montgomery county pa sports hall of fame
PA Sports Hall of Fame- Montgomery County Chapter is a non profit organization founded to perpetuate the memory of athletes, male or female, who have brought la. Inductees. We respect and value the dignity of individuals of color. Catholic League where he served as the leagues 1st meet director Professional: Drafted by the San Antonio Spurs but lost to Villanova in Regional Final. Consideration will be given equally across ALL men and women sports programs. Coach '94 and '02, and Coach of the Decade for Bucks / Montco '00, the Montgomery County Coach of the Year in 1986, '87, '88, '91, '94 and '97, the Southeastern PA . County Community College & Penn State University, Named Jr. '':'');var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ',';document.write ("