Monday - Friday, 7:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Some of the most popular essential oils used in pillow sprays are lavender, jasmine, and chamomile. Woman Devotes Her Life To The Stray Dogs Of Bali. While humans often turn to it for its many benefits, is lavender safe for cats? For this reason, it is important to keep all essential oils and products containing them out of reach of cats. Lavender is well-known for its calming and sedative effects in humans, and it is also used as a skin care product. As Little Red learns that growing up means learning to be cautious, this is the perfect flower for her. If you only come into contact with a few drops, a quick bath is probably sufficient. These include linalyl acetate and linalool, which, interestingly, are quite common among flowers. You could try better living through chemical therapy? Similarly, lavender (when used sparingly and in the proper concentration) is the least dangerous essential oil for both dogs and cats. more. IAMthe Universe!. In lavender, there is a trace amount of linalool, which dogs and cats cannot consume. Fresh lavender is not toxic to felines, only the essential oils derived from the plants are. Aspiration pneumonia is a lung infection in which the cats lungs become inflamed from the inhalation of foreign material. Some cats even seem to enjoy sitting in or near outdoor lavender plants, she says. It is essential to use lavender to calm your cat. In severe cases, convulsions, comas, and even death can occur. This will allow them to smell the scent without it being too overwhelming. So as soon as I say that your cats will be fine, something like spraying one area of the pillow to much and the cat getting into that will be a problem. Is Acai Safe For Cats? Lavender, in its various forms, is one of the most popular substances on the planet. The compound can contain up to 49.47% essential lavender oil. If you have a cat, make sure these products are kept away from the cat, as they can be fatal when ingested or in the skin. You might want to check out this list of safe plants for cats to be on the safe side. In small amounts such as in capsule form, lavender oil is considered safe to ingest. He may be able to fall asleep in the car by using lavender . The answer is a qualified yes. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) points out that the lavender plant contains compounds that are toxic to cats. Natural flea repellents, which are used in a pet shampoo, can help keep your cat from becoming entrapped in fleas. When it comes to lavender in cat litter, it is generally safe to use. A room spray or a topical treatment can help you add a little lavender flavor to your life, and there are many safe and affordable options to choose from. Avoid sprays with other essential oils. Lavender contains linalool and linalyl acetate, and cats lack the enzymes necessary to process these compounds, says Dr. Rachel Barrack of Animal Acupuncture in New York City. When you bathe the cat with fleas, you feel like youve won the war. When using lavender spray, its important to keep your cat in mind. They're recommended as being good for soothing cats while traveling, caged or other uncomfortable situations. There is no definitive answer, but if you are considering using lavender sleep spray for your cat, it is important to do your research and consult with your veterinarian first. The answer is a resounding yes! When inhaled, essential oils can also cause aspiration pneumonia, according to Barrack. Flea poison can be potent if used in the right amount. Dr. Teals Sleep Spray is a non-toxic and natural solution that helps your cat get a good nights sleep. According to Dr. David Weinthal, the enzymes required to break down linalool and linalyl acetate in lavender are lacking in cats. Your cats liver is deficient in enzymes that break down certain substances, such as essential oil and liquid potpourri, which are essential components in the felines diet. other plants and oils that are toxic to cats, Cat Nail Biting: What to Do If Your Cat Chews & Pulls His Claws, Why Is My Kitten So Hyper? However, Richardson states that liver or kidney damage can take several days to become apparent via blood tests.. If you are caring for your cat, avoid using essential oils around him. Is Pork Healthy or Even Safe for Cats. Lavender essential oils risk factor is increased even further by the fact that cats have to groom themselves from time to time. Is Lavender Oil Safe For Cats? All You Need to know, Is Pillow Spray Safe For Cats? In fact, you are advised to keep it as far away as possible from your kitty, as it could cause harm. 3. 4. Dr. Jamie Richardson, medical chief of staff of Small Door Veterinary in New York, says the lavender plant itself isnt dangerous to cats, unless ingested. Oils are the most potent because they can be vaporized and inhaled or absorbed quickly through the skin resulting in acute toxicity.. Fortunately, it's only mildly toxic. The lavender oil has a strong scent. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), lavender plants are toxic to cats and can cause nausea and vomiting. It's also easily and quickly absorbed into the cat's system via their skin or from them grooming and ingesting it.. The essential oils used in lavender pillow spray can cause irritation in cats, and this is why its important to use a product specifically made for cats. Our pets provide an excellent way of connecting with nature; I am committed to helping you understand all the aspects of your feline friend's life. The only insects that seem to have a tolerance for lavender are butterflies and honeybees, the two insects you actually want in your garden. A few sprays of the lavender essential oil can help to reduce feelings of tension and stress, and can even help to clear ones mind in preparation for a restful nights sleep. Alcohol in all forms are poisonous yo cats according to petpoisonhelpline. Despite this, many pet owners report that their cats enjoy the scent of lavender, so it is entirely up to you whether or not your pet will be safe to enjoy this scent. Lavender products should not be placed near your cat or left near them by small children. They will then advise you on the best course of action, including whether to take your pet to the vet. Lavender, a favorite essential oil among consumers, is commonly found in household products. ), hiking, kayaking, and binge-watching Netflix. Lavender, copaiba, helichrysum, and frankincense are just a few of the essential oils that are safe for pets. Catnip can make some cats aggressive, if your cat falls into this category, you may want to discontinue. Lavender is used in aromatherapy and room sprays, as well as a variety of other applications. Nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are all symptoms of lavender toxicity in cats. The Healing Powers Of Lavender: How This Aromatic Herb Can Help Reduce Stress Anxiety And Pain, Using Lavender To Attract Beneficial Insects In The Garden, Knowing When Your Lavender Is Ready: Recognizing The Signs Of Dehydration And Over-Drying. Lavender has been shown in studies to aid in the recovery from depression, anxiety, and stress. Keep lavender out of reach of cats. Lavender is a safe and affordable addition to your wellness routine, and it is beneficial both you and your pets. It is a plant with three stems that is also known as a Helichrysum. Cats are more likely than other animals to be exposed to essential oils. A lifelong cat lover, now based in South East Asia, Christian and his wife are the proud parents of an 11-year-old son and four rescue cats: Trixie, Chloe, Sparky, and Chopper. If youd like to use lavender room spray in your home, its important to be mindful of your cats reaction. Cons. It looks like you're asking if it is OK to spray on the pillow, not the cat, right? The key is to look for a product that is specifically made for cats, as they may have different sensitivities than humans. Is Lavender Plant Safe For Dogs And Cats. Since ancient times, an infusion of lavender has been an important ingredient in soap making and scenting bath water. Some pillow sprays also contain other natural ingredients such as herbs, flowers, and spices. The essential oil in particular should be kept far away from your four footed friend. Because lavender essential oil contains linalool, a chemical that cats cannot consume, it is not suitable for cats. A diluted massage oil, even if it is not lavender, can cause mild stomach upset in a cat. All Rights Reserved 2022. As a result, all of these ingredients are toxic to cats and are found in liquid potpourri and essential oil products. Lavender contains a small amount of linalool, which is toxic to dogs and cats. Nozzle is Sometimes Finicky. Though lavender plants are not poisonous to cats, formulations from them can be harmful. Rose and frankincense essential oils are two of the most well-known extracts of plants that have aromatic and/or medicinal properties. For cats, essential oils such as cypress, clove, lavender, spruce, cassia, lemon, birch, and others should not be used. Cats may not show any visible signs of pleasure when they smell lavender, but its likely that theyre enjoying the scent. Blue echeveria . Lavender is toxic to cats, and the chemical in lavender can be harmful to cats. But do cats actually like lavender spray? Lavender is not beneficial to cats. If you have a cat, you should remove all essential oils and potpourri before allowing him to leave. The following are some of them: Cats have been known to snack on plants. Barrack explains that cats can become sick just from licking a lavender plant and not fully ingesting it. A recent increase in poisoning cases among children has been linked to the use of essential oils. Only use the mildest of soaps if you must bathe your cat such as mild dish detergent, (Not naming names, but think of a sunrise.) With a properly diluted spray and a product made specifically for cats, your cat can enjoy the soothing and calming effects of lavender without any negative side effects. What Are The Dangers Of It? Lavender essential oil contains a chemical called linalool. Most cats will not voluntarily ingest lavender plants, however on the off chance they do, they can cause gastrointestinal upset (usually vomiting)., Lavender oil diffusers and sprays tend to have low levels of lavender, they can still enter your cats respiratory system. To begin, make sure the air freshener you choose is natural and free of synthetic scents or chemicals. It does not contain any synthetic fragrances. What to Bring: Photo identification showing . American rubber plant, Peperomia obtusifolia. Lavender poisoning can occur when cats lick droplets of lavender from diffusers and sprays that have fallen onto their fur. Tea Tree Oil And Cats - Is It Safe For Them Or Toxic? If cats are given too much of these oils, they are more likely to become ill. Natural flea collars can be purchased directly from a manufacturer; however, do not mess with oils if you enjoy the idea of having a natural flea collar. Lavender is not frequently fatal to cats, despite its mildly toxic nature. Cats should never be given melatonin by humans due to the possibility of inappropriate ingredients. If your cat is showing respiratory changes like rapid breathing, coughing and/or watery eyes after coming into contact with lavender oil/spray/diffuser, Richardson suggests moving the pet somewhere with fresh air and contacting your veterinarian. Lavender is a safe and affordable addition to your wellness routine, and it is beneficial both you and your pets. Lavender essential oil is the most toxic form of lavender for your felines. Even if youre still curious about how it can be used on cats to combat fleas, you should consult with your veterinarian. Synthetic fragrances, on the other hand, are created in a lab and are usually less expensive, but harmful to your cats. While more research is needed to confirm the effects of lavender on cats, it may be worth trying if youre looking for a way to help your own kitten relax. DRMTLGY Natural Lavender Linen and Room Spray. It is far safer and more effective to use natural, healthy methods to keep your cat from engaging in instinctive behavior rather than harsh chemicals or disciplining him. About They are intended for topical or aerosol use only. According to Barrack, essential oils may also cause aspiration pneumonia. SAFE FOR DAILY USE - This plant-based, cruelty-free lavender spray for sleep only uses organic oils, making it safe to use around pets or children. Lavender is a fragrant herb that has long been used in medicine for calming and relaxing. Neom Perfect Night's Sleep Pillow Mist $14.00. If you want to massage any essential oils into your cats fur, consult with your veterinarian first. Lavender is certainly not safe for ingestion. When clicking a link here and buying, we may be able to make a small commission, at no additional cost to you. Keep in mind, whatever goes on your cat's body may wind up in their mouth. I've tried lavender on my pillow and while it didn't help me, it didn't seem to hurt my cats. Insects such as bees and butterflies, according to research, have no allergies to lavender. Depending on the exam findings, medication can help calm the gastrointestinal upset and/or help heal the liver and kidneys. | Powered by WordPress. In aromatherapy, lavender is used to aid in relaxation. The treatment given will depend on your cats symptoms and could include supportive care such as IV fluids, stomach-coating or anti-nausea medications, and assisting your cat to eat if their mouth has been irritated, Dr. Conrad said. DRMTLGY Natural Lavender Linen and Room Spray. But if any more, or you suspect aspiration, ingestion, or your cat is showing signs of lavender poisoning, contact your primary care veterinarian immediately.. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, ), lavender plants are toxic to cats and can cause nausea and vomiting. In Disney's film adaptation of the beloved musical Into the Woodsit is specifically lavender blossoms that the Big Bad Wolf persuades Little Red Riding Hood to gather in a bouquet for Granny. Herbs such as cats claw, licorice root, and valerian and great options too. If your cat is exposed to the spray, keep an eye out for any signs of discomfort, such as sneezing, coughing, or difficulty breathing. Lavanya Sunkara is a NYC-based writer who is passionate about animal welfare. In addition to essential oils, some pillow sprays also contain natural or synthetic fragrances. Some cats even seem to enjoy sitting in or near outdoor lavender plants, she says. As enticing it is to diffuse some lavender to bring calming energy into your home, it may not be the best choice for your feline buddy. , oat grass (cat grass), and grow herbs like valerian, Cats Claw, and licorice root. Pet Insurance is designed to cover the costs of many common pet health problems. Certified Content. However, the information found on Excited Cats should not be viewed as veterinary advice. Dr. Elizabeth Racine is a small animal veterinarian with a passion for writing. Its also important to make sure youre using an all-natural, non-toxic room spray so that there are no artificial chemicals or fragrances that could be harmful to your cat. If a cat licks a lavender plant and does not fully consume it, it can become ill. 3. Its fine, right? When you suspect lavender poisoning based on the above symptoms, bring your cat to a veterinarian. Place lavender between cushions on flea-infested carpets or furniture, or thinly spread it over them. This will help to reduce the concentration of the essential oils and make it safer for your cat to sleep in. is your one-stop shop for all things lavender. . Lavender is mildly toxic to cats, which means its not typically fatal. If your cat exhibits any of the following symptoms, you should take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Loss of appetite. Can Cat Eat Chocolate Cereals? This gorgeous plant with bright purple blossoms covers the south of France and smells like actual floral heaven, but is a big no-no for felines, especially in essential oil form. Dont spray it directly onto your cat, as this can lead to essential oil poisoning, and some cats may be sensitive to lavender oils. Instead, spray it onto a cloth or paper towel and then place it on their bed. Lavender poisoning is possible and results in vomiting, reduced appetite and other symptoms. Your veterinarian can recommend medications, both oral and topical, that will fix your cat's problems. However, lavender, especially in the form of oil, can be dangerous to your feline friend. Instead, spritz it in areas around your cats living area, such as their bed or a corner of the room. This site says that it may be toxic, i wouldn't give my cat anything "medicinal" without the advice of my vet, or very well established procedures that make it clear it is 100% safe. Understanding The Ingredients In Different Pillow Sprays, Safe Alternatives To Lavender Pillow Spray For Cats, What To Put On Lick Mat For Cat? If your cat seems uncomfortable or agitated, its best to avoid using lavender spray. While the essential oil in the spray may cause skin irritation if applied directly to a cats fur, it is generally safe when used in a diffuser or sprayed in the air. 7. Essential oils cannot be broken down by the liver of a cat. This might be inconveniencing, but it is necessary to avoid putting your cat's health at risk. Your veterinarian will perform a liver or kidney examination on your cat. When cats are exposed to strong odors or perfumes, they may experience watery eyes, a burning sensation in their noses and throats, nausea, and difficulty breathing. If you use lavender oil or bath products with lavender, keep them in a locked cupboard o. . The problem with essential oils is that they are concentrated, and much like a human baby, cats have a lower surface area to volume ratio and that makes certain substances much more toxic in smaller quantities. The way lavender oil affects your cat will depend on how concentrated it is and how much gets into his system, either through ingestion or absorption. A spritzing of 50% water and 50% apple cider vinegar can also safely treat your cat's flea problem, provided your cat will sit still for a spritzing. While pet parents are advised not to use the majority of essential oils on their pets, some oils can be used on pets in an appropriate manner. After all, cats have sensitive respiratory systems and its important to use products that are safe for them, especially when it comes to something as intimate as their sleeping area. Dr. Jamie Richardson, medical chief of staff of, in New York, says the lavender plant itself isn, . Lavender plants, in addition to containing linalool, are toxic to dogs and cats. Essential oils are very concentrated and some cats may be sensitive to them. The good news is that, in general, lavender pillow spray is safe for cats. Read labels. Your cat will let you know after one sniff what her opinion is. Can Cats Eat Pork? If you really want to use an herbal supplement, valerian or chamomile might be better choices. Find one that will suit both you and your cat. Emily has been gardening for over 20 years and has been involved in the herbalism community for just as long. When consumed in large quantities, lavender oil can cause severe gastrointestinal problems, nervous system depression, liver damage, and even death in cats. Your pets health information at your fingertips, 2022 Great Pet Media. As for cats, the essential oils that arent safe to use are eucalyptus, clove, lavender, spruce, cassia, lemon, birch, and more. You'll cut down on fleas, but Kitty might be more reluctant than usual to leave her bed! Many essential oils including lavender oil are toxic to cats and should never be given to cats orally or applied topically, in my opinion. These ingredients provide additional calming, soothing, therapeutic benefits,and can be safe for cats depending on the herbs used. If she'll put up with a bath, try that. Lavender, chamomile, witch . But is lavender pillow spray safe for cats? Do not attempt to induce vomiting or administer any type of medication. No tests have been conducted on cats to determine the safety or efficacy of lavender oils. Fresh and dried lavender stems should never be left out of reach of your cats. If a cat inhales lavender, it is best to move him immediately into the fresh air. Look for a product that is specifically designed for cats, and make sure it doesnt contain any ingredients that could be toxic for cats. Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Sleep Lavender Vanilla Pillow Mist, 5.3 Fl Oz, 2-Pack (Packaging May. Join thousands of pet parents and get vet-approved guidance, product reviews, exclusive deals, and more! + Tasty Lick Mat Recipes For Cats, Are Heat Lamps Safe For Cats? However, cats with respiratory problems may be more sensitive to the fragrances in the spray, so its best to use it with caution. Only use lavender-based diffusers or sprays with extreme caution, or dont use them at all. Because of the presence of linalool and linalyl acetate, these compounds are toxic in large amounts. If your cat ate lavender and you dont want it to do so in the future, remove it or place it somewhere your cat cannot get to it. As a general rule, cats are often more sensitive to the potentially toxic and other dangerous effects of essential oils and other scents than dogs are, but it very much depends on the scent, the delivery method, and the uniqueness of the pet. The leaves are simple, often covered in fine hairs. While the essential oil in the spray may cause skin irritation if applied directly to a cat's fur, it is generally safe when used in a diffuser or sprayed in the air. She shares her home with her retired teaching beagle, Dasher, and a trouble-making orange cat named Julius. Lavender should not be put in the hands of cats. Self-educated pet care nerd. Essential oils such as cedar, lavender, geranium, and citrus-based oils are commonly used for the prevention of fleas in cats. Essential oils are plant extracts that have a wide range of therapeutic benefits. . Some cats, on the other hand, may be sensitive to lavender and may require a special kind of litter made of organic or non-aromatic material. Pure Lavender Essential Oil and Chamomile Pillow Spray, Linen Mist, and Fabric Spray. I am Joshua kaynard, an avid cat lover. Lavender is known for its medicinal qualities and calming, alluring scent. While a nibble or two of a lavender plant might not hurt Kitty, a large amount might, particularly in the concentrated form of lavender oil. Cats are more susceptible to essential oils than some other species as they are missing a specific enzyme in their liver that helps them metabolize certain drugs, including essential oils, says Richardson. . Some cats don't mind lavender scents, but some absolutely hate them. Because an essential oil is so concentrated, the natural enzymes in them can be anywhere from 500 to even 2000 times stronger than the original plant. By using these techniques together, you can help your kitten relieve her stress and relax. Id NEVER rub it on my cat, I was simply explaining the difference in advice, site to site. How do you make deep sleep pillow spray? Lavender contains a chemical called linalool that is only stronger in concentration in lavender essential oils. Areca palm, Dypsis lutescens. The lavender essential oil also has a light, pleasant scent that can be used to help reduce nausea, motion sickness and vomiting. The flower has a sweet, softly musky scent. Some pillow sprays also contain other ingredients such as carrier oils, alcohols, and emulsifiers. While serves as a pleasant home accessory for humans, the plant may pose some health concerns to cats. This means that they will ingest some of the oil when they eventually lick themselves, resulting in a double dose of trouble. The truth is, it really isn't. Additionally, ingesting lavender room spray can be dangerous for cats and should be avoided. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, eating dried lavender is not harmful to cats. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels and encourage a deep, restful sleep. How is it dried? While the cat may enjoy the lavender scent, it can be harmful if consumed or applied directly to the skin. While a minority of cats do seem to enjoy the aroma of lavender, the majority of cats do not. As for lavender essential oil, as this is a much more concentrated form of the ingredients found in the plant, it can carry a higher risk of making your cat sick, Dr. Conrad said. A cat's liver is simply incapable of breaking down the chemicals in essential oils Signs of lavender toxicity in cats include diarrhea, vomiting, and weakness. It is a natural and safe way to promote sleep. Suspect lavender poisoning based on the exam findings, medication can help calm the gastrointestinal upset and/or help the. Use only for your felines you have a cat spray it onto a or... 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