This was a radical idea that discombobulated mans place in nature. Her ears and nose were unusually large, and her teeth were irregular. - "What happened to the body of Julia Pastrana (1834-1860)? Michelle Liew from Singapore on February 13, 2013: Glad that she's come home, Nell. What a great woman! It shows how two spectators from similar socio-economic backgrounds could respond in very different ways to the same performance. So Julia Pastranawhoever she really was, whatever the true nature of her storywas placed onstage and under the stares of an audience who were informed that she was the horrific product of a bestial union with, as the publicity stated, the face of a Baboonthe body and limbs of a Womanthe skin of a Bearwherein the nature of woman predominates over the Ourang-Outangs. She might be part-animal but she was also a Lady in every respect. And all of this was being assiduously promoted by the man she loved. :). On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I thought of terms I heard in the past. That poor baby was torn to shreds when he should be laid to rest. Thanks Nell! After this look at the tragic life of sideshow performer Julia Pastrana, check out more famous sideshow freaks. Then, meet P.T. In another version, which is based on the words of indigenous villagers in Ocoroni, Mexico, Pastrana was a local girl whom they referred to as "wolf woman." Credit: Wellcome Collection. She spent her life being paraded onstage as one of the most popular freaks in the world, which continued even after she died. It was identified in 1990 and for many years rested in a sealed coffin at the Department of Anatomy, Oslo University. Some people might act politely as they have been "trained" to do so, but atrocities such as the treatment of this woman and her child are as much prevalent today as they ever were. Nell Rose (author) from England on November 26, 2012: Thanks Michele, yes it was such a shame that someone with so much talent was treated like this purely because of the way she looked, sadly it still happens today in some countries, thanks so much for reading, nell. When he met with Pastrana, he said she seemed like a monster to the whole world, an abnormality put on display for money like a trained animal., The gawkers, physicians, and spectators left Pastrana feeling very alone. That Lent guy was horrible with what he did to her even after death. What a shame that Julia was subjected to such treatment during her lifetime and even afterward. After a Roman Catholic Mass in a local church, Julia's coffin was carried to the town cemetery and buried as a band played the local traditional music. It was 162 years ago this month that Pastrana was first put on display for the public, with newspaper advertisements using the most vile racist descriptions of her. Dr. Nicholas Mrquez-Grant (left) and attendants from T. S. Jacobsen funeral agency with Julia Pastrana's coffin, 2013 Photo: Laura Anderson Barbata. They were also Mexican Indians. thanks for reading, nell. The bestiality was enhanced by the very association of the term Root-Digger, which signaled, to the white Victorian mind, dirty, lazy, bloodthirsty and animalistic sexual savages. Freak showmen capitalised on this there were numerous freak performers billed as Missing Links or proof of Darwins theory.. Nell Rose (author) from England on June 19, 2012: Hi sgbrown, thanks so much, yes I agree with you, what a horrible person he was, imagine this happening today! When Julia Pastrana died at the young age of 26, she was known as the "world's ugliest woman." Having spent almost her entire life being exhibited, with her death, it almost seemed like she could finally rest in peace. I guess i am a few years behind but i am glad i stumbled onto your hubpage. Just as interesting as all of your Hubs and very engaging. So we come to the end. I guess, some people are born with sad stories and she is definitely one of them. The announcement appeared in an article published in Mexican newspaper "Mural", member of the editorial group Reforma. More by Allison Meier. While Dr Woolf believes there is an air of tragedy that hangs over Pastranas life, he stops short of describing her as being completely exploited. One doctor, Alexander B. Mott, M.D., certified that she was specifically the result of the mating of a human and an "Orang hutan". In her world, there is no detritus and everything (everyone) is charged with potential. Yet with all this, she was substantially human: she spoke several languages, sang, danced, was lively and intelligent. Beach, but in 1854, she eloped with Theodore Lent, marrying him in Baltimore, Maryland. Not many people believed that these mummies could possibly be real. Maybe our compassion and moral sense now realize that not only was she a unique woman, but with her quiet dignity and poise, and our disgust at our own human nature, makes us ignore her, and shut the door on our shame. While giving birth, doctors had to use forceps to deliver her baby, resulting in several severe lacerations. In addition to scholarly publications with top presses, she has written for Atlas Obscura and Ranker. Pastrana indeed did not share in the everyday joys in a home filled with love. Though she married Theodore Lent, it was not so much out of love as it was business for him. Im always wary of making generalised statements about exploitation in the freak show, he said. What an extraordinary lady you've introduced us to. [21][22] The production was nominated for five Melbourne Green Room Awards. She was a human being and such claims would be hurtful to any of us; more so in the Victorian context when people were furiously debating the relationship between ape and man. Perhaps this impacted how Julia saw herself; perhaps this impacted her self-esteem. Voted up. In the mid-1850s, she set off to travel and perform across the United States and Europe. Michelle Liew from Singapore on August 31, 2012: Hi, Nell. Her son was placed on a pedestal and displayed, wearing a sailor suit. It's an interesting story, by the way. Much like Tom Thumb, Pastrana was a gifted performer who starred in her own play, Der Curierte Meyer, about a dairyman who falls for Pastrana, whose face is covered in a veil (lifted for the audiences amusement). Julia finally went home but without her baby who was also human. lol! its half eleven here in good old England! But The Liverpool Mercury marveled, she is good-natured, sociable, and accommodating, pointing out that Julia was bilingual and could dance, sing, sew, cook, wash and iron.. Lithograph of Julia Pastrana by V. Katzler circa 1860. For over a hundred years, the bodies of Pastrana and her son were displayed around the world in museums, circuses and amusement parks. By this time she was being 'shown' by a Mr Theodore Lent who became, in a sense her manager, helping her with her dancing and singing on stage. Pastrana, who was born in Mexico in 1834, had two rare diseases: generalized hypertrichosis lanuginosa, which caused her face and body to be covered in hair, and gingival hyperplasia, which. One artist said the Mauritshuis Museums decision to displayA Girl With a Pearl Earring made using Midjourney highly unethical.. Doctors declared her a human and orangutan hybrid, and her talent at dance and song were displayed as a contrast to her seemingly unfeminine appearance. The Sleeping Girl of Turville: The True Story of a Girl Who fell asleep for Nine Years.. She was adept at playing up to her billing as the Baboon Lady. It is her persona, talents, charisma and courage she should be remembered for, and you captured those qualities beautifully here. Hi Audrey, thanks so much, she just fascinated me for years, so I had to go and find out more about her, thanks again, nell. Freak shows, although now politically incorrect and unpopular, gave unique people a stage and they were made stars. When will we learn to be kind? If that was not bad enough, he then returned to the museum where Julia was being exhibited and took her on tour with him and his new wife. What she had experienced is appalling. She was given a Catholic ceremony and buried, free from prying eyes at last. Known as the marvellous hybrid or Bear Woman, others called her The Ugliest woman in the World. Suzanne Ridgeway from Dublin, Ireland on August 31, 2012: What an incredible story, so much sadness and this gentle lady does deserve respect at last. Thank you for sharing this story. such a darn shame, thanks so much for reading, nell, Hi Suzette, yes DNA has a lot to answer for! Ohand Lent was asshole. 2010. She was so incredibly tolerant and embraced a tough situation admirably. She arrived, steeped in mystery, and her life was as strange and sad as her birth. I just noticed some commented two years ago that an effort was being made to bring her to Mexico for burial. In 1857 they married, and even though Julia was quite fond of Lent, he treated her appallingly, taking her to scientists and Doctors who examined her without any dignity afforded to the poor girl. Years ago such individuals during the time of slavery were seen not as persons but animals. And so, in 1862, the Embalmed Female Nondescript and Child were displayed at the Burlington Gallery, 191 Piccadilly, a site usually reserved for high art exhibitions. You would think that after she had died, Julia would have been given a dignified funeral, and treated like the lady she was. Buckland was influenced by natural theology which asserted the centrality of God in nature. I hope this gets out to more people. Julia Pastrana was a Mexican woman whose "extraordinary" appearance led to her being displayed throughout Europe and America, first as a freak, then as a specimen. The Magazine Explaining America to the French, What Should You Read Next? Maybe she could draw a distinction between her freak show persona, The Baboon Lady, and her identity offstage as Julia Pastrana. UK Lawyers for Israel described the drawings, which were on display at the hospital for over a decade, as propaganda., Allison C. Meier is a former staff writer for Hyperallergic. Thats where Arthur Munby saw Pastrana for the second time. Julia's last words on her deathbed were: "I die happy. According to Dr Woolf, the embalmed corpses had a very strange career. ode to the vampire mother results; national asset mortgage lawsuit; green tuna paper; mary davis sos band net worth But she was anything but a freak, she could cook and sew, sing romance songs, and even better, hold an intelligent conversation which impressed the gentry, in a time when women were not treated as intelligent human beings. Nell Rose (author) from England on April 28, 2014: Thanks so much for reading suzzycue, yes she was an amazing woman, imagine having to face the world, and live with that evil man, but she came through singing, but sadly she had a terrible ending, nell. That is very emotional and great. Bess Lovejoy explores her story and how it was only in 2013, 153 years after her passing, that she was finally laid to rest. its 4.20 in the afternoon here, with grey clouds and rain! seriously, thanks for reading, and yes people back then were seen as animals, makes me so mad. I had read quite a bit about Julia Pastrana before ina book "Very pecial People" but not as in depth as you provide here. Her husband was a horrible, disgusting person who I hope was destined for hell. The press, who were given a private view along with men of medicine, praised her very pretty whiskers, double gums, and strange set of teeth, declaring that she dresses with great taste in rich Spanish and other costumes, and after each performance comes among the audience to converse and answer questions.. At last Julia has been laid to rest in her home state of Sinaloa De Leyva in Mexico on Tuesday 12th February 2013. ..and don't forget my alter-ego - Jo Jo the dog faced Boy - lol - and yes this incredible story reminds me of The Elephant Man - and that beauty is always found from within -even though the sensational part of it - has been focused on the 'outside' part .. And you are pretty incredible and beautiful yourself Nell as a writer and hubber both inside and out -sending you warm wishes and good energy from lake erie time ontario canada 1:18pm. [19] In February 2013, with the help of Sinaloa state governor Mario Lpez Valdez, New York-based visual artist Laura Anderson Barbata, Norwegian authorities, and others, the body was turned over to the government of Sinaloa and her burial was planned. In the fifties and sixties, the mummies were displayed, mainly as a curiosity. She was described as sociable and polite, and, besides being undoubtedly the greatest living curiosity, she is a lady in every respect, with scientific men, ladies and children being highly used by her strange appearance, her dancing and singing. She danced the Highland fling, performed English and Spanish songs and conversed easily with the audience. In 1862 Julia returned to England. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Nell Rose (author) from England on September 21, 2012: Hi Levertis, I think you are right there, these days its against the law I believe to exploit people with birth defects, but back then it was a common thing, and in fact some people, not all of them actually put themselves into the circus so that they could earn a living, and were annoyed when the law changed to stop them, but of course that was desperation on their part to earn money, Julia Pastrana never really had a choice, thanks so much for reading, nell. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Soon she became better known on stage than just being a 'Freak', as they used to call people like her. I know you wrote this 2 years ago.. and wow.. that is amazing I love this hub, Thanks Integrity, yes she went through a lot, it was a nightmare, glad you liked it and thanks for reading again, nell. Read one of your commenters said she was finally laid to rest in a glass coffin. Recent research suggests he was an ambitious, optimistic and rather unscrupulous businessman, salesman and auctioneer who occasionally dabbled in prostitution. But she was also subjected to multiple intrusive examinations as doctors tried to reveal the mystery behind her appearance one doctor claimed she was the result of mating between a human and an orangutan, while another stated that she was a distinct species., Others agreed that she was just a normal woman with a disease.. Founded in 2009, Hyperallergic is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. Possibly some of them originated with Julia. The child was born with the same disease as his mother. [13] Francis Buckland stated that she was "only a deformed Mexican Indian woman". the one good thing about this though was the fact that as I kept sharing it everywhere they eventually found her and buried her with dignity, so pleased. So pleased her journey has ended though. Oh no. Pegasus Books. Here Are the Best Reviewed Books of the Month. A Jutting jaw and very swollen gums added to her appearance. Only five days later, Julia was dead. Nell Rose (author) from England on October 16, 2019: Thanks Liz, I will take a look! An illustration of Julia Pastrana, a Victorian stage performer who toured Europe, Canada, and the United States billed as the Bearded or Hairy Lady, the Nondescript, the Ape-Woman, the Marvelous Hybrid or Bear Woman. Julia Pastrana was a talented Mexican singer and dancer of Indigenous background. Poor lady and her child. She was cruelly labelled the Baboon Lady, The Marvellous Hybrid or Bear Woman. Up. Referred to by the locals as Wolf Woman due to her genetic abnormality, she lived with her mother until her mother passed away of unknown causes. Suzette Walker from Taos, NM on May 04, 2014: Wow, Nell! Julia has been reborn among us. By this time, curiosity had begun to turn towards admiration, and she was invited to the Horticultural Society and the Boston History society. The Restless Corpse of Julia Pastrana. [7] Lent took over her management, and they toured throughout the US and Europe. P.T. One spectator commended her sweet voice and great taste in music and dancing. Another spectator recalled giving Pastrana a cigarette: seating herself in an apish posture astride of a tall chair, she lighted it and some it through; looking a perfect fiend, as she sat there before the spectators, her great cavernous eyes flaming and her huge nostrils omitting clouds of smoke. A musical Pastrana by Australian writers Allan McFadden and Peter Northwood was performed by Melbourne's Church Theatre in 1989. Wow, Nell Rose. The Root-Diggers lived with animals and couldnt tell them apart from their own kind, a further insinuation of bestial copulation(accusations commonly aimed at Africans onstage). Pastrana, an indigenous woman from Mexico, was born with genetic condition hypertrichosis terminalis which meant her face and much of her body was covered with black hair. That Lent guy was extremely heartless and he only truly cared about his money, but he got what he deserved. Those who ran sideshows often didnt take the time to listen and record the backstories of their performers. In 1860, after giving a birth to a baby boy, Julia and her son both died. The latter condition was caused by a rare disease, undiagnosed in her lifetime, gingival hyperplasia, which thickened her lips and gums. There has been a theory about mental illness, marital problems, and financial difficulties, but nothing has been confirmed. Munby was obsessed with documenting working-class women and secretly married his working-class wife, Dr Woolf said. [11] Vandals broke into the storage facility in August 1976 and damaged the baby's body. I've heard of this woman and of other people with the same sad disorder. such a darn shame! The bill at her early shows claimed that her people resembled apes and lived in caves, and Pastrana was only brought to the sideshow when a woman named Mrs. Espinosa who was captured and held hostage by Pastranas tribe escaped, and took Julia Pastrana with her. England became aware of her and stated in the newspapers at the time, she is an amazing oddity and promptly started to call her The Nondescript, which is similar to what we say today as unexplained. Because of that, it was exposed as an attraction in various shows. I remember as a child visiting the travelling side shows at the carnivals and hearing the barkers call out "See the bearded lady" and their recruiting for other similar attractions. Voted up etc and pinned. It is believed that Pastrana fell in love with Lent as they toured America and Europe together. You always find the most interesting people to write about. Pastrana, an indigenous woman from Mexico, was born with genetic condition hypertrichosis terminalis which meant her face and much of her body was covered with black hair. Addressing ethical issues and human remains" He took her to many different Doctors who were afraid that she would not be able to have the child naturally because they believed her hips would be malformed. yes I believe that Julia should have a proper burial with a statue above it to show the world how wonderful she was, thanks so much for reading, and I am glad you liked it, cheers nell, You have provided the spice in my coffee this morning. She was in Moscow at the time, on tour. I don't know when I have read more interesting info. lol. While we might scoff at the idea that anyone could ever think a human was the product of a sexual encounter between an ape and a woman, for the Victorians this wasnt necessarily a crazy idea, Dr Woolf said. I voted up for sure. how awful was that? In 1855, Pastrana was married to Theodore Lent, who saw her as a path to fortune and fame. Did he feel any love toward Julia? During her life, Pastrana's management arranged to have her examined by doctors and scientists, using their evaluations in advertisements to attract a larger audience. Lentseems to have considered her a model freak, a house-trained monster that behaved well in front of audiences, writes Jan Bondeson in a book essay. So glad I discovered it ans I find stories with mysterious elements like this one fascinating. This not only reveals how people processed freak displays but also how the freak never engendered a similar response it depended on your outlook. I'm glad they finally laid Julia to rest. Cover of The Eye of the Beholder: Julia Pastranas Long Journey Home (courtesy Lucia|Marquand). Fast-forward to February 1990 and Julia was rediscovered in a basement of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Oslo. I didn't know who Julia Pastrana was prior to reading this. Her last words were apparently: I die happy; I know I have been loved for myself. But Lents actions suggest otherwise. Thank you for reading. Lent immediately became Julia Pastranas manager-owner, designing materials and crafting language promoting the unusual contrast between Pastranas appearance and her talents. Nell Rose (author) from England on August 15, 2012: Hi jainismus, thanks so much for reading, nell. When Lent remarried another bearded lady, Marie Bartel, he got back the corpses and had his new wife perform alongside his old, embalmed family. Realising that she would earn him lots of money, he decided to start showing her to the public, A quote from the time stated her as, The Great Freak of Nature. Saul Rubio Ayala the local mayor of her town stated 'Julia Pastrana has come home'. Even after death. "El trgico viaje de una mujer salvaje mexicana al mundo civilizado". Literature produced by those who managed the freak shows she appeared in described her as belonging to a Native American tribe called "Root Diggers" whose members were similar to apes and lived in caves. On 2 August 2012, it was reported in Aftenposten that Pastrana would finally be buried in Mexico at an unspecified date. How Did a Moai Statue End Up in a Lagoon? Advertisements declared her the Ape Woman or the Nondescript, a creature that could not be described. A year later, Marie gave the corpses to a German impresario and they were exhibited in numerous fairs. Wellcome Library, LondonAn ad for Julia Pastranas show. I wonder if she was related to that family of Mexicans who were covered with hair. Being kept in a Museum is still showing the height of disrespect for Julia still being treated as an animal. She appeared again in Hitlers Germany where she was put on display in the occupied territories. But even when dead, white men continued to profit off of her body. 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