After a wholly improbable conversion from atheism to Christianity, Guillaume earned a master's in biblical literature with an emphasis on the New Testament, and a Ph.D. in philosophical theology. What started as a small humble project has grown over the years to reach thousands of subscribers all over the world. He holds MA and Ph.D. degrees in biblical studies from Fuller Theological Seminary and South African Theological Seminary. He is an avid guitarist, hiker, and fly-fisherman. We are beyond excited to start our Fall 2022 Biola on the Road series at Yorba Linda Friends Church this October 14-15. They have three grown children. In addition, Brett is a Teaching Fellow at the Impact 360 Institute. Let's take a look back and review the 2021-22 year in Biola Athletics. After taking second place in the PacWest SoCal Pod last season, Biola went on a historic run that ended in Denver, Colorado, in the Game 3 of the national championship series. The annual EPS Apologetics Conference is back! Su enfoque de enseanza incluye tanto la educacin terica como un enfoque prctico. 2022 PDC is on December 2, 2022! While we are deeply sorry for this possible inconvenience, we do hope this will not hinder your ability to attend. Los temas de la conferencia son escogidos para hablar sobre asuntos de importancia que incumben a la Iglesia, y para mejorar su testimonio en nuestra cultura contempornea. in Philosophy of Religion from Denver Seminary, where she taught apologetics and ethics for eight years. Junto con su esposo, Enrique, sirven como pastores asociados en Favorday, Los ngeles. Hernndez se enfoca en ensear a sus estudiantes cmo evaluar de manera efectiva y precisa a los nios de poblaciones minoritarias para resolver el problema de la sobrerrepresentacin en la educacin especial y su subrepresentacin en los programas escolares para dotados y talentosos, as como ayudarlos a comprender cmo evaluar y remediar los trastornos del lenguaje y la alfabetizacin, y cmo trabajar de manera efectiva con nios con autismo. [1] Es profesor adjunto en el seminario teolgico ms completo y en el Centro Hispano de Estudios Teolgicos (CHET). March 18 (*CLD) | Missions Conference: Basecamp | Biola University - Los Angeles, CA. She has spoken to parents, moms groups, homeschooling groups and at womens retreats. Craig HazenIs the founder and director of the Christian Apologetics Program at Biola University. The official 2022 Women's Soccer schedule for the Biola University Eagles. Advent accepts the tension of the already and the not yet. In 2021 he was ranked by as the world's tenth most influential philosopher and third most influential theologian over the last 30 years (1990-2020). Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts, Center for the Study of the Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit Today, Jana Harmon Anything but Christianity: How Skeptics Become Seekers, Melissa Cain Travis Thinking God's Thoughts: The Miracle of Cosmic Comprehensibility, Scott Smith Understanding and Responding to Critical Race Theory, Guillaume Bignon Confessions of a French Athiest, Robert Stewart A-Paul-ogetics: How the Apostle Paul Commended and Defended the Faith, Robert Bowman The Historical Reliability of the Gospels, Douglas Groothuis The Argument from Beauty, Sam Raju The Problem of Pain and the Goodness of God, David Horner Too Good Not to Be True: A Call to Moral Apologetics, Paul Copan Is God a Vindictive Bully? Join us for the highly anticipated three-day apologetics conference this November! Register. The Biola University men's soccer team won a share of the Pacific West Conference championship and a trip to Texas for the NCAA tournament. Web page: Esperamos verte. Medical Information Search Tournaments and events for athletes and non-athletes W, 13-5. As a way of showing your appreciation for this resource and ensuring that it continues, would you consider donating to the Advent Project? All use of ICT resources and ICT data is subject to monitoring and investigation as set forth in ST/SGB/2004/15. A few questions arise about the spiritual growth (salvation) process in these verses: The main goal of TC22 is to explore how we work out our salvation while God works in us through three main avenues of spiritual growth: Each session, along with the experiential activities around campus, will unpack the importance of these three Ss. Other conferences are also considering similar events for 2023. Simply put, we have incredible people investing in our churches and youth. Watch online or attend a watch party in London or New York. JP Moreland: The Anatomy of a Culture in Decay, Craig Hazen: Christianity and the Challenge of World Religions, JP Moreland: Arguments for the Existence of God. The official 2022 Men's Soccer schedule for the Biola University Eagles . English: Oscar LaSalle is principal pastor of the Iglesia Internacional Visin de Fe in the city of Covina, Calif. September 1 - 3 | Summer UNITE (with Dominic Nuncio) | Hume Lake Christian Camps . The Evangelical Covenant Church, If you are not sure what conference you are in. Fall Faculty Conference 2022 Here: The Story of Why It is merriment and melancholy together, beauty so sublime that, like the best art, it simultaneously comforts and rocks us to the core. En febrero de 2018, inaugur Iglesia Voz, en el hermoso Teatro Granada en Ontario, CA. In unserem Vergleich haben wir die ungewhnlichsten Eon praline auf dem Markt gegenbergestellt und die entscheidenden Merkmale, die Kostenstruktur und die Meinungen der Kunden vergleichend untersucht. He then wrote the leadership-oriented book and many other helpful materials. Mark Mittelberg is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the Executive Director of the Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics at Colorado Christian University ( John Bloom holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in Ancient Near Eastern Studies from the Annenberg Research Institute (now the Center for Judaic Studies of the University of Pennsylvania). The two primary conferences at Biola are Torrey Memorial Bible Conference and Missions Conference. By using this facility, you are expressly consenting to these monitoring activities. She has published many articles for publications such as The Christian Research Journal and Bibliotheca Sacra. Professor Lewis is also a practicing attorney and a partner in the Law Office of Lewis & Lewis and is an affiliate attorney with the Pacific Justice Institute. En mayo de 2016 complet su disertacin doctoral sobre el autismo y la iglesia y fue publicada posteriormente. Pacific Northwest Jana also holds a Ph.D. in Religion and Theology from the University of Birmingham in England. Martnez-Garca is the co-founder of the Center for Mexican Protestantism Studies, and a member of the History Commission of the Latin American Theological Fraternity. . Brett Kunkle is the founder and president of MAVEN (, a movement to equip the next generation to know truth, pursue goodness and create beauty for the cause of Christ. Alan Shlemon is an author and speaker for Stand to Reason. Dr. Hernndez also co-teaches a Biblical Integration Seminar, (Contemporary Hispanic Studies: A Biblical Perspective). Register today! We want our spiritual walks to be a straight line, but oftentimes they are more of a zigzag. Yvana Uranga-Hernandez & Sergio Vergara. Los participantes podrn afilar sus habilidades y conocimiento para tener un ministerio ms efectivo. The two primary conferences at Biola are Torrey Memorial Bible Conference and Missions Conference. If you would like to subscribe and have devotions sent daily toyour email inbox, please click here. Lewis Institute of Atlanta and a former adjunct professor in Cultural Apologetics at Biola University where she received an M.A. El Dr. Martnez-Garca es profesor/investigador del Centro de Estudios Anabautistas; cofundador del Centro de Estudios del Protestantismo Mexicano; miembro de la Comisin de Historia de la Fraternidad Teolgica Latinoamericana; autor de varios libros publicados, entre ellos, "James Thomson: un escocs distribuidor de la Biblia en Mxico, 1827-1830"; "Albores del protestantismo mexicano en el siglo XIX"; "Manuel Aguas: de sacerdote catlico a precursor del protestantismo en Mxico, 1868-1872"; "La Biblia y la iconografa heterodoxa de Carlos Monsivis"; "Casiodoro de Reina traductor de la Biblia del Oso publicada en 1569" (en proceso editorial). W, 6-0. Eon praline - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. Christ didn't come as a cerebral concept or an ethereal force. Each day of the Lent Project features a Scripture passage, a devotional written by a member of the Biola community, a work of fine art, a poem, and a piece of music. He is also a licensed psychologist in the state of California, and works in community mental health. Stratton is the founder of FreeThinking Ministries, a web-based apologetics ministry. Prior to teaching, Dr. Horner worked as a laborer in an iron foundry, as an underground missionary in communist Eastern Europe, and as a pastor. Clay is the Chairman of the Board of the university apologetics ministry Ratio Christi, is a contributing writer for the Christian Research Journal and specializes in issues related to why God allows evil. Espaol: El Dr. Carlos Martnez-Garca, pastor de una Iglesia Anabautista/Menonita en la Ciudad de Mxico, tambin es articulista de La Jornada (Mxico) y Protestante Digital (Espaa). The Incarnation itself lends dignity to artistic and cultural pursuits. Barry H. Corey, President of Biola University. This link takes you to the EMS main page where you can select the appropriate ticket type for your conference participation. Espaol: El pastor Robert Rocha Jr. naci y creci en Los ngeles, CA. Torrey Memorial Bible Conference 2022 October 5-7, 2022 Chase Gymnasium Hosted By: Chapel Programs, Spiritual Development Open to: Faculty, Staff, Students Cost and Admission This event is free to attend. You can read his blog at 2022 Unite Conference. Advance Registration (December 1, 2022 through February 18, 2023) Member - $269.00 | Non-Member - $699.00 The world's leading enterprises unite here to learn, network, get inspired, and have fun. Hear them diveinto the case for heaven, why God allows evil, world religions archaeology and so much more. Watch the keynote We brought Unite to you Season 2011. For example, once signed in, users can request conferencing services, access translation tools or make requests for documents. Unite West is a Covenant High School Event Gathering Groups from Across the West Coast for Worship, Connection and Fun, taking place at Biola University July 18-23, 2022. (InterVarsity Academic, 2022) and Fire in the Streets (Salem Book, 2022). He did his undergraduate studies in Universidad de Chile. holistically with a commitment to justice, compassion and community renewal. General admission will run at $95 beginning August 1st. Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts, Center for the Study of the Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit Today, Craig Hazen: Christianity in a World of Religions. Biola University, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contact Spiritual Development Gary R. Habermas (Ph.D., Michigan State University) has authored or edited some 43 books, half of which center on various aspects of Jesus resurrection, including Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts, Center for the Study of the Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit Today. Christians are called to be countercultural, but not anti-culture. Con orador principal Dr. Lucas Leys, Jazmin Vera Worship dirigiendo la alabanza, y muchos talleres increibles. He has authored, edited, or contributed to ninety-five books, including Love God with All Your Mind and Scientism and Secularism. Check out his book Human Freedom, Divine Knowledge, and Mere Molinism. English:Robert Guerrero works toward catalyzing church planting networks in key cities of North America and the Hispanic Caribbean. Megan enjoys spending time with her family at home in Manitou Springs, Colorado, and is still known to practice handstands in her kitchen. There is no entry fee to the conference. This season we have chosen to focus on the Book of Psalms. For five days, more than 400 students and leaders from around our five-state conference will converge at Arvada Covenant Church in Arvada, Colorado for worship, transformation, and fun. Greg received his Masters in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, graduating with high honors. His passion lies in reaching people for Christ and seeing them grow in understanding Gods love, ways, and purposes. 02:24 UNITE Upcoming Events Miami - March 14-16, 2023 Saturday, April 2, 2022 8:45 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Pacific First Baptist Church Orange 7637 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Orange, Texas 77632 Hosted By: Christian Apologetics, Talbot School of Theology Open to: Alumni, Faculty, General Public, Parents, Staff, Students Cost and Admission This is a paid event. Hernndez es co-profesora de un Seminario de Integracin Bblica (Estudios Hispanos Contemporneos: Una Perspectiva Bblica). Su tesis doctoral se llama El personaje femenino chileno de mediados del siglo XX como promotor de un discurso constructivo y desmantelador del discurso patriarcal. Sus intereses de investigacin incluyen estudios indgenas, estructuras de poder, y cine latinoamericano. Early bird pricing is $85 and available now for purchase. Sarah holds an M.A. Los dos continan escribiendo cantos con un mensaje de libertad y esperanza. English:Yvana Uranga-Hernndez teaches in both undergraduate and graduate programs. She is a Teaching Fellow for the C.S. 43a Conferencia Hispana de Universidad Biola La Iglesia y el Futuro: Co-creando senderos con las generaciones presentes y futuras Overview Vision General Oradores y Adoracin (Speakers and Worship) Horario y Talleres (Schedule & Workshops) Saturday, September 24, 2022 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Pacific Sutherland Auditorium She was part of the first ever virtual Calling Retreat, where she spoke on meaningful work and burnout in the time of COVID-19. LA MIRADA --- The 2021-22 year was jam-packed with action from Biola's 18 programs who overcame obstacles which led to successes, thrilling moments, and memories that will last forever. Douglas Groothuis is a professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary, where he has served since 1993. He is the Director of Biolas M.A. The 2022 Lent Project starts on Ash Wednesday, March 2 and runs through Saturday, April 23rd. This conference features 2 days of exposition, theological . He has a degree in journalism from Mexico, digital protestant from Spain, and is also a professor and researcher at the Anabaptist Studies Center. Unite North will be four days packed with: Evening sessions with dynamic speakers and worship Hizo sus estudios de pregrado en la Universidad de Chile. He and his wife, Katherine, have five young (and adorable) children. Students will participate in a campus tour, scavenger hunt, and student panel. He was ordained by the same institution. This conference will not be live streamed but recordings will be made available after the event on He has taught courses and lectured extensively in biblical studies, apologetics, and religion at Biola University, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and elsewhere. To view the sponsor and exhibitor opportunities available, view the NATE UNITE 2022 Sponsor & Exhibitor Planning Guide at Sponsor and Exhibitor Options It's the world we live in. For further information on Unite 2022, visit our Unite website at Contact Megan Clark Show He is currently a Distinguished Research Professor at Liberty University, teaching full-time in the Ph.D. program at Liberty's Theological Seminary. She joined Life Training Institute in 2009 and was awarded an M.A. Sind Sie auf der Suche nach dem ultimativen Eon praline? Matthew is a Christian writer and speaker with a passion for the church to be united, strengthened, and unleashed to spread the good news of Jesus to every corner of the world. Location: La Mirada / Chase Gymnasium. At first, their cat was not particularly pleased. La Dra. EMAIL US | 919.435.8307 | 1780 HERITAGE CENTER DR. STE 101 WAKE FOREST, NC 27587, International Missions Pre-Conference at Unite '22. As a former youth pastor, he is now devoted to answering deep theological and philosophical questions he first encountered from inquisitive teens in his church youth group. It welcomes waiting. Professor Lewiss research interests include the fields of polemical & elenctic theology, systematic theology, Christian apologetics, theology and law integration, and jurisprudence & public policy. Desde una temprana edad, respondio al llamado de Dios sobre su vida y no ha parado de servirle desde la edad de 17 aos. Robert M. Bowman Jr. is the executive director of the Institute for Religious Research (, an evangelical apologetics ministry. Pacific Southwest | Alaska. It is perhaps not surprising, then, that the mystery and magnitude of Advent lends itself so well to artistic exploration. L, 49-69. Dr. David Horner is Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Biola University and President of the Illuminatio Project, an effort to bring a classical biblical vision of goodness, truth, and beauty into the thinking of the church and culture through strategic research and communication. You will have the opportunity to learn fromLee Strobel, Craig Hazen, J.P. Moreland, John Bloom and Clay Jones! For christ and seeing them grow in understanding Gods Love, ways, and works in mental! Would like to subscribe and have devotions sent daily toyour email inbox, click! Y conocimiento para tener un ministerio ms efectivo auf der Suche nach dem ultimativen Eon praline: a Biblical ). For Stand to Reason InterVarsity Academic, 2022 ) Estudios Hispanos Contemporneos: Una Perspectiva Bblica ),,... 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Ithaca College Customer Experience Advisory Board,
Articles U