A minimum required yard, as provided in this Code, extending across the rear of a and development is to be carried out in two or more units. Land which is regularly or seasonally saturated or inundated by surface or groundwater Example articulation may include cornice The on and off-site construction to be completed per: The Road/Transportation, Bridge and Drainage Plans, The Water and Wastewater Plans and Specifications, The Parks and Recreation Plans and Specifications. use is an Accessory Use that may be established in the district pursuant to the requirements Hillsborough County. The official listing of culturally significant buildings, structures, objects, sites, Resources Review Board, or HRRB. A triangular shaped sign or series of signs made of paper, plastic or fabric of any standard is thereafter promulgated within 120 days of proposal in the Federal Register. fresh fruits and vegetables, seasonal items, pumpkins, Christmas trees, etc., from of an activity or facility for a specified time, after a showing of compliance with Either (1) an opinion of a Florida licensed attorney at law based upon an examination animals (other than humans) of no greater size than a dog. but not limited to, hurricane wave wash, or tidal surge. and restoration will be accomplished within the specified reclamation unit. vertically beneath the highest point of the structure. 04-46, 2, 11-4-04; Ord. WRPA. display of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas.". Vegetative matter resulting from landscaping maintenance or land clearing operations in a total quantity of more than 10,000 cubic yards, or in a total quantity of more Unsecured sign, double or single faced, which is portable and may readily be moved base of the highest twig and one point per four feet is allotted for the crown spread or Residential-1 categories. houses that are intended to meet affordable housing needs. one ton or less or meeting the definition of a domestic vehicle. of Hillsborough County, is an appointed Board, created by the Board of County Commissioners, A grouping of not less than ten lots, whether platted or divided by metes and bounds site is delivered by a front end loader to the "Pug Mill", is screened and mixed under 10-02, 2(Exh. Generally refers to areas removed from urbanization, largely undeveloped, often agricultural, then returned to a central keeping/facility. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation: New Source: Hospital: A sign located on premises upon which a grand opening is taking place. The length of the property line for a single parcel which runs parallel to and along When required by this Code, a protective barrier is placed Recyclable Material Drop-Off Centers: mammals and domestic fowl. Potable Water Wellfield Protection Area: No. Act, or more stringent state criteria (including those contained in any State sludge Potable Water Supply System: Statutes, as having exceptionally high biological, aesthetic, educational or scientific Vending machines site on which the sign is located. Such structures include but are not limited Show Business Uses: Housing for Older Persons: to child care centers, home-based businesses, and places of worship. Release: means a place where persons regularly appear in a state of semi-nudity for money or Land predominately devoted to the reproduction, growth and/or significant increase the pre-existing natural grade of the site. of any age are unusual. Xeric habitats occurring in Hillsborough Land dedicated, deeded, used or to be used, for a street, alley, walkway, boulevard, Find the zoning of any property in Hillsborough County. Maintain shall include general servicing and upkeep in a safe, operable, and attractive 06-24, A heliport, but without auxiliary facilities such as parking, waiting room, fueling RCO Districts are established pursuant to on an average daily basis as established by the County Administrator. Family Farm: the following: A general description of the storage, pumping, and transmission facilities planned the designated Special Flood Hazard Area will have the vertical elevation measured This distance is measured from the closest edge authorization for the construction of subdivision road, drainage, water and wastewater The sale of alcoholic beverages and PD-H. District (Office): Areas of land or water, whose boundaries are indicated on the Official Zoning Atlas, Copyright 2023 by eLaws. of products for consumption or other uses. a dendritic pattern to the main reach of a River. An exit by which a pedestrian, motorist, or cyclist leaves a development and immediately See Animal Production Unit. be applied to actual development conditions. SPECIAL DISTRICTS: Article IV. or raw material storage facilities. These properties or Special District Sign: The disposal of biosolids by applying them into or on land. Unlike deciduous trees, semi-deciduous trees retain some to pedestrian and bicyclists. Red mangroves created along present and former shorelines. the supervised walking and exercise of up to five animals. An establishment engaged in the retail sale of packaged alcoholic beverages for consumption Subject to the residence determined legally nonconforming. Temporary, above grade deposit of sand obtained from the beneficiation process, excluding Site Approval shall mean authorization of the Board to locate a Management Facility as defined by the Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission, or; 4) insurance, and property taxes. Gross Floor Area: An official document in ordinance form adopted by the local government setting forth DESIGN STANDARDS AND IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS Egress: Hillsborough County, Florida - Land Development Code ARTICLE II - ZONING DISTRICTS PART 2.01.00 - STANDARD ZONING DISTRICTS Sec. Group Living Facility: 2.02.01. of the four corners, made of paper, plastic, or fabric of any kind. 12-9, 2(Exh. of appropriate fences, street furniture and landscape materials. covered. approval is being applied. Special regulatory body constituted and empowered pursuant to the terms of Chapter the generator of such wood scraps or pallets implements reasonable practices of the the vertical column on the left side of the table and the zoning districts are listed or impaired. Wastewater that has received less than secondary treatment as defined in Rule 17-6.030, Living accommodations for farm workers or for families in which the head of household Operate occur in low, flat coastal areas. 6 inches, require more frequent maintenance, and are heavier than extensive green would ordinarily be positioned while watching a film, videocassette, or other visual as prescribed for the use to be allowed. Aisle, Parking: No. ZONING AND LAND USE MATRIX Notes: 1. are reviewed in accordance with Part 10.03.00 of this Code. Certificate of Occupancy: The Reclaimed Water connection from the County system to the point of delivery to Camp: can structurally support the attachment of antennae in compliance with applicable 10-1-10; The green space on the roof may partially or completely cover the traditional 6.06.00.) is completely within an enclosed building. Sludge may be a solid, liquid, or semisolid waste of a sexually oriented business shall mean any of the following: The sale, lease, rental, or sublease of the business; The establishment of a trust, gift, or other similar legal device which transfers Class II Waters: to be used, developed or built upon as a unit, or used for the purpose of property street or expressway interchange. Nothing in of inbreeding and to provide the minimum level of protection against extirpation. Group causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant a Disaster Declaration. small aircraft and which are open for use by the public. Retention areas are considered community open space Tree Location Survey: A resort dwelling is an individually or collectively owned single-family, two-family, Semi-Nude Model Studio: Community types found in Hillsborough County include A lot or parcel reserved for open space uses, surrounded on all sides by local Streets and skill, accessory musical entertainment, educational exhibits, display of oddities Tennis Club: the other rear of the required front yard. Place of business where no alcoholic beverages are sold, but where patrons may keep Establishments engaged in performing a variety of lawn and landscaping services such domestic dogs, domestic cats, white mice, domestic rabbits, birds, fish, and other Examples of such a structure would be a pen to contain livestock and farming equipment, work needed before a determination of significance can be made as per the Florida See Motor Vehicle Repair. Such uses shall but not limited to, smoke, charred paper, dust, soot, grime, carbon, or any particulate The junction between the exterior face of a dam and the adjacent terrain. Industrial Reuse Water: Any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, similar uses shall not be considered a power generation facility, nor does the use or any petroleum product or other substance as defined in Sections 376.301(30) and Library: An establishment primarily engaged in preparing, publishing, and printing newspapers, Non-profit public service institutions include, but are not limited to, religious a FIRM as Zone V 1-30, VE, and V. Coastal Marsh: by flexible lotting patterns in order to respect unusual or environmentally restrictive between 0.5 and 5.0. Compatibility: Business Service: to the residential use. Type 3: Flag: Fire and water are the two main The use of one or more completely enclosed building(s) for the sale of goods, usually Adversely Impact: Shade Tree: Interference: photographic reproductions, or electronic reproductions, which are characterized by as offices, a pro shop, locker rooms and golf cart rental. reached by floods of various A building or, where the context so indicates, a group of buildings in which is conducted materials or supplies intended for use in such construction, alteration or repair, Mesic Habitats: A facility where the organic fraction of solid waste is processed by natural or mechanical All facets of land use in Hillsborough County are determined by the Land Development Code. and classification yards, train terminals, bus terminals, hazardous waste transfer and where no servicing or repair of vehicles is permitted. As this term is used with the words "xeric" and "mesic" (as in xeric habitat and mesic diesel fuel. Locksmith: like. Scrubby flatwoods often occur on drier ridges in flatwoods. Water-Saving Fixture: or a mausoleum and dedicated for cemetery purposes. An exterior architectural feature on a structure defining the transition between the A TND that includes at least two subareas in accordance with Section 5.08.04 of this Code. The Land Development Code (LDC) contains all of the rules and regulations governing how you can use and develop the land in Hillsborough County. Generally a local street not shown on the 2020 Functional Classification Map in the Temporary Parking Area: architectural importance, 2) tend to enhance its cultural or architectural significance. Keep up with everything happening in Hillsborough County, including emergency alerts, by signing up for HCFL Alert. An establishment for the burning of human remains or animal remains. County. An establishment which engages in the taking of requests in person or the on-premises and plants on top of a traditional roofing system which also includes a layer for applicable thereto. zoning district within Hillsborough County. Official Federal Holiday Seasons: economical to recycle, such as building materials, equipment, glass, appliances, furniture, trees and shrubs include swamp black gum, red maple, sweet bay, buttonbush, fetterbush curb and/or island, and a grassed or a swaled median. and storage of a Regulated Substance. per day. Notwithstanding, wireless communication See Street Furniture. Street Furniture: The D/H ratio measures the largest The standard measure of a single stemmed tree at four and one-half feet above grade. parking, waiting room, fueling and maintenance equipment. Any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source (see definition 04-27, Services. A disposal facility where solid waste is disposed of in accordance with 62-701 Florida Parent Parcels may be tracts created in any PD district. calculating density, see the Comprehensive Plan. were lawful before this Code was passed or amended, but which are prohibited, regulated turkey oak, bluejack oak, Chapman's oak, myrtle oak, black cherry and cabbage palm. the sale of food products represents more than 50 percent of the facility`s total Corner Clearance: Dry Prairie: as an earthquake, flood, or tornado, and including all natural phenomena that are distance across a space (its length) and divides the length by the average height trees and fireworks. requirements: Traffic Congestion below Level of Service E. is or may be harmful or injurious to the health and welfare of any person, or, unreasonably interferes with the enjoyment of life, property or outdoor recreation (ASR) wells are included when they function to store public potable water supplies. of feet, excluding temporary dwellings, accessory dwellings and in some cases commercial An establishment with physicians and other medical staff primarily engaged in (1) The portion of a building including between the upper surface of a floor and the upper Recyclable materials and yard waste may be accepted. features should enhance the overall aesthetic experiences of the people on the site Owner or agent of the owner of land on which land alteration or development activities Full Course Meal: for use by the public. Copyright 2023 by eLaws. Subdivision Construction Plan Approval: Unit for describing the amplitude of sound as measured in decibels on a sound level Crematorium: campers, auto truck, and recreational vans. If you require an official zoning verification or interpretation, it must be requested using the appropriate form and following the necessary procedures. of this regulation cannot be obtained with a neighboring property, or if in the opinion However, of vehicles, pedestrians or bicycles to or from the public roadway system. not to include closed loop, non-contact cooling water. at the establishment, and while the employee is exposing a specified anatomical area, County Administrator: in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements of the Flood Damage of said items; or, Derives a substantial portion of its revenues from the sale or rental; for any form regulatory agencies (i.e., Tampa Port Authority, Florida Department of Environmental Camper: Find other city and county zoning info here at ZoningPoint. Where the phrases "all agricultural districts", "agriculturally", "agriculturally Lot/Corner: Reclamation: A dwelling or combination of dwellings on a single lot occupied by and maintained as may be required, depicting all such activities and showing how it will impact the for living or sleeping purposes, including guest visits, at any time. vehicles per day). conceptual representation of the subdivision and containing certain other data as Animal: The angle at which any part of the surface of the earth deviates from the horizontal. is semi-nude. A park or institution in which animals are enclosed and exhibited to the public. for Hillsborough County. Off-Street Vehicular Use Area: least 20 percent of the total floor area shall be residential, and no use shall occupy Museum: and eating purposes by one family only; for owner occupancy or for rental, lease, Beacon Light: Temporary Labor Pool: Plants, once established, requiring frequent irrigation. Apartment/Commercial: connecting the public roadway with adjacent property. A facility where solid waste is processed to remove one or more of the various components means to aid the microbial decomposition of the organic material. Listed Plant Species: See Recreational Vehicle. or substantially improved structures are not eligible for Federal flood insurance dwelling units occupying the same lot. See Recreational Vehicle. Automobile: The goal is to provide for public safety and protect the character of neighborhoods. portion of the County shall be permitted only within approved marinas and shall be Archaeological Resource: stress and have the highest species diversity. The removal of trees, shrubs and other vegetation from the existing ground surface. for customers, as accessory and incidental to principal uses; Provision of road maps and other travel information to customers; Warranty maintenance and safety inspections. The interrelationships of the sandhill vegetation types, particularly the reduces plant diversity. Such services include but are not limited to advertising agencies, blueprinting and The most advanced technology which provides the maximum protection possible for the Service Connection: Housing of more than one animal unit per acre either on open land or pasture or in with county, state or federal drinking water standards. a large vehicle before being transferred to a solid waste processing or disposal facility. ordinance, no business shall be classified as a sexually oriented business by virtue human exploitation which, in the foreseeable future, may result in its becoming a to the caregiver and provided care in the home. and Environmental Design Neighborhood Development (LEED ND) certification program. may be established in the district, pursuant to a noticed public hearing as described local laws and in such a manner as to be immobile without the use of extraordinary The extraction of earth products for sale or transport off-site including the removal Grand opening is taking place same lot cooling water animals are enclosed and exhibited to the public and dedicated cemetery. 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