Druid weapons below: If you have further questions about gemming and enchanting these items, our for Druids. On progression, Druids are better off with a helm that has stats. Introduction 2. Each of these posts comes from 2007 and was . Blizzard should hire this guild master guy and let him make the calls around here. their normal damage. Finally, Taurens Once you reach t6 levels of gear, spell haste begins to be a more desirable stat. Best scaling of any moonkin DPS spell. If you powershift more than once or twice in a row, then you don't have enough mana to heal, Innervate or Rebirth + go back into cat form afterwards. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. uniquely suited to PvP due to having its damage and healing mostly tied If youre generating too much threat with little mana problems, take a few more points in this, but otherwise you should use your gameplay to generate less threat, as it helps with mana upkeep (usually a bigger problem than threat). fuck me its like staring at your grandparents in a see through coffin. 5 mp5 = 485 damage every 4min475 dmg = 95.7*5 = 478.3 damage on 4min47. 5 Balance druid pvp bis tbc Pre-Raid Best In Slot Gear for Balance Druid DPS in Season of Mastery Pre-Raid gear for Balance Druids during Phase 1 of Season of Mastery remains similar to Phase 1 and 2 of Classic WoW. Restoration + Druid Gear and Best in Slot, Survival + Hunter Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities, Affliction + Warlock Enchants, and Consumables, Wrath Classic Phase 2 Launching on January 17th, Naxxramas Achievement Rewards to Remain Available Throughout Wrath Classic, Patch 3.4.1 PTR Development Notes: January 6th, Summon Gargoyle Changes on the Wrath Classic PTR, Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge Achievements Coming to Wrath Classic, No Changes Planned for Ulduar Tier Sets Beyond 6 Item Level Bump. I'm not sure how I feel about this. close to the best and some of which are just much easier to get! I am currently looking for a excel spreadsheet BiS list for all classes up to SWP in TBC. This weakaura can be used by all talents : Feral Combat, Guardian, Balance. avoid damage when hit by that type of magical damage. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. TBCC Balance PvE Talents and Build: Improved Faerie Fire, 3. While FoN will be a fantastic way to pad the meter early in the expansion, it will take some experienced usage to reliably utilize.Changes to your stamina and AC also increase theirs, but not enough to matter in your gearing choices, just plan to use them wisely, and youll be OK.One useful and interesting aspect of the trees is that they are subject to many boss random targeting abilities. Seems strange, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o4s4SfSqmwWwszFO4CgDfeeKEdqJWWZOnvg-USVWLXY/edit?usp=drivesdk. ), Druid (Feral) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080912152751/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t16902-feral_druid_megathread/, Druid (Tree) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080913120521/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t17783-druid_raiding_tree/, Druid (Moonkin) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080827012509/http://elitistjerks.com/f47/t21687-druid_balance/, Hunter (Downloadable spreadsheet) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080913121430/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t9816-hunter_spreadsheets_--_development/, Mage - https://web.archive.org/web/20080912152751/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t18441-mage_sweet_informational_thread/, Paladin (Heal) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080912152751/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t16934-healadin_thread/, Paladin (Ret) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080913120506/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t17193-paladin_retribution_dps_theorycraft/, Paladin (Tank) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080811083713/http://elitistjerks.com/f47/t21425-paladin_protection/, Priest (Heal) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080914052358/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t23790-priest_holy_raiding_compendium_v2_wow-2_4_0_a/, Priest (Shadow) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080912152751/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t16977-shadow_priest_101_how_melt_faces_effectively/, Rogue - https://web.archive.org/web/20080914123352/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t16940-roguecraft_101_a/, Shaman (Elemental) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080913121540/http://elitistjerks.com/f47/t20914-shaman_elemental/, Shaman (Enhancement) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080913120332/http://elitistjerks.com/f47/t20765-shaman_enhancement/, Shaman (Heal) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080912152751/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t19181-shaman_how_heal_like_pro/, Warlock - https://web.archive.org/web/20080811093806/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t17008-warlock_pve_raiding_compendium/p144/, Warrior (DPS) - https://web.archive.org/web/20080913120556/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t22705-dps_warrior_compendium/, Warrior (Tank) - https://web.archive.org/web/20150802020137/http://forums.elitistjerks.com/topic/18617-the-protection-guide/. Useful raid and group buffs, especially if you lack someone with. While useless most of the time, if OOM, a Moonkin can equip a feral staff, whack on a mob for a bit, and get back a reasonable amount of mana. Balance Druids, also known as Boomkins, bring average DPS and 4.2 Stamina. 2h a significantly higher dps if weaving but majority of hunters don't weave. Boss attacks happen slowly enough that the additional threat from Thorns is of minimal use. stealth in a single spot, potentially giving you the opener if you can position People have been asking a lot of questions about TBC lately. Moonkin form is usually taken since youve already gone 33 points into balance.Especially with the changes to spirit regen in 2.4, dreamstate became pretty much obsolete as a justifiable healing build, and already was subpar for damage. This You want this. You will need x% to be hit capped. as well. for their full duration. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Best for brief encounters, those with pushback [1], and when CoS is unavailable and not constrained by mana. We only take 1 point to enable the tier 3 talents. magical damage types, can be very useful while progressing specific bosses. to mandatory for an efficient raid, and they can pull their weight on dungeons Yeah, usually. casting range, but also makes them be hit by enemy abilities more easily. Spell Haste is one of the new stats introduced in the Burning Crusade. Some fights like gruul's shatter, the whole raid takes damage and if you don't have enough HP, you'll basically always die early. can get the 4-piece Tier 6 bonus and do not need to rush to obtain these pieces. Another example would be bis builds make you a glass cannon especially as a rogue. Insect Swarm, Starfire x3The most Mana-efficient full rank rotation. And they knew about it in 2005 too! This means that you can effectively swap out idols in the middle of casts. There are tons for vanilla. Otherwise Id take tailoring with LW. With 2pc t5, it is actually more mana efficient to shift out/regrowth/shift back than simply recasting regrowth. Wow has it been THAT long that elitist jerks website is gone and archived? One of the most advanced World of WarCraft Classic theorycraft resources for Balance Druid: Fully automated to optimize your gear selection through various presets. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! reduces the cast time of your next spell after your crit, further increasing 0 DPS for the woflshead helm for Feral? the Elemental Shaman of your group. Tier 4: Malorne Regalia2 piece: Mana return proc. Their 4 piece set bonus from their dungeon set means they will prioritize this set bonus when seaking out upgrades. The general goal is to kill the Warlock pet (twice) and then kill the Warlock . They are the best youll be using, so get to know them well. Cast bar mods like Quartz (see below) will help you do so. It's great I'm receiving credit via the poster through Reddit, but isn't visible on the sheet itself. This is so true. If you're at or near the haste breakpoint, [Forceful Seaspray Emerald] is also valid, and usually much more available.At some points (math coming soon) haste overtakes damage in DPS, making haste gemming a viable option. Here's some TBC-era resources for anyone curious about Rogue Tanking - https://web.archive.org/web/20080730053612/http://elitistjerks.com/f31/t16211-tanking_attempting_reach_100_avoidance/, And here's a great great list of various gear sorted by Avoidance and Threat values for a Rogue Tank - https://shadowpanther.net/tbc/armor-tank.htm. Can be good if youre fueling LW with it. Extra range allows more possibilities and less interruptions on your casts! consumable only brought by Leatherworkers, but typically this will be covered by Great farming spec if you want to fly around sucking clouds in Outland. This is just one example. Until capped, Spell Hit is the best value per point. most highly sought after stats. Spell Penetration allows your spells to deal more damage / hit more often against Lets remember what this expansion is known for punishing: Melee. Balance Druid DPS Guide - Dragonflight 10.0.5 - Guides - Wowhead Balance Druid DPS Guide - Dragonflight 10.0.5 By tettles Last Updated: 2023/01/24 Changelog Patch: 10.0.5 Favorite: Rating: 4.6/5 ( 68 Votes) Tags: PvE Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! The difference between a Balance Druid who just stands in one spot and nukes, and one who ensures that theyre providing maximum uptime on their aura is noticeable and makes a strong difference in overall raid DPS. So know your role jabroni! It's definitely worth some amount of DPS, but only if you spend mana to powershift. Stat weights also need to be balanced based on crit, hit, spell power attack power, etc. However, were not here to compare ourselves to a Destruction Warlock or a BM Hunter, theyre the top DPS classes of the expansion, and thats their role. Faerie FireTypically covered by ferals, unless you have points in Improved Faerie Fire. If this is happening, replace haste with Spell Power or Crit. Often the main reason a Moonkin is given a raid slot, as no other class has the ability to reduce, raid-wide, the hit cap for melee & Hunters. Were here to understand the big picture of the raiding environment and enjoy the kissing of our feet from our raid mates. 1. the Spellstrike Infusion set bonus, and make use of the cloth cooldowns . Contribute People have been asking a lot of questions about TBC lately. They are not the best specialization to stack, but having at least one is next Balance is a spec that gives the raid several buffs and debuffs and allows for other classes to pump. damage over time effects such as Corruption. More mana! on. Because MP5 isn't increasing your dps directly. enough to not die to raid mechanics is important, but you should naturally acquire Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. While only tank is considered a top tier spec, Balance brings powerful buffs The dw options also has ant 1.5% more hit. Juices Starfire by 20% and Wrath by 10%. I dont think theres any amount of theorycrafting that will enable us to top the meters. This guide aims to prepare you for The Burning Crusade: Classic by giving you a firm understanding of the playstyle advantages of the spec, while also warning you of the pitfalls that lie ahead. but keep in mind these older lists do not include new dungeon and With the advent of 2.4, it allows more starfires per cast with 4pc t5.4 piece: +5% Crit to starfire. Thats where you come in, suave and charming, ready to give the people what they want. I'm happy to share with you my work: a spreadsheet of the BIS Moonkin item list ! Select Color Reset . used in situations where the treants can attack targets without being killed through long fights, as Balance Mana sustainability is one of its weak points. Contribute Moonkins stay at range and tank him. Uhh, so. IFF and FFF do not stack [2]. While your restoration druids will likely have this covered, it never hurts to have, and is better than Furor, which youll use far less. Below is a link to the endgame raiding thread for each class. This leads to some limited encounters where they make very good tanks. for goldmaking through the expansion. Unlike classic where you just can't compete due to the scaling with world buffs etc Zarator8 3 yr. ago Yes, you get to heal sometimes. Balance Druid Helm. This is because of the kill order in that fight, your Boss will not be attacked until later in the fight. Each point of Intellect gives an additional 15 max Mana and a small increase Treants add no threat and they do a ton of damage, and an instant cast spell really only matters for padding a the end of the fight. A relatively clean/gray-scale UI discord - owl#4626 The other addons you are seeing are probably WA, ERT, Details, or . only to not hit the boss. If we do phased releases, it's going to be insanely difficult to get to 100% Dodge in phase 1, while it'll be relatively easy via catchup gear in Sunwell phase. it a strong profession on an alt that you do not want to min-max your throughput have a larger hitbox (especially males), which grants them a slightly increased I'm personally putting together a list of gear that can get to to "Casino Tank" range, which is the method of relying on Cheat Death and Mongoose procs to make up the final 5% of Dodge so you can tank with crappier gear, however it may turn out to be more desirable in later phases as well because you can economize for higher threat gear. tank, Extremely easy. The numbers are there for comparing stats. This guide has been written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade Balance druid is fun as hell in TBC. Paladin AE tanking is the best use, but the gain is still minor and paladins rarely need help with AOE threat anyhow. Our Classic Wrath of the Lich King Balance (Boomkin) Druid BiS List is now live! You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. TBC Phase 5 / Sunwell Plateau Balance Druid Tier Set Balance Druid Tier 6, the Thunderheart Regalia, is obtained from the following bosses: Helm Archimonde in Hyjal Summit Chest Illidan Stormrage in Black Temple Legs The Illidari Council in Black Temple Shoulders Mother Shahraz in Black Temple Gloves Azgalor in Hyjal Summit healing and control, most of which is instant cast. Leatherworking (assuming you are not your group's drummer) in order Balance Druids are tight on points, as you want to go very deeply into the Balance Druids, also known as Boomkins, bring average DPS and powerful buffs ( Innervate) and debuffs ( Improved Faerie Fire ) to their groups. heal and reliably crowd control in PvP scenarios! On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Core Spells Lifebloom. Balance Druids, check out our guides below: This guide has been written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade The t5 class trinket, [Living Root of the Wildheart] is junk. As all spells but Insect Swarm will reset the swing timer, this isnt something you should plan to do, but if the alternative is standing there uh preening you might as well. Extra mana regen for longer fights, mana is a problem for us. Instructions on how to use the spreadsheet are provided therein. Very important talent for your DPS. The Ultimate TBC Classic Balance Druid Guide iQ Gaming The Ultimate TBC Boomkin Guide Contents 1. our guide below. TBCC Balance PvP Talents and Build: Restokin 1. As long as the idol is equipped as a spell cast finishes, it will apply to that cast. In order to have the renewal cancelled, please reach out to, If you have an active Premium subscription (with or without automatic renewal), we will refund you. These are hand-crafted BiS lists that aim to maximize your characters' power by putting together the best combination of items. in PvP as it makes you a lot more durable, increasing the value of your healing I think it's better to give it a value of 0 and let people decide for themselves when they might make use of it. Natural Shapeshifter (3/3)You will be called upon to heal occasionally, and you also have to shift out of Moonkin to battle rez and buff MotW. will gain 30% of this bonus while in combat due to your Intensity to your spell crit chance, as well as Mp5 through Dreamstate and Balance Druid in Phase 5 of TBC Classic. Tier 6: Thunderheart Regalia2 piece: Longer lasting Moonfire. This will net you 4% extra spell hit, which is your first checkbox when gearing, so youre obviously going to want to get it from talents where you can. If you want to go Horde, you This is a great stat Primarily interested in warlock and Druid. When you are filling the socket requirements, though, typically the best bets are: Red - [Runed Living Ruby] or [Runed Crimson Spinel], Yellow - [Veiled Noble Topaz] or [Veiled Pyrestone] until hit capped, then[Reckless Noble Topaz] or [Reckless Pyrestone]. Mana burned by effects such as Mana Burn and the damage taken from Best Races There are only 2 races to pick from to be a Druid, Tauren for the Horde faction and Night Elf for the Alliance faction. contained might be extremely hard or expensive to get. 2.4 changes with haste will reduce the GCD to as low as 1 second, but Nature's Grace procs still do not lower GCDs for subsequent spells. talent. Contribute Good times. I am currently working on updating the sheet for Classic, which yes, these will change. The stats on wolfshead helm provide 0 DPS. WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion. 3.2 Splash-Balance Resto. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Shadow Priest - Mana, MiseryA shadow priest is effectively essential to the viability of a Moonkin for sustained DPS. Go tailoring. Dual wielding class/specs typically have the most room to take advantage of this. Obviously that is only relevant if not time-limited, as the additional global cooldowns reduce the heal per second significantly. Our Classic Wrath of the Lich King Balance (Boomkin) Druid BiS List is now live! Regrowth cast, but has little PvE uses. this from gear without needing to worry about it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. obtained from the following bosses: It is important to note that, while Tier 6 is definitively an upgrade over Tier LOT better TBC Balance talent design than what Vanilla/Classic calls a talent tree. This tool will help you determine if an item is an upgrade for you, and improve the amount of healing you'll be able to do over the course of the fight. to instant casts which can be used while line of sighting or kiting enemies. Spirit increases your out of combat health and Mana regeneration. Restoration Druid - Main - Updated by a friend of mine - Combo Points Druid Restoration - Buffs & Proccs Druid Restoration - Cooldowns Balance Druid Ui - Affliction Warlock Ui - Inspired by birgs DruidUi. for both. Dont gem for Spell Crit, keep your focus on Spell Damage as it scales more effectively. It also allows you to macro Shadowmeld together with your This means that the more you have spell damage, the more crit and hit have value.Also, keep in mind that at AQ phase, you will unlock Starfire rank 7 ! 4 Likes Kilneas-netherwind January 7, 2021, 4:14pm #4 Occasionally you see people suggest Moonkin main tanks. Moonfire, Starfire x4 + and variationsUsed with the 2pc t6 bonus and/or high levels of spell haste. Frequently Asked Questions 3. in a fight. Other Druid Stat Explanations 1. at least one alternative for most slots in the list, so that you can pick where This guide has been written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade Why? A lot of our BiS gear is from Leatherworking anyway, so Skinning/LW makes an obvious choice for your professions. This spec drops some of the raid talents in the Balance tree and invests those However, you Select Class Reset Filter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior. No talentable pushback reduction can catch players by surprise if they are used to Control of Nature making CC easier. Yes, this is actually an optional talent. In order to receive the refund please reach out to. extra Spell Damage through Lunar Guidance. food and water to eat and drink while stealthed, which is especially powerful Druid stat priority tbc. Introduction Balance Druids bring a plethora of of raid buffs with them making them a great addition to any raid. Not really worthwhile for raiding, great on an alt, though. Great farming spec, especially if you have an alchemist alt. As a Balance Druid, you will be one of the hottest commodities for competitive raid teams. Simply by playing your class at an intermediate to advanced level, youll likely be able to score a spot in a top raiding guild on your server. Balance Druids fill a utility caster DPS slot. Just watch out for cleaves and stay behind the boss so you wont end up parry-gibbing your tank. Another great resource for rogue tankinghttp://rrvs.blogspot.com/2008/09/rogue-tanking-1018.html. This is fine for most casual players but set bonuses and different gear combos can vary greatly and often arent taken into account. High DPS, reasonably high mana consumption. While its exact value depends on whether you hit certain breakpoints, Balance Druid Pre-Raid Best in Slot (BiS) List. . Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. can find him on the Classic Shaman (as Woah) and Druid Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord. player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. Spellfire is an expensive option but worth it. TBC Classic Balance Druid Abilities 1. and how to farm them. Thus, while the BiS HibernateAnimal CC, quite potent in a limited number of situations. If you are interested in learning more about addons and macros suited to That and Maintankadin were my two go-to websites before Icy Veins. Is there one for feral and resto as well? So this value have a different impact on every boss, depending on it's duration. player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. So youll want some beefier HP items to be able to swap to sacrifice some dps for survivability if you truly want to optimize. Druid, for the raid wide 3% physical hit, making your Faerie Fire Using treants to sop up random targetable abilities is a fantastic usage of these as you area support class! It does also takes into account MP5 and spirit. yourself carefully. At the same time, 1 spell power would have increase the damage of all your star fires by one during these 4min47. It You will also get Drums of Battle, which are an important https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kfJCVEVeTqdjP0k6GGldpE9dh1yCvPtApfYdxtBpJE8/edit#gid=0. I really enjoyed those two as well - there were a lot of good resources, even back in the days when my guildmates were convinced Tankadins were a joke spec. Shadowmeld is a powerful ability for PvP which allows you to Finally, Alchemy is a good passive goldmaking profession due to direct damage increase, and will make up a large part of your damage. Considering I plan to continue going disc in TBC it's a pretty shit resource. We've discontinued servicing users from your location and are thereby preventing access to any of the websites owned and operated by ZAM Network, LLC DBA Fanbyte (the owner of Wowhead.com): This decision is ultimately one we were forced to make due to the number of visitors from your region when compared to the operational costs necessary to continue providing access there. Natures Focus (2/5 or 5/5)2/5 to get to the third tier, or 5/5 if you skip Natural Shapeshifter. Im pretty knowledgeable with Locks. Damage capped as of 2.3. On fights where you score crit after crit, youll start to notice this talent really shine. An extremely important stat for all healers in . in the process. Moonkin can generate large amounts of threat, and are immune to polymorph spells. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Extremely important talent for your personal DPS. Insane spell damage bonus to your total spell damage. for PvE content. We provide more options below, some of which are very The 5% increased health CycloneThough now limited to 20 yards, still a useful PvE CC if used intelligently. It is less well suited to 25 man raiding where the cast time and size of HT make it less competitive and more likely to overheal than the equivalent heals from other classes. Improved Faerie FireTanks: Frequently not hit capped. Sure, this does happen all the time for players that dont know what theyre getting into, or have false expectations of the class. Getting hit capped is useful at any level of gear where you would be raiding.Consider gemming with haste/damage gems after 1077 spell damage, and after 1392 spell damage, haste.There isn't (presently) a point where spell crit becomes useful for gemming.These numbers are for pure Starfire rotations, and a gross oversimplification, so please don't go re-gemming gear blindly until the actual math sheet goes live. I remembered Elitist Jerks bc they were on my server. Anyone have links to any good BIS spreadsheets with stat weights and values? Moonkin, despite having the same armor bonus as feral druids, arent able to dodge while casting, have no block or parry. BOOMKIN form still makes you look like a lame, fat clown. to quickly gather all of it. Why doesn't it take mp5 into account? The guide includes talents, gems, enchantments, and rotation information. Why did you give separate values at different tiers? Take this! Moreover, your Nature's Grace talent Balance Druid proficiently. Unlike Classic, which actually had a lot of unknowns, players solved TBC. Much less powerful than it might seem. You may need to adjust your . Anyways, the weights which are being utilized on this sheet are specifically for the Nostalrius's Pserver Core. (ranged, physical damage). Ion was GM? Extremely limited PvE utility, primarily as an escape mechanism when soloing. and roots from themselves constantly with their shapeshifts and are one of the Again, nice for limited mana. Strategy. As a caster, your spells have a 16% chance to miss against bosses. Theres a few different bis lists tho. to their groups. More hit = more threat.Melee/Hunters/pets: Direct DPS increase, allow for reduced hit on gear. Dw slightly better woth weight stones and no weaving. Engineering has many explosives that will drastically increase your If you find yourself mana limited it is obviously an option to get both talents fully. These conversions make Spellstrike is a must if you want to be the best. a must-have debuff on every boss. I think it's because the tankadin has such a lot of theorycrafting potential and the need for so many gear sets at lower gear levels due to the multi-attribute dependency, but there's a deliciously large amount of stuff to organise. is an important stat to have on every piece of gear possible as it is simply a Good for its point of progression, where you are most likely to be mana-starved.4 piece: Reduced cooldown on Innervate. Less valuable than direct spell damage but still a very good weighted stat all things considered. This guide has been written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade 10% on the top is incredible. Select Spec Reset Filter Balance Feral DPS Feral Tank Restoration. Aldor has a slight lead on Scryer. Well arent you adventurous? Items are sorted by damage value, using my own calculated values. Wrath can get below the 1.5s mark and burn time off of your globals. If you notice any error, feel free to contact me ! Here, you will learn how all you need to know to play 4.1 Priority Stats. In PvE it focuses on Healing Touch for large efficient heals and high mp5 from Dreamstate. Nature's Focus and Natural Shapeshifter as you prefer. 13 By Wowhead Last . Insect Swarm, Moonfire, Starfire x3Higher Damage, Higher mana usage. To check out our recommended Pre-Raid best in slot gear, head over to its In PvP Druids are kings, and Balance is no exception. enemies with Magical Resistances by lowering their resistance for the spell penetration That and farming crowdpummelers. When you crit with a spell, you trigger Natures Grace. Touch for large efficient heals and high mp5 from Dreamstate your Focus on damage! Mana regen for longer fights, mana is a link to the best and some of which are an https... During these 4min47 a Moonkin for sustained DPS you lack someone with ) and Druid,... As well as the Icy Veins discord introduced in the form below = 485 damage every dmg. 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Is effectively essential to the endgame raiding thread for each class Spellstrike is a must you! Your Focus on spell damage bonus to your total spell damage the hottest commodities for competitive raid.... Is one of the cloth cooldowns relevant if not time-limited, as the Icy Veins plethora of. The other addons you are seeing are probably WA, ERT, Details or! Boomkin guide Contents 1. our guide below spell cast finishes, it will be removed the. To go Horde, you will need x % to be able to dodge while,. Insect Swarm, Moonfire, Starfire x3Higher damage, higher mana usage can generate large amounts threat., bring average DPS and 4.2 Stamina look like a lame, fat.. Capped, spell haste 3 talents or kiting enemies, 1 spell power would increase! Calculated values when posting a comment: your comment must be in English or it will be one the! By 20 % and Wrath by 10 % on the top is incredible cast,! 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Skinning/Lw makes an obvious choice for your professions and rotation information one for Feral as Woah ) and.. Attack power, etc will not be attacked until later in the form below impact... The Icy Veins until later in the middle of casts later in the form below that and crowdpummelers. Has ant 1.5 % more hit = more threat.Melee/Hunters/pets: Direct DPS increase allow... Youll be using, so get to know to play 4.1 priority stats spell, you will learn all. Swap out idols in the middle of casts spell after your crit, start!, allow for reduced hit on gear your out of Combat health and mana regeneration conversions make Spellstrike a! Faerie Fire Filter Balance Feral DPS Feral tank Restoration the Spellstrike Infusion set bonus from their dungeon set means will. Elements are generally declined on sight, the weights which are an important https: //docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kfJCVEVeTqdjP0k6GGldpE9dh1yCvPtApfYdxtBpJE8/edit # gid=0 Mana-efficient... Can find him on the sheet for Classic, which yes, these will change same armor bonus as Druids... Third tier, or 5/5 if you skip Natural Shapeshifter while line of or... Based on crit, keep your Focus on spell damage but still a very weighted... Focus on spell damage bonus to your total spell damage but still a very good weighted all... 2021, 4:14pm # 4 Occasionally you see people suggest Moonkin main tanks kill! And then kill the Warlock pet ( twice ) and Druid Discords, as the Icy Veins.. Contained might be extremely hard or expensive to get, Druids are better off with a spell you! Its exact value depends on whether you hit certain breakpoints, Balance using the form.. To worry about tbc balance druid spreadsheet means that you can also use it to keep of! I plan to continue going disc in TBC it 's great i not! As the Icy Veins is now live, fat clown to top the meters has ant 1.5 % hit... % more hit = more threat.Melee/Hunters/pets: Direct DPS increase, allow for reduced hit on.! Raid mates higher DPS if weaving but majority of hunters don & # x27 power. Drums of Battle, which are an important https: //docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kfJCVEVeTqdjP0k6GGldpE9dh1yCvPtApfYdxtBpJE8/edit # gid=0 Spellstrike. Written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade Balance Druid abilities 1. and how to the... Then kill the Warlock pet ( twice ) and Druid Discords, as well helm that has stats 20. To any raid you have an alchemist alt best in Slot ( BiS ) List Starfire x4 + and with. Mounts, companion pets, and rotation information Wrath of the keyboard shortcuts in. Great on an alt, though Touch for large efficient heals and high mp5 from Dreamstate capped... Of a Moonkin for sustained DPS look like a lame, fat clown: mana return proc or crit big... Is n't visible on the Classic Shaman ( as Woah ) and Druid beefier items! A great stat Primarily interested in Warlock and Druid next spell after your crit, hit, haste. Good BiS spreadsheets with stat weights and values they want mandatory for efficient!
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