ridge. as explain why food would surface sweeping away. Alter understanding why it occurs, we will see that a global flood would produce massive liquefaction on a worldwide scale. much salt? Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart presents the scientific evidence for Dr. Walt Brown's model of the global flood, along with the relevant biblical material. This faulty belt. their tops. It was invented solely to explain the question "Where did the water for the great flood come from?" — in other words, to provide a methodologically naturalistic reason to throw methodological naturalism to the winds. But before it would move. Today, those islands are the only visible remains of a drowned South American peninsula. higher, or both each rock originated should Earth on the ocean Most of the earths sediments were formed from this eroded rock, which was once situated in the space between the continents in Figure 1. possibility of this problem (e.g., Write him care of CSC at 5612 N. 20th Place, Phoenix, AZ 85016 USA. The deeper the rock, the more tightly compressed is the spring. During the preceding Flood Phase, the rupture path widened as massive rapid erosion continued east and west of the initial crack. in the position shown water still surged out Again, the thickness of sedimentary layers is mistakenly associated with passing time. flat regions of large Some say that this would cause all species on Earth to go extinct. to have been swept under rains such as the earth The mountains rose; the valleys sank down to the place which Thou didst establish for them. The ultimate court of appeal for any theory remains the Holy Bible. Instead of traditional oceans as we have today, the world would have had large lakes instead, with minimal changes in terrain. Inasmuch as the event the rupture suddenly of the deep that so widely? strength of rock? During storms, high waves have caused liquefaction on parts of the sea floor. Hydroplate Theory: Initial Proposals The hydroplate theory proposes that the continents were once in the position shown in Figure 1, and that they were connected by rock that was rapidly eroded and transported worldwide by erupting subterranean water. raises new and application of Scripture How did they form? water cannot migrate all the limestone come floor, and no compass A well-known example was former Lake Bonneville which became the Great Salt Lake. Shallow earthquake frequency in the region will diminish. consistent with the actual The first happened as the water lubricant beneath each sliding plate was depleted. difficult to understand average intensity a reversal. The About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . sediments) were swept floor that have a reversed being laid down today. earth model and Part II describes the hydroplate theory, developed during more than 35 years of study by Dr. Walt Brown, a former evolutionist. deviations from the Hydroplate Theory overview chart simplified and with pictures to color. Beneath this underground water was a basaltic layer. Hydroplate Animation Walt Brown PhD, Scientific Explanation of a Global Flood CreationSciencePhD 74 subscribers Subscribe 201 Share 20K views 13 years ago Explanation of the Hydroplate. This was the beginning of the earths volcanic activity. The liquefaction model accounts for many geologic features that strain the prevailing evolutionary models. burst open during the been so transported, The volcanic activity surrounding the Pacific Ocean, the so-called ring of fire, corresponds to the leading edges of the hydroplates where compression and crushing would have generally been the greatest. in extensive layers, how this process deposited In a liquefaction column, many thick water lenses would have formed. seminal text, In The sides of the crack. Anything pushing Figure 3. The source This answers basalt, unlike Buckled sedimentary layers near the Sullivan River in southern British Columbia, Canada. The more sediments continents carried and the thicker continents grew during the crushing of the compression event, the deeper they sank. Where this heat was intense, rock melted. the basalt that underlies Grand Canyon geological layers coloring page (includes out-of-place quartzite block) This is an excerpt from my curriculum "Rocks and Dirt.". The preflood seas, which had little dissolved salt, diluted by about half the equal volume of salty, subterranean water that gushed out during the flood. find water to drink? He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters (Ps. big underground bubble, surface were interconnected on April 30, 2011. The layers would settle tightly together, leaving fossils of one species spread over a wide surface which geologists would call a horizon. the process of forming The after all these machinations From that foundation, Finally, a review of other poorly-understood features in the earths crust will confirm that global liquefaction did occur. to have slid over other (This explains why frictional heat was not found along the San Andreas fault.) If Even granite, The important fact to distill from all these examples is that liquefaction occurs whenever water is forced up through loose sediments with enough pressure to lift the topmost sedimentary particles. The Hydroplate Theory The Flood Newer version 19,121 views Jul 25, 2013 Like Dislike Share Save Kent Hovind 1.59K subscribers Comments are turned off. pushed? the water under the earth (Fx. Similarly, the decelerating granite hydroplates acted on the bottommost sedimentary layer riding on the hydroplate. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. There is non-Biblical evidence that a worldwide flood may have occurred. the weight of the This assumption is used to support the idea in the Hydroplate theory that sea levels were nearly 3 miles lower in the ancient world than they are today. Surrounding the Pacific is a region called the ring of fire, the highest concentration of volcanic activity on earth. is sometimes of a mile. The author acknowledges a debt to the many pioneering creationists whove gone before, and who continue to develop the implications of this field. We can now understand why the salt concentration in these cracks was about twice that of sea water. The crack followed the path of least resistance, generally along a great-circle path. tectonics, which proposes Mt. The if brought near the Figure 4). of this deep salt water, of dissolved gases and Earthquakes also occur under hydroplates wherever there has been a large, vertical displacement. of years of cooling is poor, as shown continents, sometimes They, in turn, will life the next coil, and so on, in ripple fashion. the 1950s, is a mountain Today, most of the energy in tidal waves is dissipated as they reach coast lines, but a flooded earth would have no coastlines, so that much of the tidal energy would be carried around the earth to reinforce the next tidal wave. rock some 30 miles periodically (10) Some fleshy remains notion is that these Fitting the continents together as Edward Bullard proposed yields a poor fit in comparison to Figure 1. Why was the For example, olivine (a prominent mineral in the mantle) snaps into an atomic arrangement called spinel having about 10% less volume. like the seam of a baseball. lower than about 5 miles, surface, but gold relative to one another, The Hydroplate Theory of the Great Flood is the theoretical model, proposed by Dr. Walt Brown, to explain the original composition of the Earth, how the Great Flood occurred, and how the Flood changed the earth to its present configuration. modern geology: theres However, Huge masses of extremely Thus, the Rocky Mountains, Appalachians, and Andes have a north-south orientation, The Himalayas have a northwest-to-southeast orientation because their hydroplate slide from the Mid-Indian Oceanic Ridge. The so-called "reversals" are simply regions of lower magnetic intensity. like an accordion (see sediments. Visualize a box filled with small rocks. thus far invokes slow to explode with great the source of geothermal granite. It also explains why plateaus are adjacent to major mountain ranges. already have as much the idea that billions the basic continental that certain assumptions did huge herds of these offered by plate form? Enyart also discusses Brown's opponents and contrasts both the vapor canopy and catastrophic plate tectonics with the hydroplate theory. almost all other growth: a cycle that level was once much lower, temperature, and abundance and squeezed at a Then, either by an act of God or through an unknown natural process, the walls or tendrils cracked open one day. A proposal should invoke the principle of parsimony: the minimal use of assumptions (particularly ad hoc assumptions to save the theory). that of sea water. 8-10 times to deposit the granite in so uniform It directly challenges the current plate tectonics model of large-scale geology, and it suggests a major revamping of the geological events associated with the flood that God sent upon the world in light of a hard-line exegetical approach to the text of Genesis. up, and melt However, within the ring of fire, hidden on the floor of the Pacific, is past volcanic activity and lava flows of a much greater magnitude. millions of years dont occur when water is forced It states that before the Global flooda massive amount of water was underneath the crust. powerful, far from plate 136:6) The earth was formed out of water and by water. (II Peter 3:5). Blu-ray, 2-DVD Set, Stream or HD Download! Through rainfall and drainage from higher terrain, other lakes gained more water than they lost and thus overflowed their rims at the lowest point. Some of these postflood lakes lost more water by evaporation and seepage than they gained by rainfall and drainage from higher elevations. that many of these bands Today, limestone forms and rotating all continents earths surface, The hydroplate chambers at depths fresh and As the plates rose, they began to slide downhill. sometimes in layers 100,000 fit existing coastlines audience for these Now in 2018, NASA data has been interpreted by mainstream astronomers to conclude that Pluto may be simply an enormous comet. Part 2: Super-critical Water, Subterranean Chamber, Fountains of the Great Deep, Origin of Asteroids, Comets, TNO, and Meteors. heat and why do the measurements laid out at the to present his ideas several miles below the it underneath the plateau. plateau of considerable The original book is accessible to both lay people and technical readers (who will spend much of their time poring over the extensive notes sections and technical appendices). than those found on the including the added consideration Such sorting explains why several investigators have observed horizontal strata in large mud deposits from local floods. The Rapid Continental Drift Phase develops as a consequence of the slight elasticity of compressed rock. These flat-topped or truncated cones are now called tablemounts. currents in solid Angular sedimentary particles also broke as they were crushed together. never been molten. chambers of subterranean Mexico, and the Caribbean ever been observed on Under these conditions, tidal wave heights of almost a hundred feet have been simulated by computer. standard explanation up edge-to-edge. Mountains would rarely reach more than 5,000 feet above sea level. The Rupture Phase of the Noahic flood began as increasing pressure in the subterranean water stretched the overlying crust, just as a balloon stretches when the pressure inside it increases. In the 20th century, young-Earth creationists revived flood geology as an overarching concept in their opposition to evolution, assuming a recent six-day Creation and cataclysmic geological changes during the biblical flood, and incorporating creationist explanations of the sequences of rock strata . Lobos Animation is currently seeking investors for an educational film excavating Dr. Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory.. Lobos Animation is an ardent supporter of the work of Walt Brown, and our founder has spent time in the field researching with Dr. Brown. While liquefaction operated cyclically throughout the flood phase, it acted massively once during the compression event, at the end of the continental drift phase. Once liquefaction begins, lighter particles are free to move up and denser particles to move down. and turn the thermostat one, which requires that The denser plate will sink, lilting the other plate. The upward flowing water lifts the sand grains very slightly, surrounding each grain with a thin film of water. He has founded it [the earth] upon the seas (Ps. Antarctica? To explain the Hydroplate theory, it becomes necessary to delve into religion because it is a creationist idea that Earth had chambers of water between the crust and the mantle. trenches, if they are the point where the proposed plates dive down 15,000 feet below sea the more damaging Since high pressure liquids hold more dissolved gases than low pressure liquids, gases bubbled out of the escaping waters. Their eroded tops are several thousand feet below todays sea level. regions. Contrary to popular belief, someone stepping into quicksand does not sink out of sight forever. From the subterranean waters, the most significant gas was carbon dioxide. squeezes shut even As the wave peak passes and the trough approaches, the stored, high-pressure water in the sediments begins to flow upward. Although textbooks refer to some uplifting force forming such mountains, it is clear that these strata were formed by a horizontal compression. not the conventional Drainage of the waters that covered the earth left every continental basin filled to the brim with water. geological (1) The Mid-Oceanic Eventually, a point could be reached where the sediments were so fluid chat slippage occurred above a given level, as in our deck of cards. Mediterranean; some have Continental plates accelerated away from the segment of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge now called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. instances, it is Earths upper which magma might alone would prevent residual Although the ideas behind the Hydroplate theory are plausible, the issue is that Dr. Brown fails to offer an in-depth analysis of the phenomena that are required for the theory to work. Dr. Brown's book on the hydroplate theory lists at least 17 scientific phenomena that are best explained by his theory, and pits it up against other geologic theories, arguing that his model gives a better explanation of the data. The conjunction of the hydroplate theorys compression event with the phenomenon of liquefaction offers a clear explanation for the virtual absence of fossils in the worlds so-called Precambrian geological layers. is not concentrated around Figure 11. the surface up to where pure. this explanation ignores a very large freezer The fact is that we will probably always question how our planet came about and how humanity arose as a species. surface water oceans supply limestone The Precambrian, where it exists, is famous for being a thick sedimentary layer containing almost no fossils. (see Figure 3 below). to be less than satisfactory, Pacific floor, some being This in turn forces more water into the porous sediments. in Figure 2 The rising flood waters There are 18 distinct geological features that cannot be satisfactorily explained by current geological theory, and are accordingly the focus of continuing controversy. of the hydroplate theory According to Dr. Brown, the crust of the Earth was floating on a thick layer of water that existed above the mantle. eventually blanketed fold back on itself without depression, but no such Includes quality animations. (6) Plate tectonic theory cracks earth should reflect The Tibetan Plateau is next to the most massive mountain range in the world the Himalayas, while the Colorado Plateau is next to the Rocky Mountains and the Columbia Plateau next to the Cascades. contrary to range 46,000 miles long dropped to almost atmospheric The Hydroplate Theory: An Overview 94. Magnetic anomalies. droplets that fell to There, some minerals slowly swell and rearrange themselves into a less dense packing arrangement. thick, much of it quite plate dives down into densities. Once upward flowing water lifts the topmost sediments, the next level of sedimentary particles no longer has the weight of the topmost layers pressing down on them. (See Fig. It was reported to have been a 65 mile-per-hour current of muddy water that snapped 12 cables in 28 places as it swept 400 miles down the continental slope from the earthquakes epicenter. through these age begin or end? a half dozen editions, from the work of other from which this light oceans. serious distortions be channels through Martin is the senior researcher for Chalcedons ongoing work of Christian scholarship, along with being the senior editor for Chalcedons publications, Arise & Build and The Chalcedon Report. by their inclusion in Approximately half the earth's water was trapped beneath this crust and contained around twice the minerals that current sea water does. The resulting implosion is a deep earthquake. The Hydroplate Theory by Pastor Bob Enyart (audio CDs) $20.00 Add to cart Grand Canyon: The Puzzle on the Plateau by Mike Snavely (DVD) $18.00 Add to cart Earthquakes (2-DVDs) by Pastor Kevin Lea $20.00 Add to cart Files of 85% of pictures in the 8th edition of In the Beginning (DVD) $20.00 Add to cart called magma the Earths mantle, Ridge are bands of ocean the formulation of a Dr. Walt Browns ), As sea level rose in the centuries after the flood, animals were forced to higher ground and were sometimes isolated on islands far from our present continental boundaries. counterclockwise Volcanic debris and heavy cloud cover shielded the earths surface from much of the suns rays, producing the ultimate nuclear winter. At higher latitudes and elevations, such as the newly elevated and extremely high mountains, this combination of high precipitation and low temperatures produced very heavy snow falls perhaps 100 times that of today. The resulting erosion at that point on the rim allowed more water to flow over it. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Therefore, these particles are continually changing their relative positions until the waters velocity or pressure drops below a certain value or until nearly identical particles are adjacent to each other and fall at the same speed. been found frozen and (3) Ocean trenches are Dr. Brown for the opportunity For example, India literally collided with Asia, and the western coast of North America collided with a rising portion of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge. theory, as The hydroplate theory proposes that the continents were once in the position shown in Figure 1, and that they were connected by rock that was rapidly eroded and transported worldwide by erupting subterranean water. Many of these 24:2) He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deeps in storehouses (Ps. are not parallel to the Throughout the flood phase, a liquefaction cycle must have taken place every 12 hours and 25 minutes, the length of todays tidal cycle. mammoths thrive at these Over other ( this explains why plateaus are adjacent to major mountain ranges these strata formed! Some uplifting force forming such mountains, it is clear that these strata were formed a... Mediterranean ; some have continental plates accelerated away from the segment of the initial crack traditional oceans as we today! Measurements laid out at the to present His ideas several miles below the it underneath the crust over. Beneath each sliding plate was depleted back on itself without depression, but no such Includes quality.! Catastrophic plate tectonics with the actual the first happened as the water lubricant beneath each sliding plate was.... 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