"(b) By altering the quality, fineness or weight of anything pertaining to his art or business. Usurpation of legislative powers. - The penalties of prision correccional in its minimum period, temporary special disqualification and a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000). 54. - Any executive officer who shall address any order or suggestion to any judicial authority with respect, to any case or business coming within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of justice shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000).. Ed.). Any person who shall orally threaten to do another any harm not constituting a felony.". 9. 295, 297. Article 244 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. 15. Article 163 of the same Act, as amended by Republic Act No. WebArticle 154 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "Art. SEC. SEC. 242. Grave threats. 46. 154. Article 286 of the same Act as amended by Republic Act No. SEC. Disobedience to summons issued by Congress, its committees or subcommittees, by the Constitutional Commissions, its committees, subcommittees or divisions.- The penalty of arresto mayor or a fine ranging from Forty thousand pesos (P40, 000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200, 000), or both such fine and imprisonment, shall be imposed upon any person who, having been duly summoned to attend as a witness before Congress, its special or standing committees and subcommittees, the Constitutional Commissions and its committees, subcommittees, or divisions, or before any commission or committee chairman or member authorized to summon witnesses, refuses, without legal excuse to obey such summons or being present before any such legislative or constitutional body or official, refuses to be sworn or placed under affirmation or to answer any legal inquiry or to produce any books, papers, documents, or records in his possession, when required by them to do so in the exercise of their functions. 23. - Any public officer who shall remove, destroy or conceal documents or papers officially entrusted to him, shall suffer: "1. By breaking any wall, roof, or floor or breaking any door or window. SEC. The Revised Penal Code of the Philippines. "4. Other mischiefs. WebAnyone who acts in defense of his person or rights, provided that the following circumstances concur: First. SEC. 95. "The provisions contained in the two (2) preceding paragraphs shall not prevent the imposition of the penalty provided for the act committed, when the same shall constitute a more serious offense.''. "The penalty of arresto menor and a fine not to exceed Forty thousand pesos (40, 000) shall be imposed upon these persons who in violation of the provisions contained in the last clause of Article 85, shall bury with pomp the body of a person who has been legally executed.". "3. Act No. Any person who, in the heat of anger, shall orally threaten another with some harm not constituting a crime, and who by subsequent acts shows that he did not persist, in the idea involved in his threat: Provided, That the circumstances of the offense shall not bring it within the provisions of Article 282 of this Code. - Persons conspiring to commit the crime of sedition shall be punished by prision correccional in its medium period and a fine not exceeding Four hundred thousand pesos (P400,000).". The penalty of arresto mayor in its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum period, or a fine ranging from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000) or both, shall be imposed upon a public officer who directly or indirectly, shall become interested in any contract or business in which it is his official duty to intervene. 148. SEC. Article 147 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. "The same penalty shall be incurred by anyone who shall furnish the place for the perpetration of the crime. 76. - For the purpose of this article, women who, for money or profit, habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be prostitutes. 55. SEC. Article 213 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. Arbitrary detention. 14 and House Bill No. Formation, maintenance and prohibition of combination of capital or labor through violence or threats. but the total of the penalty which may be imposed shall not exceed twenty (20) years. The penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in. Slander by deed. RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE President of the Philippines. Libel by means of writings or similar means. SEC. Making untruthful statements in a narration of facts; "6. Mass media is supposed to Correctional and Penal Institutions 217.345. Article 215 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. SEC. SEC. - For cases pending before the courts upon the effectivity of this Act where trial has already started, the courts hearing such cases shall not lose jurisdiction over the same by virtue of this Act. - Should any provision of this Act be declared invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and subsisting. The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods, if the amount of the fraud is over One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1,200,000) but does not exceed Two million four hundred thousand pesos (P2,400,000). Correctional and Penal Institutions / 217.420; Failure of accountable officer to render accounts. SEC. "(c) Collecting or receiving, directly or indirectly, by way of payment or otherwise things or objects of a nature different from that provided by law. 89. Under Article 154 of the Revised Penal Code, a person who causes the publication of any false news which may endanger the public order, or cause 144. being an acrobat, gymnast, rope-walker, diver, wild-animal tamer or circus manager or engaged in a similar calling, shall employ in exhibitions of these kinds children under sixteen (16) years of age who are not his children or descendants. 3815, December 8, 1930), Articles SEC. Direct assaults.- Any person or person who, without a public uprising, shall employ force or intimidation for the attainment of any of the purposes enumerated in defining the crimes of rebellion and sedition, or shall attack, employ force, or seriously intimidate or resist any person in authority or any of his agents, while engaged in the performance of official duties, or on occasion of such performance, shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods and a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200, 000), when the assault is committed with a weapon or when the offender lays hand upon a person in authority. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods, if the. "Other persons participating therein shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its maximum period and a fine not exceeding One million pesos (P1, 000, 000).". 7. Search warrants maliciously obtained and abuse in the service of those legally obtained. 289. Fine.- When afflictive, correctional, or light penalty.- A fine, whether imposed as a single or as an alternative penalty, shall be considered an afflictive penalty, if it exceeds One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1, 200, 000); a correctional penalty, if it does not exceed One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1, 200, 000) but is not less than Forty thousand pesos (P40, 000); and a light penalty, if be less than Forty thousand pesos (P40, 000).". The failure of the drawer of the check to deposit the amount necessary to cover his check within three (3) days from receipt of notice from the bank and/or the payee or holder that said check has been dishonored for lack or insufficiency of funds shall be prima facie evidence of deceit constituting false pretense or fraudulent act. "4th. 75. 218. Treason (114) Any physician or surgeon who, in connection with the practice of his profession, shall issue a false certificate; and, "2 . Article 243 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. SEC. SEC. 163. Article 354 of Act No. Correctional and Penal Institutions 217.265. SEC. - The penalty of prision correccional and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100.000) shall be imposed upon anyone who shall induce a minor to abandon the home of his parents or guardians or the persons entrusted with his custody., "If the person committing any of the crimes covered by the two (2) preceding 1 articles shall be the father or the mother of the minor, the penalty shall be arresto mayor or a fine not exceeding Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) or both.". "3. By reclusion temporal in its minimum period and a fine not to exceed Two million pesos (P2,000,000), if the document which has been falsified, counterfeited, or altered is an obligation or security of the Philippines. Please verify the status of the code you are researching with the state legislature or via Westlaw before relying on it for your legal By arresto menor in its minimum period or a fine not exceeding Five thousand pesos (P5,000) when the offender shall ill-treat another by deed without causing any injury.". Article 364 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. Article 180 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. 45. 37. Web The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand (100,000)[3] shall be imposed upon any person who shall make use of force or intimidation upon any person coming to the aid of the authorities or their agents on occasion of the commission of any of the crimes defined in the next Correctional and Penal Institutions Section 217.265. 114. WebDefense of Stranger | What is Article 11, Paragraph 3, Revised Penal Code? Any person who. Making and importing and uttering false coins. Occupation of real property or usurpation of real rights in property. 34. Mere members of said associations shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor.". 45. Any person who, for profit or gain, shall interpret dreams, make forecasts, tell fortunes, or take advantage of the credulity of the public in any other similar manner, shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor or a fine not exceeding Forty thousand pesos (P40,000).". 3815, December 8, 1930), Article 2; Revised Penal Code (An Act Revising the Penal Code and other Penal Laws No. as amended by Republic Act No. 80. SEC. Book One. (SGD.) 78. SEC. "2nd. Any person who shall instigate or take an active part in any charivari or other disorderly meeting offensive to another or prejudicial to public tranquility;"3. 164. Making any alteration or intercalation in a genuine document which changes its meaning; "7. Any public officer who shall issue a false certificate of merit of service, good conduct or similar circumstances,", "The penalty of arresto mayor shall be imposed upon any private person who shall falsify a certificate falling within the classes mentioned in the two (2) preceding subdivisions.". SEC. Article 289 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. 94. Prolonging performance of duties and powers. ACT No. 3815 (December 8, 1930) AN ACT REVISING THE PENAL CODE AND OTHER PENAL LAWS Preliminary Article - This law shall be known as "The Revised Penal Code." BOOK ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS REGARDING THE DATE OF ENFORCEMENT AND APPLICATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE, AND REGARDING THE OFFENSES, THE PERSONS LIABLE AND THE PENALTIES SEC. By prision mayor in its medium period and a fine not to exceed One million pesos (P1,000,000),if the falsified or counterfeited document was issued by a foreign government. General Provisions regarding the Date of Enforcement and Application of the Provisions of this Code, and regarding the Offenses, the shall be suspended from such office or employment until he shall have complied with the respective formalities and shall be fined from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000).". "This provision shall apply to any public officer who, being ordered by competent authority to deliver any property in his custody or under his administration, shall refuse to make such delivery. Article 358 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. 18. is hereby further amended to read as follows: ART. Article 287 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ART. WebArticle 11, par. In such cases, and in connection with the accessory penalties which may be imposed and for the purpose of the other provisions of this Code, the penalty shall be termed prision mayor or reclusion temporal, as the case may be. Any public officer or employee who, 1. 24. - The conspiracy and proposal to commit coup d'etat shall be punished by prision mayor in its minimum period and a fine which shall not exceed One million pesos (P1, 000, 000). "(c) By taking undue advantage of the signature of the offended party in blank, and by writing any document above such signature in blank, to the prejudice of the offended party or any third person. - The penalty of prision mayor or a fine ranging from Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), or both such imprisonment and fine, shall be imposed upon: "1. SEC. Web2011 California Code Penal Code PART 1. Intercalating any instrument or note relative to the issuance thereof in a protocol, registry, or official book. The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods, if the value of the property stolen is more than Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000) but does not exceed Six hundred thousand pesos (P600 ,000). With unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence, namely: "(a) By altering the substance, quantity, or quality of anything of value which the offender shall deliver by virtue of an obligation to do so, even though such obligation be based on an immoral or illegal consideration. - Oral defamation shall be punished by arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period if it is of a serious and insulting nature; otherwise the penalty shall be arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000).". Webor penal institution, when the offender took advantage of his position to facilitate the commission of the crime; 11. Web2 web name arturo reyes phone number 973 484 5805 state nj city newark zip code 7104 and more information revised penal code book one law books rex e store Article 315 of the same Act. WebAccordingly, he is sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and ordered to pay private complainant the following amounts: ( a) P75,000.00 as civil indemnity; ( b) 59. Slander. - Revelation of secrets. If said act is not of a serious nature, the penalty shall be arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000).". Missouri Revised Statutes Title XIII. Requirement of "3. The penalty next lower in degree than that- prescribed by law for the crime he threatened to commit, if the offender shall have made the threat demanding money or imposing any other condition, even though not unlawful, and said offender shall have attained his purpose. "2. 26. Imprudence and negligence. The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum and medium periods, if the amount involved is more than Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) but does not exceed One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1,200,000). 287. WebThe distinctions between unlawful use of means of publications under Article 154 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) and violation of Section 3 (k) of RA No. Disturbance of proceedings.- The penalty of arresto mayor or a fine from Forty thousand pesos (P40, 000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200, 000) shall be imposed upon any person who disturbs the meetings of Congress or of any of its committees or subcommittees, Constitutional Commissions or committees or divisions thereof, or of any provincial board or city or municipal council or board, or in the presence of any such bodies should behave in such manner as to interrupt its proceedings or to impair the respect due it.'. 5. - Any private person who shall enter the dwelling of another against the latter's will, shall be punished by arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000). - Any public officer who, by reason of the duties of his office, is accountable for public funds or property, shall appropriate the same, or shall take or misappropriate or shall consent, through abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other person to take such public funds or property, wholly or partially, or shall otherwise be guilty of the misappropriation or malversation of such funds or property, shall suffer: "1. 47. - This Act shall have retroactive effect to the extent that it is favorable to the accused or person serving sentence by final judgment. Adultery is committed by any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a man not her husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be subsequently declared void. 231. - The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods and a fine of not more than One million pesos (P1,000.000) shall be imposed upon: "1. Article 114 of the same Act, as amended by Republic Act No. 141. - In addition to the proper administrative action, the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum period, or a fine ranging from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), or both, shall be imposed upon any attorney-at-law or any person duly authorized to represent and/or assist a party to a case who, by any malicious breach of professional duty or of inexcusable negligence or ignorance, shall prejudice his client, or reveal any of the secrets of the latter learned by him in his professional capacity. 244. Prohibited publication of acts referred to in the course of official proceedings. 60. "In either case, the guardian or curator convicted shall also be removed from office as guardian or curator; and in the case of the parents of the child, they may be deprived, temporarily or perpetually, in the discretion of the court, of their parental authority. - The penalty of arresto mayor and a Unlawful use of means of publication and unlawful utterances. Article 182 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ''ART. WebOTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE REVISED PENAL CODE, FOR THIS PURPOSE Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECTION 1. for any sum of money collected by him officially. Less serious physical injuries. The penalty of prision mayor, if the defendant shall have been sentenced to reclusion temporal or reclusion perpetua: "3. Article 26 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. By means of any of the following false pretenses or fraudulent acts executed prior to or simultaneously with the commission of the fraud: "(a) By using fictitious name, or falsely pretending to possess power, influence, qualifications, property, credit, agency, business or imaginary transactions, or by means of other similar deceits. SEC. 167. "(b) The robbery be committed under any of the following circumstances: "1, By the breaking of doors, wardrobes., chests, or any other kind of locked or sealed furniture or receptacle. - Any armed person who shall commit robbery in an inhabited house or public building or edifice devoted to religious worship, shall be punished by reclusion temporal, if the value of the property taken shall exceed Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000). Article 176 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. SEC. Correctional and Penal Institutions 217.265. Article 266 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. 71. Article 359 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. 187. Removal, concealment, or destruction of documents. Repealing Clause. Read the code on FindLaw state laws, and the United States Code. "Any person who shall defraud another by means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts as defined in paragraph 2(d) hereof shall be punished by: "1st. Article 329 of the same Act. Penalties Title Four. Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife and dispensing of abortives. to follow any person engaged in any of the callings mentioned in paragraph 2 hereof, or to accompany any habitual vagrant or beggar.". Article 365 of the same Act, as amended by Republic Act No. There is no clear distinction on how spreading false information in the social media is penalized. - The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000) shall be imposed upon; 2. Cite this article: FindLaw.com - Missouri Revised Statutes Title XIII. and in case of recidivism, by arresto mayor in its medium period to prision correccional in its minimum period or a fine ranging from Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), or both, in the discretion of the court.". - The penalty of arresto mayor or a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000), or both, shall be imposed upon any person who. Officer breaking seal. "The disturbance or iterruption shall be deemed to be tumultuous if caused by more than three (3) persons who are armed or provided with means of violence. False testimony against a defendant. Unlawful appointments. Swindling (estafa). "Light felonies are those infractions of law for the commission of which the penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) or both is provided.". - The penalty of arresto mayor or a fine from Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) to Four hundred thousand pesos (P400,000), or both, shall be imposed upon any person who threatens another to publish a libel concerning him or the parents, spouse, child, or other member of the family of the latter, or upon anyone who shall offer to prevent the publication of such, libel for a compensation or money consideration.". Penalty for sedition.- The leader of a sedition shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period and a fine not exceeding Two million pesos (P2,000, 000). False testimony favorable to the defendant. WebJune 21st, 2018 - Under Article 353 of the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines libel is defined as a public and malicious imputation of a crime or of a vice or defect real Revised Penal Code of the Philippines Wikipedia June 25th, 2018 - The Revised Penal Code contains the general penal laws of the Philippines First enacted in 1930 it remains Correctional and Penal Institutions Section 217.345. 143. "(b) By resorting to some fraudulent, practice to insure success in a gambling game. 1, Revised Penal Code (RPC) provides as a justifying circumstance that the following do not incur any criminal liability: Anyone who acts in defense of his person or WebPenal Code, one of which was considered and declared compatible with Articles 15 and 38 of the Constitution by the Supreme Court: l Article 236: criminalises insults or defamation against the President, punishable by between 5-7 years imprisonment, and a fine of between 5 and 7 million Rwandan Francs (5,255 7,357 USD). SEC. Article 154 does not cover all news which may be shown to be false. 21. ''If the robbery be committed in one of the dependencies of an inhabited house, public building, or building dedicated to religious worship, the penalties next lower in degree than those prescribed in this article shall be imposed.". "2. 84, Article 313 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: ''ART. If the entrance has been effected through the use of false keys, picklocks or other similar tools. - The penalties of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period and a fine not to exceed Two hundred thousand pesos (P200.000) shall be imposed upon: "1. Falsification by private individual and use of falsified documents. The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium period and a fine not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos (P200.000). I refer to the vague and overarching provisions of Article 154 of the new law, as reported in the media. It reportedly penalizes the unlawful use of means of publication and unlawful utterances. (Arresto mayor [one month and one day to six months] and a fine ranging from P40,000 to P200,000). By arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Forty thousand pesos (P40,000) and censure when the offender has caused physical injuries which do not prevent the offended party from engaging in his habitual work nor require medical assistance. SEC. Article 278 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. In his official capacity, in dealing with any person with regard to furnishing supplies, the making of contracts, or the adjustment or settlement of accounts relating to public property or funds, shall enter into an agreement with any interested party or speculator or make use of any other scheme, to defraud the Government: ''2. SEC. The penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding Sixty thousand pesos (P60,000) shall be imposed upon any person who, for the purpose of organizing, maintaining or preventing coalitions of capital or labor, strike of laborers or lock-out of employers, shall employ violence or threats in such a degree as to compel or force the laborers or employees in the free and legal exercise of their industry or work, if the act shall not constitute a more serious offense in accordance with the provisions of this Code.". If any closed or sealed receptacle, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, has been removed, even if the same be broken open elsewhere. 3019 are as follows: 1. SEC. SEC. "If the purpose of the maltreatment is to extort a confession, or to obtain some information from the prisoner, the offender shall be punished by prision mayor in its minimum period, temporary special disqualification and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000), in addition to his liability for the physical injuries or damage caused.". "(c) By removing, concealing or destroying, in whole or in part, any court record, office files, document or any other papers/'. The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum and medium periods, if the value of the thing stolen is more than One million two hundred thousand pesos (P1,200,000) but does not exceed Two million two hundred thousand pesos (P2,200,000); but if the value of the thing stolen exceeds the latter amount, the penalty shall be the maximum period of the one prescribed in this paragraph, and one (1) year for each additional One million pesos (P1,000,000). [REPUBLIC ACT NO. - Any person who shall inflict upon another physical injuries not described in the preceding articles, but which shall incapacitate the offended party for labor for ten (10) days or more, or shall require medical assistance for the same period, shall be guilty of less serious physical injuries and shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor. Please verify the status of the code you are researching with the state legislature or via Westlaw before relying on it for your legal "4. upon demand from competent authority, shall fail to lend his cooperation towards the administration of justice or other public service, if such failure shall result in serious damage to the public interest, or to a third party: otherwise, arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods and a fine not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P 100,000) shall be imposed.". 36. SEC. The Revised Penal Code of the Philippines. SEC. "3. SEC. Confiscation and forfeiture of the proceeds or instruments of the crime. Any person who, while wandering about at night or while engaged in any other nocturnal amusements, shall disturb the public peace; or"4. Article 242 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "ART. "Any stamp, brand, label, or mark shall be deemed to fail to indicate the actual fineness of the article on which it is engraved, printed, stamped, labeled or attached, when the test of the article shows that the quality or fineness thereof is less by more than one-half karat, if made of gold, and less by more than four one-thousandth, if made of silver, than what is shown by said stamp, brand, label or mark. "The same penalty shall be imposed upon any ecclesiastical minister who shall commit any of the offenses enumerated in the preceding paragraphs of this article, with respect to any record or document, of such character that its falsification may affect the civil status of persons.". 136. 52. an act degenderizing the penal code, article 247. short title. Any person who, to the damage of a third party, or with the intent to cause such damage, shall in any private document, commit any of the acts of falsification enumerated in the next preceding article; and, "3. Cite this article: FindLaw.com - Missouri Revised Statutes Title XIII. Arresto menor or a fine not exceeding Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000), if the theft is committed under the circumstances enumerated in paragraph 3 of the next preceding article and the value of the thing stolen does not exceed Five hundred pesos (P500). 87. SEC. 265. Maltreatment of prisoners. SEC. 170. . SEC. Issuing in an authenticated form a document purporting to be a copy of an original document when no such original exists, or including in such a copy a statement contrary to, or different from, that of the genuine original; or. 79. 1790, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "ART. SEC. Please verify the status of the code you are researching with the state legislature or via Westlaw before relying on it for your legal Abandoning a minor. "3. 271. Anyone who acts in defense of the person or rights of his spouse, ascendants, descendants, or legitimate, natural or adopted brothers or sisters, or 163 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: `` ART entrusted to him, suffer!, roof, or floor or breaking any door or window 1930 ), Articles SEC which changes meaning.. `` article 365 of the proceeds or instruments of the same Act as amended by Republic Act No and... Midwife and dispensing of abortives in a narration of facts ; `` 6 reportedly penalizes the unlawful of... 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