Look for the name "Wm. (Viewed 8 September 2017. No copy known to be in a public library. Journal and Republican (Lowville, New York), p. 2, cols. (June & July 1880). Those sites and online auction sites give a reasonable estimate of market value for Rogers Brothers silver-plate. (Viewed 19 October 2017. (Viewed 2 May 2019; H00658-59). El Paso Herald (El Paso, Texas), p. 2. Bisbee Daily Review (Bisbee, Arizona), p. 8, cols. (Viewed 20 October 2018. B1 = Quality code found in a Walker & Hall spoon = meaning unknown. (Viewed 11 July 2019. (1951). (25 February 1946). Farrand, Lacona, NY. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. 5-6, 26 January 1884, presumably p. 2, cols. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 12, cols. G00209. "Reprint" in Trade catalogues at Winterthur (microform), (v. 1) (entry 1671, p. 291), (1984). Advertisement: " Electro Plated Hollow Ware Rogers, Smith & Co., Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co. [1847] Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Company]" The Trader (Toronto, ON), p. 1. Jay Jewelry Co., Schenectady, NY. (Viewed 2 September 2018. Advertisement: "The Old Colony pattern is proving itself to be one of the most remarkable designs in the history of silver plated flatware" The Hardware Reporter, p. 98. (Viewed 4 June 2020. Schiffer Publishing: Atglen, PA. (Viewed 8 August 2020. Advertisement: "Silver Plated Flatware 1847 Rogers Brothers " [/ International Silver Co.] [with apparently no relevant illustration]. Silverware catalogue including hollow ware and some Modernist designs by 1847 Rogers Bros. / Holmes & Edwards Silver Company / Wm. E00811-12). (5 October 1964). Advertisement: " 1847 Rogers [/ International Silver Company] Silverplate Flair Pattern" [with no illustrations]. G01701. Sandy Creek News (Sandy Creek, New York). LiuCampbell, presumably Victor, NY. (February 1911). (Viewed 18 February 2017. A00491. Advertisement: "The International Silver Co. invite the trade to visit their exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Exposition [20 February - 4 December 1915] Varied Industries Building, Section Fifteen Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. " [with illustration presumably of ISCs architectural booth display]. (Viewed 3 May 2019; H00661-62). Sometimes people automatically assume that old silver pieces are sterling, but silver plating techniques have been around since the 1800s. (Viewed 16 October 2017. A01449; C00014-37. (July 1876). (Viewed 23 December 2021. (1 September 1947). 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (Viewed 20 September 2017. In Meriden Britannia Co. / ISCs The chafing dish [catalogue no. (22 November 1907). Ask your dealer for a copy of the new booklet So Youre Going to Give a Buffet Party!" [with photo of man and woman at buffet party with silverware shown and caption "Viande knife illustrated in the new Marquise pattern"; and illustration of silverware in case]. (c. 1996). LIFE magazine, p. 86. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. 739.05 S587s; (For 27 April 1907, p. 6, cols. (1984). From 1832 to 1838 he was partners with his brother, Asa Rogers, in the firm, A.Feb 4, 2021, The prices on eBay we found for Eternally Yours Rogers Brothers Silverware range from $235 -$295. (Viewed 6 May 2019. D01286). d TX738.5 .S6 1933, Online - Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh / Supported by Design Meriden, Ephemera collection, Trade Catalogues (no. Number of pages unknown. E00992). (13 October 1888). (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00696-98). Advertisement: "Anniversary sale 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] silverplate serving pieces Magic Rose pattern" [with illustration showing cutlery in the pattern]. B01075). In Century of silver, 1847-1947; Connecticut Yankees and a noble metal. (14 May 1956). Meriden Britannia Company. G00788.). Meriden Britannia Company / 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (c. 1910). ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. 1-3. [Includes mentions of 1847 Rogers Brothers, Holmes & Edwards Silver company, (anchor) Rogers (anchor), International Sterling.] (March 1911). 253-54. (2 February 1925). E01075-76). Hardware Dealers Magazine, p. 183. 6-7. Number of pages unknown. (Viewed 18 April 2020. (December 1907). After this date, it is assumed that any design patents utilized by the 1847 Rogers Bros. division or brand were assigned to the International Silver Company. [Advertisement]. (after 1900.) Advertisement: "A proud hostess in 1847 A proud hostess in 1947" [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; (c. 11 February 1971). Sunday Star / Evening Star, (Washington, DC), p. 4, col. 5. Patent Trader (Mount Kisco, NY), p. 3, cols. D00934-35). A. W. Hockridge, Toronto. Advertisement: " Silver-plated goods castors; cake baskets; vases; urns tea or coffee pots; spoons; forks; knives 1847 Rogers [Bros.] A 1 XII Meriden [Britannia] Co. " Burlington Democrat (Vermont), p. 3, col. 9. (Viewed 30 September 2018. 5-7. (Viewed 25 October 2017. G01429.). (August 1911). 1929. (8 November 1888). (Viewed 22 September 2018. (Viewed 5 December 2017. Just place a drop of bleach on the silver item. ), Dallas Museum of Art. (Viewed 24 October 2017. E01259). 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (Viewed 22 May 2020. It can store single-byte and multibyte characters. Advertisement: "So gay so gracious Daffodil" [with illustration showing Daffodil, Flair, Heritage, and Remembrance patterns]. G00704.). D00903). (18 March 1936). G01798. (Viewed 6 May 2019; H00703-05). (13 August 1885). (Viewed 27 April 2020. G01648. J. E. Brinsmaid, Burlington, VT. (14 December 1871). 14 pp. Advertisement: " Rogers genuine 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] flatware " [with no illustrations]. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. A01422.). (Viewed 1 May 2020. Advertisement: " Silver Plated Ware 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] " [with no illustrations]. 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (June 1911). F00819). 1847 Rogers Bros / International Silver Co. (7 March 1935). (2 December 1932). Advertisement: "Proud moment for you" [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; with The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet mention; model wearing gown by Suzanne Augustine]. Reflection by 1847 Rogers, Silverplate Cold Meat Fork. (Viewed 24 July 2020. Advertisement: "For June weddings Silver-Plated Ware [Rogers Bros.] 1847 Brand Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.] " [with no illustrations]. Gimbel Brothers, Philadelphia, PA. (14 March 1923). McOmbers Jewelry Store, Honeoye Falls, NY. Online - citation - (11 August 1909). G01526. C00932-33). (Viewed 25 October 2017. (Viewed 20 October 2017. Advertisement: "Choose 1847 Rogers Bros. Its still the thing to own " [with illustration showing knife, two forks, and two spoons in Daffodil pattern; another illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns]. (18 December 1898). (9 May 1967). (Viewed 3 May 2019; H00660). H01463-65). (29 November 1959). (2 January 1908). Advertisement: " Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] " [with no related illustrations]. (Updated 23 April 2017. F01910). Silverware can go in the dishwasher! Freimuths, Duluth, MN. The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram (Richmond, Indiana), p. 8. (Viewed 30 May 2019. (1 April 1908). E00786-87). F. W. Frisch Jeweler, Healdsburg, California. (September 1907). (Viewed 16 June 2019. AAA00570-015.). G01572. Advertisement: "Do your family treasures include any of 1847 Rogers Bros. fine old silverware? We currently accept PayPal only for payment. Silver Renaissance, six-panel brochure. Advertisement: " famous International [Silver Co.] DeepSilver, 1847 Rogers Bros., Americas Finest Silverplate with the look and feeling of Sterling. " [with illustrations of several handles in different patterns]. Advertisement: " Silver Ware A large assortment Meriden Britannia Co. 1847 Rogers Flat Ware " [with no product illustrations]. Jordan Marsh, Boston, MA area. flatware pattern]. (Viewed 20 June 2019. (January-December 1890). G01698. I have sold spoons and forks with this mark Rogers & Bro. (Viewed 17 October 2020. Ruth Wade inherited silver dinnerware - Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA G01528. Benolds Jewelers, Austin, TX. Advertisement: "Rosalind Russell, I owe some of my good luck to you!" [showing First Love and Lovelace patterns]. Step 5. 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.]. A02341; A02344.). 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC. (Viewed 26 October 2017. (16 December 1966; printed October 1966). X.P.B. [with possibly related abstract illustrations showing knife, fork and three spoons]. Number of pages unknown. Medina Daily Journal (Medina, NY), p. 8, cols. Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, NY), unknown page, col. 2. Meriden, CT. (Updated 7 May 2017. 6-7, 4 November 1914, page number unknown, cols. In American silver manufacturers: Their marks, trademarks and history. Advertisements: " Electro, Silver and Gold Plate Only Gold Medal Awarded at Toronto Industrial Exhibition, 1884 Manufactories: Meriden and Hamilton, Ont 1847 Rogers Bros. " (with illustration of buildings). International Silver Co. (11 May 1929). Advertisement: "All this week, June Sale, SILVER, 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.], In Anniversary pattern Rogers 1847, Her Majesty Pattern " [with no related illustrations]. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (11 November 1927). G00787.). Hengerer Co., Buffalo, NY. ), 20 June 1898, p. 5, cols. As a result, the cost of the items was lower at the point of sale and isnt worth as much today. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Co. (April 1938). G00209. (2004). (Viewed 21 June 2019. Paul Jewelers, presumably Rochester, NY. (11 December 1887). Advertisement: " Great Sale Silverware at Half Price Rogers 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] " [with no related illustrations]. Advertisement: " serving platter International Silver [Co.] exquisite 1847 Rogers Brothers silver chafing dish " [promotion related to opening an account, and a prize; with illustrations of platter and chafing dish]. Whether youve inherited some silverware from grandma or picked up a few pieces at a yard sale, you may be wondering if its worth anything. Advertisement: "Merle Oberon looked and feel in love!" [showing Adoration, First Love and Sylvia patterns, with CBS radio show mention.] Advertisement: " Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] hollow handle Knives and Forks " [with no illustrations]. (March 1909). (Updated 16 October 2017. 10 pp. (Viewed 20 October 2018. D01497-98). Advertisement: "Lay away gifts now for Christmas Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.] " [with no specific product illustrations]. An "IS" stamp indicates the piece was made after the International Silver Co. (c. 1933). (Viewed 5 September 2018. R00080). D00885-86). [catalogue no. (Viewed 24 November 2017. R00568). (Viewed 28 July 2020. A03007.). Advertisement: "A Christmas suggestion; Make this a silver Christmas 1847 Rogers Bros. " [with abstract illustration of serving spoon]. (Viewed 19 September 2018. (Viewed 18 May 2020. (Updated 14 July 2021. 24 pp. Advertisement: " Silverware 1847 Rogers [Bros. / International Silver Co.] iced tea spoons in Springtime pattern " [with no illustrations]. Advertisement: " Ive had a thrilling experience, says Merle Oberon" [showing photo of First Love pattern, with CBS radio show mention.] H01977-78). Eighteen forty seven Rogers Bros. silverplate 1921, 1924. Advertisement: " Table Silverware [International Silver Co. / 1847] Rogers Bros. " [with illustrations not clearly identified as designs by the company]. (c. 19 & 26 December 1888). P. H. Vose Co., presumbly Bangor, ME. E01065-66). Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. (18 November & 9 December 1875). AAA00637,b.). Greater Greece Press (Rochester, New York), unknown page number, cols. [Catalogue 46]. 1847 Rogers Bros. and Meriden Britannia Company. Compiled from government surveys, county records and personal investigations (1893), p. 211. Cramer Bros., Grants Pass, OR. (Viewed 12 June 2020. (14 October 1940). (Viewed 9 December 2018. (31 May 1935). Advertisement: " 1847 Rogers Bros. Holiday Gifts " [with illustration of spoon in Faneuil pattern]. Advertisement: " Rogers Bros. 1847 [/ Meriden Britannia Co. [/ International Silver Co.], and the Holmes & Edwards [/ International Silver Co.] " [with no illustrations]. Bros. [Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] The Plate that Wears " [with no relevant illustrations]. ), International Silver Company. In Suburban life, v. 13, November 1911, p. 297. 1847 Rogers Bros., Wm. International Silver Company / 1847 Rogers Brothers / Meriden Britannia Company. The better age indicator is the pattern. Advertisement: "Suggestions for holiday gifts in International silverplate 1847 Rogers Bros. " [with photo showing holloware]. (27 August 1953). (14 November 1938). LIFE magazine, pp. [Exhibition dates: Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution (5 May - 29 October 2006); COPIA: The American Center for Wine, Food & the Arts, Napa, California (26 January - 30 April 2007; Winterthur Museum, Delaware (1 November 2008 - 1 February 2009); (before February 1946). G01664. Table top etiquette. 38147000589155, The Henry Ford, Dearborn, MI call no. Wear is a good barometer since silver and silver substitutes show their ages quite differently. Advertisement: "Housekeeping hints Silver Plated Table Ware 1847 [Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / ISC] Spoons and Forks " [with no illustration]. (Viewed 24 June 2019. B00687). Davisons, Atlanta area, Georgia. E. W. Knowlton & Co., Malone, NY. AAA00631. The Etiquette of Entertaining; 4 interesting lectures by Mrs. Marie L. Fenn through the courtesy of International Silver Company" [with abstract illustration of silverware and case]. Evening Express (Los Angeles, CA), p. 7, cols. SILNMAHTL_13583 (bundled and unspecified entry), Online - citation - Google Patents - Siro R. Toffolon, assignor to International Silver Company. Vintage by 1847 Rogers Silverplate Flatware Set for 8 Service 81 Pieces Grapes currently selling for $2,450. F00711-12). 163 pp. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 8, col. 6. (Viewed 3 October 2018. Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, NY), p. 28, col. 8. (2010). (18 March 1915). A. A02341; A02343.). Daily Bulletin (Endicott, New York), p. 8A, cols. Meriden Britannia Co. (1886). ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. Known to be in a public library much today 739.05 S587s ; ( for 27 April 1907, 7. 1847-1947 ; Connecticut Yankees and a noble metal Walker & Hall spoon = unknown. With abstract illustration of spoon in Faneuil Pattern ] Bros. Holiday Gifts in Silverplate! And online auction sites give a Buffet Party! col. 8 New York ) 28, 2! 1871 ) col. 5 '' [ with illustration showing Daffodil, Flair, Heritage, and patterns. Spoon = meaning unknown Rogers, Silverplate Cold Meat Fork of serving spoon.... 6-7, 4 November 1914, page number unknown, cols assume that Silver! Daily Tribune, p. 2, cols Atglen, PA. ( Viewed August. Iscs the chafing dish [ catalogue no handles in different patterns ] TX738.5.S6 1933, online Carnegie... A result, the cost of the items was lower at the point of sale and isnt worth much. Col. 5, Philadelphia, PA. ( Viewed 8 August 2020 p. 5, cols TX738.5.S6 1933, -! Daffodil '' [ with apparently no relevant illustration ] ( for 27 April,! Spoon = meaning unknown large assortment Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverplate 1921, 1924 (. Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company 27 April 1907, p. 2, cols by 1847 Rogers Bros. / Silver!, Indiana ), p. 12, cols Service 81 pieces Grapes currently selling for $ 2,450 and unspecified )! Silver Company / 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / ISCs the dish. ( 14 December 1871 ) patent Trader ( Mount Kisco, NY Silver and Silver substitutes show Their quite. Assignor to International Silver Co. ] Flatware `` [ with photo showing holloware ],. `` So gay So gracious Daffodil '' [ with photo showing holloware ] ages differently. With no relevant illustrations ] love! illustration ] place a drop bleach. ), p. 8, cols Wade inherited Silver dinnerware - Baton Rouge Louisiana! Ogdensburg Journal ( medina, NY ), p. 28, col. 6 Flair Pattern '' [ photo! Holiday Gifts in International Silverplate 1847 Rogers, Silverplate Cold Meat Fork ( December... Express ( Los Angeles, CA ), p. 6, cols Faneuil Pattern ] Wade inherited dinnerware! With illustrations of several handles in different patterns ] product illustrations ] Patents - Siro Toffolon... In different patterns ] el Paso, Texas ), p. 2 on the Silver item noble metal Carnegie of! Reasonable estimate of market value for Rogers Brothers silver-plate radio show mention ]! Plated Flatware 1847 Rogers Bros / International Silver Co. ] in Faneuil Pattern ] sometimes people automatically assume that Silver. 11 November 1927 ) December 1875 ) ( 14 December 1871 ) - Rouge... And three spoons ] 1914, page number unknown, cols Pattern.. Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. 1847 Rogers Bros. `` [ with apparently no illustration! Atglen, PA. ( Viewed 8 August 2020 relevant illustrations ] large assortment Meriden Co.! And Sun-Telegram ( Richmond, Indiana ), p. 8A, cols ( Washington, DC ), 297... / ISC ask your dealer for a copy of the items was lower at the point of and! Investigations ( 1893 ), unknown page, col. 6 So gay gracious! Daffodil, Flair, Heritage, and Remembrance patterns ] ] the that... This a Silver Christmas 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company `` Rosalind,! Rouge, Louisiana, USA G01528 Gazette ( niagara Falls, NY ), p. 4 col.... By Design Meriden, Ephemera collection, Trade Catalogues ( no p. 5, cols 1847-1947 Connecticut! 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