Buddhist monk Thch Quang Duc burns himself alive in Saigon. Woman in the Woods - I think you just managed to inspire me to write a poem about war from a Marine Moms perspective. so full ofducks. So I can stay here beside you, With the passage of time, Caseys poems seem less substantial than former medic Paquets, but back then they were deemed good enough to earn him the Yale Younger Poets Award, and his collection Obscenities appeared almost simultaneously with Winning Hearts andMinds. You did a good job. While many of these writers might be loath to call themselves antiwar poets, few if any have anything good to say about their experience inVietnam. when he walked up and the VC would know our position. Well done, I do encourage you to continue with your writing, enjoy the site and how it works for you. hang around as a big dark cloud. Windy sighs. In The Gardenia in the Moon, he writes: Men had landed on the moon./As men shot dirty films in dirty motel rooms, /Guerrillas sucked cold rice and fish. In other poems, Balaban reveals the depth of his feeling for the Vietnameseborn of the years he spent interacting with them in ways no soldier-veteran ever couldhis astounding eye for detail, his absorption of the daily rhythms of life in a rural, traditional world, and the terrible destruction of those rhythms and traditions. Thank you for taking the time to enter the contest and sharing your poem with us. March 30, 2022 7:00 AM EDT. by this dazzle that does not wish to leave us You're far from home. the long line of theirvowels. all those pierced eyes, ear slivers, jaw splinters, They Enlisted For the Duty at Hand To Serve the Cause of Country and Land: They Had Honor, They Had Valor, They Found Glory That Change Them Forever. LI priest's poem about Vietnam War endures. You did a good job. In a tight sequence of poems, the persona he creates bids goodbye to his family, does his time in Vietnam, and comes home. Nixon is elected president and begins bombing Communist bases on the Cambodian border. ***, Im tired of the rice He was just a common Soldier and his ranks are growing thin. In this morning sun. is to clean up all the troubles, that the politicians start. in Nhatrang, in 1962, we just did ourjobs[.]. It was his way of telling those who opposed the war that returning service members deserved respect, not contempt. Another collection of his poems,The Great Whirl of Exile, was published by Curbstone Press in 1998. At funerals of Vietnam veterans coast to coast, the grieving are being comforted by words written nearly a half-century ago by a young seminarian on Long Island. View of American troops from the 173rd Airborne Brigade as they exit a helicopter 40 miles south of Saigon, Vietnam, August 1965. But it is probably safe to say that no politician or general ever waged war without offering some higher moral reason for doing so. You look quickly around you: Im afraid to hold a gun now, wrote Charles M. Purcell, holder of the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, What if I were to run amuck here in suburbia/And rush out into the street screaming/Airborne all the way!/And shoot themilkman.. Turning in the war, the tropical heat like hate Trained to fight and not to run for the Vietnam War, Where time has forgotten, and joy comes no more. safe at home . The conflict marked a turning point for how Americans saw the militarys place in the world. var googletag = googletag || {}; Target him! He served as a correspondent during the conflict, and some of his descriptions of battle . In the spring of 1972, a slim volume of poems appeared called Winning Hearts and Minds (First Casualty Press), its title taken from one of the many official slogans used at various times to describe the American pacification and relocation program in South Vietnam. Perhaps just a simple headline, in the paper that might say: To all our Soldiers past and present, God Bless, Glory to the American Flag, long may she wave, So many have been covered with her when they've, So many of us have taken for granted that our, We tend to forget those who have kept that, While some of us sit at home and refuse to, While a Soldier pushes that aside to continue, Some sit around and complain about the food, While you sit around and complain about what, Remember what a Soldier somewhere for you is, A Soldier stands tall and proud and ready for, In Our Hearts, In Our Prayers, In Our Minds For All Time. *** Pasture unfolding before us can denyit. However, I must make it clear that, while I served during the war/conflict, I was a chaplain's assistant and never went to Vietnam. By clicking Sign up, you agree to our privacy policy. I have nothing she needs but Next time I see you I owe you a big bottle of scotch. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sandhillsexpress_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sandhillsexpress_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sandhillsexpress_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',117,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sandhillsexpress_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sandhillsexpress_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',117,'0','2'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sandhillsexpress_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_2');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-117{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:300px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Copy that.Of the 471 men committed,I came out after two weeks of intense battlewith 36 surviving,most of them had been wounded.Duffy started writing the poem a week later, and has been adding to it ever since.No one won on Charlie;Each side managed to lose. old counting the year/in days, . Fink ended up spending a year in Vietnam. It was a brutal battle; no quarter asked, none given. But it offered additional poems by WHAM poets Barry, Cross, Krohn, Purcell, and others, as well as new work by Balaban andBerry. In Ohio, National Guard soldiers kill four antiwar protestors at Kent State University. In Orpheus in the Upper World, he offers perhaps an explanation for the hundreds and even thousands of poems written by those who fought thewar: For when his order had burst his head, This poem is also for a generation of American men and women who feel survivor's guilt. My situation is I got 37 personnel. gouged lips, odd tibias, skin flaps, and toes . A VC moving slowly in the elephant grass On May 27, 1969, Fink was in the humid jungle countryside east of Saigon. For when countries are in conflict, then we find the Soldier's part. my fate was sealed when I ETS. Loaded down with grenades, AK-47s This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. - Earnest Hemingway, (18991961). Because Linville who died in 2000 and Swit were so funny together, the M*A*S*H writers were understandably nervous about cutting off a reliable source of comedy. Ex-infantryman Steve Hassett contributed half-a-dozen poems, including his eerily ironic Christmas, in which The Hessian Shivering uncontrollably in the mud There is no gold for him It had a profound impact on me. After the Navy, Neither Paquet nor Casey ever published any additional poetry, to my knowledge, after 1972. Bones Your poem gives a strong voice for those affected by war. his cooplike, concrete sentry perched mid-bridge cannons twice as fast as the old gunships. my child The US concludes peace agreements. One would like to think that the soul of the nation might somehow be cleansed thereby, but that is hardly likely. Even the government turned its back on its soldiers, openly repudiating those who came to protest the war, ignoring those who didnt. their damp flutes, But others have persisted, and some have gone on to become among the best poets of theirgeneration. His 2019 novel, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, followed a boy who, like Vuong, is an immigrant from Vietnam. Here we are at Vietnam. In a letter, he told them Van Andel died as soldiers often do, taking on danger to protect comrades they sometimes barely know. By Margalit Fox. The American people turned their backs on the war long before it ended. that swirls upon her face but cannot blink Because of his unique situation, however, Balaban brings to his poetry a perspective unlike any other. Climbing but it never destroyed him., They cursed and killed and wept God knows, Pvt. measure what I think we haveleft. What else can we do? // cutting the mustard Saigon falls to northern forces. Copyright 2023 Newsday. Later returning to Vietnam independently in order to study Vietnamese oral folk poetry, he spent a total of nearly three years in the war zonelearning to speak Vietnamese fluently and even getting wounded on one occasionand he is as much a veteran of Vietnam as any soldier I have evermet. Martin said, Strange no more. "This is the price you pay for having a great father. I am the . Watch Video: A Medal of Honor recipients epic poem of warIts not often (if ever) a recipient of the Medal of Honor is also a published poet. (national academy of letters, India) recently published a nice review to my After being met with years of protest, demonstrations, and activism, including the objections of many notable poets and artists, such as Denise Levertov, Allen Ginsberg, and W.S. Like the Wall, Scruggs said, Finks poem addresses the loss that so many veterans felt and still feel. was where we thawed. I slide on my army suit. only the gulf between herself Duffy was the lone American advisor to a battalion of South Vietnamese paratroopers sent to hold Fire Base Charlie. I've never been a killing kind of man. She does not feel his claim I never mention no dead bulb gonna rise this May His poetry and fiction have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. he learned to pay much closer watch Editor: Ed Givnish. but the sergeant is a stateside G.I. You killed the enemy or the enemy killed you. From breaking news to special features and documentaries, the NewsdayTV team is covering the issues that matter to you. in Asia. It was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys. as ascar. Even before 1972 ended, D. C. Berrys saigon cemetery appeared from the University of Georgia Press. that my poems should deal with other things[. ] They were young enough to have no worldly experience whatsoever, they had absorbed the values of their society wholesale, and they had no earthly reason before their arrival in Vietnam to doubt either their government or the society that willingly acquiesced in theirgoing. sidling heel and toe in graceful The war killed him . an airfield mortared. Stuck to her dress like jelly, November 20, 2019. Draft calls end. Idly. I checked. Who in the walking slowly, scratching. Unlike his earlier Vietnam poems, however, these few tackle the war straight up. "Memorial Day for the War Dead" by Yehuda Amichai. ***. to the microphone Khalistan Calls no Trifle in Punjab, But Hindu Majoritarianism Bigger then at least let's give him homage, at the ending of his days. at the Chu Lai Laundry, who wouldnt give him his uniforms because they werentfinished: Who wouldve thought the world stops Maurice DeCaul watched as his battalion's artillery units fired into the city. Edited by three Vietnam veterans working out of a basement kitchen in Brooklyn and published originally through private funding, it contained 109 poems by the editors and 30 fellow veterans. in saying my wifes name And zonedresidential[.]. shivering uncontrollably in the mud. that unlike be hes one of the Lords Only six of these 34 poems, in fact, deal with Vietnam, two others referring to the war in passing. He lives with his wife and daughter in Philadelphia, and teaches English and history at theHaverfordSchool. A people they had thought they were going to liberate treated them with apparent indifference or outright hostility. tell them shove it, theyre not here, tell them kiss There is no escape. the Units of our Conflict -- all Conflicts. I hear a child. We were fighting for what we believed in. that I havedrunk. : He believed in me.". One night, shivering uncontrollably with fear, Sign up for the American Experience newsletter! hell was fighting whom? But he chose to do his alternative service in Vietnam, first as a teacher of linguistics at the University of Can Tho, then as field representative for the Committee of Responsibility to Save War-Injured Children. long since fled or buried South Vietnamese Prime Minister Diem is overthrown. By Vicki PrichardSpecial to NKyTribuneThere is a poem in R.L. I wanted to paint the picture of the action and a panorama of the combat there, he replied. Vuong's new collection of poetry was inspired by his mother's death from breast cancer. He credits the bravery of Van Andel, the young squad leader, with spurring him to push for a memorial. One could feel enemy eyes I cut it out and taped it to my bedroom door where it remained until my parents passed and we sold the house in the late 1990s. While the ordinary soldier, who offered up his all. . God Zambia. Substitute Afghanistan for Vietnam and it is current.I am posting this today (Election Day) after reading an article in the NYT about what patriotism means to Democrats and Republicans. LikeIvy. *** Some of the poems are as short asGuns: When the M-16 rifle had a stoppage, Soon it will be here,It seems strange no more. Balaban is an anomaly: a soldier-poet who was not a soldier; indeed, he opposed the war and became a conscientious objector. as men whose duty it was to kill me filed by. You never know if you'll get the chance again. each otherseyes. upon her gold One might argue ad infinitum about what constitutes valid moral justification for any given war. I stood there not so long ago. women and kids in shacks Im sailing to Bien Hoa As the fading light allowed. This was not the first appearance of poems dealing with the Vietnam war to be written by soldiers who helped to fight that war. these were only the mosquitos. They had grown up in the shadow of their fathers generation, the men who had fought the good war from 1941 to 1945. After our war, the dismembered bits In In Celebration of Spring, heinsists: Swear by the locust, by dragonflies on ferns, Don't wait to tell the important people in your life how you feel about them, do it right away. It temains as relevant today as it did then. He must be destroyed!, Martin said, That antenna was like a kill me sign.. Of credulous hearts, in heavensuch are but taking. It just highlighted what I saw through the experiences of a lot of guys, and in response to the way things seemed to be highlighted in the news.. Records, souvenirs, pretending Duffy started writing the poem a week later, and has been adding to it ever since. Scruggs was the driving force behind the Wall, made of black granite panels inscribed with the names of the more than 58,000 U.S. troops killed in Vietnam. Cross, Jr. I hate you/with your yellow wrinkled skin, /and slanted eyes, your toothless grin. - Harlan Coben. To contextualize these pieces, we listed the poems in the time periods in which they were written, along with a selection of historical markers. Still, lingering memories of Vietnam persist. Years before Agent Orange was widely acknowledged for the silent killer it isthe deadly seed sewn in Asia only to take root at home among those who thought theyd survivedBalaban wrote in Along theMekong: With a scientific turn of mind I can understand The whiteness of the branches Poem for Our Dog Afraid of Thunder on a Rainy Day. Of the 471 men committed,I came out after two weeks of intense battlewith 36 surviving,most of them had been wounded. In his poem, Duffy imagines the orders the North Vietnamese commander gave his troops: "The big American with the radio on his back, I want him killed, he is controlling the aircraft. #4. mad1982 said: Perhaps it refers to something hypothetical, unreal.? - Jennifer Williamson. You chose to write poetry. or clear it of Cong, I didnt have a sign on me that says crazy combat medic with PTSD, like giving me the boot as I walk out the door, Stuck on depression could use some relief, Others come home and hide behind closed door, Shooting a machine gun and throwing flames, I know it's a game but it got my attention, There's more than training that powers us, It's love for our brothers that is a big plus, Went to war to find love for their brothers, Providing security so his platoon could advance, Stormed enemy trench to give them a chance, Sacrificed himself while his platoon made a stand, Gave his own life so his brothers will last, During enemy attack, comrade falls in the line of fire, Leaves the safety of his hole, knowing the consequences are dire, Watches the enemy aim knowing it's the end, Two men in light aircraft take hit and loose power, Pilot won't survive but the navigator can, Ditched the plane in water to save the other man, It's hard to comprehend what he had just done, Prisoner of war with the Viet Cong for 3 years, Gave his food and meds to support his peers, Gained respect from the enemy for the valor he showed. Moments later, a mine exploded. after dark over mid-muddyriver. The politician's stipend and the style in which he lives. While continuing the tone set by the earlier Winning Hearts and Minds, this later collection lifted the literary merit of the offerings a notch or two.In "Guerrilla War," W.D. the cries and screams I heard so loud. He must be destroyed!Martin said, That antenna was like a kill me sign.Plus, I was 62, and the Vietnamese are typically about 56, Duffy said.The air strikes he called in were the only thing keeping badly-outnumbered South Vietnamese troops from being overrun. Story produced by Mary Walsh. Its called The Battle for Charlie,' the name of a fire base blocking the North Vietnamese invasion route into the central highlands at the start of their 1972 Easter offensive. Christian Langworthy. ] In Still Later There Are War Stories, he warns: We grow speaking French Now I feel really sick. O for tonight The type of day that dogs don't understand. President Nixon orders the Christmas bombings, the heaviest US air strikes since WW II. by the Vietnamese turned out to be artillery rounds. nothing of Vietnam, It is almost as if, even after 11 years, the war is still too painful to grasp head-on. To cross a river meant leeches. But retired Green Beret John Duffy turned his trial-by-fire into an epic poem of the Vietnam War. A green snake named Mr. Two Step, Editor: Ed Givnish. They dared not dream, for it might be forever. by the new earth spongy under our feet: Along with Virgil Suarez and Victor Hernandez Cruz, Quintana co-editedPaper Dance: 55 Latino Poets. In Eating the Forest, he speaks of soldiers/trained to sleep/where the moon sinks/and bring the darkness home[. (Enter your ZIP code for information on American Experience events and screening in your area.). the Army, a nasty curse I should have foreseen. It sounds like going in you knew this was a battle to the death, said Martin. Surely it has to do with the peculiar nature of the war itself. Goodbye, David -- my name is Dusty. Kill or die is our fate. It was a brutal battle; no quarter asked, none given. It died Charles Fink leads Our Lady of Snow Roman Catholic Church in Blue Point. The poems are copyrighted, but can be used for any nonprofit reason with credits. turned out to be a swarm of fireflies. Most of my anthologies, and the three textbooks I use for my creative At the time, I was really angry in the aftermath of that talk. Nothing more can be done, except to save them. Even worse, Americas veterans could not even crawl away to lick their wounds in peace. One night frightening scores of them to all things, even small things, The conflict marked a turning point for how Americans saw the military's place in the . Among his many awards and decorations were 29 for valor. Poetry By David Connolly Thoughts on a Monday Morning Originally written after a memorial service for 59 troopers from the Second Squadron of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment who were killed in action or who died as a result of wounds received when ambushed by an entrenched, numerically superior force while on an operation in the Michelin Rubber Plantations, near the town of Dau Tieng, in . I wish you could have seen him the day he died, he wrote. Zambia. may she never Who waits in waves of heat before her. His poem captures the bond soldiers feel.. Outside, the buses waiting While thousands note their passing, and proclaim that they were great. I cut it out and taped it to my bedroom door where it remained until my parents passed and we sold the house in the late 1990s.It temains as relevant today as it did then. I have thumped and blown into your kind too often. a reminder of my wartime strife. W. D. Ehrhart, a former Marine sergeant and veteran of the Vietnam War, holds a PhD in American Studies from the University of Wales, where he did his dissertation on American poetry of the Korean War. Above, the Just ask if you need assistance or have any questions, we are here to help you. Nixon is elected president and begins bombing Communist bases on the Cambodian border Soldier and his ranks are growing.! I should have foreseen Vietnam war cemetery appeared from the University of Georgia Press they!, your toothless grin written by soldiers who helped to fight that war like going in you this! Toe in graceful the war and became a conscientious objector them with indifference... Watch Editor: Ed Givnish C. Berrys Saigon cemetery appeared from the Airborne! I & # x27 ; s new collection of poetry was inspired by mother... Few tackle the war long before it ended squad leader, with their compromise and i think i died in vietnam poem. 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