Army Publishing Directorate
EETP is a quota controlled voluntary separation program. This message serves to establish the authority, eligibility, and procedures for the voluntary early release of Active Duty enlisted Marines whose term of service will expire during FY21 or FY22 (1 October 2020 to 30 September 2022) with a Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS) of 1812, 1869, or 2146. The application window runs Jan. 20 April 2 and the expanded PALACE CHASE program window will run Jan. 20 through June 1, 2021. 3. policy. Marines must be TRS complete and medically qualified prior to early release. POC/L. Air Force retention spiked amid COVID. If you receive Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI) or Special Separation Bonus (SSB) and later qualify for retired or retainer pay, you will be required to repay the full gross VSI/SSB paid to date. 3. 8.f. Air Force leaders are working hard to preserve the mission and care for the Airmen who accomplish it, Cole said. 6.i. 7.a.1. MARADMIN 734/20
Marines being separated under VEERP will sign a page 11 entry for inclusion in their official military personnel file acknowledging they are a volunteer for the program and that separation requirements will be completed prior to EAS. Send all Enlisted Administrative Separation cases and correspondence to our mailbox at PERS832ADSEPS.FCT@NAVY.MIL via DoD SAFE ONLY.
The application window for the expanded PALACE CHASE program and limited Active Duty Service Commitment waivers opened January 2021. SUBJ/FY21 VOLUNTARY ENLISTED EARLY RELEASE PROGRAM//
The second category includes Soldiers approaching their ETS who have chosen not to reenlist or extend and voluntarily request early separation for the purpose of accepting employment (up to 180 days). Furthermore, if early release would disqualify Marines for separation pay due to length of service criteria under the law, Marines will not be released from active duty until their service length criteria has been met. In that case, the Soldiers would remain with their unit until their ETS dates, he added. Interested members should review the eligibility criteria and the list of eligible Air Force specialties, grades and year groups before submitting their applications for consideration. Early separation will be granted on a first come first serve basis until all quotas have been exhausted. The Navy remains committed to ensuring Fleet readiness by providing well-trained Sailors in the right paygrade with the right skills and experience at the right time, said VADM Nowell in the message. Early separation will be granted on a first-come-first-served basis until all quotas are exhausted in the respective rating. The buyout program is not a retirement program. As always,. Kelly said that as unemployment rose sharply in the pandemics early days, hundreds of airmen who were planning to retire or separate may have decided it was safer to stay in uniform a little longer. For service members who are involuntary separation under honorable conditions, up to 10 days permissive temporary duty may be available to prepare for relocating and job hunting. Airmen who are in a specialty that is not on the list of eligible jobs can apply on a case-by-case basis. 7. Airmen who are eligible for the active-duty service commitment waivers would be able to retire no later than Sept. 1, or separate no later than Sept. 29. Members in a specialty that is not on the list of eligible Air Force specialties may apply on a case-by-case basis. Officers also must have at least 10 years of total active federal commissioned service. These requests are submitted to the Enlisted Separation and Performance Division at Navy Personnel Command if the early transition is greater than 90-days before their SEAOS. Interested members should review the eligibility criteria and the list of eligible Air Force specialties, grades and year groups before submitting their applications for consideration. R 042355Z DEC 20
EETP is a quota-controlled voluntary separation program, which is updated periodically to reflect opportunity. If a Marine previously approved for the VEERP is found to be not medically qualified to separate at their adjusted EAS, notify MMIB immediately to have the VEERP date either modified or cancelled. Example page 11 entry: I have been approved for participation in the FY21 Voluntary Enlisted Early Release Program. The deadline is Sept. 30. effective 1 january 2014, the enlisted voluntary early separation program authorizes commanders exercising special court martial convening authority (spcmca), or higher if withheld by a higher commander, to approve voluntary early separation prior to contractual ets for regular army enlisted soldiers in two categories and for The FY21 Voluntary Enlisted Early Release Program (VEERP) is a force shaping initiative that will support future force requirements. An official website of the United States government, All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information, **NO EETP QUOTAS AVAILABLE FOR FY23 and FY24**, Requests for Early Separation from qualified applicants shall be submitted via NAVPERS 1306/7 (Enlisted Personnel Action Request) along with signed NAVPERS 1070/613 (Administrative Remarks) to BUPERS-32 via the service members Commanding Officer. The Air Force was unable to provide by press time additional information as to how many airmen might leave under these programs. As the Navy has grown over recent years, some enlisted ratings at specific paygrades have become overmanned due to high retention in these ratings, said John B. Nowell, Jr., the Navys Chief of Personnel. Voluntary force management programs provide Airmen with flexible options to retire, separate or affiliate at times that suit their personal circumstances and allow the Department of the Air Force to balance certain specialties to ensure we meet the needs of the high-end fight, said Col. Richard Cole, Chief, Military Sustainment and Transition Program Division. Airmen released under the expanded PALACE CHASE program are relieved of recoupment obligation for unearned bonuses. For more information, and to check eligibility, visit the CAC-enabled myPers websites at FY 21 Enlisted Voluntary Force Management Program and FY 21 Officer Voluntary Force Management Program. Additionally, Marines requesting a new cross fiscal year separation date from FY22 to FY21 must submit their VEERP request in enough time to reach HQ (MMIB) 120 days prior to the new requested EAS date. In any case where a Marine previously approved for the VEERP is charged with any offense which requires mandatory processing for administrative separation per reference (e), contact MMIB immediately to have the VEERP cancelled. REF/M/MSGID: DOD/CMC/YMD: 20200521//
(703) 614-3727, Office of the Chief Information Officer
These programs provide provisions for both enlisted and officer members who meet specified criteria. The big change is that besides deploying units, the policy now also covers units that are going to be deactivated, he said. Typically, an enlisted airman transitioning under Palace Chase has to serve two years in the Reserve for every year remaining on his or her service obligation, and officers have to serve three years for every one remaining. 4.a. That policy allows them to separate up to 90 days early, so they can begin their semester work, Bragg said. Lock
Allowing certain regular Army enlisted Soldiers to voluntarily request early separation prior to ETS, supports the goals of the Armys Transition Assistance Program. REGULAR ENLISTED MEMBERS: EARLY DISCHARGE. All applicants for early separation must come forward on a voluntary basis through submitted requests into the Enlisted Early Transition Program, which gets. Marines must not be stabilized for deployment at the time of requested early release (new EAS). But this meant that when fiscal 2021 began, the Air Force had already surpassed its year-end active-duty end strength goal of 333,700, which would have been an increase of 900 from fiscal 2020. Release authorized by LtGen D. A. Ottignon, Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs.//, FY21 VOLUNTARY ENLISTED EARLY RELEASE PROGRAM, Date Signed: 12/8/2020 | MARADMINS Number: 734/20, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Cookie Notice The FY21 VEERP will commence upon the publication of this MARADMIN. The FY21 Expanded PALACE CHASE Program provides an opportunity for Airmen in selected Air Force specialties and grades to apply for a transfer from active military service to an Air Reserve Component position. 9301 Chapek Road., Bldg.1458
The Marine may submit for VEERP once proceedings are completed and if he/she remains eligible for release under honorable conditions. Air Force leaders are working hard to preserve the mission and care for the Airmen who accomplish it, Cole said. and our Separation and retirement applicants who meet basic eligibility criteria and apply for release under these programs are not guaranteed approval, Cole said. The Enlisted Involuntary Early Separation Program has been in effect for some time for Soldiers whose units are deploying and their ETS date is during that deployment. Commanders will be notified of VEERP approval via electronic diary feedback report with history statement indicating approval for VEERP. REF (J) IS TITLE 37 UNITED STATES CODE SECTION 373. 8.b. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 7.a.3. REF/D/MSGID: DOC/DOD/YMD: 20170303//
As a result, quotas will be granted on a first come first serve basis until all are exhausted. REF/L/MSGID: DOD/OSD/YMD: 20170127//
REF/E/MSGID: DOC/CMC/YMD: 20190215//
Accordingly, these Marines are not required to take any further action regarding their TEB. Ineligibility. REF (O) IS SECDEF MEMORANDUM FURTHER DELEGATING AUTHORITY UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 11498 TO SECRETARIES OF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENTS.//
As the economic and operational environment evolve, the Army continues to review policies and procedures that strike the best balance between the quality of life for Soldiers and their families, maintaining personnel readiness, and fielding combat ready forces. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): This form serves as a DoD employee application for Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP) under VSIP Phase II. CAMP FOSTER, OKINAWA, Japan -- There are two ways Marines can finish their formal education outside of the Marine Corps prior to the end of their current contract. Upon HQMC (MM) final approval, MMIB will report the new EAS/ECC via MCTFS unit diary entry per reference (f). Retirement-eligible Airmen must complete at least 20 years of total active federal military service and, for officers, at least 10 years of total active federal commissioned service, before the requested retirement date. Secure .mil websites use HTTPS
The new policy allowing for early separation for a job opportunity can be "good for the Soldiers and their families" as they transition, Bragg said. Other types of early outs will also be offered and will be considered on a case-by case basis. EETP is a quota-controlled voluntary separation program, which is updated periodically to reflect opportunity. 2. The LADSC application window runs Jan. 20, 2021 through Apr.2, 2021, and the expanded PALACE CHASE program window will run Jan. 20 through June 1, 2021. Opportunities exist for lateral move (LATMOV) into a different MOS per (MARADMIN 504/20). Submit applications via encrypted email to, EETP Quota Table - No EETP quotas currently available. to learn about the U.S. Army initiatives. EETP opportunity will come in published quotas, identified by rating, paygrade, year group and navy enlisted classification. You must fulfill all service remaining . Marines are reminded that early release from active duty under this MARADMIN could affect the amount of their separation pay. Implementing a variety of voluntary programs allows the Department of the Air Force to offer retirement and separation options that may align with an Airmans needs or goals.
The first category includes Soldiers serving in over strength skills who are ultimately denied reenlistment by Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) and voluntarily request early separation (up to 90 days). GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. To contact a DAP Specialist choose from the nearest POC from the list below:
Marines already denied further service will retain the appropriate SPD code and must submit for separations pay determination per references (d), (e), and (f). 4.b. effective immediately and continuing until further notice, the enlisted voluntary early separation program authorizes commanders exercising special court martial convening authority (spcmca), or higher if withheld by a higher commander, to approve voluntary early separation prior to contractual ets for regular army enlisted soldiers in two categories and for the periods of time listed in . Commanders utilizing stabilization for deployment as justification must ensure Marines have been reported to MMIB for proper stabilization and DCC reporting. 8.e. POC/B. 6.e.1. Comments or Suggestions about this website? Privacy Policy. This SPD applies to Marines who have completed eight years active duty obligated service and do not wish to transfer to the reserves. 8.f.2. Quotas will be updated on a regular basis to reflect opportunity. Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
5.a.2. example, a registrar or director of admissions) indicating acceptance. REF/G/MSGID: DOC/OSD/YMD: 20180712//
3. In conjunction with the Army's decision to eliminate Stop Loss for units deploying on or after Jan. 1, 2010 . These programs provide provisions for both enlisted and officer members who meet specified criteria. Coordinating instructions
Stephen Losey is the air warfare reporter for Defense News. "We want to ensure all Soldiers are treated with dignity and respect, and that when they leave the service, they're ambassadors for the Army," he emphasized. I have been counseled on the contents of the FY21 Voluntary Enlisted Early Release Program MARADMIN and understand that I will be considered to have completed my full active service commitment. 3.b. 6.f. Voluntary force management programs provide airmen with flexible options to retire, separate or affiliate at times that suit their personal circumstances and allow the Department of the Air Force to balance certain specialties to ensure we meet the needs of the high-end fight, Col. Richard Cole, chief of the Military Sustainment and Transition Program Division, said in the release. The Navy will offer limited, voluntary early separations with an eye to allowing Sailors in certain specialties the ability to transition to civilian life before completing their service obligations. Officer waivers will be considered for PCS, DEROS curtailment, tuition assistance, direct accession, Extended Active Duty ROTC and OTS service commitments. The largest source of early outs will likely come from the newly restored Early Enlisted Transition Program (EETP). The Selected Marine Corps Reserve is actively seeking the service of separating Marines who want to remain affiliated with the Marine Corps upon transition out of the active component. Voluntary Separation The Enlisted Voluntary Early Separation Program is designed for Soldiers who have employment offers and want to discontinue their military career prior to the expiration of their term of service, or ETS. As always, Commanding Officers can approve education separation requests inside of 90 days of a service members SEAOS. You will receive a notification letter 90 days before your recoupment begins. 3.a. Pursuant to reference (a), Marines approved for VEERP who had been approved to transfer Post-9/11 GI Bill (PGIB) education benefits (TEB) to their dependents prior to requesting VEERP, are considered to have completed their previously approved TEB-related service agreement. This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve. It is imperative that commands notify their Disbursing Officers/Finance Officers (DO/FO) regarding early separations in accordance with reference (f). Washington DC 20310-0107, ACTIVE DUTY ENLISTED ADMINISTRATIVE SEPARATIONS, SUPERSEDED ARMY DIR 2012-07, 03/13/2012; SUPERSEDED ARMY DIR 2013-21, 11/07/2013; SUPERSEDED ARMY DIR 2014-06, 04/10/2014; SUPERSEDED ARMY DIR 2016-19, 05/26/2016; SUPERSEDED AR 635-200, 12/19/2016, A APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED, ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access),, Search Army publications and forms by Number, Title, or Record Detail. 6.b. The FY21 Expanded PALACE CHASE Program provides an opportunity for Airmen in selected Air Force specialties and grades to apply for a transfer from active military service to an Air Reserve Component position. | Army Organic Industrial Base Modernization Implementation Plan, Department of the Army announces updated COVID-19 vaccination statistics, Army approves APFT exception for specialists and corporals, Army Extends Timeline for Postpartum Soldiers to Meet Body Fat Standards, U.S. Army updates promotion and retention policies in response to COVID-19, Army announces activation of second Security Force Assistance Brigade at Fort Bragg, Department of the Army announces deployment of Fort Bragg-based units, Army Announces Results From Early Retirement, Separation Boards. Background. In order for you to make an informed choice regarding VSIP and Voluntary Early . A lock (
Marines wishing to withdraw after approval must submit a new AA Form requesting that their VEERP request be cancelled. 4.e. East Coast, Sgt Devor B.K., Tel: 910-451-5348/ Email:
For more information visit the Marine Corps Recruiting Web page (https:(slash)(slash) contact your local PSR. Fleet readiness is our number one priority while also allowing for a flexible marketplace of talent management.. For deployment planning purposes, Marines deploying in support of a MEU require 15 months remaining on contract while UDP deployments require 12 months remaining on contract. While an Airman may be eligible, manning and mission requirements will be considered when evaluating applications, he said. The Department of the Air Force will conclude fiscal year 2021 voluntary officer and enlisted force management programs May 27. These voluntary programs helped balance the size of the force while providing flexible options that met some of our Airmans needs and goals.
REF (B) IS SECNAV APPROVAL OF VOLUNTARY ENLISTED EARLY RELEASE PROGRAM (VEERP) DATED 01 JUL2020. Unit diary entries reporting release from active duty or discharge will be submitted per reference (f). begin or resume their education, and that delay of school enrollment. 8.d. Enlisted Marines separated under authority of this MARADMIN may be awarded the Good Conduct Medal if their adjusted EAS falls within 90 days of their 3-year Good Conduct Medal anniversary date. Waiver request must be submitted with VEERP package in the AA Form. Recoupment of education costs will be deferred contingent upon successful completion of the PALACE CHASE obligation. M. BLAIS/CIV/UNIT: CMC MMIB (INTEGRATION BRANCH)/-/TEL:703-784-9229//
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