In many countries, immigration occurred without planning. Tanya's friends are definitely starting to see where she's coming from, and they certainly agree that diversity can be, and often is, a very political phenomenon with far-reaching implications. For one thing, the lack of diversity has significant implications for how Australia is seen in the wider Indo-Pacific region. An estimated 14.7% of Australian adults today are of Asian heritage, similar to the proportion of African-Americans in the US population. Since the end of World War II, the proportion of overseas-born and second generation migrants in Australia has steadily increased. Culture can impact our perspectives, behaviour, how we interact in the world and our personal identities. Third-plus generation Australians are Australian-born people whose parents were also born in Australia but one or more of their grandparents or ancestors may have been born overseas. Diversity is an issue with multiple interpretations across the political spectrum. In 2021, the language with the highest number of speakers was Mandarin. Yet such acceptance of multiculturalism is accompanied by debate. From 1911 to 1947, the proportion of people in Australia who were born overseas dropped to a low of 9.8% as migration was impacted by two World Wars and two major economic depressions[2]. The problem is compounded by an inability to talk publicly about race other than in a defensive manner, or the resort to meaningless platitudes such as in the response to widespread anti-Asian racism during Covid-19. It means a national community defines its national identity not in ethnic or racial terms, but in terms that can include immigrants. Of those: Over a third reported their religious affiliation with Hinduism (36.4%), while a fifth reported Sikhism (20.7%), 13.5% as Western Catholic and 12.3% with No religion. Our experience has been different from those in other parts of the world. 5.2%had a Nepalese-born father and a mother born elsewhere overseas. During this time it has sailed through the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s, the 'dot com bubble' of the early 2000s, and the global financial crisis . Since 2006, the proportion of people who were born overseas has increased more sharply, influenced by changes to Australias immigration policy including an increase in the intake of skilled migrants. More information on Ancestry can be found in Understanding and using Ancestry data. A well-ordered immigration program has ensured public acceptance of cultural diversity; it has underpinned the cultural generosity of Australian society. 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This level of agreement has been constant for the past three years.[1]. Term Definition; Diversity "The condition of having or being composed of differing elements" [4] Social Diversity "A successful community in which individuals of different race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, socioeconomic status, language, geographical origin, gender and/or sexual orientation bring their different knowledge, background, experience and interest for the benefit of their . The proportion of the population who were born overseas has increased in all states and territories since 2006. This isnt about celebrating diversity for diversitys sake. Such groups may not confine their energies to one community. This website helped me pass! Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. (a) Respondents can report up to two ancestries so percentages will add to greater than 100% as they are the number of responses as a proportion of the total population. Most of Australias population are descendants of migrants and as a result, our most common ancestries align with the most common countries of birth of the population over time. It says that while we should accept cultural diversity, we must also affirm and protect our liberal democratic institutions. Second generation Australians are Australian-born people, living in Australia, with at least one overseas-born parent. Australias multiculturalism is based on a compact of citizenship. Less than one in twenty (4.3%) were aged 15 to 64 years. In 2021, the five most common overseas countries of birth were the same as those reported in 2016. "I'm Aboriginal and Croatian." "I'm Anglo Saxon and Australian." "My mum is Chinese and Indian and my dad is Scottish, Sri Lankan, Portuguese and Indian. Immigrants were tolerated as guest workers who were expected to return home once their work was done. Tanya explains to her friends that within the political perspective, diversity is important as a way of ensuring that traditionally underrepresented and disadvantaged groups get representation on a political scale. Research clearly indicates the positive economic and social benefits of migration to . While it is true that multiculturalism is in a troubled state in many liberal democracies, it is not the case for Australia. The ABS has adopted a multidimensional approach to understand ethnicity in Australia. This increase may have been a result of the addition of response categories to the ancestry question on the Census form. It was a very narrow document. Infographic displaying the following information: Some examples of Australian diversity are: One in every four Australian was born overseas. first generation) Australians, representing 2.6% of the Australian population. Why does it matter? Hazaraghi was one of the fastest growing languages in 2021. Census respondents can report up to two ancestries in their response to the question on ancestry. For more information on measuring cultural and ethnic diversity see Standards for Statistics on Cultural and Language Diversity and Australian Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups (ASCCEG). India was the second most common overseas country of birth and between 2016 and 2021, the number of Indian-born Australians increased by 47.9%, which was the highest increase in country of birth. It has always aimed to strengthen Australian national identity, not to supersede it. In France, if there are to be expressions of cultural difference, they are to be confined to the private sphere they have no place in public. The top 5 ancestries were: Indian 85.1%, Anglo-Indian 9.6% Fijian Indian 4.4%, Punjabi 0.7%, Sikh 0.2%. The law acts, among other things, to express our values as a society. During the past decade, something of a consensus in Europe has emerged. There is a cognitive dissonance in championing a diverse, multicultural population and at the same time maintaining extremely unrepresentative corridors of power. [14] E Burke ([1790] 1980), Reflections on the Revolution in France, The Harvard Classics, ed. This bargain is embodied in the pledge an immigrant takes when they naturalise as an Australian citizen: I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey. In those four clauses we have writ the contract of citizenship in this country. There is nothing that can be described as multicultural about such bans. Punjabi had the biggest increase in number, with 107,000 more speakers in 2021 than in 2016, an increase of 80.4%. Chapter 7 Economic Diversification in Australia. Across the English-speaking world, there are senior leaders in national politics who have Asian heritage: US Vice President Kamala Harris, British Chancellor Rishi Sunak (spoken of as the next leader of the Conservative Party), and the national leader of Canada's New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, are prime examples. [8] C Laundy (2016), Cultural diversity is one of our strengths, The Australian, 1 March 2016. From the late 1980s the increase in the Chinese-born population was largely a result of an increase in the number of Chinese students entering Australia[4]. [4] Department of Immigration and Border Protection (2014), Australias Migration Trends 2013-14, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, p 118. Indeed, counting culture presents a watershed moment for understanding our multicultural society and our multicultural labour market. Demographic shifts have meant the proportion of the population with Asian heritage doubled between 2001 and 2016. The most common countries of birth were Lebanon (20.4%), Iraq (12.0%) and Egypt (7.6%). Today, Australia's population of about 23 million is one of the most interesting and diverse populations in the world. The top 5 languages were: Nepali 95.5%, English 3.2%, Hindi 0.4%, Gujarati 0.1%, Tibetan 0.1%. Among the 37 religions reported by Nepalese-born Australians, the top three were Hinduism (83.9%), Buddhism (8.5%) and No religion (3.2%). It is a day for both the celebration of multiculturalism but also a day to resolve to eliminate racism and xenophobia. But thats wrong. "I Made a Space for You:" Renegotiating National Identity and Citizenship in Contemporary Aotearoa New . This may indicate that people choose Australian ancestry if multiple generations of their family have been born in Australia, or they do not know the cultural origins of their ancestors. A less open preselection process, the failure to collect basic data and too little focus on improving diverse representation, culturally and linguistically, are factors across all parties. succeed. Most of this group (88.9%) was born in Cambodia. The graph below shows how this has changed over time as economic, political, and social factors including wars and immigration policies have influenced Australias migration patterns. Conservatives, after all, have never shied from prescribing for society as Edmund Burke did in his Reflections on the Revolution in France the right kinds of sentiments, manners and moral opinions.[14]. Despite its relative success as a socially cohesive society, Australia is seen to have a poor global reputation on race relations compared to other English-speaking Western democracies. In the 2021 Census, there were over 240,000 second generation Australians who had at least one parent born in India. Thats the challenge of extremism. Tanya demonstrates that this increased gender diversity in representation makes a really different picture for today's young girls than what her mother grew up with. Professor Lisa Jackson Pulver - Change the constitution. In these past few days, as the horror of Christchurch has sunk in, we have been reminded of the extent to which our most important public ideals are at the same time also very fragile they are only as strong as our willingness to act on them over the long term. They can either worry about themselves as women, for instance, or as people of color. WA has had the highest proportion of overseas-born over the past 50 years. I thank the Sydney Institute for facilitating such a debate this evening. (a) SA3s are functional areas of regional towns and cities with a population of more than 20,000 or clusters of related suburbs around urban commercial and transport hubs within major urban areas. Australia's Indigenous peoples are two distinct cultural groups made up of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. But it is a success that demands our vigilance. In 1971, the number of the Italian-born population peaked at 290,000 but had declined to 163,000 in 2021. First of all, her friends point out that diversity can also exist on very small scales, like within families, neighborhoods, and workplaces, and it can be handled really well in these contexts even in the absence of political support. The number of people born in these countries and living in Australia have increased substantially since 2016. Sections of our media can also do a poor job in reporting and commenting on race issues. Tanya believes firmly that one of the only ways to end this tremendous inequity is to involve more African-Americans in lawmaking and the judicial system. I would like to conclude by focusing attention on a third, and most urgent, challenge. [5] D Smith, J Wykes, S Jayarajah and T Fabijanic (2010) Citizenship in Australia, Paper for OECD Seminar on Naturalisation and the Socio-Economic Integration of Immigrants and their Children, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Canberra, p 8. More than half (58.6%) of Arabic speakers were born overseas. The violent attacks targeting Muslims in Christchurch last Friday are a reminder of the need to continually fight against extreme racist views, according to University of Sydney experts. There were 240,331 second generation Australians with at least one Indian-born parent. In any debate, though, it is important that we recognise some of the distinctive characteristics of the Australian multiculturalism. The French approach, for example, is better described as a republican or assimilationist one. There are some examples of Asian Australians in senior political positions, but it is still a rarity. More women run for and get elected to office, and more are appointed to judicial positions and other political appointments. Academics from the University of Sydney discussed steps we need to take to combat racism and make Australia a more inclusive country. While most would know Labor Senator Penny Wong, there are few Asian-Australian federal MPs and not a single Asian-Australian federal minister. We must take care, however, not to judge entire communities by the actions of an extremist few; we must not allow stereotypes and prejudices to take hold. Its a vital expression of them. Saying that some communities may be susceptible to experiences of racial or religious vilification doesnt amount to encouraging a sense of victim mentality (as some commentators have suggested). Almost three quarters (74.6%) of Indian-born Australians were aged between 20 and 49 years. In 2021, the SA3 with the highest number of countries of birth was Sydney Inner City. Almost three quarters (73.4%) were aged under 15 years, and a quarter (25.0%) were aged between 15 and 64 years. There continues to be commentary, which suggests that section 18C stifles free speech by capturing conduct that is merely offensive. In a nutshell, political diversity is a system that fulfills the political interests of all parties involved. Since it was introduced in 1995, section 18C has been found by the courts only to apply when it causes serious and profound effects involving race; it does not cover acts which cause mere trivial slights or harms. Unlike French republicanism, Australian multiculturalism has not confined cultural differences to the private realm; Australian society openly celebrates cultural diversity. there is a huge diversity in the different foods of the world. While census data provides us with a snapshot and a great benchmarking tool, it comes with limitations as you are largely defined by your ancestry. But in much recent debate about the Act, there continues to be widespread misunderstanding about its provisions especially section 18C, which makes it unlawful to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate someone because of their race. Sign up to get it by email.. We need to connect our commitment to multiculturalism to some of the foundational concepts underlying liberal democracy to human rights, justice and equality, as well the struggle against racial discrimination. Multiculturalism has, at its heart, a deep commitment to equality and respect for human dignity. (a) Respondents can report up to two ancestries so percentages will add to greater than 100% as they are the number of responses as a proportion of the total population. This warrants our attention. 2015. Professor Tim Soutphommasane - Strong leadership on race and multiculturalism needed. Available online: (last accessed 8 March 2016). About one-fifth of these arrived under the 1951 Italian Assisted Migration scheme. But there is great diversity within these two broadly described groups exemplified by the over 250 different language groups spread across the nation. This section protects anything that is done reasonably and in good faith that is artistic work or fair reporting and comment on matters of public interest. Cultural background is as much about how a census data point defines you as it is about the way someone else defines you, and as such how you identify. These reflect legitimate concerns. More than three quarters reported living in New South Wales (53.0%), Victoria (16.5%) and Queensland (8.8%). To address this gap, an important starting point is to define, measure, monitor and report on cultural diversity. That kind of open, public endorsement of diversity wouldnt be contemplated in French republican society. 94.9% used English at home. Australian cohabitants speak more than 200 languages, excluding English. 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