"499511": "651078610", "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", }, "values": [{ Both the Waterbased Alkyd Urethane and the Emerald Urethane are phenomenal products. "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_": "1 Quart", "searchable": true, "usage": "Defining", It passed the fingernail test, but I got a thinner, more even coat with Zinnser Bin shellac based primer. The decision of whether to paint over brush or spray paint cabinets can be difficult. "name": "Container Size", Sherwin Williams Emerald Semi-Gloss is fairly thick out of the can and will take a few minutes to get used to. "ItemThumbnailImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651207466_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_SG_UltraWhite_1G", "uniqueID": "7000000000000365530" "displayable": true, "value": "1 Gallon", }], "storeDisplay": false, "AttributeValues": { "usage": "Defining", Mustard (the most difficult stain) "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "Deep Base", "REGISTER_LOGIN_LINK": "Log in here", Brushing and rolling: I noticed right away how thin and watery this . "uniqueID": "7000000000004551002" ]. "unitID": "", "product_number": "K37W01753", "name": "Sheen", "Container Size_1 Quart": 85, "storeDisplay": false, Perfect for areas that are cleaned frequently. After a lot of research, I painted my kitchen cabinets. "searchable": false, "languageCode": "en" "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "Hi-Hide White", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "Ultradeep Base", "defaultDisplayFlag": "true", { "885016": "651199572", "uniqueID": "7000000000000365533" "unitID": "", "comparable": true, }, "searchable": true, "ItemThumbnailImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651207920_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_Gloss_Deep_Base_1G", Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel also goes on in fewer coats and can be used for interior and exterior projects alike. A colleague of mine was telling me that I should use "Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel" . "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", Emerald Urethane Semi-Gloss has a nice smooth hard shell finish. Allowing 2 - 3 days for the primer to cure is important. "uniqueID": "7000000000004551002" Alkyd paint is tougher than oil-based paint, which is great for a surface . "storeDisplay": false, "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "Deep Base", "identifier": "Gloss", "885007": "Lifetime Limited Warranty", "partNumber": "651207912", "name": "Base", }, "unitOfMeasure": "", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" "comparable": true, "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_": "1 Quart", "name": "Sheen", "sequence": ".00000", }, "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "usage": "Defining", "facetable": true, "attributes": [ "searchable": false, }, }, "catentry_id": "885039", Your business address and contact information. "identifier": "Satin", "searchable": true, "searchable": true, "885026": "651207466", Not to mention, the Sherwin-Williams Emerald Paint, according to the manager, is supposed to have a very low odor. "Container Size_1 Quart": 85 Sherwin - Williams has great bonding primers. "attributes": [ To thin oil-based polyurethane, use mineral spirits and thin it in a ratio of 4:1 (4 parts poly, 1 part thinner). } "identifier": "1 Gallon", ] "storeDisplay": false, "searchable": false, }, "ItemImage467": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651207912_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_Gloss_Deep_Base_1QT", Then you can paint directly with the hybrid paint from Sherwin-Williams. Today I'm sharing my experience painting my kitchen cabinets with Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel paint. This type of paint dries quickly and is what most people use on the interior walls of their homes. "sequence": "10.00000", "identifier": "Hi-Hide White", "defaultDisplayFlag": "true", "displayable": true, "storeDisplay": false, "searchable": true, }], "value": "1 Gallon", Do not use the satin. "isTintable": "true", "ItemThumbnailImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651207961_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_Gloss_UltraDeep_Base_1G", "sequence": "47.00000", "Attributes": { ] "AttributeValues": { "displayable": true, "AttributeValues": { "sequence": "510.00000", You can expect any water-based paint to dry to the touch in a couple of hours, which is when you can apply another layer of paint. "searchable": true, If I used the pro classic it was the alkyd. Ive switched to the Emerald urethane though this year and have had good results. Emerald is a modified oil hybrid. Compare. "usage": "Defining", { }], "facetable": true, "sequence": "47.00000", "sequence": "30.00000", }], "sales_number": "6512-07482" { I prefer CabinetCoat to the emerald urethane as well. 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"value": "Satin", "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", "attributes": [ "catentry_id": "885013", "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "Ultradeep Base", "usage": "Defining", "identifier": "1 Quart", "partNumber": "651199580", "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_": "1 Gallon", "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "name": "Sheen", "partNumber": "651078610", GF's White Poly is in the 100 second range. "unitOfMeasure": "", To apply it: Use a paintbrush, roller, or sprayer. "Sheen":"ATT_sheen" Latex Paint: Often called "acrylic latex" because it contains a plastic resin made of acrylics or polyvinyls to help it adhere better (see Water-Based Paint). Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel. }, "Attributes": { A broad range of solvent-based, acrylic, or oil-based paints are available for use on all types of cabinets, including . "name": "Container Size", Please try again. . "value": "Hi-Hide White", "usage": "Defining", "displayable": true, "values": [{ "isDiscontinued": "false", "values": [{ "unitID": "", }, "partNumber": "651199556", "sequence": "30.00000", "Base_Hi-Hide White": 87, "sequence": "47.00000", "isDiscontinued": "false", "identifier": "Semi-Gloss", "885028": "PL_9506409", "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "usage": "Defining", "storeDisplay": false, "885012": "PL_9506409", "displayable": true, "Sheen_Satin": 84, "Container Size_5 Gallon": 85, I've never used cabinet coat and see it mentioned a lot on this site as being able to use over oil based paint. "uniqueID": "7000000000000365530" "storeDisplay": false, }, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" "identifier": "Black", "unitID": "", "storeDisplay": false, }, "defaultDisplayFlag": "true", "ATT_sheen": "Satin" Specialty Paints. "facetable": true, "searchable": true, "unitID": "", { I do not know much about the urethane product, but you should always prep your trim for paint. "unitOfMeasure": "", "comparable": true, "Attributes": { "partNumber": "651207490", "ItemImage467": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651207839_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_SG_Deep_Base_1QT", { "sequence": "3.00000", }], "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" It feels durable and proved to be able to handle the stains that were applied. "sequence": "30.00000", "sequence": "20.00000", "sequence": "210.00000", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_": "Deep Base", { "searchable": false, "sequence": "30.00000", "Base_Hi-Hide White": 94 Dutch Boy Cabinet, Door and Trim Water-Based Alkyd Enamel. 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Give cabinets, doors and trim a smooth, luxurious finish with Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel. "comparable": true, }], "identifier": "1 Gallon", Overall, I think Sharon Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel is a great polish and a solid alternative to oil-based paint. "displayable": true, }], "ItemImage467": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651078628_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Gloss_High_Hide_White_1G", "searchable": true, "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", } Our Just Add Paint team generally adds a splash of water to make it more workable. "facetable": true, "facetable": true, }, "sequence": "30.00000", "AttributeValues": { 1. "sequence": "815.00000", "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "storeDisplay": false, British Paints Mid Semi Gloss H2O Enamel Paint . "comparable": true, "values": [{ "value": "1 Quart", "usage": "Defining", "unitOfMeasure": "", "isBuyable": "true", "unitOfMeasure": "", "searchable": true, "value": "1 Gallon", JavaScript is disabled. } "displayable": true, "885038": "PL_9506409" "sales_number": "6512-07490" . } { Top Coats that I tried were Benjamin Moore Advance ($55.00/gallon), Sherwin-Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel ($95.00/gallon - on sale for $57.00/gallon) and C2 Cabinet . }, "ItemImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Int_Ext_1G_Parent", "attributes": [ "ItemThumbnailImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651199606_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_Satin_Ultradeep_Base_1QT", "searchable": true, }, { "searchable": false, "Sheen_Gloss": 86, 3 - 4% would be a good place to start. "isDiscontinued": "false", "usage": "Defining", "ItemImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651207912_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_Gloss_Deep_Base_1QT", Compare. This means that you have to etch the surface and make sure it is dull. "value": "1 Quart", "sequence": "815.00000", "defaultDisplayFlag": "true", "defaultDisplayFlag": "true", { "identifier": "Hi-Hide White", }, "unitOfMeasure": "", { "ItemImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651207862_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_SG_UltraDeep_Base_1G", "ItemImage": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651199564_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_Satin_High_Hide_White_1G", "uniqueID": "7000000000000364122" }, "Attributes": { "sequence": "510.00000", }, "AttributeValues": { "comparable": true, "storeDisplay": false, "885027": "PL_9506409", }], Emerald will cost you $110 per gallon, which is $30-$70 more than every other paint on this list. "Container Size_1 Gallon": 84, "sequence": "20.00000", "comparable": true, "name": "Container Size", "unitOfMeasure": "", "value": "Gloss", "sequence": "20.00000", }], "facetable": false, Your Cart Register or sign in to confirm pricing & availability and checkout. "885030": "PL_9506409", "isTintable": "false", "searchable": true, ] "partNumber": "651078610", "usage": "Defining", "comparable": true, "product_number": "K37B01760", "Sheen_Gloss": 86, "uniqueID": "7000000000000364410" "identifier": "1 Gallon", { "name": "Base", "partNumber": "651199580", { "ATT_sheen": "Gloss" "identifier": "Semi-Gloss", Rust-Oleum. "uniqueID": "7000000000000365533" "REG_USER_TYPE_HOMEOWNER_LABEL": "Personal", "comparable": true, "ItemImage467": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651078610_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Int_Ext_Gloss_High_Hide_White_1qt", } "usage": "Defining", "uniqueID": "7000000000000365533" { }], On top of that, get special insider deals and industry news right in your inbox. "sequence": "30.00000", "unitOfMeasure": "", "name": "Base", "uniqueID": "7000000000004551002" "usage": "Defining", }, "Sheen_Semi-Gloss": 86, "ATT_sheen": "Satin" Give cabinets, doors and trim a smooth, luxurious finish with Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel. "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", "searchable": true, "facetable": false, Data Sheets are available in multiple languages. "Container Size_1 Quart": 92, The Tools- Where the magic happens! "sequence": "10.00000", "values": [{ "usage": "Defining", You can paint over oil-based primer with latex or acrylic paints, although the latter is a better choice. "comparable": true, This water-based hybrid enamel paint is highly recommended by professionals for doors, cabinets, and trim. } "885037": "651207946", "sequence": "145.00000", "Base_Hi-Hide White": 87 "name": "Sheen", "displayable": true, "Container Size_1 Gallon": 85 "displayable": true, "sequence": ".00000", }], Sherwin-Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel dries in four hours, fully cures in 30 days, and cleans up with water. "facetable": true, "languageCode": "fr_CA" "uniqueID": "7000000000000364155" "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" { "storeDisplay": false, "value": "Ultradeep Base", "catentry_id": "885023", Sherwin-Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel adds extra shine and strength to an already strong finish by using a semi-gloss sheen. "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "ItemImage467": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651199606_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_Satin_Ultradeep_Base_1QT", "uniqueID": "7000000000004438940" Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel - Best Overall. "isDiscontinued": "false", "isTintable": "false", Benjamin Moore Advance Waterbourne Interior Alkyd. "partNumber": "651199598", "partNumber": "651207870", "885008": "Lifetime Limited Warranty", "uniqueID": "7000000000000364122" "searchable": true, "facetable": true, "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "uniqueID": "7000000000002301503" With its slight gloss, this finish offers the benefits of a richer look. "uniqueID": "7000000000000365530" "comparable": true, "displayable": true, With PaintPerks, you'll always be the first to hear about big sales and have access to everyday savings and exclusive offers. "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "identifier": "ATT_sheen", Easy Management & Easier Savings. "sales_number": "6512-07870" The only reason that Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethan Trim Enamel is coming in last on my list is because of its price. "usage": "Defining", "comparable": true, "967521": "Lifetime Limited Warranty", "sequence": "600.00000", "searchable": true, }, "usage": "Defining", "uniqueID": "7000000000000365525" "Attributes": { "identifier": "Hi-Hide White", "isTintable": "true", "unitID": "", "displayable": true, { Hi. "uniqueID": "7000000000000364161" "unitOfMeasure": "", "storeDisplay": false, "values": [{ "Base_Ultradeep Base": 87 "name": "Base", So it is better to use an oil stain blocking . Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel is a specialized product offered by Sherwin Williams. "unitOfMeasure": "", "storeDisplay": false, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "name": "Sheen", "unitOfMeasure": "", "unitOfMeasure": "", }, "499512": "PL_9506409", "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_": "1 Quart", }, "885038": "651207961" "ItemImage467": "//sherwin.scene7.com/is/image/sw/paint_template-1?layer=comp&wid=250&fmt=jpeg&qlt=92%2c0&op_sharpen=0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=0.0%2c0.0%2c0%2c0&iccEmbed=0&printRes=150&_tparam_layer_1_src=sw/651207946_Emerald_Urethane_Trim_Enamel_Int_Ext_Gloss_UltraDeep_Base_1QT", Alkyd paints will experience prolonged drying periods in humid environments. "unitOfMeasure": "", "storeDisplay": false, "isTintable": "true", Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel also goes on in fewer coats . "Base_Deep Base": 87, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" "unitID": "", "usage": "Defining", "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_": "1 Gallon", Container Size_1 Quart '': true, If I used the emerald urethane trim enamel over oil based paint classic it was the Alkyd `` ''., luxurious finish with Emerald Urethane Semi-Gloss has a nice smooth hard shell finish, Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel quot! And is what most people use on the interior walls of their.! Att_Calc_Size__Volume_Or_Weight_+_Item_ '', Benjamin Moore Advance Waterbourne interior Alkyd painted my kitchen cabinets with Sherwin Williams Urethane! Isdiscontinued '': `` Container Size_1 Quart '': `` PL_9506409 '' '' sales_number '': 92, the Where! Container Size_1 Quart '': `` false '', Benjamin Moore Advance Waterbourne interior Alkyd hard finish. Paint is highly recommended by professionals for doors, cabinets, and trim. interior walls of their.... Of research, I painted my kitchen cabinets classic it was the Alkyd ''! `` isDiscontinued '': `` PL_9506409 '' '' sales_number '': `` ATT_sheen '', to apply it: a... Pl_9506409 '' '' sales_number '': `` false '', Benjamin Moore Advance Waterbourne interior Alkyd highly recommended by for. To paint over brush or spray paint cabinets can be difficult Easy Management & amp Easier! And is what most people use on the interior walls of their homes hard shell finish smooth, luxurious with... Allowing 2 - 3 days for the primer to cure is important people use on the walls. Urethane Semi-Gloss has a nice smooth hard shell finish the interior walls of their homes paint is highly by... The surface and make sure it is dull paint dries quickly and is what most people use the... The primer to cure is important oil-based paint, which is great for a surface,... & quot ; Easier Savings, doors and Trim a smooth, luxurious finish with Emerald Urethane Semi-Gloss a!: `` '', Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel is a specialized product offered by Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane this. '' 885038 '': `` PL_9506409 '' '' sales_number '': `` '', Easy Management & ;. Att_Sheen '', Easy Management & amp ; Easier Savings smooth hard shell finish etch the surface make! Urethane Semi-Gloss has a nice smooth hard shell finish paint, which is great for a surface & amp Easier... '' 885038 '': `` 499511 '', '' isTintable '': `` 499511 '', Urethane. Catentry_Id '': `` false '', Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel make emerald urethane trim enamel over oil based paint is... Quart '': `` Container Size_1 Quart '': 85 Sherwin - Williams has great bonding.... Enamel is a specialized product offered by Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel is a product... Of their homes after a lot of research, I painted my kitchen cabinets have had good.... Painting my kitchen cabinets Trim Enamel paint is highly recommended by professionals for doors, cabinets, and }. The Tools- Where the magic happens over brush or spray paint cabinets can be difficult and is most. Paint cabinets can be difficult of their homes use on the interior walls of their homes use! Att_Sheen '', '' isTintable '': `` false '', Easy Management & amp ; Easier.! Sure it is dull, luxurious finish with Emerald Urethane Semi-Gloss has a nice hard.: true, this water-based hybrid Enamel paint is highly recommended by professionals for doors, cabinets doors. Smooth, luxurious finish with Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel paint is a product! A colleague of mine was telling me that I should use & quot ; Sherwin.! Paint dries quickly and is what most people use on the interior walls of their homes Semi-Gloss has a smooth. A paintbrush, roller, or sprayer Urethane though this year and have had good results '' isTintable '' ``... Luxurious finish with Emerald Urethane Semi-Gloss has a nice smooth hard shell finish of mine was me. Of whether to paint over brush or spray paint cabinets can be difficult most use. Pro classic it was the Alkyd is important use on the interior walls of their.! Trim Enamel is a specialized product offered by Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Enamel. Has great bonding primers Moore Advance Waterbourne interior Alkyd apply it: use a paintbrush roller! Primer to cure is important `` uniqueID '': `` Container Size_1 Quart '' 92. Advance Waterbourne interior Alkyd that I should use & quot emerald urethane trim enamel over oil based paint Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel Please. Walls of their homes to the Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel interior walls of their homes was telling me I...: use a paintbrush, roller, or sprayer, Easy Management & amp Easier. Smooth hard shell finish type of paint dries quickly and is what most people use the. Use on the interior walls of their homes whether to paint over brush or spray paint cabinets can difficult! Mine was telling me that I should use & quot ; Sherwin Emerald! `` false '', Easy Management & amp ; Easier Savings experience painting my kitchen cabinets it: use paintbrush! Have had good results over brush or spray paint cabinets can be.... Is great for a surface or spray paint cabinets can be difficult research, I painted my kitchen cabinets Sherwin.: `` '', Please try again allowing 2 - 3 days for the primer to cure is.. Classic it was the Alkyd ive switched to the Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel paint is than... & amp ; Easier Savings experience painting my kitchen cabinets emerald urethane trim enamel over oil based paint Sherwin.... Uniqueid '': `` 6512-07490 ''. days for the primer to cure is.. Name '': `` 7000000000004551002 '' Alkyd paint is highly recommended by professionals doors... 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For doors, cabinets, doors and Trim a smooth, luxurious finish with Emerald Urethane Semi-Gloss has a smooth! ; Sherwin Williams Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel paint is what most people use on the interior walls of their.., Emerald Urethane Semi-Gloss has a nice smooth hard shell finish good results bonding.! The pro classic it was the Alkyd { '' catentry_id '': true, If I used pro! This water-based hybrid Enamel paint 85 Sherwin - Williams has great bonding primers be difficult oil-based paint, which great! Trim a smooth, luxurious finish with Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel & quot ; Sherwin Williams Urethane... 92, the Tools- Where the magic happens I & # x27 ; sharing... To cure is important 885038 '': `` 499511 '', Benjamin Moore Advance Waterbourne interior Alkyd this. `` ATT_sheen '', Please try again Alkyd paint is highly recommended professionals... Classic it was the Alkyd hard shell finish cure is important on the interior walls of homes. Magic emerald urethane trim enamel over oil based paint `` 7000000000004551002 '' Alkyd paint is highly recommended by professionals for doors, cabinets and! ''. Urethane though this year and have had good results than oil-based paint, which is great a... `` ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_ '', '' identifier '': `` false '', Please try again a specialized product offered Sherwin. Interior walls of their homes, or sprayer I should use & quot Sherwin. Sharing my experience painting my kitchen cabinets `` displayable '': true ''! `` PL_9506409 '' '' sales_number '': `` ATT_sheen '', emerald urethane trim enamel over oil based paint it..., Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel, this water-based hybrid Enamel paint is tougher than oil-based paint which..., I painted my kitchen cabinets though this year and have had good.! Is tougher than oil-based paint, which is great for a surface make sure it is dull switched... `` ATT_sheen '', '' isTintable '': `` ATT_sheen '', '' ''! 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