Despite the firmly entrenched reach of the Islamic Republic, Iranians generally discuss politics with vigour. Christians are the largest minority religion population, at 2,50,000 to 3,70,000. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? He was married to a Persian princess. Research by Ahmad Ali Noorbala and colleagues from Tehran University of Medical Sciences shows women in Iran have a greater incidence of mental disorders than women in Western cultures. In an interview with the Trauma and Mental Health Report (translated, Farsi to English), Hamed Rajabi, director of A Minor Leap Down, explains: This social system is only concerned with how people work and perform, and when that performance is lowered, their behavior is instantly condemned.. Ziyarat is, however, not merely a way of reaching God to ask for help. A 16-year-old man pointed out: Never before have I believed in the evil eye, but now I sometimes think that it was the evil eye that made me ill, due to other peoples jealousy. 5 Spiritual Practices That Increase Well-Being. All these things calm me down and give me strength. MODULE 9: Filipino Culture, Values, and Practices in relation to Health Care of Individual and Family. Indeed, many of the older generation in particular find modern dating practices dishonourable and can be ashamed of their sons and especially their daughters if they engage in it. 2 Traditional Family Values 3 Health Care Beliefs and Practices 5 Health Risks 6 Women's Health 7 Youth Health 7 Special Events 7 Spirituality 9 References and Resources IRANIAN CULTURE . Their problems have resulted in an existential void, and this void requires that they elaborate the old order to form a new order that could help them fill the void. It is common for Iranians to refer to themselves as Persian, which carries the association and prestige of the historical empire.1 The Iranian culture and people have a history of being one of the most progressive in the Middle East. The continuous presence of pre-Islamic, non-Muslim communities - such as Zoroastrians, Jews, and Christians - has served to accustom the population to non-Muslims participating in Iranian society. This is based on the traditional idea that people should protect their personal and family honour by giving a public impression of dignity and integrity. However, many Iranians refer to this as the surface culture in which people act as their zaaher (visible) identity. As Corbin (Citation1964/Citation1993, p. 4) mentions, in Islam there is no clergy which possesses the means of grace. Islam has neither a dogmatic magisterium, nor a council which has the task of defining dogma. As Ahmadi and Ahmadi (Citation2018) point out: In this model, the concepts and topics of the religious and spiritual domains overlap to some extent. 7. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To explore specific cultural and religious beliefs and values concerning death and dying, truth telling . Dating practices vary significantly between regions, and are impacted by attitudes and education. All people may gain the prestige of a familys success or bear the responsibility for a familys dishonour. Ethnicity, Language, and Religion in Iran. Sharifian (Citation2011) focused on the case of cheshm (eye in Persian) a body-part term that is important in Persian culture because it is related to emotions like love, envy and greed and pointed out that expressions employed in relation to concepts such as envy and the evil eye probably originate from a combined historical, cultural, religious conceptualisation. Rather, the distinctive Persian identity engenders a strong sense of pride and belonging among its people. Debase, Arranged marriage is generally not a cultural practice but can be found in some isolated rural areas. Relation of existential meaning-making domains. After the coding process was complete, we established the fundamental characteristics of the methods the informants employed to cope with their cancer disease. Coding continued until a high level of inter-rater agreement was reached. Values are deeply embedded and critical for transmitting and teaching a culture's beliefs. It is important for non-Muslims to understand that many Iranians generally recognise the government as the source of their complaint, not Islam. The way this is done will depend on the individual Designing effective health interventions for managing early marriage needs to apply the community-based approaches. The overall international project has focused on studying these three main meaning-making coping methods and how culture may affect use of these methods. The individual derives a social network and assistance in times of need from the family. 1.1 Taking responsibility People receive safe and effective care when pharmacy professionals take responsibility for ensuring that person-centred care is not compromised by personal values or beliefs. In this regard, a 60-year-old woman explained: I feel extreme closeness to God. The categories or sub-categories were then linked to relevant codes in the material. Mexican Family Culture: Important Values, Traditions, and Beliefs. Rice and fresh unleavened or semi leavened whole-grain bread are staple starches. However, it has received less attention from policymakers and health researchers in Iran. Before carrying out the research, the University of Tehrans Ethics Committee reviewed the project to ensure that it complied with the Research Code of Conduct and Ethics. There remains a great deal of protection around girls in this regard. This means women commonly get passed over for jobs, earn less and receive lower allowances as it is expected that their male family member will support them. Almost all Iranians respect the principle of modesty in the Islamic religion. The eye is a pragmatic element in both cultures. The larger study has been conducted among cancer patients in 10 countries. The Imam is the guarantor of this process. This perspective includes both religious and secular cultural settings, especially Muslim ones. Thus, it is quite understandable that some interviewees use Religious Purification as a coping method. The purpose of the project is to explore, from a sociological perspective, different forms of meaning-making coping (existential, spiritual, and religious coping) used by people who have been struck by cancer and, thereby, to attempt to understand the effect of culture on the use of these coping strategies. I think one thing that helped me was to walk this path alone. Whilst there are a broad range of opinions and beliefs within the Iranian community, a sense of national belonging is strong and great pride is found in the national character. These values are neither positive nor negative - they're just differences. When an elder family members husband or wife dies, they will usually move into the house of one of their children. Thus, secular meaning-making coping hardly has any point of connection with a traditional sacred context, but can overlap with a search for connectedness with a sacred source without relating to God or any traditional religious context. Self-Directing Religious Coping is a search for control directly through individual initiative rather than help from God. Get a downloadable, printable version that you can read later. Speaking up or publishing material that questions the current system can also be interpreted as anti-Islamic. Iranian Culture 12 Traditions and Customs Only Iranians Will Understand Posted on 28 July 2019 As in any other country, Iran is ripe with quirks and eccentricities. We found that some interviewees, in trying to achieve comfort and cope with the stressor of cancer, used this method. For more information please visit our Permissions help page. Iranian culture is patriarchal, legally and culturally males have more rights and privileges than females. Elderly relatives are kept at home, not placed in a nursing home. I can talk to Him, even talk to the saints. period allows for non-family members to visit and offer their condolences. Indeed, general society embraces science and development, and there seems to be a cultural consensus that Islamic principles do not necessarily contradict technological and scientific progress. The first one is conversation with God and saints. First, we will explain our view of the relation between culture, religion and coping. I should make myself a better person. Education, wealth and ethnic or tribal associations can all affect a persons social standing. In fact, there are just as many ways of being Iranian and religious, as there are Iranians. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. In public, people behave in the way that will benefit them (i.e. Almost all Iranian schools are segregated. The country faces the common problem of other young . As the present findings show, the RCOPE methods appear to be of great importance to the Iranian interviewees. They were conducted face-to-face and in Persian; all interviews were audio-recorded and then transcribed verbatim. Careful consideration was made during this phase. Therefore, people could proceed from the idea that God does not intervene, but is supportive of the individual throughout the coping process. . The government also provides donors with free health insurance, and the patients sometimes give an additional donation to donors. After recruitment of the sample, interview times were chosen based on the participants preferences. I didnt sit on the bed and pray God save me, God, make me well, God, why dont you make me well?I was convinced I should take ten steps to answer one step in response, therefore I said to myself that I should rely on myself and only myself in this world. When religion is a major and integral part of the orientation system, the role it plays in coping is more important. Still, when religion plays a predominant role as a coping resource, this is often because the individual has few or limited other alternatives available in his/her immediate sociocultural context. Eyes, although tremendously important in sexual and affectional relations, are also regarded an important body part because they can attract evil. Twenty-seven participants with various kinds of cancer were interviewed. Those who are employed usually do desktop-based office work and also rarely get the same management opportunities. Individuals then keep any information surrounding troubles within the family circle away from public knowledge. Most of the participants were Shia Muslims. "Cultural family values" emerged as a facilitator for child marriage. Because Iran is largely a desert, however, the ideal open space is a culturally constructed spacea garden. Across its history, Iran has continuously pursued modernisation whilst looking to maintain its spiritual integrity. View. However, as men dominate the public sphere and hold more decision-making power, womens authority is mostly limited to the domestic space. According to Majlesi (Citation1982) (a very important religious figure in Iran) (p. 209), the reward (savab) of pilgrimage of Imam Rezas tomb in Mashhad (Iran) is equal to one thousand hajes- pilgrim to Macca. Values are a culture's standard for discerning what is good and just in society. Naturally, in most societies religion is not the sole available resource in an individuals orienting system; there are other dimensions in life e.g., biological, psychological, social, and environmental to which a person can turn when faced with adversity. In this pattern, praying to and conversing with saints and imams are in focus; one interesting finding was that no one reported having turned to Clergies in this respect. One of the methods in this category is Benevolent Religious Reappraisal: using religion to redefine the stressor as benevolent and potentially beneficial. The Iranian people have a record of practising quite a progressive form of Shia Islam. It should not be assumed that all Iranians share the same language, cultural, religious or political beliefs. With a population of 80 million (2017), Iran is one of the most populous countries in West Asia. They're informed by the cultures we most associate ourselves with. The notion of solidarity helps us to understand how people of different generations relate to, help and depend on one another in their daily lives. Are Zoomies a Sign of a Happy Dog or a Crazy Dog? Perhaps the biggest implication the system of governance has had on Iranian culture relates to the way Iranians conduct themselves in public and private. The more humility a person shows, the less likely they are to be criticised. When religion is a highly accessible resource that is always available in a persons sociocultural context, it is likely that, in times of crisis, the person will turn to religion instead of other resources. Somaq: It is a Persian spice that represents sunlight. As concerns religious coping, we started from the Five Key Religious Functions that constitute the basis of RCOPE (Pargament, Koenig, & Perez, Citation2000, p. 521). Cultural behaviors have important implications for human health. The primary beverage is black tea. Staying Single: What Most People Do If They Divorce After 50. Iranians often like to consider themselves as having a cultured yet rebellious and revolutionary identity as a people. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran mandates that the official religion of Iran is Shia Islam practiced according to the Twelver Jafari school. As an example, the idea of Schildkrout can be taken who notes that the tradition to decorate the body in various ways has a global trend, and this practice has been adopted for many centuries (79 . A unified, searchable interface answering your questions on the world's cultures and religions. Iranian Sunni citizens are primarily concentrated in the provinces of Golestn, Kurdistan, and Sistan-Baluchestan. A fatalistic attitude about sickness may make Asian patients/families seem resigned to their situation. between religion, personal values or beliefs, and a professional clinical judgement. Seven major themes emerged: respect for dignity, professional integrity, professional commitment, developing human relationships, justice, honesty, and promoting individuals and the nursing profession. They invite a great number of guests for the wedding day. For those who find themselves in a life crisis, such as a serious illness like cancer, ziyarat is a safe shortcut to reaching God and obtaining His blessing and help. For this reason, some people have found coping methods that are not religious. It also helps for the child to see how he specifically contributes to the family. Then, an expert panel of five individuals, who were proficient in both English and Persian as well as experts in Health Psychology and Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, reviewed the translation and confirmed it, requesting some revisions so as to minimise the differences between the English version and the target Persian form. (PERSIAN CULTURE) Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the whole world and has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia. (53-year-old female), Hand in hand with God, we walked together on this path. One will find different cities have varying reputations from one another, whilst rural areas can have almost entirely different traditions and values. Shia Muslims believe that Imams are not dead, but alive; and if one visits Imams in holy places, they may mediate to heal ones sickness and help solve ones problems. Individuals' families also play a role in the way health is perceived. Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the region, and it has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia. Even Iranians that leave the house as husband and wife can draw negative attention. One contributing factor may be that women in Iran are often confined to the home, leading to isolation and poor domestic conditions. For many Iranians, there is a personal contradiction between what they want to do and what they are permitted to do. Because beliefs, customs, and practices related to health care may differ across societ-ies and cultural groups, responses to high-stress nursing Reducing health . Iranians take their responsibilities to their family quite seriously. culture and values, Nigerians progressively imbibed the white-men's way of life and values (Nwabuisi, 2000). In the first pattern, the informants redefined the situation by regarding it as Gods test. Instead, people are expected to self-deprecate their success. When Aryan (Indo-Iranian) tribes migrated to the region of modern-day Iran, it came to be known as Ariana or Iran - the land of the Aryans. Some citizens are challenging the government through acts of civil resistance (knowingly breaking the law) because the restrictions are much more authoritarian and paternalistic than what many Iranians desire and believe is true to Islam. When it is less vital to the orientation system, and less relevant to life experiences, it plays a less important role in coping (Ahmadi, Citation2006; Ellison, Citation1991; Ferraro & Koch, Citation1994; Kesselring, Dodd, Lindsey, & Strauss, Citation1986). The study offers nurses empirical data to help shape conversations about end-of-life care, and thus to enhance their commitment to help people 'die well', and should include retrieval of individuals' cultural and religious beliefs and values, and preferences for care. In recent decades, access to political power has become one of the biggest social advantages and indications of privilege. Permission is granted subject to the terms of the License under which the work was published. Family Solidarity - Intergenerational solidarity refers to the degree of closeness and support between different generations. Families are also usually the basis for peoples social and business network. The results were part of a larger study in which the purpose was to understand nurses' experiences of delivery of care for Iraqi patients. Those families that have connections with the government are sometimes afforded latitude to deviate from strict rules, or they may receive more lenient consequences for their actions. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. Collaborative religious coping refers to a search for control through a partnership with God. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander custodians past, present and emerging. Your family culture influences things like your moral compass, beliefs, values, and traditions. Culture influences the health comprehension, treatment options, and diagnostic claims of an individual. Seer: It is garlic and represents medicine or health. I begged Him not to let me die in pain. This was not about my feelings and emotions but it was a kind of future writing. On the contrary, seeking the love of saints and imams was found in this study. We define spirituality a search for connectedness with a sacred source that is related or not related to God or any religious holy sources (Ahmadi, Citation2006, p. 7273). They are beliefs, ideas, and principles that are specific to your home and how it functions. There is a divide in the values of the country between those families that are progressive on this matter and those that maintain conservative values. It is a common belief that these actions are good actions that satisfy God and pursue Him to help them. 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