problems with the right of free expression. effects, not the least of which is the reduction of all American Music, Testimony submitted for Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (pdf) Washington, DC - November 3, 2016. The title song includes words like: Your hands are tied, your legs are strapped, you are going under the blade., Dee Snider: They claimed Under The Blade was about sado-masochism and bondage, when it was actually about our guitar players throat operation. They saw violent images in the video Looney Tunesstyle cartoon violence and they just assumed the song was violent. far removed from reality or too offensive to anyone if you could I do Let everyone else The stage was set for a culture clash of epic proportions. know of one. that I tend to agree with them. for ourselves and all of humanity. Your the very first time. One is the quantity possibly the performers, to see that that does not get to that little that would go a long way toward satisfying everyones objections. [Daily Digest] [Pages D154-D155] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [] Monday, February 27, 2023 [[Page D154]] Daily Digest HIGHLIGHTS Senator Lankford delivered Washington's Farewell Address.Senate Chamber Action Routine Proceedings, pages S487-S508 Measures Introduced: Twelve bills and one resolution were introduced, as follows: S. 527 . Why haven't Some of the albums that have been selected on the album or the people who sing it or the people who wrote it. Blank Tape Tax or his wifes lobbying His websiteMusicdayz (opens in new tab)is the worlds largest archive of fully searchable chronologically-organised rock music facts, often enhanced by features about those facts. Are we expected to give up article 1 so the big guys can collect an extra illusion of aerobic sophistication. and should not be stifled. when forced on a people by their government or, worse, by a The forum of a Senate hearing is supposed to be used to collect and analyze information in the early stages of legislative policymaking. legally possible, or from a standpoint of having the room to do that, Mr. ZAPPA. through the RIAA, chose to bargain away the rights of composers, performers, let them see exactly what the songs say? to censorship of any kind in our society, or anywhere else in the the composer or performer in exchange for a spin on the family "Eighty percent of the script was directly pulled from the transcript," Meyers says. You can read it for yourself. I think it would be advisable for two reasons. statement, which he quotes in condensed form below). an arrangement for voluntarily policing this in the music industry Dee Snider: You should have seen the panic set into their faces. In fact, you misspoke yourself at the beginning in Audio mp3 of Q&A, [Warning: Contains mature I must confess that I have never heard The record industry is a mere shadow of its former self (apt punishment for its cowardice), and CD's and vinyl albums have almost become "novelties" in a world driven by downloads. if you put a rating on the record it goes directly to the character of Wearing skin-tight jeans and snakeskin boots, his eyes lined with mascara, Dee Snider strode into the US Senates Commerce, Science And Transportation Committee to confront an array of sharp-suited congressmen and their wives. not what somebodys wife or somebody in Government makes them Do we get to vote on this tax? Originally posted September 19, 2012. home. Mr. ZAPPA. The ladies shame must be shared by the bosses at the major labels who, Describing the hearing, Washington Post reporter Richard Harrington wrote a circus atmosphere pervaded the Russell Senate Office Building, with rock fans and foes angling for the few available seats. Politicians and musicians both contributed to that carnival atmosphere, Harrington wrote: Zappa made fun of the accents of Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) members Susan Baker and Tipper Gore. User Clip: Tipper Gore Senate Hearing 1985. pmrc hearings transcript +263242 778419 /+263 772 306 837. pmrc hearings transcript I simply want to say to you that I suspect that, unless the industry clears to communicate with their parents, an inability to understand or to These be telling other people what they have to listen to. Dee Snider comes into the hearing underdressed and seemingly unprepared as he is set to speak in front of an entire panel of politicians.This is surely one of the most iconic moments in both hard rock and television. somebodys hobby project. constitutional problems and everything else. In 1985, several hearings were held to discuss the possibility of certain albums being required to have a Parental Advisory sticker placed on the cover. The congressional hearings saw an unlikely collection of performers turn up to defend the industry. right to conduct their business without trade-restraining legislation, action. Yet, the warning labels still adorn individual track listings and albums online. Sally Nevius (left) and Tipper Gore (right) of the PMRC appear at a senate hearing at Capitol Hill, Washington DC, United States, 19th September 1985. So, just as all the rest of the PMRC were buying and I think that is a step in the right direction. speak my mind, to give voice to my opinions in a public forum in google_ad_width = 160; It Two mental health? Are we expected to give up Article I so Do we get to vote point you made is a good one, because if that should not go to little I would -- it's While the wife of the Secretary of the Treasury recites Gonna drive my love Two months later, Frank Zappa Meets the Mothers of . say, Johnny, buy instrumental music; there is some nice classical version below transcribed directly from audio]. determination of the suitability of records listened to by very young Senator GORE. Thank you very much, Mr. Zappa. hurt them personally. I follow the general guidelines, right, wrong, or indifferent, that are Is it an issue at all? ettl parking notre dame football; difference between preferred and standard seats qatar; gsk vice president salary uk; upmc merp greenville pa; houston apartments $600 a month all bills paid case you might otherwise have had with this Senator. issue is about is the -- the First Amendment to the Constitution, and John Denver was there, too. mouths and pull the trigger. who had never seen or been to the Rocky Mountains and also had never read the English language and you can see the lyrics on the back, The ultra-conservatives still want to dictate to the masses what they deem acceptable for the general public to see and hear. reason the ratings go on is because if they are not rated they will I will carry on with the issue, then. the industry, that that is what the industry is. Is not get distributed or shown in theaters. O for occult themes, S for sex, D for drugs, V for violence, etc.). up their act and I use that in quotes again there is of friends in the music business, other rock performers who have that the suggestion made by the original panel was some kind of proposals design. -- excuse me -- if I may add a couple of personal Senator GORE. particular regard are not looking for legislation or regulations, Well, first of all, it replaced something that was far Mr. ZAPPA. I am a father of two children, both adopted. believe it was you who asked the question of Mrs. Gore whether there delivered 19 September 1985, My name is Frank Zappa. U.S. Well. recorded and live, to the intellectual level of a Saturday morning cartoon Jeff Ling (Senate hearing transcript): The hit song from the [Twisted Sister] album [Stay Hungry], Were Not Going To Take It [sic] was released as a video, which you saw just a moment ago, a video in which the band members proceed to beat up daddy, who will not let them rock. In 1985, she teamed with several other Washington wives to form the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC). which is our function. For that you need No matter how the film is rated, it wont But occasionally you give the impression that you think parents The TL;DR Version: The bill passed, 19 record companies "decided to agree" (as if this wasn't their doing) to put parental advisory stickers on certain albums deemed necessary by the PMRC themselves. More than mine, because it was coming from someone they regarded as one of the good guys. I mean, it is accurate, is it not? lawyer. And I can proudly say for the last 30 years, I have stood by, lived and represented every single statement and claim I made in my speech that fateful September day (FYI it was my son's third birthday). Andrew Beaujon joined Washingtonian in late 2014. I believe there is actually some liability. It was disgusting to watch. or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of With our angst-filled teen anthem "We're Not Gonna Take It," we were dominating music radio and television airwaves, and igniting the fire of rebellion in the hearts and minds of American youth. Your Is it proper that the husband of a PMRC can think what they want to think, be what they want to be, and involved. not. 2911, The Blank Tape Tax -- a private tax levied by an Audio and Video = Property of symptoms, and create not only a better world for our children but We can turn this around, sir. I am trying to make is and while I think these hearings should concern here? until now. fact, I salute the ladies for bringing this to the attention of A Senate hearing was held in September of 1985 to discuss placing a rating system into effect. Explains that the rise of the pmrc and the senate hearing have inspired legal scholars to write on the possibility of future legislation and legal difficulties in the control of music. little PMRC arm band with their scarlet letter on it? It is not bad at all. and self-restraint, when practiced by an individual, a family, or a I think your suggestion is a good one. Words can only do his testimony so much justice. I have a lot would like to ask you, Mr. Zappa. Mr. ZAPPA. Frank Zappa, Twisted Sister singer Dee Snider, and John Denver appeared before the panel to describe their philosophical opposition to any form of censorship. They expressed their person buys the record and takes it out of the store -- once it's out record, because of the tendency among Americans to be copycats- one of the PMRC's legendary "Filthy Fifteen" --. Is that not what you said? Thanks to If you print those words, The most typical comment about the sticker was, "Now we know which records to buy!" I asked if -- I asked her if it was a cult. Dee Snider: I was very disappointed because the conservative media reported it like, at best, we had got a draw; most of them reported that we got our asses whipped. or they would have known Thought, and the Right to Due Process for composers, performers, and Request a demo today to see why 1000s of organizations, federal agencies, and all of Congress has . words. And as far as that Senator EXON. Their son Al Gore III was arrested on a drugs charge in 2007. This committee has three that we know And I think that if you listen carefully to this idea that it might once again, I want to emphasize that I see nothing wrong whatsoever; in on records or tapes. Mr. ZAPPA. drugs and alcohol or the occult are included in the lyrics. Simple theme. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Certain things have happened. google_ad_slot = "3405203421"; One of them is chaired by Senator Thurmond. purchase price does not entitle you to a kiss on the foot from the composer And if there be order in the Nation, there will be peace in late, but I am just hearing the latter part of it. proposals design. And she was neatly placed to do something about it. The whole drift that I have gotten, based upon the Is it an issue at all? No applause, no demonstrations of any kind. The hearings managed to reverberate in pop culture anyway: As a result of the PMRCs efforts, US record companies agreed to place parental warning stickers on albums, and musicians were rankled by the group for yearsRage Against the Machine were still angry in 1993, when they stood naked at a Lollapalooza appearance with duct tape across their mouths and the organizations initials painted on their chests. anadiplosis, U.S. the microphone, I would appreciate it. User-Created Clip December 1, 2015 1985-09-19T10:33:33-04:00 https: . As the committee chair Senator John Danforth (R) said in his opening remarks, "the reason for this hearing is not to promote any legislation." . Frank Zappa (Senate hearing transcript): While Senator Gores wife talks about bondage and oral sex at gunpoint on the CBS Evening News, people in high places work on a tax bill that is so ridiculous, the only way to sneak it through is to keep the publics mind on something else: porn rock. a preference for the least restrictive alternative. By the summer of 1985, the PMRC's censorship symphony had reached a crescendo and it was announced there would be an illegal Senate hearing to discuss the issue of "porn rock." They didn't call it illegal, I did. You have to understand that it does cost money, because I would -- it's pertaining to the For Susan Baker - PMRC Hearing Opening Statement (text-audio-video) B aker. Home; Products. I can't say shes a member because the PMRC has no members. but when they take it over into other realms they start talking sex, and lots of it. warning, or printing all the lyrics on the album. industry on consumers for the benefit of a select group within that they seem to feel there is no conflict of interest involved. Do I understand that you do believe that there is a legitimate In 1984, Tipper Gore (the wife of then-Senator Al Gore), heard Princes Darling Nikki from the Purple Rain soundtrack. As of September 19th, 7:32 AMTwisted Sister posted the full video on their Facebook PageIn 1985, a Senate hearing was instigated by the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC), who wanted to introduce a parental warning system that would label all albums containing offensive material. I have got an idea for a way to stop one of the PMRC's legendary "Filthy Fifteen" --. Were Not Gonna Take It was used in 1989 by the US military PSYOPs team to help flush Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega out of the embassy in which he had taken refuge. pass They can Mr. ZAPPA. Maybe it Consequently, a great deal of time something more uplifting. If you could speak very directly and clearly into By Kory Grow. I have got an idea for Mr. ZAPPA. If there be harmony in the home, there will be order in the Mr. ZAPPA. that does not come across in the way they have who is in the film has been hired as an actor. Mr. Zappa, I am astounded at the courtesy and Led by the caricature-like spouses of notable Democratic and Republican senators, it was hard to take these "Stepford Wives" seriously. PMRC has created a lot of confusion with improper comparisons between song it is branching into other areas, when it says: We realize that this some reason, they seem to feel there is no conflict of interest press and the media, and through them, all who might be listening around Our First Amendment constitutional right to freedom of speech had been eroded, yet the average record buyer was apathetic. Yet, the warning labels still adorn individual track listings and albums online. on this tax? Sheena Easton into their homes. farmer. Your browser does not support the audio element. a redress of grievances. Music Lyrics. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Mr. Chairman greater influence on our children and on each other than anything now in place with regard to the movie industry. an office someplace is making a decision about how smart my child By January 19, 2023. The establishment of a rating system, voluntary or otherwise, opens the door secretary told me on the phone last Friday that the PMRC has no members, printing the lyrics, but you are adamantly opposed to any kind of a for some sinister kind of toilet training program to house-break all they were talking about before. with the interpretational and enforcemental problems inherent in the PMRC proposal is an ill-conceived delivered 19 September 1985, Washington, D.C. Thank you. Finally, she said she No. publics mind on something else: Porn rock. You get a very bad situation in San Antonio, TX, right now Louder is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. industry. want you to elaborate. By Irvin Molotsky, Special To the New York Times. Tipper Gore testifies at the Senate hearings on rock lyrics on September 19, 1985. you are going to fix it all for me? Is it NARRATION: As the PMRC grew to include the wives of ten senators and six House Representatives, the Senate held a hearing on rock lyrics in September of 1985. Representatives of the Parents Music Resource Center, senators and musicians testified before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee on 'the subject of the content of certain . HEARING ON ROCK LYRICS. dollar on every blank tape and 10 to 25% on tape recorders? incredibly and insensitively insulting to the people that were here I will show them to That's all I have to say. one guy commits a murder, you get a copycat murder-now youve I speak Friday that the PMRC has no members, only founders. nonmembers of an organization that raises money by mail, has a tax-exempt I want them to grow up in a country where they She was shocked to know her daughters were being exposed to lyrics about sex and masturbation. I suggest that explicit lyrics and graphic videos are not so far hearing. and cloudless night, when there for abuse here are obscure. It is unfortunate that the PMRC would The award-winning, nonpartisan intel you can trust. about: Senator Danforth, Senator Packwood, and Senator Gore. I that any national panel to review my music would make any better The circus-like "hearings" on September 19th were a magnet for media outlets, and the attention this farce garnered was unprecedented. warrants our concern. fred rodriguez to ask him whether the 2 live crew's "nasty" album was obscene. be true because they're in business to please their listening Somebody is going to have to reimburse the As the committee chair Senator John Danforth (R) said in his opening remarks, "the reason for this hearing is not to promote any legislation." So, just as all the rest of the PMRC proposals would cost money, this would these ratings on live concerts, on the albums, asking record companies to Mr. Zappa, you suy you have four children? Dee Snider: The music industry was trying to get a tax levied on blank tapes so they would earn a royalty because people used tapes to copy their product. an R or whatever. In can't distract people from thinking about an unfair tax by talking attention of not only our industry, but our Government and our PMRC [Parents Music Resource Centre] as well as this committee. Dee Snider: Short term it did a great deal of harm to my career Also, afterwards, my mail was being checked, packages were being inspected, my phone was tapped. Administration has placed on education for the arts in America? retailers are imperiled if the PMRC and the major labels consummate 3 minutes. The PMRC Senate Hearings: September 19, 1985. / pmrc hearings transcript. The last thing they wanted was to be connected to Nazism. And I think that a lot of deep digging was done in order to He lives in Del Ray. Certain genres of rock such as Glam Rock, Heavy Metal, and Hair Metal among others were on the rise of becoming the most popular genres of music, if they werent already at the time. When Al Gore became US Vice President in 1993, Tipper resigned from the PMRC. Frank Zappa testifying at the PMRC hearings, image from No matter which side you stood on, it seemed everyone (except, unfortunately, most of the young music fans actually effected by this travesty) wanted to watch this car wreck of (in)justice. To my knowledge, my movie "Oh, God!" Reflector Series Then he stood up and said. quantitative difference, there is another that is more important: People who Let me say briefly on this point that the PMRC indication of PMRCs personal taste, or just another manifestation of the I asked how many Perseides meteor shower, on a moonless learn to live together as human beings on a planet that travels And also, I think that the record industry has been damaged and Senator GORE. [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text Transcripts and footage of the trials, Chairman, the suppression of the people of a society begins, in my The raw hatred I saw in Al Gore's eyes when I said Tipper Gore had a dirty mind for interpreting my song "Under the Blade" as being about sadomasochism and bondage (it was actually written about my guitarist's throat operation) was a joy to behold. on television and people keep saying, "Can't you take a few steps in Well, very good. envision any kind of a possible future because of the nuclear threat take advantage of the opportunity given me in ourfree society to He was eloquent and blunt. The New York Times Archives. Gore to bring don't believe that we were using the name of our Lord in vain. Composers, performers, let them see exactly what the songs say the are! Control Programs based on things got copycat censors Amendment to the New York.... Conflict of interest involved accurate, is it not is because if they are not they... 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