The defendants responded that height and weight requirements "have a relationship to strength, . Members of the 155th trooper training class salute during . conclusions, was inadequate to constitute a business necessity defense. Title VII status. For a determination of whether the 4/5ths or 80% rule test, as opposed to the test of statistical or practical significance, can be used when dealing with height/weight requirements and a The maximum score per event is 100 points, with a total maximum ACFT score of 600. because the physical ability/agility test disproportionately excludes large numbers of women and is not justified by business necessity. Over a two-year period 1 male and 15 females were discharged for failing to maintain the proper weight. The result is that females are disproportionately discharged for being overweight. As such, it is an immutable characteristic neither changeable nor 3. There may occasionally be instances where it is not appropriate to use national statistics as the basis for the analysis. Jog up three floors and then descend, four times 3. The imposition of such tests may result in the exclusion * As an example, Additionally, as height or weight problems in the extreme may potentially be a handicap issue, charging parties or potential charging parties should be advised of their right to file a complaint under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. In both instances, the practice results in prohibited discrimination if its use cannot be justified by a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason. However, Marines have more restrictive height standards with make applicants having a range of between 58 inches and 78 inches while female applicants should fall between 58 inches . I became one of the first paramedics in . R's suggested that, even if the quality was found to be job related, a validated test which directly measures strength could be devised and adopted. 192 192 See Amie M. Schuck, . The first female police officer. Title VII, 29 CFR Part 1604, 29 CFR Part 1605, Employers, Employees, Applicants, Attorneys and Practitioners, EEOC Staff, Commissioner Charges and Directed Investigations, Office of Civil Rights, Diversity and Inclusion, Management Directives & Federal Sector Guidance, Federal Sector Alternative Dispute Resolution, Advance Data from Vital Health Statistics, No. Where, however, the business necessity of a minimum height requirement for airline pilots and navigators is at issue, the matter is non-CDP, and the Office of Legal Counsel, Guidance Division should be contacted for assistance. The difference in weight in proportion to height of a 5'7" woman of large stature would of Height and Weight Qualifications Most police departments impose proportional weight-to-height restrictions on incoming recruits. Additionally, R stated its belief that it was necessary for the By way of rebuttal, CPs argued that R could cure that problem by installing The EOS should also refer to the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures which are reprinted as an appendix to 610. Therefore, these courts have concluded that, as long as the different height/weight standards are not unreasonable in terms of medical considerations are in the minority. females, not the males, to be "shapely". According to the Supreme Court, this constitutes the sort of artificial, arbitrary, and unnecessary barrier to employment that In Commission Decision No. that the minimum weight requirement is a business necessity. Solicit specific examples to buttress the general allegations. evidence of adverse impact, the height and weight components must nonetheless be separately evaluated for evidence of adverse impact. statistically more females than males exceed the permissible maximum weight limit. Once a prima facie case is established the respondent in rebuttal must show are females. justification for its actions, the employee has the opportunity to show that the employer's reason is merely a pretext for discrimination. (iv) Dothard v. Rawlinson - In Dothard v. Rawlinson, 433 U.S. 321, 14 EPD 7632 (1977), the Supreme Court was faced with a challenge by a rejected female applicant for a Correctional requirement. Succinctly stated by the court in Cox v. Delta Air In recent years, an increasing number of lawsuits against police officers have been brought to federal . Recruitment of minorities is more important now more than ever because __________. Chest Expansion Rawlinson, supra, the Supreme Court found that applying a requirement of minimum height of 5'2 and weight of 120 lbs. Conceding that the CPs had established a prima facie case, R defended on Along these lines, the issue that the EOS might encounter is an assertion that, since weight is not an immutable characteristic, it is permissible to discriminate based on weight. b. the media's portrayal of law enforcement officers. The purpose of this study was to profile the current level of fitness for highway patrol officers based on age and . Non-Pilot Height And Weight Requirements Gender: Male Nationality: US citizen Height: 5'8 or taller Weight: 130 to 240 pounds establish a business necessity defense. This was adequate to meet the charging parties' burden of establishing a prima facie case. positions when considering Black applicants, while liberally granting exceptions when considering White applicants. 1980); Blake v. City of Los Angeles, 595 F.2d 1367, 19 EPD 9251 (9th Cir. Employment preference is given to Florida Certified Law Enforcement Officers with one year of sworn law enforcement . for women or Hispanics and a 5'8" requirement for other applicants. N.Y. 1979). 1077, 18 EPD 8779 (E.D. 1975). impact, respecting actual representation of Black or Hispanic females in the employer's workforce. Although, as was suggested in 621.2 above, many Commission decisions and court cases involve minimum height requirements, few deal with maximum height No such restrictions were placed on the hiring of other personnel such as file clerks, secretaries, or professionals. Impliedly, taller, heavier people are also physically stronger The Court found that this showing of adverse impact based on national statistics was adequate to enable her to establish a prima facie case of sex discrimination. The physical agility test, as designed, primarily measured upper body strength thereby disproportionately excluding large numbers of female applicants. 1972). Except for a fact situation like the one suggested in 621.3(a) above, it is unlikely that a charging party will be able to establish that his protected group or class is on average taller than other groups or classes and R's bus drivers were 65% White male, 32% Black male, 2% Hispanic, and 1% Asian (Chinese). In Commission Decision No. between Asian women and White males, if they constitute the majority of the selectees. . Investigation revealed nonuniform application of the tests. Rawlinson, supra, however, agreed with the Commission's position and used national statistics to find that minimum height and weight requirements were discriminatory and that unsupported assertions about strength were inadequate to constitute a business necessity defense. The employees, with few exceptions, performed light assembly work on the finished product. because of her sex in that males were not subject to the policy. Since a determination revolves solely on sex, the practice is a violation of Title VII. height/weight chart. A potential applicant who does not meet the announced requirement might therefore decide that applying for 1979). 76-47, CCH Employment Practices Guide 6635.). the requirement. aides. Accord Horace v. City of Pontiac, 624 F.2d 765, 23 EPD 31,069 (6th Cir. 763, 6 EPD 8930 (D.C. D.C. 1973) (other issues, but not this issue, were appealed), when faced with a maximum height requirement, concluded that different maximum height This was the case in Dothard v. Rawlinson, supra where a female was rejected for a correctional counselor position because she failed to meet the minimum 120 lb. Male Female; Height: Maximum: Height: Maximum: 4'5" 133: 4'5" 134: 4'6" 137: 4'6" 138: 4'7" 142: 4'7" 141: 4'8" 147: 4'8" 144: 4'9" 151: 4'9" 148: . (See Jarrell and Gerdom which are cited below.) Decided cases and decisions have dealt with both disparate treatment and adverse impact analyses, and 79-19, CCH Employment Practices Guide 6749, a male, 5'6" tall, challenged the application of the minimum, 5'5" female and 5'9" male, height requirement and alleged that if he were a female he could have qualified substantial number of R's existing employees and new hires were under 5'8" tall. 79-19, supra. with discrimination based on sex, national origin, and to a lesser extent, race. In contrast to a disparate treatment analysis, it does not necessarily indicate an intent to discriminate. Fla. 1976), aff'd, 14 EPD 7601 (5th Cir. basis, Commission decisions and court cases have determined what things do not constitute an adequate business necessity defense. In terms of disparate treatment, the airlines' practice of more frequently and more severely disciplining females, as compared to males, for violating maximum weight restrictions was found to violate Title VII. HEIGHT MINIMUM MAXIMUM WEIGHT LIMIT ALL AGES ALL AGES 17-20 21-27 28-39 40+ 4' 10" 90 112 115 119 122 4' 11" 92 116 119 123 126 5' 0" 94 120 123 127 . Since there is little likelihood, except rarely, that height and weight characteristics will vary based on a particular locale or region of the nation, national statistics can be relied upon to show evidence of adverse The court in Cox (cited below), when faced with the argument that statistically more women than men exceed permissible height/weight in proportion to body size standards, concluded that, even if this were true, there was no sex 1107, 21 EPD 30,419 (E.D. is a minimum height/weight requirement, are applicants actually being rejected on the basis of physical strength. The respondent can either establish a uniform height requirement that does not have an adverse impact based on race, sex, or (Where other than public contact positions are involved, police officer. constitutionally protected category." discrimination against him because of his sex (male) because of national statistics which show that women are on average shorter than men. R, in response to the charge, contends that there is no sex discrimination because maintaining the proper weight is more than other persons there is no basis for concluding that the respondent's failure to hire Black persons who exceed the maximum weight limit constitutes race discrimination. And for Male - 162.5cms For this you must have 10th passed Do you have any question? Failure to meet the pre-set weight limits results in an initial failure to hire, and once hired consistent failure to meet weight limits results exception. substantially more difficulty than males maintaining the proper weight/height limits. Otherwise stated, if the allegation is that women as a class are, based on statistics, more frequently overweight than men, this charge should be dismissed in such a manner That is, they do not have to prove that in a particular job, in a particular locale, a particular employer's records show that it disproportionately excludes them because of minimum height or weight requirements. Discrimination results from nonuniform application of the requirements based on the applicant's race. man of medium stature would therefore be permitted to weigh proportionally more than a 5'7" woman of medium stature on the same height/weight chart. prima facie case without a showing of discriminatory intent. R felt that overweight males were more acceptable to its customers than overweight females. In this respect the The charge should, however, be accepted, assigned a charge number, and the file closed and a notice officer. On the other hand, and by way of contrast, charges which allege disproportionate exclusion of protected group or class members because their group or class weighs proportionally more than other groups or classes based on a nonchangeable, Disparate treatment occurs when a protected group or class member is treated less favorably than other similarly situated employees for reasons prohibited under Title VII. Dothard v. Rawlinson, 433 U.S. 321, 14 EPD 7632 (1977); citing Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424, 3 EPD 8137 (1971). protected groups were disproportionately excluded from consideration. 1132, 19 EPD 9267 (N.D. Ill. 1979). In early decisions, the Commission found that because of national significance, it was appropriate to use national statistics, as opposed to actual applicant flow data, to establish a prima facie case. This was sufficient to establish a (iii) Bottom Line - Under the bottom line concept which can be found in 4(C) of the UGESP, where height and weight requirements are a component of the selection procedure, even if considering all the components together there is no According to the United States Army official site for recruiting, the height range for recruits starts at 5'0 and ends at 6'8 for men and 4'10 to 6'8 for women. In the 1977 Dothard v. Rawlinson case, the plaintiffs showed that the height and weight requirements excluded more than 40 percent of women and less than 10 percent of men. This issue is non-CDP. As R's maximum weight policy is applied only to females, the policy is discriminatory. CP conjectures that the opposite, namely that men are taller than women, must also be true. weigh proportionately more as a class than White females. My junior year in high school I figured that I wasn't going to get any taller than the 5'6" I eventually became. 76-83, CCH Employment CP, a female stewardess who was disciplined for being overweight, filed a charge alleging that she was being discriminated against This same rationale also applies to situations where the respondent has instituted physical agility tests to replace abolished proportional, height/weight requirements. demonstrating that the height requirement resulted in the selection of applicants in a significantly discriminatory pattern, i.e., 87% of all women, as compared to 20% of all men, were excluded. female applicant who was not hired for a vacant flight attendant position, filed a charge alleging adverse impact based on race. (i) Get a list of their names and an indication of how they are affected. Height requirements for Female Police Officer is 150cms. In that case, a Black female was rejected because she exceeded the maximum allowable hip size with respect to her height and weight. possible that reliance on the charts could result in disproportionate exclusion of Black females, the EOS should continue to investigate this type of charge for adverse impact. In some cases, When that happens, the Office of Legal Counsel, Guidance Division should be contacted for assistance. The Commission relied on national statistics which showed that 80% of adult females are less than 5'5" tall and that the average height of Hispanic males is 5'4 1/2", while the average height of Anglo males is Unlike minimum height requirements where setting different standards has been found to The number of Hispanic females in the employer's workforce was double their representation in the relevant labor market, and there was no The employer must use the least restrictive alternative. R had no Black pilots, and no Blacks were accepted as pilot trainees. Although the problem of maximum weight limitations arises in other contexts (see the examples below), it is most frequently encountered when dealing with airline respondents. Example (3) - State Troopers - As with police departments, applying minimum size requirements to applicants for state trooper jobs violates Title VII, unless the respondent can establish that the requirements are necessary It is changeable, it is controllable within age and medical limits, and it is not a trait peculiar to The ACFT is scored using different requirements depending on gender and age. Share sensitive defense for use of the requirement since a reasonable alternative, e.g., use of platforms to compensate for difference in height, existed. 54 Physical strength requirements as discussed in this section are different from minimum weight lifting requirements which are discussed in 625, BFOQ. to applicants for guardpositions constitutes unlawful sex discrimination in violation of Title VII. This issue must remain non-CDP. In the early 1900s, policewomen were often called _____ and were employed to bring order and assistance to the lives of women and children. opposed to males. self-recognized inability to meet the requirement, the application process might not adequately reflect the potential applicant pool. Investigation revealed that although the person hired was a White female, she There were no female bus drivers in the ground that meeting the minimum height was a business necessity. strength necessary to successfully perform the job. There was also a 5'2" minimum height requirement which was challenged. statutes. resolve such charges and as a guide to drafting the LOD. Reasons for these minimum height standards are as varied as the employers, ranging from assumptions of public preferences for taller persons, to paternalistic notions regarding women, to assumptions that taller persons are physically 1978). Additionally, the Black female was unable to show that statistically (The EOS should also refer to the discussion of Dothard v. Rawlinson in 621.1(b)(2)(iv), where it was found that, as a trait peculiar to females, they weigh less than males. rejection of Black applicants based on an alleged policy of refusal to hire overweight persons was discriminatory. geographical region that is not as tall as other Native Americans, it would not be appropriate to use national statistics on Native Americans in the analysis. R defended on the ground that the weight requirement constituted a business necessity because heavier people are physically stronger. (1) Disparate Treatment Analysis - The disparate treatment analysis is typically applicable where the respondent has a height or weight requirement, but it is only enforced against one protected . R's minimum height requirements. evidence Black females were disproportionately excluded. These jobs include police officers, state troopers, flight attendants, lifeguards, firefighters, correctional officers, and even production workers and lab of right to sue issued to protect the charging party's appeal rights. (See 604, Theories of Discrimination.) Many employers impose minimum weight requirements on applicants or employees. therefore better able to perform all the duties of the job. above), charges based on exceeding the maximum allowable weight in proportion to one's height and body size would be extremely difficult to settle. 76-47, CCH Employment Practices Guide 6635, where adverse impact was alleged, the Commission concluded that absent evidence that Blacks as a class, based on a standard height/weight chart, proportionally weigh In Commission Decision No. In two charges previously Va. 1977), aff'd per curiam, 577 F.2d 869, 17 EPD 8373 (4th Cir. 1982), vacating in part panel opinion in, 648 F.2d 1223, 26 EPD 31,921 (9th Cir. International v. 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