. souls. We offer you, O Holy Spirit, this thirteenth decade in honour of the mystery of Pentecost. The creation of the soul and the formation of the body of Jesus in the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit. Destroy in me all that may he displeasing Mary, the faithful echo of God, at once intoned: "Magnificat anima mea Dominum'; "My soul magnifies the Lord' (Lk 1: 46). The dreadful sufferings he endured in carrying it. We offer you, Lord Jesus, this Creed in honour of all the mysteries of our faith, the Our Father and three Hail Marys in honour of the unity of your being and the Trinity of your persons. Hail Mary, well-beloved daughter of the eternal Father, admirable Mother of the Son, most faithful spouse of the Holy Spirit, glorious temple of the Blessed Trinity. We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this fifth decade in honor of Mary's finding
His collapse through weakness into a pool of his own blood. Amen. In Montfort spirituality, the dynamism of charity is expressed in particular by the symbol of the slavery of love to Jesus, after the example and with the motherly help of Mary. firm hope and an ardent charity. May the grace of the Mystery of the Scourging come down into our souls. This was excerpted from True Devotion to Mary, TAN Books &
P.O. It is an invention of Religious to make money. Holy Dominations, ask etc. Through this mystery and her intercession we ask for perseverance and an increase in virtue up to the moment of our death and thereafter the eternal crown that is prepared for us. The congregation, following Our Lady's example, listens more attentively and is more apt to remember the Word of God. The priest who gives the sermon has the angel's role. Let them return to the devotion of the Rosary and they will again enjoy my protection. ibid., n. 53; St Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses, III, 21, 10-22, 4). know Jesus and His divine will; that I may have no Mary's thanksgiving to God expressed in her Magnificat. the Lord has given thee and which shall never be thee, I was the first to be abandoned. | contact us
14.In this decade before each Hail Mary we ask God through the intercession of all the saints for the graces we stand in need of. St. Louis De Montfort's Prayer to Mary. The gospel shows us the effectiveness of the Hail Mary and people will receive help from Our Lady through this prayer. Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign! At the end of this first Rosary the Magnificat is said. It is a devotion of ignorant women who do not know how to read. 8. Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign! Most Holy Trinity, we offer you these three Hail Marys to thank you for all the graces which you have given to Mary and which you have given to us through her intercession. Amen. O my hope, O my life, O my faithful and Immaculate Virgin Mary, defend me, nourish me, hear me, teach me and save me. Our Father. "Jesus being scourged". We offer you, Lord Jesus, this seventh decade in honour of your cruel Scourging; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for the grace to mortify our senses. Through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for a deep contempt of the world. May the grace of the Mystery of the Visitation come down into our souls. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. For mutual help at the hour of death which is so difficult and so important. 2. Hail Mary, admirable Mother of the Son! Amen Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! other soul but thine to praise and glorify the Lord; 11.At the end of the second rosary the following prayers are said kneeling: [Prayer composed by Fr. Our Blessed Lady revealed to a devout soul Amen. and ignominious death on Calvary and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and
The angels adoring the Word Incarnate in the womb of Mary. Thou art all mine by mercy, and I am all thine by justice. St. Abraham and all the holy Patriarchs, ask of God etc. 5.We beseech you, Lord Jesus, by the fifteen mysteries of your life, death, passion and glory, and the merits of your holy Mother, to convert sinners, to help the dying, to free the souls in purgatory, and to give all of us your grace so that we may live well and die well. The sacrifice of himself that Jesus Christ offered to his Father on coming into the world. the least of thy children and the most obedient of thy servants. Treatise on True Devotion, n. 72). its miracles as prefigured in the rod of Moses which caused water to flow from the rock, calmed the waters, divided the seas and performed miracles. This is perhaps the deepest kenosis of faith in human history" (n. 18). ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through her intercession, a tender
Amen. The massacre of the Holy Innocents by Herod the Cruel. We offer you, Lord Jesus, this eleventh decade in honour of your triumphant Resurrection. Our Father. Our Father. 3rd "Jesus born in poverty" Hail Mary, faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost! For they are fully aware that through it reparation was made for the fallen angels' sin, God became man and the world was renewed" (Blessed Alan). But in order that the congregation may give birth to Christ in their souls (by faith) they must first obtain this grace from the Blessed Virgin who gave birth to him the first time, and so together with her, they will become mothers of the Son of God. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. The faith and consent of the Virgin Mary. Amen. Thou art all mine by mercy, and I am all thine To honour the promise that Jesus Christ made to his apostles to send them the Holy Spirit and the command he gave them to prepare to receive him. Hail Mary, admirable Mother of the Son! Gt Britain & Ireland (General Delegation), Tercentenary prayer and reflection leaflets, His collaborator - Blessed Marie-Louis Trichet, Letter to the Members of the Company of Mary. souls. Hail Mary ten times. The Rosary is sanctioned by the example given to us by the saints. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. Amen. Treatise on True Devotion, nn. Glory be to the Father etc. The love of the Son who gave himself up for us. Let us then endeavor to know the effects of this royalty, of this mediation, and of this maternity, as well as the grandeurs and prerogatives which are the foundation or consequences thereof. "Thus, through the sermons of my very dear Dominic and through the power of the Rosary the heretical regions became submissive to the Church. time and eternity. The Holy Spirit invites Mary to reproduce her own virtues in the elect, extending in them the roots of her "invincible faith" and "firm hope" (cf. Eph 5: 27), the faithful still strive to conquer sin and increase in holiness. Through this obedience, the Son of God enters the world. Her divine Motherhood and her relationship with the three persons of the most holy Trinity. so be it--to all that thou art now doing in Heaven; Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. "Jesus crucified". Mary is altogether relative to God; and indeed, I might well call her the relation to God. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. Hail MARY, admirable Mother of the Son. The love with which he embraced and kissed the Cross. ibid., n. 58). One of the loftiest expressions of St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort's spirituality refers to the identification of the faithful with Mary in her love for Jesus and in her service to Jesus. Listen, my princess, listen to the sighs of a heart that desires to love and serve thee faithfully. 4. Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! The Rosary is the prayer of the angels and saints in heaven because they are engaged in celebrating the life, death and glory of Jesus Christ. HAIL MARY, BELOVED DAUGHTER OF THE ETERNAL FATHER. Our Father. Among the cardinals: St. Charles Borromeo. Father and three Hail Marys in honour of the unity of your being and the Trinity
"There is nothing among Christians which makes us more absolutely belong to Jesus Christ and his holy Mother than the slavery of the will, according to the example of Jesus Christ himself, who took on the status of a servant for love of us" - formam servi accipiens - "and also according to the example of the holy Virgin who called herself the servant and handmaid of the Lord (Lk 1: 38). Over 3,000 Catholic prayers sorted by topic/keyword. May the grace of the mystery of the Crowning with Thorns come into our souls. Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! But I am not yet sufficiently thine. Amen. May the grace of the mystery of the Ascension of Our Lord come into me and prepare me for heaven. I shall obtain the graces of salvation for them if they honour me by saying the Rosary for this psalter is very pleasing to me.' intercession of Thy holy Mother, charity toward our neighbor. Critics who strive ingeniously to do away with it. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. His conformity to the will of his Father in spite of his natural reluctance. She also learned that every time the Hail Mary is said by the faithful the three mysterious streams surround Our Lady in a mighty current rush to her heart. Practical Practice of Fasting with Fr Dwight Longenecker, 10 important things to consider during Lent, The Happy Priest on Lent, Happiness and the Call to Selfless Love, Daily Readings for Wednesday, March 01, 2023, St. David: Saint of the Day for Wednesday, March 01, 2023, Lenten Prayer: Prayer of the Day for Monday, February 27, 2023. Lord Jesus, this Creed in honour of all the mysteries of our faith, the Our
May the grace of the mystery of the Assumption come into our souls. Her charity and humility in the service of her cousin. Amen. Hail Mary etc. Hail Mary, faithful spouse of the Holy Ghost! of Thy holy Mother, patience in bearing our crosses. Please choose from the Contents at the right, or choose another work from the Writings menu at the left. You are all mine by mercy, and I am all yours by justice. Amen. St. Catherine, St. Therese and all the holy Virgins, ask of God etc. Hail Mary, faithful spouse of the Holy Ghost! Amen. May the grace of the Mystery of Pentecost come down into our souls. Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. Hail Mary, faithful spouse of the Holy Ghost! The choice of the twelve apostles and the powers he gave them. A work destined to become a classic of Marian spirituality was published 160 years ago. Learning Resources - Free printable resources for schools, parishes, and more. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. True Christians crown him with fragrant roses. Step 1: The rosary prayer begins with the sign of the cross, In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Step 4: On the single bead above the crucifix pray the Lord's Prayer. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! His pierced heart and the Cross upon which he was crucified. "One night when a woman member of the Confraternity had retired, Our Lady appeared to her and said, 'My daughter, do not be afraid of me. The love of God through union with Jesus Christ is the purpose of every genuine devotion, since Christ, as St Louis Marie wrote, "is our only Master who has to teach us; our only Lord on whom we ought to depend; our only Head to whom we must be united; our only Model to whom we should conform ourselves; our only Physician who can heal us; our only Shepherd who can feed us; our only Way who can lead us; our only Truth whom we must believe; our only Life who can animate us; and our only All in all things who can satisfy us" (Treatise on True Devotion, n. 61). Hail my joy, my glory, my heart, and my soul! This Saint's teaching has had a profound influence on the Marian devotion of many of the faithful and on my own life. its sweetness as shown in the honey found in the mouth of the lion. The sacrifice of her honour the Virgin Mary made to the Law. Thee in the Temple, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through her
"Jesus crowned with thorns". The Second Vatican Council recalled this: "The Mother of Jesus in the glory which she possesses in body and soul in heaven is the image and beginning of the Church as it is to be perfected in the world to come. Amen. The angel answered, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. The holy Rosary can be said in a straightforward manner, saying only the Our Fathers and Hail Marys with the intentions of the mysteries. Hail Mary ten times. sovereign! Prayer to Mary of St. Louis De Montfort . B.V.M., 14: PG 96, 719): ""We fasten our souls'", he says, ""to your hope, as to an abiding anchor'. Our Father. May the grace of the mystery of Pentecost come into our souls. Mystery and through the intercession of Thy holy Mother, purity of body and
Hail MARY, faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost. Through this mystery and the intercession of your blessed Mother we ask for detachment from the things of this world, love of poverty and love of the poor. The contentment of Jesus Christ in the humble and Virginal womb of Mary and that of Mary in the enjoyment of her God. I desire to say it with
The greeting of Mary and the sanctification of St. John Baptist and of his mother St. Elizabeth. by the power of prayer and mortification, he received the holy Rosary in the forest of Toulouse. To form an army arrayed as for battle to destroy the empire of the devil and establish that of Jesus Christ. Prayer he used when praying to his Father and through which he obtained what he desired. As a result she is also the favorite daughter of the Father and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Paradoxically, this "bond of charity", this "slavery of love", endows the human being with full freedom, with that true freedom of the children of God (cf. thee until death as the humblest of thy servants. "Jesus being born". Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! the Cross, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through the intercession
In the antiphon Salve Regina, the Church calls the Mother of God "our Hope". Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! 6th "Jesus in his agony" Amen. Hail MARY, admirable Mother of the Son. Mary's total relativity to Christ and through him, to the Blessed Trinity, is first experienced in the observation: "You never think of Mary without Mary interceding for you with God. It is a mysterious rose which is a source of joy to the Blessed Virgin and to the soul. It is a lived teaching of outstanding ascetic and mystical depth, expressed in a lively and passionate style that makes frequent use of images and symbols. Holy Archangels, ask etc. pride; may thy sublime contemplation check the distractions It is the terror of the devil, the blow which crushes him, the nail of Sisera which pierces his head. Amen. The reprobate crown themselves with faded roses. Hail, Mary, my Mother. its marvellous fruitfulness as shown in the parable of the mustard seed which, although so small in appearance, becomes a great tree in which the birds of the air make their nests. "I have stopped pestilences and put an end to horrible wars and averted bloodshed, besides strengthening those who said the Rosary in order to avoid sin. Amen. obtain from Jesus, thy beloved Son, contrition and pardon for all my sins, as
Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! Hail Mary ten times. Hail Mary, most faithful Spouse of the Holy Spirit, etc." (S.M. The Rosary is the tree of life which bears marvellous fruits all the year round. Amen. We can have a special intention for each Hail Mary. The second is the crown of triumph or of power that we give her by the sorrowful mysteries. She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean, but the angel said to her, 'Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God's favour. As I once again make my own this hope which I expressed, along with the other Council Fathers almost 40 years ago, I send to the entire Montfort Family a special Apostolic Blessing. The afflicted people sought the advice of a saintly hermit who lived a very austere life in the desert. Thus, in the Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, Mary appears as "the true terrestrial paradise of the New Adam", the "virginal and immaculate earth" of which he was formed (n. 261). 54. His humble and fervent prayers offered during his life and on the eve of his passion. Indulgence for those who receive communion in the church of the Rosary on the first Sunday of the month. It is the prayer of the predestinate and of Catholics. Hail, sovereign princess, to whom all owe subjection in Heaven and on earth! Amen. It is good, but I have not the time to say it. day and every moment of my life I may say: Amen, So Hail Mary, faithful Spouse of the Holy Spirit. sins, save us from the fires of Hell; lead all souls to Heaven, especially those
"Jesus Holy of holies". Holy Virtues, ask etc. Thank you. Hail Mary, faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost! Indeed, the ecce venio in the Letter to the Hebrews (cf. Her daughter, sons, in-laws and grandchildren. The circumcision of Jesus and his suffering accepted in love. We can recite it inwardly without speaking. The ravishing beauty of her divine child. Among religious: St. Ignatius, St. Philip Neri, St. Felix of Cantalice. 68) To honour his hidden, hard working and obedient life at Nazareth. 42-43; Rosarium Virginis Mariae, n. 15). its richness as shown in the parable of the treasure hidden in a field for which a wise man must give up all he has to possess it. What Mary did then, she does daily now. "Ad Iesum per Mariam' To Jesus through Mary. Catholic Online YouTube - over 4,800 Catholic videos. But I am not yet sufficiently thine. Her resurrection and triumphant Assumption. May the grace of the Scourging of Jesus come into me and make me truly mortified. Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father, admirable Mother of the Son, faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost, august Temple of the most Holy Trinity! 55.Richard of St. Laurence lists the reasons why it is good to say a Hail Mary at the beginning of a sermon: 56.In his first sermon on the holy Rosary Clement Losow says: After St. Dominic had gone to heaven, devotion to the Rosary waned and it was nearly extinct, when a terrible pestilence broke out in several parts of the country. Thou art all mine by mercy, and I am all thine by justice. His weariness of soul during all his life and especially in the Garden of Olives. Ave Maria Meditations HAIL MARY, beloved Daughter of the eternal Father. DARMANIN - CLEMENTINA. Step 2: Pray the St. Louis de Montfort introductory prayer. May the grace of the Mystery of the Finding of Our Lord in the Temple come
Among the learned: Albert the Great, Navarre, etc. princess, listen to the sighs of a heart that desires to love and serve thee
(Prayer to be said at the end of each decade in
6.To do this a word or two is added to each Hail Mary of the decade reminding us of the mystery we are celebrating. I choose thee today for my Mother and Mistress. of Pentecost, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through the
The shame and the ignominy he endured in being crucified naked between two thieves. The Our Father - prayer of which Jesus Christ is the sole author. They are the 15 steps of the temple of Solomon and the 15 rungs of the ladder of Jacob by which the angels descend to them and return to heaven and by which they ascend to heaven. The Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and the Son by the way of love. V: Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! His falling through weakness under its weight. The third is the royal crown or crown of goodness that we give her by the glorious mysteries. Almsgiving became widespread; churches and hospitals were built; people led pure and honourable lives; real wonders were accomplished. V: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. In everlasting memory of a dear and loving mother and grandmother. We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this fourth decade in honor of Thy Presentation
souls. When you say the Rosary the angels rejoice in it, the holy Trinity delights in it, my son finds joy in it and I myself am happier than you can possibly imagine. The Rosary enlightens blind and hardened sinners. Step 3: On the crucifix we begin with the prayer of the Apostles Creed. St. Joseph and all the holy Confessors, ask of God etc. the stable of Bethlehem, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through
Amen. In addressing Jesus, St Louis Marie expresses the marvel of the union between the Son and the Mother: "She is so transformed into you by grace that she lives no more, she is as though she were not. Hail Mary, faithful spouse of the Holy. Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! The devil, who is the enemy of the human race and of the preaching of the gospel, is driven off by the Hail Mary. Through this mystery and the intercession of Mary, your most holy spouse, we ask for your holy wisdom that we may know, taste and practice your truth and share it with everyone. Hail Joseph the just, Wisdom is with you; blessed are you among all men and blessed is Jesus, the fruit of Mary, your faithful spouse. We offer you, Lord Jesus, this fourteenth decade in honour of the Immaculate Conception of your holy Mother and her assumption into heaven body and soul. perseverance of the just and the relief of the souls in Purgatory. Amen. You are all mine through your mercy, and I am all yours. This is most necessary because, to quote Our Lord's words, there is a danger of his coming to take the Word of God out of people's hearts, "lest believing they might be saved. The tongues of fire he sent to the apostles giving them an understanding of the scriptures and love of God and neighbour. Holy Principalities, ask etc. The Annunciation).
May the grace of the mystery of the Scourging of Jesus come into our souls. But I am not yet sufficiently thine. he entered Toulouse and preached the Rosary and great wonders and great blessings accompanied his preaching. St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort wrote the Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin at the beginning of the 1700s, but the manuscript remained practically unknown for more than a century. Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign! The flight of Jesus to Egypt through St. Joseph's obedience to the voice of the angel. Amen. Amen. We offer you, Lord Jesus, this second decade in honour of the Visitation of your holy Mother to her cousin Saint Elizabeth and of the sanctification of Saint John the Baptist; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for charity towards our neighbour. Blessed Alan de la Roche who restored it. I believe in God; Our Father; three Hail Marys. 8th "Jesus crowned with thorns" After holy Mass the Rosary is the holiest action and prayer that we can offer because it is a remembrance and a celebration of what Jesus Christ has done and suffered for us. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. its fruitfulness as shown in the net that St. Peter by order of Our Lord threw into the sea and which though filled with 153 fish did not break. May the grace of the Mystery of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin come
"Jesus sacrificed". Like Mary and with Mary, the saints are in the Church and for the Church to make her holiness shine out and to extend to the very ends of the earth and the end of time the work of Christ, the one Saviour. The Rosary contains the angelic greeting which is the most pleasing prayer we can offer our Blessed Lady. (Father Sertorio Caputo) Thy name of Mary, to my ear, O Mother Mary, sounds more sweet Than sweetest melody; It brings such peace and joy so dear, That I would ever more repeat A word so sweet to me. This is in no way a form of "millenarianism", but a deep sense of the eschatological character of the Church linked to the oneness and saving universality of Jesus Christ. The ransoming of Jesus by the offering of two turtle doves. St Elizabeth praised Mary and called her blessed because she had believed. The Jews crown Jesus with piercing crowns. Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father, admirable Mother of the
Treatise on True Devotion, n. 34). With attention avoiding voluntary distractions. Amen. The blood he shed and the wounds he received. by justice. thy privilege to triumph gloriously in Heaven at the Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign! We offer you, Lord Jesus, this fifteenth and last decade in honour of the Coronation of your holy Mother; through this mystery and her intercession we ask for perseverance in grace and the crown of glory. Hail Mary, faithful spouse of the Holy Ghost! O Father of mercy, God of all consolation, we ask you for this infinite treasure of your divine wisdom, through the tender heart of Mary, through the Precious Blood of your dear Son and through the intense desire you have to bestow your gifts on your poor creatures. Through this mystery and through the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for a lively faith. Her wonderful life and her exemption from all sin. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. Indeed, as the Second Vatican Council recalled, "Devoutly meditating on her [Mary] and contemplating her in the light of the Word made man, the Church reverently penetrates more deeply into the great mystery of the Incarnation" (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, n. 65). The peace, the authority and the mission he gave them to go out into the whole world. Even children performed unbelievable penances, and devotion to my Son and to me spread so much that it seemed almost as though angels were living on earth. Saint of the Day for Wednesday, March 1st, 2023, First Station: Jesus is condemned to death. After they have completely bathed her in happiness they gush back into the bosom of God. We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this third decade in honor of Thy Nativity in
well as the gift of divine wisdom. The coming forth of the eternal Word from the womb of Mary without breaking the seal of her Virginity. I wrote in Novo Millennio Ineunte: "One can never really reach Jesus except by the path of faith" (n. 19). It is the hymn of the angels and saints in heaven. As for my part here below, I wish for no charity. Again, in prayer to the Mother of the Lord, St Louis Marie expresses the Trinitarian dimension of his relationship with God: "Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! Those who say it in haste and to get it over with. His last coming upon earth when his power and majesty will appear in all their magnificence. 13.We offer you, Lord Jesus, this eleventh decade in honour of your glorious Resurrection; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother, we ask for love of God and fervour in your service. They see springs of living water from the Saviour to whom one may go with joy to draw the saving waters of grace. We ask for the same grace for all the just and all our benefactors. The Rosary provides the knowledge of the mysteries of Jesus and Mary and recalls them to mind in view of applying them to one's life. Hail Mary, admirable Mother of the Son. The shameful treatment he received at the house of Herod when he was dressed in a white robe. In each mystery, after the word Jesus, add a word to recall and honour the particular mystery. 25-27). 71-72). other than that which was thine: to believe sincerely Hail, sovereign princess, to whom all owe subjection in Heaven and on earth! Amen. resurrection and triumphant Assumption of Thy holy Mother into Heaven, and we
Hail Mary ten times. For in the mystery of the Church, which is herself rightly called mother and virgin, the Blessed Virgin stands out in eminent and singular fashion as exemplar both of virgin and mother" (ibid., n. 63). I unite with you, my Jesus, in order to praise your
It is to her that the saints who have saved themselves have been the most attached and have done their best to attach others, in order to persevere in virtue. Through the Hail Mary, priests avoid pitfalls in their preaching, for Mary gives enlightenment to preachers. The justice he will mete out at the last judgment when he rewards the just and punishes the wicked for all eternity. O God of our fathers, Lord of mercy, Spirit of truth, I, a mere worm of the earth, prostrate before your divine Majesty, acknowledging the great need I have of your divine wisdom which I have lost through my sins and trusting in the unfailing promise you have made to all those who ask with confidence, I come before you today to beg this grace of you with all possible earnestness and the greatest humility. 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