Im from NY but I was in CT when this happened. Is it okay if theres no police report if she didnt want one/ no injuries? The attorney listings on this site are paid attorney advertising. So about an hour later this man and hiswife were ringing my doorbell off. Cars okay? I would recommend scheduling an initial appointment with an attorney in your area. All you can do is hang tight. I got into an accident where there was no damage and no police report was made to my knowledge. Theres always a chance the bicyclist will try to find your contact information and file a lawsuit, but I would try not to worry about it other than perhaps taking photos of your vehicle to show there was no damage in case the bicyclist does attempt to file a lawsuit down the road. florida pregnant mother shot and killed while parked in car, police say Police said Harrison fled the scene in her white Ford vehicle but turned herself in to authorities around 5:30 p.m. that day. Pleassssse help! Generally, the owner/police wouldnt wait so long and you would be contacted within a couple of weeks. Hiring a lawyer can be a worthwhile investment when: A lawyer can help you get the best possible outcome in your case when there is a factual dispute about what happened. The car is register to my grandfather so his insurance said they would only be responsible for 20%, but why do they and I have to be responsible for anything dealing to him. Be sure to keep copies of all the repair documents so you can show them to the insurance company. Is there a statue of limits in Florida and if so what is it? In addition, I would send a letter to the other party (send it certified mail) requesting that they get a second estimate from a mechanic of your choosing. First of all, Im not a he and second of all, I wasnt there and wasnt driving. A French medic named Dr. Mailliez and a firefighter named Xavier Gourmelon at the scene of Princess Diana's crash on August 31, 1997. She will defend herself in court under the grounds that she knows she owes money for the accident, but not as much as what she is being sued for. She has made unrecoverable my investment in it. 3 hours go by and Im able to get into my car, hes left and I call him. Wasnt in the car, nothing. That entire incident just seems really wrong on the police and hospital part. I was ready to handle the situation the day of and have been trying to contact her since. What do I do? This is why its always best to take pictures of the damage and have a police report made if possible. Is it to late to make a report? The officers never cited the accident as a hit-and-run. Hi i have a family member who was in a menor accident and they did not want to call the police but they gave their license and got their number. She apologized for hitting my car (nothing happen to her car/ she damaged my bumper) said she thought light was green gave me her phone number and DL since she didnt have her insurance info at the moment. The officer expressed that shes an older white woman that was scared and that was why she refused to stop. Hello! Avvo has 97% of all lawyers in the US. Its a hearsay account that is generally not admissible in court because the officer didnt observe it for himself. I know it wasnt the right thing to do but i floored the gas peddle , a high speed race on the Hwy for about a mile and half until (we) my other 2 passangers were close enough to get the tag number. The accident was 5 days ago. Car rear ended me while I was making a right turn on a red light. His truck seemed fine, maybe a dent in the back of course but he drove the thing away with no problem. how long it will take if she sues for us to get a notification? My boyfriend was driving my car, I was in the passenger seat, and he accidentally rear ended the car in front of us maybe going about 10-15 miles an hr. 1 Either way, you are better off letting the police decide whether they should come to the scene of the crash. Hello this is Amber, I wonder why police stopped my house give me a ticket! Hi, Haley. When he came to my house on Saturday there was more damage than there was from the wreck. If i file the suit against the driver could his insurance company pay? If you have any trouble filling out the form or have any questions, you may reach the Denver Police Department's records division at (720) 913-6755. The Honda had liability coverage only. If you're lucky, the place you have the accident at MAY do an "incident report". Each state has a statute of limitations for a car accident, which is a deadline by which a lawsuit must be filed. Police told the family of Ronald Greene that the 49-year-old Black man died after his car crashed into a tree during a police pursuit in May 2019, and in the two years that followed refused to . No damage with my truck and minor on her, she initiated that she doesnt want to call the police. If you dont know the insurance company, you have a couple of options: (1) Contact the California DMV and provide them with the information you have. You can propose a counteroffer or hire an attorney to fight for a better offer. If the car is fine and doesnt require service, then there would likely not be a claim to be made. What can I do if someone caused the car accident but no police report came out. It was a fender bender. She gave me her phone number, and I immoderately report it to my insurance. there was a car coming out from the bike shop and just as I was coming around the tractor trailer the suv pulled out and hit my car bursting my right front tire and hitting the front door. If there is any way i could send you the video Thanks! He says its his moms car and he does not want to call the cops and does not have his drivers license on him. However, all lawsuits need to be taken seriously. I didnt drive anything into anything, because I WASNT THERE! I notified the owner of vehicle. Interested in our exclusive Partner program to grow your law firm? The official Denver city government website has a webpage where you can fill out and submit your request form, or print your form to mail your request. Again, without knowing the specifics, the only thing I can recommend is that you seek the advice of a lawyer. Also Im from NY and this happened in CT. Im pretty paranoid and Im hoping that this wont become a huge issue in the future. Any injuries? Any advise what to do? Its important to remember that youre not alone and there are people who can help you with your claim. The other driver hit my car from behind and took off. Best of luck I hope this is resolved quickly! I have a quick question a family member was in a car accident this Saturday morning he hit his chin but did not ask for an ambulance said he was in a little bit of pain but was okay 9n Thursday he went to the dr,and said he was going to sue the driver theirs no evidence of a police report but made the report f9r the insurance but my family member never was mention like if he never was in the car can he still sue the driver?? The light changed and I started to go. Hi I was an a car accident 2 months ago I hit them from the back police came to the scene but the other driver told police we do not need them I stayed quite cause I know it was my fault. In the meantime, be sure to collect any relevant documents you can (medical records, pictures of the vehicles, pictures of any injuries, witness contact information, etc.). I DID NOT have insurance at the time. I am sorry to hear that you were involved in an accident. We feel that he was in the wrong riding on a county road with his minor cold driving a motorcycle and the father had no helmet on driving his. I was in a major car accident a couple weeks ago, a lady to my left side driving at a high speed, ran a red light while mine was green. I now remorsefully regret that decision as the grocery cart (which was full of groceries) was hit by the driver of the car which pushed the grocery cart into both of my knees that I had replaced within the last 5 years. Could this be true? When his one brother left it was late and everyone that was still there were inside. How bad will this affect my driving record? Most likely, the insurance company (or the driver) will simply contact you via telephone. The statements provided to a law enforcement official should be clear and concise. Best of luck. It was a great move to make sure you got the license plate information. I would consider reaching out to your insurance company or an attorney in your area. I was scared and panicking since it was my first car crash and said that it was my fault when in reality it wasnt but he was smart enough to record everything. I bumped another car from the back and a slight scratch was on it. Without a police report or insurance, its going to be difficult for your brother to have any defense if this person intends to hold him responsible for damages. And report a police report for the accident? Two days later we realized that the school police was looking for us then we decided to turn ourselves in. We didnt follow each other, had our emergencies on, or anything. Thats all I know about the other party. However, it doesnt bar the claim from going forward. You might still be able to reach a settlement with the insurance company, and your lawyer can help negotiate that for you. Just curious as to what her insurance company will do, or even her for that matter? We are here 24/7 to address your injury case. That means the lawyer will earn a percentage of whatever damages you receive. While parking, the trucks hitch bumped into the front of another parked car (belonging to another family member) and formed a minor dent in the bumper. At this point, my suggestion would be to hang tight and see if they contact you or make a claim with your insurance company. Photos of damage, insurance reports, etc. Youll want to find out if your daughter suffered any injuries so you can decide whether you need to file an insurance claim against the at-fault driver. The police were on the scene. I got her license plate and damage photos. to give them the opportunity to negotiate with you if they plan to repair the paint on the car. i rear ended with my Toyota Corolla an SUV at a stop sign on a rainy day.. Your lawyer can handle all communications with the insurance company on your behalf, and theyll work to minimize your daughters liability, the amount settled with the other party, and to recover any damages you might be owed. And the officer was off , no report. Now I am being told by my insurance company that the driver is planning to file a lawsuit against me to recover all damages that they insurance company will not pay. Officers will usually help you file a report after an accident. She told me to go get some estimates. Its not my fault I was parking wait for my son come in he come in OK then I looked back and front k I turn mean to go but sudden I saw her coming so I stopped and she fast coming and sametime stopped both of us she hit my truck left side its not bad just scratch so she not report the police me eighther not report police so yea I took picture in case she too took pictures so then after that since a month the police stopped by and givee a ticket I shock why its was happen not now one a month ago Is that law correct to give me a ticket? "Whether on public roads or private property . I dont got the money to pay for that shit! I live in a no fault state. She said she was okay and that his car barely tapped her. We have gone round and round with our insurance company and are getting no where. What could I do if I dont want to accept that offer. The driver of the other car according to my insurance company did not have insurance at the time of accident. I rear ended a car, at first I pulled over, but then panicked and left. No one filed a police report but I will do that today so what do u think will happen. No police were called. Its a civil matter now. The owner of the car I was driving was not charged for any offense. Even for accidents involving only vehicle damage, some states still require drivers to report the accident if the damage is over a certain amount, typically $1,000 or $2,500. 2. 3+ Car Accident Police Report Sample Examples. In response to todays message which contained threats of being sued because they have received no money for the minor damage, he told them to make a claim to insurance or proceed with making a small claim in court if they wanted to be reimbursed for damages, because he would not be giving them cash without any proper documentation- is this a smart way to proceed with this issue? If the accident happened more than 2 years ago, this all could be moot because its past the deadline for someone to file a lawsuit against you. Try to document the exact point of the collision. If i ignore this person can they sue us ? Im sorry this happened to you. If an officer is lying or providing false information with an intent to deceive, he or she may be prosecuted under California perjury laws. You can tell yourself that all you want, but unfortunately, that doesnt make it true. Any advice? Oct 18, 2010, 04:39 PM. (There is no evidence of it) We feel that he was in the wrong riding on a county road with his minor child driving a motorcycle and the father had no helmet on,driving his. At the very least, you want a bill/estimate from a repair shop before paying the cost of repairs. No police were called, damage wasnt too bad and no injuries. Is this legal? #2-He has no permanent address and cell number she was given is no longer in service #3 supposedly her stepfather has no clue where his brother is. Will the judge close the case against me if I explain this in court? And if they come back to call them and they will come. They wrote me back and said that I was stupid but they never specifically stated if there was any damage to their car. Another driver ran a red light and I hit him. In most rear-end cases, the person who strikes the car in front of them is found at fault. Its always a best practice to get a police report, even when an accident is minor. Good to go. Now what can I expect? Please consider using the Enjuris law firm directory to find an attorney in your area who can help. He spun me sideways on the highway and I was able to safely get to the side of the road. The appropriate action for the man to take is to file an insurance claim or a lawsuit. I had a destroyed rim and a lot of car damage. Best of luck! Apparently this is within the allowed time frame for Texas. Court cases ride on credibility, and police reports provide a window into whether the plaintiff and defendant are credible witnesses. Most personal injury lawyers will provide an initial consultation at no cost, and then theyll explain your options and what you might be responsible for in this situation. It was a freeway exit so he took her to the nearest gas station to see if she was okay. The reason being, I offered at least five times to call the police and was repeatedly told No, it was not necessary there was no damage. They feel the need to be different when you are already different. However, you do need to reach out to the owner of the vehicle (you can call the contractor) and the police to work it out with them. I repeatedly apologize for that. He gave the homeless person a ride away because his car literally ad a small cosmetic dent. An attorney can discuss your options and, should you choose to file a lawsuit, can help gather evidence to support your claim (security footage, witness testimony, etc.). My license is valid with no restrictions etc. The challenge will be identifying the responsible officer. The police report is the . Thank you for reaching out. However, they were adamant I hit them. I told him Id consider paying but that because of the amount and considering I needed an estimate for my car, I may go with insurance. I blew the horn to have the driver pull over and he never acknowledged me, before or after the incident. At Berger and Green, our car accident lawyers can order a copy of your police report, determine liability, and explore your options for compensation with you. A judge and/or jury may be sympathetic to your case, but you should hire an attorney to represent you rather than trying to handle it on your own. Walk down the street in the direction the defendant came from and take pictures of the intersection, the traffic signs, and any skid marks in the street. If you and your husband do decide to consult an attorney, feel free to find one using our free directory: It wont! He was not taken to the hospital from the accident. It sounds like you have a good case. Two days later the man and his wife came up to our house and said our dog made him wreck because he tried to detour the dog from chasing his son, and actually run over him, and wrecked. I immediately retrieved my phone and showed him my call log, showing where I received no call. Walk into AAA and report it or wait on him in a couple days? $5,000 for damage to personal property. If you find out the address isnt valid, you can still sue. I notified my insurance company the next morning just to give them an FYI in case anybody files a claim. A car hit my grocery cart into my knees at a grocery store on my way out of the store on June 12, 2019. It sounds as though the best way for you to recover damages for this accident is by consulting a lawyer. She agreed to pay me cash, after I gave her the quote via text she told me to run it through the insurance company and gave me the info. Most attorneys offer free initial consultations, and an attorney may have some ideas about how to track down the driver (security footage, route maps, etc.). I braced myself and it sent me flying a few feet .. They were very upset and when i mentioned calling police they went into panic mode and begged me not to since they did not have insurance because they just purchased vehicle(not new, very used). They merely labeled it as an exchange of information even though the driver never stopped to exchange information and refused to exchange information when I asked. A cop did show up finally, no report was written and the entire time she told the cop that she wasnt hurt! If you've submitted a car . 1. Hello, thanks for the information. Be sure to get a release from the other insurance company. I barely tapped a car in front of me thinking she merged onto the road already as I was looking back for an all clear for me to merge. If you are being blamed for a car accident, your lawyer can inform you of your rights and legal options. Insight will be great on this situation: my fianc lightly tapped a homeless person today. If that happens, and if you have information that identifies the truck and driver, you might be able to file a lawsuit for the costs not covered by insurance. But when I contacted the insurance company they are saying that since theres no police report an that she has not reported the accident, they cant move forward without Either of the two, an she wont answer her phone. Hes lying. The responding officer will often offer his opinion as to fault in the police report, but the insurance company is under no obligation to agree with this opinion. I would recommend talking to an attorney in your area. The police might not respond to an . I could see the driverc car about 50ft from where the officer and I were standing. Police officers are considered neutral and credible in the eyes of a jury and judge, so discussing the details of the accident is advised. Youre not obligated to speak with her or return her calls. The other driver declined and said their vehicle was fine. Prior case results do not guarantee a similar outcome. In general, you dont want to delay making a police report. My finance kept on insisting and she said she was fine. Its difficult to know how you should handle this without all of the information. minimal damage and both him and the other driver drove home from the scene). I went to the er. but wasnt 100% sure because she just met him at the BBQ. Hes being very vague about what the injury is. Heres a breakdown of the reporting laws by state: Judges and juries are inclined to believe police reports and neutral witnesses over having to determine the truth from competing claims. However, it is easy to become disoriented or confused in the moments after a crash. You did the right thing by contacting your insurance company. The police inspected his car and mine said it was very very minor and his car had no damage and he said he was fine. You did not flee the scene.. And how is it the driver behind never slammed on their breaks? Hello, my name is Stacey D. I was involved in a hit and run accident in which a guy driving a Ram 3500 black truck ran into my car from the drivers rear side, while driving on 20hwy east literally pushing me into the lane on my right, also knocking off my drivers mirror. The cop told us that if neither of us was hurt then there was no need for a report! I contacted the police and gave them date location and time of accident and they have the report on file but they have the motorcycle driver as unknown and I understand why. Its probably time to involve an attorney. We will return to the scene of the accident and see if there's any evidence we can find . I was willing to work with this man and make payments to himwhich he was agreeable to in the beginning. You can only claim damages for a treatable injury. Keep copies of all, I wonder why police stopped my house on Saturday was. Couple days call the cops and does not have insurance at the very least, you dont want to the! & # x27 ; s any evidence we can find hope this is why its always a best practice get. Heres a breakdown of the car in front of them is found fault... And defendant are credible witnesses but wasnt 100 % sure because she met! Would be contacted within a couple of weeks the statements provided to a law enforcement official be. 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