cases at the Fort Worth Adjudication Center in October 2018. In this post, we will briefly examine the new resumes of each of the 46 new immigration judges, sorted by the immigration courts on which they will serve. Judge Castrolugo earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1999 from the University of Texas at Austin and a Juris Doctor in 2003 from the Columbia University School of Law. From 2010 to 2018, Judge Factor was an administrative law judge with the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance for the state of New York. Immigration Court. The video explains that a person who files a frivolous asylum application can be barred from any future benefits, and how to file for a work visa. Immigration Judge Arya S. Ranasinghe began hearing cases at the Newark Immigration Court in October 2018. Immigration Judge Carlos R. Juelle began hearing cases at the Los Angeles Immigration Court in October 2018. 1996-2021: U.S. Air Force Active Duty Judge Advocate in a number of locations. Since 2005, he has served in the U.S. Coast Guard Reserves Legal Services Command. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. From 2013 to May 2016, she served as associate program director for the Office of Legal Access Programs, Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), Department of Justice (DOJ). Judge. He is a member of the Illinois Bar and the U.S. Supreme Court. Decisions. Neboh, Ikponmwosa, Abraham, and Ozor remain in extradition proceedings. where Judge Factor decided these cases denied asylum 34 percent of the time. The news release states that the EOIR plans to announce two more classes of immigration judges in the final months of2018. "It's a very difficult analysis," said Metcalf, who served as an immigration judge in Miami and is now a county prosecutor in Kentucky. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch appointed Elisa Castrolugo to begin hearing cases in August 2016. FY 2016-2021. Immigration Judge Marni Guerrero began hearing cases at the Los Angeles Immigration Court in October 2018. She believes that's why her son was born prematurely a month later. In her hearing last June, the Nicaraguan woman told an immigration judge in Miami that her boyfriend got increasingly violent after she got pregnant. just two factors that appear to impact asylum decision outcomes. She had previously worked for a decade as a local prosecutor. Converted to percentage terms, Der-Yeghiayan denied 68.6 percent and granted (including 06/18/2020-Judge XYZ- non-detained" in the subject line of the email. during this same period, immigration court judges denied 60.8 percent Naval Academy. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch appointed Samuel B. Cole to begin hearing cases in August 2016. He says immigration courts have been flooded in recent years with claims based on gang violence and domestic abuse that should not qualify for asylum. Judge Thogersen has a law degree from the University of Wisconsin LawSchool. Prior to his appointment, he served as a lawyer in various capacities with the Department of Homeland Security's immigration components from 2008-2018, and was most recently an assistant chief counsel for ICE in Dallas from 2016-2018. myattorneyusa.comis owned and operated by The Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, PLLC(Grinberg & Segal). Bryan D. Watson Immigration Judge Bryan D. Watson began hearing cases in April. From 2006 to 2018, she was an assistant chief counsel with ICE in both York and Phoenix, Arizona. Attorney General Merrick Garland said Thursday that immigration judges can put off hearing deportation cases they deem to be low priority, the latest example of the Biden administration. "And that's really the classic facts of a case that should have been granted.". See Figure 2. (7.5%), India (4.5%), Cuba (2.5%), Venezuela (2.1%), Ecuador (2.1%), Nicaragua (1.9%), Haiti (1.7%), However, if judges within a Court are assigned to The way she worded this warning did not appear in the video. Prior to her appointment, she worked as an attorney in private practice, including as senior pro bono coordinating attorney for Kids in Need of Defense in Los Angeles . New York, NY. Rate Your Immigration Judge is an important source of information for other immigrants and their attorneys, but also for the immigration judges. specialized dockets or hearing locations, then case compositions are likely to continue to differ and can He showed Courtesy, Justice and Patience. In the nation as a whole during this same period, major nationalities of asylum seekers, in descending Denial Rate. Judge Spencer was a local prosecutor in Richmond, Texas (2003-2013) and in the Bronx, New York (1998-2000). conditional grants) 31.4 percent. Immigration judges are part of the Justice Department, which is trying to speed up the pace of immigration courts in the face of a massive backlog. seekers, in descending order of frequency, were Association. from Franklin Pierce Law Center in 1978. Judge Miller has a law degree from the Florida Coastal School ofLaw. Circuit Courts and all administrative appeals Before the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) of the Executive Office for Immigration Review; Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as well as before ImmigrationCourtsnationwide. Asylum seekers are a diverse group. From 2001 to 2008, she was an attorney with the Department of Health and Human Services. An immigration judge, formerly known as a special inquiry officer,[1] is an employee of the United States Department of Justice who confers U.S. citizenship or nationality upon lawful permanent residents who are statutorily entitled to such benefits. Immigration Judge Fernandez began hearing cases on the Otero Immigration Court in October 2018. She spoke to the Guardian only in her union role. Great Judge and excellent human being. Tsankov was appointed as an immigration judge in 2006 and is based in New York, where she also teaches at Fordham University School of Law. Variations among judges and courts are broad. TRAC is a nonpartisan, nonprofit data research center affiliated with the Newhouse School of Public Communications and the Whitman School of Management, both at Syracuse University. Afterwards, Mandbir said he felt relieved. One day, she says, he showed up drunk and started banging on the door. Of these, he granted asylum for 414, granted 6 other types of relief, and denied relief to 275. An immigration judge, formerly known as a special inquiry officer, is an employee of the United States Department of Justice who confers U.S. citizenship or nationality upon lawful permanent residents who are statutorily entitled to such benefits. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch appointed Eva S. Saltzman to begin hearing cases in August 2016. ", This is why the American Translators Association and the immigration judges union have both raised concerns about the potential for denial of due process. Their arrival brings our immigration judge corps to an all-time high of 277 immigration judges and is another step forward in our efforts to begin reducing our pending caseload of more than 500,000., Elisa Castrolugo, Immigration Judge, Houston Immigration Court. From 2008 to 2018, Judge Leonard was an assistant U.S. attorney for the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Texas. "I feel in my heart that had this case been before 'Matter of A-B-,' we would have had a different outcome," said Evelyn Coln, the Nicaraguan woman's lawyer. "I don't think they take the time to listen to the client, even in the hearing," Coln said. Immigration Judge Behn began hearing cases at the Falls Church Immigration Adjudication Center in October 2018. Immigration Judge Cassie A. Thogersen began hearing cases at the LaSalle Immigration Court in October 2018. During that period, he also served as a special assistant U.S. attorney at the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Florida from 2010 to 2012. Eva S. Saltzman, Immigration Judge, Newark Immigration Court. The Imperial Immigration Court is located in Imperial,California. Immigration Judge Jeffery R. Nance began hearing cases at the Stewart Immigration Court in October 2018. Except for certain cases, the information contained in the registration statement filed shall be made available to the public. , she was an attorney with the California Supreme Court samuel m factor immigration judge the door, saying 'open it, you my! Are likely to continue to differ and can he showed Courtesy, Justice and Patience IL Samuel Cole an! Human Services and Stewart immigration Court in October 2018 in private practice Factor these. Use the full last name Service ( INS ) in Chicago since July 2016 cases! 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