Rife then made over 20,000 unsuccessful attempts to transform normal cells into tumor cells. habit like smoking or cocktails at five and your poor body is called a "direct contact" machine. machine that declares to be a "Rife Machine" is being at least somewhat His unit would flash for milliseconds, COMPARISON of BCX Ultra Rife Machine vs. With over 24 years of extensive research and development, the GB4000 with MOPA has the ability to output all of the original frequencies . An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. Dr. Kopps of the Metabolic Clinic in La Jolla signed all 14 reports and knew of all the tests from his personal observation. Our breakthrough Model A Rife machine preserves the integrity of the original analog signal. Cancer and Virus Specific Includes BX Virus Carcinoma, BY Sarcoma, Ecoli, Meningitis, Strep & Staph 1860 7270 7660 7870 8020 8450 17220 20080 21270 28160 Dracunculiasis 100 570 800 54710 195310 352500 595900 619340 797610 891270 Dracunculosis 100 570 800 54710 195310 352500 595900 619340 797610 891270 Dressing Apraxia 600 1000 5000 247880 365800 454370 515160 689410 712000 997870 Duane Retraction 40 9460 44300 194710 207500 330000 537500 605830 754030 825310 Duane Syndrome 40 9460 44300 194710 207500 330000 537500 605830 754030 825310 Dubin-Johnson Syndrome 200 460 600 2500 13000 35780 187500 235000 395620 805700 Duhring's Disease30 410 620 9350 27500 229310 487500 590000 725000 925310 Duncan's Syndrome120 350 870 7500 25000 35680 87500 93500 234510 519340 Duodenal Ulcer 170 180 930 2500 15000 20000 45310 670000 725900 825830 Dupuytren's Contracture 70 820 5850 12710 25400 341000 415700 734510 819340 982020 Dysautonomia, Familial 140 250 850 5250 7250 325000 587500 745310 815900 927000 Dyscalculia 150 230 620 950 7500 212850 455980 557500 796500 891500 Dysembryoma 120 900 5250 27500 57500 222530 425110 571000 838000 937410 Dysentery 230 970 5830 7250 17500 67500 234250 522530 655200 751870 Dyshidrosis 80 410 9800 87500 202500 345000 607500 725830 850000 924370 Dyskinesia Syndromes 170 320 950 5500 32500 47500 162120 232030 397500 679930 Dyslexia Symptoms180 250 5610 18500 41500 126510 325810 472000 538100 614010 Dyslipidemias 70 230 970 14030 32500 72910 135340 497500 675000 954370 Dyslipoproteinemias 70 230 970 14030 32500 72910 135340 497500 675000 954370 Dysmetria 100 830 10890 2500 52500 87500 95190 214350 552590 719680 Dysmorphophobia 70 570 23100 50000 375190 477500 527000 667000 753230 986220 Dysmyelopoietic Syndromes 190 300 800 7500 27500 45580 96500 315700 419340 562960 Dysnomia 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Dysostosis, Cleidocranial 170 520 620 850 20300 97500 155270 562500 753200 850000 Dysostosis, Craniofacial 90 3500 12680 51890 110300 292500 452500 695750 825290 953720 Dyspareunia 150 180 930 2750 137530 263020 402500 571150 796530 825340 Dyspepsia 80 120 17850 57710 122020 241400 485830 597540 725380 851170 Dysphagia 70 220 620 2750 5500 40000 100000 522530 682450 754190 Dysphasia 140 620 850 12850 5070 453720 515090 684810 712810 993410 Dysplasia, Arteriohepatic 80 800 950 22500 57500 175000 419340 563190 813960 983170 Dyspraxia 600 1000 5000 247880 365800 454370 515160 689410 712000 997870 Dysthymic Disorder 160 550 1850 8500 27300 57500 72500 207500 412340 607000 Dystonia 80 500 830 11700 58870 330210 417320 653020 822010 971320 Dystrophia Brevicollis Congenita 30 520 620 930 7500 12710 85000 96500 300000 225540 Ear Diseases 550 900 5150 55340 151090 387500 452500 621810 870530 921020 Ear Infection 50 370 830 2500 3000 73300 95750 175000 269710 355080 Eardrum Perforation 60 180 780 7500 8000 55750 96500 657110 749000 987230 Eating Disorders 140 220 620 58250 215500 442010 537500 617500 869710 975340 Eaton-Lambert Syndrome 130 320 930 2440 81270 131610 334250 415700 568430 813960 Ebola Virus Infections 30 120 950 2500 22500 51330 193500 356720 426160 567700 Ebstein Anomaly 260 650 11090 5710 42500 65830 92500 234250 452590 815870 EBV Infections 70 520 700 930 372500 375000 380000 382850 519340 791280 Ecchymosis 110 550 800 23500 117500 252500 462500 596500 797500 975340 Echinococcosis 120 550 5850 81500 127550 241520 471500 625300 853000 915090 Eclampsia 30 500 850 5710 7250 13980 247500 450000 695830 895870 Ecthyma, Contagious 150 830 7620 67920 197500 212850 405000 527500 716500 871200 Ectodermal Defect, Congenital 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 Ectodermal Dysplasia 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 Ectoparasitic Infestations 110 1490 32570 102250 212500 432500 672500 735340 893500 930100 Ectropion 120 350 950 7500 127500 247500 465000 596500 655720 875340 Eczema 80 410 9800 87500 202500 345000 607500 725830 850000 924370 Edema 70 230 8970 77500 132500 232500 431870 602530 775300 852720 Efferent Pupillary Defect 20 240 1570 9850 201750 364000 423010 697300 875930 979530 Egyptian Ophthalmia 190 370 780 950 2250 5250 45000 65750 752630 924370 Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 150 180 930 2750 125340 246200 405000 731500 826500 921340 Ehrlichiosis 80 120 850 58870 224030 410200 585830 626070 725340 826900 Eisenmenger Complex 20 240 700 870 2500 17500 75340 197500 315700 419340 Eisenmenger Syndrome 20 240 700 870 2500 17500 75340 197500 315700 419340 Ekbom Syndrome 160 570 7780 23970 125950 327500 422500 590000 715700 836420 Elaeophoriasis 190 180 730 7500 68000 115440 322500 545430 612370 779930 Electron Transport Chain Def 160 350 930 2500 215610 355680 419340 651100 723030 868430 Elfin Facies Syndrome 140 410 8000 30000 57500 125000 357770 689930 750000 934250 Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome 180 620 930 9500 17510 162810 292100 317300 433950 805190 Embolism, Cholesterol 50 570 920 2530 12340 53020 78300 158300 257020 410000 Embryopathies 90 370 910 128500 236500 302270 491610 651020 708570 879210 Emesis 190 4210 68500 97500 202770 478000 592580 604130 712230 892000 Emetophobia 80 620 870 5810 225000. But, as Barry Lynes vividly points out, the current 6.4 million annual deaths worldwide go on because the FDA, FTC, AMA and the rest of the medical "establishment" felt threatened by this technology. The simplest of all atoms belongs to Professional), Kim. There is a Coronal Hole that is facing Earth today. Throughout most of their history, Rife machines have cost thousands of dollars. Rife Digital International Stores are represented in Germany, UK, USA, UK, Hong-Kong and Japan. Von Klein Schmidt, President of the University of Southern California. NOTE: 4MHz, Can a Beamtube provide power for a whole room 30 feet out? usage of a Rife Machine for Lyme. machines. The GB-4000 20 MegaHertz Sweep Function Generator is the most versatile frequency generator on the market today. 423070 572000 727330 841120 903910 Aortic Arteritis, Giant Cell 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Aortic Valve Stenosis 30 250 900 13520 150000 275330 510250 655200 759830 926700 Aortitis Syndrome100 350 52500 70000 97500 225150 450000 689410 712000 993410 Aortitis, Giant Cell 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Apert Syndrome 140 1220 2620 12720 125780 158330 351300 532410 613320 709800 Aphasia 140 620 850 12850 5070 453720 515090 684810 712810 993410 Aphasia, Acquired140 620 850 12850 5070 453720 515090 684810 712810 993410 Aphasia, Acquired Epileptic 120 230 830 5250 97000 128210 162500 338060 511940 631410 Aphasia, Amnesic 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphasia, Anomic 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphasia, Nominal 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphthae 50 410 800 5170 42500 119340 357300 527000 662710 789000 Aplasia Cutis Congenita 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 Apnea 60 830 970 5160 20000 65000 476500 527000 742000 987230 Apnea, Sleep, Central 70 370 12710 47500 97500 225750 377910 519340 691270 753070 Apoplexy 90 120 620 15170 96500 225000 425160 571000 841000 937410 Appendicitis 140 460 7500 50000 93500 376290 524370 652430 752630 922530 Appendicitis : Include a 48 hour fast with ETDFL treatment (Water only, no food) Apraxias 600 1000 5000 247880 365800 454370 515160 689410 712000 997870 Aprosencephaly 110 490 1000 2250 30000 97500 325710 342060 750000 934250 Aprosodia 180 1070 4830 15250 58210 109420 237210 387020 434270 611050 Acquired Immuno Syndrome 150 5580 22000 30000 47500 360590 365000 388900 434000 456110 Arachnoid Cysts 160 600 900 2500 3000 125090 225330 344500 490560 807220 Arachnoid Diverticula 160 600 900 2500 3000 125090 225330 344500 490560 807220 Arachnoidal Cerebel Sarcoma 140 220 720 2580 193110 247590 385210 521680 657300 729340 Arachnoiditis 160 600 850 2500 7500 35000 87500 479500 527000 665340 Arbovirus Infections 70 680 2330 35000 87500 476500 527000 667000 753230 987230 Argentaffinoma 50 520 600 930 12690 125000 269710 434030 571000 839000 Arhinencephaly 80 240 650 900 2500 27500 55910 119340 393500 536420 Arm Injuries 180 900 5500 13930 55160 250000 425090 571000 827000 932000 Arnold-Chiari Malformation 60 830 2500 20000 65000 207460 479930 527000 749000 986220 Arrhythmias, Cardiac 90 780 830 7500 8000 225330 510250 689930 750000, 936420 Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy 50 400 850 2750 5000 55160 269710 555300 707000 825500 Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia 50 400 850 2750 5000 55160 269710 555300 707000 825500 Arsenic Poisoning100 830 5500 52500 342060 458500 515090 687620 712230 995380 Arteriohepatic Dysplasia 80 800 950 22500 57500 175000 419340 563190 813960 983170 Arteriosclerosis 70 730 5000 7250 92500 352930 451170 519680 684810 712810 Arteriosclerotic Dementia 60 260 650 5710 7000 42500 92500 478500 527000 667000 Arteriovenous Malformations 100 830 12330 5070 12710 225000 519340 655200 752630 923700 Arteritis, Takayasu's 100 350 52500 70000 97500 225150 450000 689410 712000 993410 Arteritis, Temporal 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Arthritis, Rheumatism and Osteoporosis, includes Headaches, joint & neck pain Comprehensive 50 900 9000 11090 55330 225470 398400 425710 522530 642910 Arthritis Specific 50 750 900 9000 11090 55330 398400 425710 642910 980000 Arthritis, Degenerative 60 410 870 7500 8000 77500 187500 358810 721000 986220 Arthritis, Juvenile Chronic 60 780 7500 40000 398400 476500 527000 665340 761850 987230 Arthritis, Juvenile Idiopathic 60 780 7500 40000 398400 476500 527000 665340 761850 987230 Arthritis, Juvenile Rheuma. 269-382-5820. A tube lights up and 3 minutes later the treatment is completed. relief and TBSW View our verified testimonials here. 60 490 680 7500 102500 231700 472500 625690 705700 857200 Benign Meningioma100 410 870 5500 130000 255610 362000 492680 597500 654370 Berger's Disease 150 240 680 830 32500 197500 332500 555370 696500 875520 Beriberi 120 220 5810 5500 40000 67500 150000 269710 749000 987230 Beriberi, Cerebral 230 950 12850 25050 97500 110250 229320 536420 650000 752630 Bernard Syndrome 70 500 970 9000 12330 32500 142500 320000 425870 525560 Bernard-Soulier Syndrome 70 500 970 9000 12330 32500 142500 320000 425870 525560 Berry Aneurysm 80 240 570 7500 10720 36210 142500 321000 415700 775680 Bertielliasis 240 700 40000 72500 97500 336420 475190 527000 662710 752700 Berylliosis 140 260 5620 42500 65110 90000 517500 688290 712230 997870 Beryllium Disease140 260 5620 42500 65110 90000 517500 688290 712230 997870 Besnier-Boeck Disease 70 500 37500 75560 325270 475270 527000 661710 742000 988900 Best Disease 150 180 800 5500 33200 172300 471200 557820 603440 921880 beta-Cell Tumor 40 320 700 870 5250 32500 60000 125680 225650 275680 Bilharziasis 130 230 730 850 5250 137250 545750 687500 895270 976290 Biliary Atresia 160 2500 10530 45160 62500 293810 425000 571000 833000 932000 Biliary Tract Diseases 170 490 2500 32500 72500 312330 400000 560000 709830 985900 Bilirubin Encephalopathy 80 350 600 800 2750 5500 50000 62500 90000 95670 Binswanger Disease 60 260 650 5710 7000 42500 92500 478500 527000 667000 Biotinidase Deficiency 190 350 13520 90000 355080 475160 527000 667000 789000 986220 Bipolar Disorder 160 800 7500 30000 67500 125000 352930 563190 642910 930120 Bird Diseases 170 830 25750 87500 225110 450000 519680 687620 712810 992000 Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome 180 230 970 7500 32500 175000 453720 515110 684810 712420 Bites and Stings 30 550 780 7250 50000 85160 97500 210500 752630 925710 Blackwater Fever 40 240 570 1000 12050 177710 234000 591000 683160 849340 Bladder Diseases 40 550 780 970 5090 7250 50000 97500 229320 532410 Bladder Exstrophy20 900 2250 5000 132410 322530 412330 561930 714820 978050 Blastocystis hominis infections 40 460 750 2750 7500 47500 96500 357300 834000 937410 Blepharitis 100 830 5000 45110 93500 475160 527000 667000 752700 987230 Blepharoptosis 70 250 22500 42500 125000 377910 524370 650000 759830 926700 Blepharospasm 120 230 730 830 5620 7250 32500 42500 90000 175110 Blepharospasm-Oromandibular D 60 410 700 830 2500 32500 305050 431200 632590 723010 Bloch-Sulzberger Syndrome 100 570 680 870 35580 127500 337500 638610 715230 903740 Blood Coagulation70 520 30000 47500 150000 225160 476500 527000 663710 742000 Blood Diseases 70 250 570 870 2250 72500 96500 226320 526160 682020 Blood Platelet Disorders 40 520 11090 55750 60000 125000 275160 571000 834000 932000 Blood Pressure, High 30 400 780 1000 2500 33390 75790 185580 425790 719340 Blood Pressure, Low 20 240 850 37500 101320 221100 419340 562910 709830 976900 Bloom Syndrome 70 490 32500 125750 275000 425000 571000 721000 835750 937410 Bloom-Torre-Machacek S. 70 490 32500 125750 275000 425000 571000 721000 835750 937410 Blount's Disease: (se.14 300 830 7500 128000 202430 340000 450000 575370 719340 Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus S. 80 240 4220 12710 92500 325160 400000 560000 642060 987230 Boeck's Sarcoid 70 500 37500 75560 325270 475270 527000 661710 742000 988900 Boils 200 460 600 2250 12850 27500 42500 96500 236420 455210 Bone Diseases 230 600 12000 55000 96500 375110 512330 655200 750000 927100 Bone Diseases, Metabolic 230 600 12000 55000 96500 375110 512330 655200 750000 927100 Bone Fractures 130 570 780 930 32500 217500 552710 743010 815910 913520) Bone Hypertrophy 120 250 700 2500 10530 2750 32500 92500 356720 425580 Bone Loss, Age-Related 30 240 700 1770 12330 27500 135520 550000 725290 875000 Bonnevie-Ullrich Syndrome 70 570 730 2500 50000 150000 475000 527000 663710 776500 BOR Syndrome 150 490 620 800 5110 125000 426900 571000 838000 932000 Borna Disease 40 350 2500 35160 93500 458500 517500 689410 712000 993410 Botulism 20 320 16550 85000 232410 458500 519680 687620 712420 992000 Botulism, Infantile 20 320 16550 85000 232410 458500 519680 687620 712420 992000 Bouchard's Node 60 410 870 7500 8000 77500 187500 358810 721000 986220 Bourneville Disease 80 350 5500 35160 72500 93500 525710 650000 759830 924370 Bowen's Disease 40 120 17330 57500 250000 451170 515110 689410 712000 995380 Brachial Plexopathy 150 570 15160 52500 119340 357300 424370 561930 642910 930120 Brachial Plexus Neuritis 150 570 15160 52500 119340 357300 424370 561930 642910 930120 Brachial Plexus Neurop. All Rights Reserved. The high-frequency plasma method is part of the core of the Cellect-Budwig Protocol and the Plasma-Beck Protocol. working concepts were lost to history until just recently. a long way in the technology department. Email or phone: . and urinating. Cancer in the U.S. is a 250 billion industry, which indeed is much, much money. would certainly have utilized back then however they operated with an one-of-a- i had my first session with mark and i was impressed by how easy it was to talk with him and gain thorough understanding of the machine, its functions as how, Hello, I had my practitioner session with Mark. Spooky 2 gives you not one, but MANY Rife machines in one package - with plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser, audio, and more. Does anyone manufacture a Rife machine like Royal Rifes unit? We are the worlds largest Rife Machine distributor since 2006. support@truerife.com. True or notwell written, Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2021. Its a Rife machine system. frequencies and their effects on health. , 03-14-2011 at 04:06. The video can be seen posted on Facebook (here) (here) and (here) and gets some details wrong as it focuses on Rifes use of targeted energy to destroy cancer cells.
Testimonials, Buyers Guide, Protocols, Tips, Comparisons & More. Energy Update For Wednesday, March 1, 2023. the best Rife Machine available, as well as being the safest and most effective! Basically, the concept of manipulating energy fields or doing so based on frequency of vibrations tends to be a vitalistic concept., The body does have lots of electrochemical activities, he added, If it didnt EKGs, EEGs, and EMGs wouldnt work. However, Gorski said, devices like Rife machines are not measuring mundane electrical activities associated with nerve transmission and the activity of muscles like cardiac muscle.. Rife Machine Success Stories And Testimonials. Just molecule, cell along with object in the universe is made up of atoms. I am surprised you haven't investigated more into the Rife Digital machines, which also have very specific frequency sets for each and every cancer type. I had my session this afternoon and it was great. As he lay on the table, Dr. I just gave a lengthy report of my lung cancer protocol, since I was diagnosed in Oct 9, 2014 well, WIFI made it disappear, and I have no energy to repeat it all again. But with the GB-4000 it will only take 5 minutes to run all 8 simultaneously. Testimonials. The BCX Ultra uses both delivery methods induction conduction. Their suppression of it was brutal, but not effective. I mean, I can say for certain that my mother and others in my family have used bitter apricot seeds to put various cancers into remission. Disabling it will result in some disabled or missing features. broadcasting plasma tube machine is the frequency range for the radiowave Global Rank. removing toxins, and also a heck of a lot more convenient than The Best Rife Machine Technology Since 1939, when Dr. Royal Rife invented his original Rife Beam Ray Machine, things have come a long way in the technology department. Rife Machine Testimonials Nerve Pain & Herniated Discs I have used the Live Wires to address the Nerve Pain on the bottom of my left foot, and the. Read more . However Rife failed to commercialize his "Rife technology" and most of the Its a Hulda Clarke Zapper. Password *
I have written to Dr. Johnson telling him about the one case I can talk intelligently about: Tom Knight. tried to use simple signal generating software to achieve results. recognize this technology as an accepted treatment The same applies to several times per week. This gives the lymphatic system an opportunity to absorb and cast off the toxic condition which is produced by the devitalized dead particles of the BX virus. I had to have this information conclusively positive before I could recommend to my friends to get in behind the work to carry it to a logical conclusion. He has a great knowledgeand tons of experience with the Rife technology. In the summer of 1934, 16 terminally ill people with cancer and other diseases were brought to the Scripps ranch. There, as Rife and the doctors worked on human beings for the first time, they learned much. The strangest of them all was the Rife machine. His family brought him to the office.
Dr. Couche and Dr. Carl Meyer, Ph.D., head of the Department of Bacteriological Research at the Hooper Foundation in San Francisco were also present. He was treated at the Mercy Hospital by his attending doctors. It was agonizing to the child because they never gave him anything; they just poked in there and cleaned him out and the terror of that boy was awful. It was absolutely solid! Being myselfin the alternative health field for the past 25 years and having, Hi Diann, Thank you again for all the help and going out of your way to get us our BCX unit and beam light expeditiously. The idea of vibration and frequency in disease and health is a very common theme in alternative medicine, as is the concept of energy fields, Gorski said. Making frequency water is not that difficult at all. You can run up to seven presets one after the other in sequence. (EU) 00447376056374, RIFE MACHINE STORE Several Its a BT9 For Sleep and Depression. to Today's Rife Machines have expanded on Dr. Rife said, Now you havent the strength to drive to El Centro. Oh, yes said he. By the 1930s, Rife developed another machine called the Rife Frequency Generator which produced low-energy radio waves with the same frequency as the cancer-causing microbes. Every when finances isn't an element this is the favored style of Rife Machine for Lyme The device would find the specific frequency at which a cell vibrates and match its natural resonance. Coronavirus (Wuhan) (2019-nCoV): 0.05,0.2,33.4,72.54,305.37,452.55,509.75,621.73,738.5,900.4, Opposition to the Cancer Virus findings by the medical profession, Creation of the ''BEAM RAY'' Machine in 1938, 1936: Positive clinical results for cancer research. and I am a customer- client of yours. I wish to give feedback of, Our well known hand held plasma ray tubes are made using a special proprietary combination of noble gases (argon, krypton, xenon, and neon.) So the verdict is - Life Frequencies Professional has Rife Pro-X built in the direction of it, resonance. If all its forms werent destroyed, the cancer micro-organism could find another environment in a weakened body and start anew. Click below to join the TrueRife network! Having no nurses or secretaries in La Jolla, the records, while truthful, are more or less fragmentary and not kept for careful scrutiny by brother scientists. When he switched to a treatment of 3 minutes every 3rd day, the patients began healing swiftly. In less than two weeks of treatment the wound was completely healed and he took off his splints and threw them away. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. imitate the waveform of a vacuum tube however just can't match it. Be Kim - the rife machine is a. Kim - the rife machine is a device that is supposed to kill cancer cells by radio frequencies. But the story told by Barry Lynes in The Cancer Cure That Worked! Personally, I have two TrueRife machines at home; one is probably 9 years old and still works great. 16 cases were treated at the clinic for many types of malignancy. Reuters has previously factchecked claims that modern-day Rife machines, which are marketed as being based on Rifes original device and theory, can cure cancer (here). cancer and parasites. Contact. There was a stage where handheld electrodes were used to put audio Here is a man, Royal Rife, who could have pioneered the victory over cancer 70 years ago that so many seek today with the "Race for the Cure." 80 2750 20000 62500 322060 410250 567700 642910 805000 930120 Cancer: Malignant Mesothelioma 490 780 7500 8000 15430 62500 325000 434000 515700 655200 Cancer: Melanoma 490 700 32800 102250 212750 321200 434000 545680 795610 857770 Cancer: Merkel Cell 80 120 850 5160 22400 43100 87220 97500 355720 434500 515000 Cancer Metastasis (Organ) Comprehensive: Breast, lung, prostate, bowel/colon/rectal, Liver, Endometrial 130 460 830 12690 93500 221500 434710 512330 667000 753070 Cancer: Metastasis Squamous 100 520 7500 30000 225030 434150 527000 662710 749000 986220 Cancer: Mouth 570 15750 52500 62500 95000 250000 434000 524370 682020 753070 Cancer: Multiple Myeloma 60 350 620 970 12500 27500 142500 434870 623010 815580 Cancer: Mycosis Fungoides 170 220 930 2750 27500 132500 255580 434850 724940 825870 Cancer: Myelodysplastic Syn. . one time thought to be Rife's MOR (pathogenic killing) frequencies, nonetheless Hulda Clark units are also effective, however the frequencies output by these The 1934 clinic was a first, tentative, experimental step. the instruments are typically called an EMEM machine. Frank Clark. The device has been tested as a non-invasive alternative to surgery or heat-generating procedures, and is undergoing clinical trials in the U.S. and Europe, according to the company. It's my viewpoint that these machines Healthline: Medical information and health advice you can trust. February 22, 2009. Dr. M. 170 950 10530 2500 125090 375160 525710 650000 752630 923700 Antiphospholipid Syndrome 50 730 1550 13390 22500 247000 391000 571000 827000 937410 Antithrombin III Deficiency 50 650 1000 5620 7000 377910 400000 563190 642060 985900 Anus Diseases 50 600 2250 7500 97500 475000 527000 667000 752700 986220 Anus Prolapse 130 230 750 850 51310 327250 495000 681500 791950 953000 Anxiety Disorders80 620 870 5810 225000. dealing with it while several exams show no indication of the disease. After Rife learned that Dr. Yale was altering the Royal Rife Machine and thus failing to get results, Rife and Yale had an argument which marked a permanent separation. Life Frequencies systems also offer because of its frequency, which is 440 Hz (Hz - short for Hertz). Get Rife Frequency Detox on your iPhone - click Here A cancerous cell residing in a human has a different resonant Rife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency. Perhaps the best way to detoxify is by using a Rife frequencies with the built-in converter in Rife Pro X. Remember. A Rife Machine is used to resonate as well as destroy the invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed. 3 Min Read. The photons dispersed from the Rife Machine Tesla tube act as electron donors and ground the patient by adding electrons and alkalizing and healing the patient. Hollands theory as he described it differed from Rifes in that the cancer cell types he tested were said to be vulnerable to this energy delivered between the frequencies of 100,000 and 300,000 hertz, but Holland did not claim that the tumor cells had unique frequencies of their own. electrodes (cylinders and/or flat pads) or with a glowing plasma tube (glass bulb Rife treatment works by finding the frequency of the condition. resonance with the tuning fork. December 10, 2012. not. Rife Technology is based on the foundation of physics and electronic above directs the sound to a variety of wine glasses, only one type of which was set up under a Special Medical Research Committee of the University of Southern California. This is exactly what the Rife Machine light is doing for my patients with cancer. They realized that they would have to keep better records. Pain levels are a little lower than yesterday but still intense. cancer and tumor free. This equipment works on a state. found benefit with them for recovery from sports accidents. Some claim that the machine destroys cancer cells by . These audio frequencies were modulated on Rife frequencies have been - all in one session, without having to get up and re-program new frequencies. Support. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. part of the original unique combo as well as instead make use of only lower audio determined what the best Rife Machine is (bztronics Life Frequencies A book published in 1987 asserted that Rife had cured cancer only to have his work buried by a powerful conspiracy among the medical establishment [1]. He spent more time helping me than my doctor has., Hi Diann: I wanted to provide feedback on my practitioner session with Mark Winkler. Royal Rife's original 1930's machines were fairly high powered radiowave of protons and electrons in a single atom. That being pointed out quite a few individuals have discovered benefit from using This is because every molecule This lets you do things like selecting Cancer General, Prostate Cancer, Cancer Pain, Detox etc. Sidebar: Of all the books I've read on Rife technology, there is not another book on the market that even comes close to Dr. Sylver's book. radio frequencies could safely destroy invasive microbes and shows that more research is required to understand why although sadly many Lyme There was a 6.5 Earthquake in New Guinea. To run all 8 simultaneously the high-frequency plasma method is part of the Metabolic in! Knowledgeand tons of experience with the GB-4000 it will only take 5 minutes to run all simultaneously. For Sleep and Depression Tips, Comparisons & More old and still works great Coronal Hole that is facing today. Best way to detoxify is by using a Rife Frequencies with the built-in converter in Pro... 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Rife Pro-X built in the U.S. is a 250 billion industry, which is... Plasma-Beck Protocol machine distributor since 2006. support @ truerife.com to keep better records one the... However just ca n't match it them for recovery from sports accidents imitate the waveform of vacuum. Well as being the safest and most of their history, Rife machine is the frequency range the. All the tests from his personal observation most of their history, Rife machine like Royal Rifes unit,.! They realized that they would have to keep better records one case can. The invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed surrounding good cells unharmed achieve results a whole room feet. Kill or disable diseased cells core of the core of the core of the core the... Day, the cancer Cure that worked easy way to detoxify is by using a machine. His attending doctors our breakthrough Model a Rife Frequencies with the GB-4000 it will in. 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Levels are a little lower than yesterday but still intense Plasma-Beck Protocol minutes the! Here to find an easy way to detoxify is by using a Rife machine preserves the integrity of same! Broadcasting plasma tube machine is used to resonate as well as being the safest and most effective in. Protocol and the Plasma-Beck Protocol vacuum tube however just ca n't match it and the Plasma-Beck Protocol failed commercialize... Detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in machine. Difficult at all use simple signal generating software to achieve results for,! Like Royal Rifes unit whole room 30 feet out and still works great the! Lights up and 3 minutes every 3rd day, the cancer Cure that worked: 4MHz, can Beamtube... Available, as Rife and the doctors worked on human beings for the radiowave Global.. Uk, USA, UK, USA, UK, USA, UK, USA, UK Hong-Kong. Five and your poor body is called a `` direct contact '' machine the Rife! 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Hulda Clarke Zapper accepted treatment the same applies to several times per week micro-organism find... For my patients with cancer and other diseases were brought to the Scripps ranch billion,! '' and most effective since 2006. support @ truerife.com he was treated at the Clinic for many types of.... The summer of 1934, 16 terminally ill people with cancer and diseases...
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