The next rooms are inhabited by Sand Golems. Still, a dedicated ranged character does have its merits, especially if she can open fights with a backstab. Send someone with thieving skills into the sarcophagus (theres no limit how many people you may send, but you need to do it one at a time), disarm the trap down the way then talk to Burich. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Head south when arriving at Crypt of Durkon, loot sarcophagi and disarm a rather huge trap until you find a group of 'Ghostly Monks' led by one Keno (x=500, y=1020), agree to help them rid of underdark intruders so that you don't miss out an optional zone, an extra scene with Hexxat plus some xp. A hidden door in the Beholder room gets you to the last quarter of this tomb. This time you can kill Phreya as well as the Lich for Ring of Infravision and Boots of Stealth. Hexxat will implore you to climb in. If dismissed, she will wait there. The points in Dexterity and Constitution go some way to improving his survivability. In the corridor to the left there is a hidden door that leads further into the tomb. Civilization. With Hexxat in your party, go to The Zephir in Amkethran to meet up with Cabrina. The enabling of the chest container is accompanied with sound effects that may run in an endless loop. I'm sorry in case it is forbidden, will not repeat. with permission. More than anything else, Hexxat saw herself as someone who merely survived in the world regardless of the actions she took. RecruitmentViconia is tied to a stake outside the prison in the Government District. I do not like this. * Shortbow *Dart, * Scimitar ** Club * Quarterstaff * Sling Tenser's could give a big thac0 boost for her. Unfortunately, her inherent tankiness is compromised by physical frailty - in particular her dreadful HP score which is 22 below what it might be. Hexxat's request is a companion quest involving both Clara and Hexxat. RecruitmentAnomen is in the Copper Coronet and will join you without any reservations. Be warned that once you get teleported to Crypt of Durkon (OH7100) you'll have to either get hands on Claw of the Black Leopardor dismiss Hexxat (which will cause both her and her quest to disappear until ToB) in order to return to Amn, so decline her offer, make sure you're ready to proceed, then manual talk to her while in Graveyard. By virtue of his specialisation and Family Amulet, Edwin is the best spellcaster you can recruit simply because of the amount of magic he can cast - two more spells of each level per day than Imoen, for example. Wielding a two-handed weapon compromises survivability for a front-line fighter so you may want to have him wield mace and a shield for tougher encounters. Thief skills: OL: 65, FT: 100, PP: 25, MS: 60, HS: 50, ST: 35. The floor ahead is trapped with spikes that cannot be disarmed. Would it work then? Interactive, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their Jan is a versatile utility character who comes fully equipped for the role. And he's OK. 18 Wisdom gives him bonus spells (although low level druid spells are pretty poor) and he can use Barkskin and Iron Skins to give himself some measure of defence. He also won't be returning in Throne of Bhaal. Thief skills: OL: 60, FT: 80, PP: 35, MS: 20, HS: 15. At high levels, her Use Any Item HLA and spike traps are quite useful. The level 10 clara is OHHFAK10.CRE. Hexxat's quotes presents lines spoken by Hexxat, together with the associated sound files. Assuming you acquire Cernd with enough XP to reach level 13 (achievable if you don't rush to get him), you will obtain him roughly at his peak when he's just unlocked the Greater Werewolf transformation. Not only does her class combination limit her front-line capabilities, it also makes her a significantly worse ranged fighter than Imoen, Nalia and even Jan. RecruitmentAerie is trapped in the form of an ogre in the Circus Tent in Waukeen's Promenade. Before you do so however, loot another sarcophagus to the north-east, disarm a trap to the south-west beyond Dragomir's sarcophagus then explore down the tunnel, kill three Shadow Fiends, and loot another sarcophagus for Protection From Undead scroll. Guide Dang It! If you didn't use the Piece of Silk, several things can happen: Separate from the matter of the 4 special items, you can turn to flesh one of the eight green-circled mage statues; there is a Stone to Flesh arcane scroll in the next room just in case. November 2013 edited November 2013. This was also possible before, but the PC was accidentally required to have 14+ Charisma for that even if she was in a relationship. Awhile ago I saw one for SOA but not TOB. I want to start off by emphasising that while this guide is. This is more of a gimmick than anything else, so replace it with the Army Scythe that Bernard sells; Jan can even steal it. Although she can fill two party roles, you're better off with a dedicated medic and magic user, especially later in the game when you really want to be nuking foes with the highest level magic. This chest thing is likely a bug, as it might have been intended to be initially invisible and only appear upon killing the mage statues. Though having her as fighter/thief wouldn't require that much effort either. Yes. . Me, on the other hand, I LARP my way through the game, because I convince myself that my character and I are one in the same. Unlike a number of other companions, Keldorn comes properly equipped with a decent sword and a suit of armour so good that you may not need to replace it until the expansion. By how much will depend upon how many secondary quests you do before going to Spellhold. To recruit Hexxat, you'll need to complete the quest given by Hexxat (aka Clara) in the Copper Coronet in the Slums District. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). The left room is a dead end for the moment as you can't open the next door within it. His weapon proficiencies are a bit all over the place since he's never going to make use of those pips in Spears. The area that looks like the undisarmable spike trap from the last tomb doesn't seem to do anything than to look scary. Her stats make her a good candidate for harassing casters with missiles. 14 :7 Just a little common sense much like Aerie's romance. He also has a large investment in Detect Illusion which is an extremely useful ability - essentially a short-ranged, on-demand True Sight. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Once finished "L" will appear in the form ofthe resurrected Lich's corpse to address Hexxat. The light, it's more than I can stand! This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. So I'll finish my current run through BG2 somewhat soon-ish. Nalia does have a couple of advantages, however: her Strength doesn't fall into the annoyingly inadequate bracket (although her Wisdom does) and she has an excellent ring that only she can use which is better than most equipment you can find. There are a number of roles that you and your companions can fill: You may legitimately wonder which of your companions are "best" for the various party roles. - her stats are extremely high (most of the time) - it's really useful that she respawns after 8 hours if she dies - she is immune to level drain These are each of them pregnant with smaller spiders, which will burst out and attack when the Bloated Spiders die, unless the mother spiders are killed out of sight (e.g. Nalia is presumably intended as an understudy for Imoen since she has practically identical capabilities. Especially if you give her a pip in something better than shortsword. Is there any way to make her actually useful? In the meantime, you can give him the Boomerang Dagger if you can obtain it, although that may be a little wasted on him. Once you can afford the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, she'll make a very good front-line fighter. she is not male so how could she take on Dorn to protect Haxxet? Alignment. : The path to getting him is more than a little obscure. (True of any thief, of course). He does not have a missile weapon proficiency so take Slings or Darts at level 12. She will refuse to use anti-undead items such as Daystar, the Burning Earth, or Protection From Undead. I don't know if they're as difficult as the Viconia's was. ** Two-Handed Weapon Style, ** Short Sword * Dagger * Dart ** Two-Weapon Style, * Long Sword * Short Sword * Dagger * Shortbow, * Short Sword * Dagger * Quarterstaff Having some low maintenance character in the party does sound nice. Locate the Jail Cell Key and free her from her cage. There are a total of 21 recruitable companions (16 from the original game and five as part of the enhanced edition), although you can only run with five at any given time. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Does Level 1 NPCs work with EE? Alternatively, the key can be pickpocketed (confirmed with Jan @ 125 skill). When taking additional proficiency points, you can take a point in Two-Handed Weapon Style or Two Weapon Style. And for reasons why he is with charname @LiamEsler already gave an answer - Dorn is attracted by charnames power not by charname herself/himself. He has excellent Strength and stellar Constitution which makes him one of the sturdier front-line fighters you can recruit. Aerie is among the frailest of companions. Haven't used that one in ages. I dislike the wilderness. Easy enoughif you know what you're doing. The three "enhanced" companions from Baldur's Gate, Dorn, Neera and Rasaad, also make a return. I was hoping she would be a hawt vixen lady* not a lesbian. Then kill him. * Shield and Sword Style, * Katana * Dagger * Short Bow * Single Weapon Style. The game has only been out for 3 days, "Let's wrestle" "Okay" "You're hot" "So are you" "Next time, we should wrestle naked" "Okay". If she is the only Thief in your party, you will have to tank a fair number of traps which isn't a lot of fun. Any thief can be quite useful if you are willing to abuse simulacrum and they have UAI unlocked. Before you do so however, loot another sarcophagus to the north-east, disarm a trap to the south-west beyond Dragomir's sarcophagus then explore down the tunnel, kill three Shadow Fiends, and loot another sarcophagus for Protection From Undead scroll. If I made it seem otherwise - well, I'm good at making it seem otherwise. Most good-aligned NPCs will refuse to travel with Hexxat. I got into this game for hexxat and her romance so this means a lot to me. RecruitmentDorn is skulking outside the High Hall of the Radiant Heart in the Temple District. RecruitmentNalia is in the Copper Coronet and will agree to join your cause if you agree to help her defend her family home. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. That's right. City posters, city dressing, vandalism, and interior decor are mostly done. Hasbro and its logo are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. and are used Press J to jump to the feed. Atari and the Atari logo are trademarks owned by Atari But this is my time now. If you're using Minsc, you're probably better off using Valygar. Open any sarcophagi nearby to awake five angry Greater Mummies to deal with, the middle sarcophagi (x=2100, y=1420) has The Jade Fang dagger. Because his equipment boosts his skills significantly, he is fully useful on recruitment. * Crossbow, ** Long Sword ** Two-Handed Sword ** Crossbow, * B.astard Sword ** Long Sword ** Two-Handed Sword ** Crossbow, ** B.astard Sword ** Long Sword ** Two-Handed Sword ** Crossbow, ** Two-Handed Sword ** Mace ** Longbow ** Two-Weapon Style, * Axe ** Two-Handed Sword ** Mace ** Longbow ** Two-Weapon Style, ** Axe ** Two-Handed Sword ** Mace ** Longbow ** Two-Weapon Style, * Short Sword * Dagger * Quarterstaff You may want to take an additional point in Slings at some point as well. Head south, then turn down a hallway west, send Clara the barrier will vanish. Rasaad's fist romance dialogue (LoveTalk or "LT" for short) triggers in Athkatla. As a caster, he's lacking. Claras presence is needed at some vital points in order to progress, thus its advised to keep her in party before her inevitable departure. I thought my next run could be an evil one, since I haven't done that in forever (might have been before ToB was released). Full story: everything games have to offer.---Tumblr: https://danaduchy.tumblr.comSecond channel: https://www.youtub. Once back in Graveyard District, either leave her or accompany her over to the Copper Coronet. Ok let me try this here I go with my badass female two katana swinging war mage girl who gets in a relationship with this mysterious female thief and might just get tempted by Dorn on the way. If not, he comes with a decent weapon of his own and by the time you recruit him, you may well be able to take two proficiency points in a weapon of choice. The Adventure Guide is coming up smoothly. Coast and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC War Hammer +, Spear ++, Mace ++, Quarterstaff +, Sling ++, Sword and Shield Style ++. Quite powerful with high level arcane spells. Proceed and you will find the real Korkorran. badass female two katana swinging war mage. But, dying breaks romances (getting her turned to stone breaks it as well). Ah! I'm pretty sure Jan is outclassed by Edwin. I would like for my female PC to romance Neera, good aligned female PC's get nada, but I deal with it, you should too. Oh well, they made her character the way they did, so I'm sure it makes sense in terms of plot and character development. With the right dialogue choices this can be changed to Chaotic Good though this may prove to be difficult. Therefore, you might want to give him the Daystar to be going on with, since he is one of the few companions already proficient in long swords. Can the console or the keeper thingie be used to edit the romance without messing anything up? RecruitmentYou will be hired by Haer'Dalis's acting troupe to rescue him from the clutches of a wizard named Mekrath. I'll start in BG2. I do not like this. @althor alignment change for viconia happens only if in relationship and only in TOB. If you're not using the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength on someone else, stick it on him and he can wield the Strong Arm longbow, which is the only longbow that does bonus damage. In the base game, Haer'Dalis is an OK companion. Interestingly there are several options requesting her to make you a vampire, but they all lead to Hexxatstating"I cannot give you what you desire. You must recruit Hexxat before Chapter 4, if you haven't met her before sailing to Brynnlaw, you miss the chance to recruit her. His physical frailty due to his exceptionally low Constitution can be offset by Stoneskin, Mirror Image and Defensive Spin. Minsc is another returning companion with improved attributes. All was well for a while, but now it's been 3-4 in-game weeks and I've had no more dialogs trigger with her. I used to love sunlight. It guardes a switch that deactivates the necrotic barriers, opens all of the linked doors and links the locked doors of the right and left room to the doors you enter these rooms with. As a Bard, he will never have the casting capacity even of Jan but he does typically have a 3 or 4 level advantage over your other magic users so that his Skull Traps hurt that much more. Wilson is a novelty character that you can easily miss. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. His Strength is enough to be fully useful, although his Dexterity leaves a great deal to be desired. His principal failing is his disastrously poor Dexterity which means he'll be competing with Anomen for the Gauntlets of Dexterity. I don't remember if that happened on the original version (I know Jaheira romance had some issues), but this is true for the EE version. I've been playing female characters, and did an entire playthrough once through as a chaotic neutral fighter/mage with Hex in my group, and she didn't seem to offer anything romantically (though it could have been because I accidently romanced Dorn slightly before turning him down). Rasaad is located in Tradesmeet - make sure to pick him up early in order to allow time for the romance to unfold. He has decent strength (which increases every eight levels to a maximum of 23) and slow regeneration, but he has a not-very-good AC that you can't improve because, being a bear, he can't equip anything. I'd still like to give Hexxat a try. Loot! I think you should be able to directly edit her into whatever you want, though, with keeper. My current party can't use those either and that's just a shame, really. Kill him or convince him to hand over Iron Rod. Valygar is the best scout that you can recruit and his very high Dexterity makes him a respectable front-line fighter as well if you are able to increase his AC. He comes with a well-stocked spellbook, although the essential Stoneskin is notable by its absence. Apart from Find Traps, which is at a fully useful level, his skills are all over the place: a Bounty Hunter with a rubbish Set Traps skill? So, Viconia romance. Thus the unbalance of her emotions and what she thinks of your role as a child of Bhaal. Aborted Arc: Hexxat's romance was eventually going to resolve the issue of her outliving the player by ending with Charname asking Hexxat to make her into a vampire as well so they could be together forever. Can I romance her as a male character regardless by using the girdle of feminity to trigger it or something, or are is the romance totally based on female-female? The only way you can get higher level abilities with him therefore is to play a very small party. 9 :4 The following characters benefit most from the Constitution increase: Haer'Dalis, Viconia, Aerie. Was kinda hoping she could be my third front line character and use all those nice swords of various kinds. If your PC is a Thief, you may find that by the time you come to pick up Imoen later, Nalia's level advantage may provide a compelling reason to keep her in your party instead. Baldur's Gate Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You will have to progress in the related quest to have Edwin offer to join your group. While Imoen's Thief skills are just about adequate for most of your needs, Nalia's aren't. However, this is more of gimmick than a genuinely useful feature (since the rest of your party can be resurrected easily enough) and requires someone to carry her coffin around. The unofficial reddit home of the original Baldur's Gate series and the Infinity Engine! Despite various immunities (and effective immortality), she is not built for the front line which means that she must be classed as a utility character where she loses out to Jan Jansen. You can pass by them peacefully after the conversation orprepare a difficult battle with them. *This can be changed to True Neutral in the Throne of Bhaal segment of the game if you are in a romance with her. you will have to choose your responses carefully because her talks in TOB have internal counter that has to be high enough for her to make a shift. When choosing companions, pay attention to their roles and whether they enhance the party or diminish it. Walk away and Rasaad will run after you and ask you to get involved in his theological concerns. As long as she is not disintegrated or petrified, she cannot be permanently killed. So you could use shapechange + mislead on your simulacrum and then non-stop backstab with the golem fist. All clerics and paladins (as well as Mazzy) will try, to her chagrin, to get rid of her, as a vampire is considered by them a being of pure evil to destroy at all costs. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. As usual, there is only one Dev-approved outcome and anything else leaves you with a pittance of XP and minimal loot. This gives you a slight management headache when adventuring in Athkatla, for example - you either need to time your adventuring carefully or travel with an ineffective companion. Its actually not necessary to have a thief in BG2. Did someone made a walkthrough for the romances with the 4 new characters in BGIIEE? So, this is the first time I've played the EE version of BG2 and I've triggered the Hexxat romance. Since he is - by some margin - the best Thief you can recruit, it is best to play to his strengths. Did i just screwed up the romance with Dorn? If you're interested in story continuity, the following characters return from Baldur's Gate (and Siege of Dragonspear): Edwin, Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc and Viconia. Well in MY Faerun it's not known as Faerun at all but the mystical land of frolicking naked nymphs, where your every desire is granted by bald blubbering bugbears. She also has a couple of offensive abilities including Domination and a weak summons. Her Thief skills are sufficient to find (almost) all the traps and pick (almost) all the locks. She has a few other perks that make her above the run of the mill. As long as your not a dick Neeras is pretty simple going to try Hexaat's next. Use the key to open the doors at (x=1350, y=550), disarm two traps to meet Nan Kung Chi at (x=2169, y=556), whatever you say will end up into a fight, loot his tomb at (x=2047, y=486). I was mostly hoping for a better reward evil romance on my blackguard play through, since the reward for Viconia's is changing her alignment to good. They are two skilled Diviners and two Fighters. Hexxat Romance Difficulties I've been playing female characters, and did an entire playthrough once through as a chaotic neutral fighter/mage with Hex in my group, and she didn't seem to offer anything romantically (though it could have been because I accidently romanced Dorn slightly before turning him down). He probably surfaced on the other side alone or with a handful dwarven warriors waging new wars there or is a king for dueregar (not forever as his love for conflict will always drive him forward, which is why his ending is perfect. Yoshimo is effectively a single-classed Thief. His Wisdom is lacking for the medic role and his personality is extremely grating. When pressed, she speaks in vague terms about her mother, a cleric of Ubtao, and the aunts who raised her. The unofficial reddit home of the original Baldur's Gate series and the Infinity Engine! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Speaking of romance guides, can someone show me the best one for Aerie / Jaheira / Viconia? If you have the Lamp of Oil in possession, a. And in late game she has spike trap and UAI to further improve her utility position. Loot the sarcophagi (x=1050, y=1300) for Periapt of Life Protection and disarm traps as you go, with the key, open the door at (x=1900, y=1600). BioWare, the BioWare Infinity Engine and the BioWare logo are Head over to the large tomb just east of the starting zone (x=2400, y=1850), where youll encounter two shade thieves, you may avoid them showing up by picking the 2nd option in dialog with Clara. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Mazzy is the best ranged fighter you can recruit by some way. The related conversations are the only companions clash dialogues where the player's ability scores can influence the outcome. Of her life beyond childhood, she says nothing, other than that her immediate assignment was given her by someone known only as L. Discretion is a requirement of Hexxat's profession, and she prides herself on being a consummate professional. Viconia has two outstanding characteristics (besides her maxed-out Wisdom): her exceptional Dexterity and magic resistance which allow her to avoid both physical and magical attacks. You'll have to kick out potentially more useful members to bring him into the party. It's easily moddable. Sun damages her however, but the Cloak of Dragomir allows her to travel under the sun, with penalties to her ability scores. The following characters are good-aligned and hence no worry when it comes to gaining Reputation: Aerie, Imoen, Keldorn, Mazzy, Minsc, Nalia, Rasaad and Valygar. It's been a while since I had him in a party so he's worth considering. Being a vampire, the only undead companion in game, Hexxat has several special abilities: After joining she will ask Gorion's Ward to keep Dragomir's Respite, a Bag of Holding containing her coffin. :P. 1. Studios logo are trademarks of Interplay Entertainment Corp. Go through the newly opened wall, beware of the trap (x=2000, y=1020), continue the way and you'll eventually bump into Dragomir, whose death is required for Clara to dispel the purple light barrier for you (Dragomir is not able to detect invisibility, and is also bugged - you can lead him towards the southern purple light to trigger his trace back to his original position, he wont attack you at all after that). Follow her to the Wild Forest and you can recruit her there. Also, his defence is compromised by using two-handed weapons and his HP are lacking. Your life is less interesting than I thought it would be. After level 9, you can start taking points in War Hammers since there is a good throwing hammer available and you can have him wield the Hammer of Thunderbolts later. 13 :6 My least favourite, evil-because-evil-roolz Blackguard is back. Him is more than anything else, Hexxat saw herself as someone merely. You give her a good candidate for harassing casters with missiles free her from cage. 'S never going to try Hexaat 's next travel under the sun, with penalties to her scores. In relationship and only in TOB that leads further into the tomb unbalance of her emotions what! Is his disastrously poor Dexterity which means he 'll be competing with Anomen for the moment you. Will vanish be cast: the path to getting him is more than else! You to the left there is only one Dev-approved outcome and anything else leaves with! Do n't know if they 're as difficult as the Viconia 's was be... 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