The Lord is your deliverer. I will pray for you, but I will pray God open your understanding as to what you already have in Christ. He will torment you until you understand, acknowledge and believe that God Almighty gave you His Spirit of Power that defeats all works of darkness. He has given you His Holy Spirit which IS his power. Briefly reading your post has given me some immediate comfort and hope and I would be grateful to learn more about how God can help me. Even if you have to work overtime or take a second job for a while. No more wishy washy doubt, not even an inch. Deliverance Prayer . Praise the Lord! We are body, soul, and spirit. He is turning your worship from God towards him. His word says, if we as fathers being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ASK him! Once you understand who you are in Christ, the enemy can no longer fool you. It has been a godly relationship. In this case depression is a life long illness and there doesnt have to be anything stressful going on. Excellent write-up. I would laugh in the enemies face every timeI struck him and he fell! 2 Timothy 1:7. Hi Edwin. You know that sometimes life and the circumstances we face are just hard. If you have not been saved yet, call on the name of JESUS who is alive from the dead. Dont give into his lie. Today we shall be looking at the deliverance prayer from the spirit of alcoholism. Im still struggling but getting better praying God helps me to get rid of the spirit of depression meds just covered it up God made us to have a Sound mind. Into the spirit of adoption that cries glory glory to our ABBA Father not by my might but by the blood the word of Jesus Christ the living Christ we are set free from every spiritual bondage and we give all the glory to king if kings lord of lords we sing praise his holy name We face the world, the flesh, and the devil. I was a believer that felt like it was a spirit that needed to be cast out. Do I believe You are in control? Many groups simply blame it on demons, SPIRITUAL. Just dont give up. Defeat his lies with the truth. I trust You and I will not fear, for You are with me. You can schedule a phone appointment (its Free) @ (956)792-8154 Sunday Mass was not for me, or so I thought. All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. I praise the Lord so much. The funny thing is that this spirit always try to come back, but it cant stand faith in God. He ALREADY GAVE YOU ALL THE POWER you will EVER need. Many give up at this point. The Spirit He gave us is a SPIRIT OF POWERRRRRR. Dear Edwin, God has a plan for you. WE ARE!.I AM A MISSIONARY IN SOUTHERN CHINA THAT ALSO HAVE BEEN GOING THRU DARK DEPRESSION AND ANXITEY. Turn these potentials for stress into lessons for growth and trust. Hellen, So you dont believe in being sealed by the Holy Spirit? Its assignment is to destroy you, which is enough to make you angry. Annas, First, we dont have a spirit inside somewhere, we ARE a spirit, wrapped in a body of flesh. I would say God bless you, but he says you are already blessed with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ! Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 22:52 | Recorded on March 13, 2022. And it sits there. Psalm 34:18-19. Every spirit of sluggishness and backwardness in my life receive the fire of God now and be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. Or to make you believe theres a reason it has the right to stay tormenting you. His tactic is to convince you that the Word doesnt work, but it DOES! If you want to know more about different gifts of the Spirit you can check out some of my articles on the topic. If he can get you to doubt that, he sinks your boat. My body, mind, and spirit struggle to keep up physically, mentally, and yes, spiritually. One about depression and the other This Was No Hallucination is the true story of a young man in a psychiatric clinic, delivered from a demon which came into his house. Diabetes and Amenorrhea: Central Nervous System - fatigue and lethargy, Type A behavior, overeating, depression and insomnia are all caused by fear, anxiety and stress. Other instances when i am at end of my rope, i sit down and say, God, i cant do this! Desmond? I also had to come to terms with the silence not understanding what on earth is going on. A common way that the devil will try to bring torment into our lives is through the spirit of fear. I remember writing out a check gritting my teeth as i only had so much money left, thinking ut oh. He is the Everlasting God who hears your prayers and the thoughts of your heart. Tampa, Florida 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 Hes not deaf, nor is He a monster. Command it to leave your home. Thank you! Although believers should have this gift as normal, not everybody has the gift of speaking a message in tongues in public, for an interpretation to be given. Thats how God works in His people. As my mom would say., you better get a hold of yourself. . Read them, study them, meditate on them. He will tell you that you have angels with you and a demon lying to you. Tell me what is troubling you to keep your mind in such despair. Every wind scattering my focus, I rebuke you, in the name of Jesus. Praying for you. Is everyone healing the sick at once? I have to remind myself that God is with me where ever I go. I am praying right now for Ryan. This will be something you walk through with God. Not true at all. But you dont realize you have it. You stand and Know you have power by His Spirit and the Spirit of God WILL manifest. Its so good to come together to pray for, and encourage, one another. Sometimes we give into fear over time and allow the spirit of fear to gain more control in our lives. If its a spiritual warfare, then you can be in agreement over this and how to deal with it. Dearly beloved, God has not turned a deaf ear to you. The scriptures teach us a pattern for spiritual communication: "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, [and] temperance" (Galatians 5:22-23).These spiritual feelings and actions contribute to an overall sense of "goodness and righteousness and truth" (Ephesians 5:9).Understanding the nature of spiritual communication is . Candis & George Balogun. HE HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS. Affirmations Fear Anxiety and Stress Deliverance. Tampa, FL 33618, Above & Beyond Christian Counseling Do you understand it is a SHOW DOWN? Once it knows it has been recognised, this is its greatest fear. Yes, that is part of itbut recognising its first attacknow this is the secret. There is ALWAYS hope with God. Prayers and love to you. Do you hear him saying this to you? Satanic worms in my body, come out and die, in the name of Jesus. Also Edwin, have your vitamin d and iron checked. After my message, I led the congregation in a prayer for deliverance and began to minister corporately. Definitely seek help from a counselor or psychologist, since they are equipped to give you tips and strategies, pray to God and He will lead you to the right people. One day, Rachels mom was praying for her and God gave her my name. 33Who shall bring a charge against Gods elect? He is your God, says he will take care of your needs, is your deliverer, and savior. Glen 13. There will be speaking in tongues coupled with interpretation of tongues when that time comes (1 Corinthians 14:27). Become Fearless in 21 Days. Yes, please pray for me. I dont know when or how but it is coming. The reason a person does not speak in tongues, is simply because they are not doing it, and therefore argue against it. ******Understand what you have been given and who you are in Christ. When i get to end of my rope and nothing is working, i know its time to stop striving and trying and worrying. You say, i rebuke you, get off me in the name of Jesus, and again it just sits there. This happened to her 30 years ago and it lasted 5 hrs. It was the third Sunday of that month. 2 Tim 1.7 says I HAVE GIVEN YOU A SPIRIT OF POWER!!! There is no reason why you have to go on suffering. Through research and personal experience in deliverance ministry, I gained 5 fiery steps that can help you be set free. You can speak to Candis or George Boligun. Ask in faith for the Holy Spirit to come and fill you. Hi Sabina, As you pray, may the God of peace crush You may not feel his faithfulness (like i did), but once you understand how big, abundant and great He is, knowing He IS who He says He is, it will change your hearts attitude, as it did mine. Wonderful advice here. I have truly waited on the Lord. FORBID IT TO OPERATE IN YOUR LIFE ANY MORE. When you give up trying to get delivered and just get to know and understand how special and how much you are loved by your Father God the depression will start to go. We pray, fast, or make resolutions, only to find it getting worse. You have given me every tool and spiritual blessing to fight against those things that try to steal my peace. Dear Dawn. Have you seeked anyone out for deliverance prayer? Let me explain. He has a daughter 7 months but he has been through counseling he has been depressed angry has anxiety feels he dont want to be here he has no control at times . Its tough! He is a coward and a bully! I was lying in bed in great despair, blaming God for abandoning me. The Lord wants you confident, unafraid, strong in Him. I stand at the door and knock. TO GOD BE THE GLORY from the bottom of my heart. You keep praying and praying asking God for something he ALREADY GAVE YOU. She lost her best friend in an untimely way to a short battle with cancer. Funny thing is, thats when he does and is doing the most work Scram devil, you lost and we KNOW it. I need deliverance and healing for depression. Good luck and God bless Free my heart and help me to take things one step at a time. I have to take my hands of flesh completely off the situation. I am going through a deep deep depression that Ive had before and Im trying everything to be delivered from these suicidal thoughts. I commit her into your hands and ask you to completely take over. The power of the Spirit ABUNDANTLY. And when he gives you understanding, you will never again have to whimper as to why or where his promise is. Oh WOW is all i can say. Unfortunately, most Christians dont do this, but this is the Lords command. In the section above we have seen that speaking in tongues is available for all followers of Christ, not just some. Many emotions associated with insomnia are confusion, anger, anxiety, irritability and bad tempered. You do. This verse shows us that each believer has the ability to receive a tongue or an interpretation from the Lord. I loved the part about being in a fight that you know you are going to win. God bless you? The thought will come challenging you saying, it doesnt work, or nothings happening so stop praying, maybe you will get your answer in the future sometime. So, I am going to show you three witnesses from the Word of God that reveal to us that speaking in tongues is for every believer. My trust in You fades into the background, giving fear and concerns permission to discourage me.In those moments of apprehension, help me remember that I belong to You, and that You are not the author of fear or anxiety, but the giver of love and a sound mind. She and her husband came to the service that night. Even in the midst of blessings, people can have recurrent fits of depression. Lord, I come to you and I thank you for drawing near to me when I draw near to you. As a believer, your spirit is more powerful than any evil shrivelled up ugly demon of depression that has control over you. To think that you are mindful of me it overwhelms my soul. In fact He is the complete opposite of who i thought he was. Religion cannot save, only a personal relationship with Jesus can. One of the 4 examples show the heart where the Word didnt go deep enough. Why wont God help me? 8. Typical scenario how the deceiver works >>>> you pray and pray for power and deliverance but feel you get no answer. The Spirit of God. Help me to receive Your love You feel more hopeful. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding (1 Corinthians 14:14-15). There was a power struggle that took place in my heart. I know better, but some days the challenges outweigh the truths buried inside. INTRODUCTION: Depression is a state of feeling very unhappy or overwhelmed with the feelings of no hope for the future while anxiety is a feeling of worry or been tensed and restless for something that is yet to happen. Maria, where are you? At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven, on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that He is LORD (MASTER), He HAS delivered us from the POWER of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his Son. irrational fears. Jesus said all who believe in Him will be able to cast out demons. I am a man who has suffered on and off with anxiety and depression and financial woes .. To persevering. Its very clear in the Book of Acts. Dont lose hope, and stay connected to brothers and sisters who are established in their faith and who have the compassion of Christ to help guide you. I thought I was making an educated decision, but instead I was missing out on all the training I needed to combat the devil and his minions. (Paraphrase) Then one day I started praying at night, because his body was restless as he was asleep, I then asked God to cast the evil out of his body, I remember I touched him and told the demons to leave ,immediately after I said so there was this strong movement or wind that moved from our bed to the closed windows and it left. Prayer of Salvation: "Lord Jesus Christ, I know that I am a sinner and I do not deserve eternal life. with all respect,this is Derek Princes testimony and teaching.It should have been posted as such.But Im glad its posted anyways. From the Spirit of confusion, We implore . You cannot stop birds from flying over your head, but you can certainly stop a bird from building a nest on your head. Two weeks later she went home. Virtuous Woman Exposed Day 20 10 Ways to Stay Free From Fear. Do all speak with tongues? Thanks so much and God be praised for your victory! There will be teachers when it is time to teach the Word. I will be praying for you! Amen everyone and God bless. ( vk050/ Kathy had had our second beautiful daughter, Shannon, but my life was becoming unbearable. Tonia, amen. One thing I know for sure is that God doesnt want you living in a depressed state. Ill check back in a week or so my wife is death because of covid , she was 60 years old and , all my family were depress , so for acfew days it was terrible , sleeping 2 hours and all the family with covid , so how we are doing , first cast out spirit of depression and heaviness , if you are not fill with Holy Spirit , you do not understand the truth snd you will not agree instructions in the bible about cast out demons and healing . I have been exactly where you are now and refused to believe satans lie that I would be better off dead than alive. All through the scriptures, he says he delivers and saves. This was funny though. Please dont misunderstand what I am about to say.. And it just sits there. Soon, depression began to settle in and anxiety would keep her awake at night. Contact us to learn how we can help you achieve victory. A Prayer for the Hurting Prayer Against Anxious Thoughts. I want to live in faith and please My God and help others .. right now the pain and anxiety seems to descend like it did with the evil spirit that fame to Saul .. 2. They want me to continue emailing back and forth, yet give me very vague responses. I would attend bible study and I was that crazy lady on her knees praying out loud. I will admit that this does seem like what the apostle Paul is saying if we only look at this verse and neglect to analyze the rest of the Bible and the context of this letter. Youre going to get BIG BIG BIGGGG revelation from Him. How to Overcome Anxiety and Stress which is fear comes in is through bitterness, rejection, personal family sins, your sins, traumatic events and usually unresolved mental, emotional, and spiritual issues leads to anxiety. Oh, Lord, we know from Your Holy Word that anger can well up inside us, turn our thoughts from You and channel them into destructive . I have someone in my life that is going through depression. Father God, i pray you give Habab understanding that your Word is truth and you meant what you said. It will pass. The need to be in control sometimes gets a stronghold on my life. Perfect response, Virginia. Too often, in Christian circles, we look at a person who is struggling with fear, and we tell them, "Have faith!". If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20. Examplepraying oh please deliver us from the devil. Do for God Jesus angels holy ghost and holy spirit come down from sky heaven come over inside of my as deloreszemans live s here jasper Marion county Tennessee with my mom and dad come inside get me a 2 hug get beg hug big used old RV camper let it be great nice sweet Kool great nice RV camper let it be real low price cheap low cost payment pay for the RV camper about the this amount of money cash let it be this amount of money cash not let it go over this amount of cash $$$ 700 dollars cash for two buy pay for a RV camper, Pray over that me as deloreszemans mother over my daughter latosha honea zeman and her 4 kids children her daughter s and her son s and her husband kir and her brother as my son that God Jesus angel s and holy ghost and holy spriti will come over down inside of their house put love peace joy happyness kind happy love inside of their bodies body heart and were theyll will never ever ever stop having that lovee me as their mother deloreszemans get the devil Saten out of their house were the devil Saten never ever ever come back and like other wise my kids and grandkids come over down to come over down as their mother and as grandmother and pray for God and Jesus angel s holy ghost holy spirit come over down from sky heaven have to get kick take over the evil devil bad break from keep the bad devil evil people Shannon girffth Kyle girffth minlinda Griffith ougest girffth and her boyfriend and her kids Jane donson and her boyfriend and her kids and Angie donson and Kelly donson and her boyfriend and her kids and my daughter latosha honea zeman and her husband kir and her kids and my son her brother Carl honea zeman and Shannon and Kyle girffth and as theres girlfriends as theres Kelly tomieson that live in jasper Marion county Tennessee and the other girlfriend that live in Roseville Georgia get the very real far away from us as at our house place were we live at I am talking about at our parent s home place as our mother Martha slatton zeman our father John zeman and daughter deloreszemans our bother Willam Billys zeman his wife and our sisters lizebath zeman and her husband place pray do for real no lies let do let this happen let it be do let it come true and this come two past let this do happen this year before this year is up before this year come up year of February year 2023 this is what I want done to happen is for God Jesus angel s and holy ghost and holy spriti two come over down inside of my parents house home two go ahead take over there take over there body control over inside of their bodies body take them take them home up two sky heaven s they do need to get home up two sky heavens to God Jesus angel s holy spriti and holy ghost they are really very real bad off sick very real bad real bad very real bad in very bad pain they are crying out loud real tears crying out loud real very bad off sick very real bad real bad pain s inside of their bodies body s Psalm 9:9. Go see him at Bethel Atlanta in Tyrone, Georgia. Please pray for this person to be delivered from satans hand and that they be saved in Christ. It is a spirit lying to you. I believe GOD and not your symptoms! What people fail to realize is that Paul is addressing how the church should organize themselves when they come together. God Bless! When i say, you try to give me whatever symptom you can muster up, I BELIEVE GOD. God HAS GIVEN US a SPIRIT OF POWER (2 Timothy 1:7), 2). 4. But he is with you if you call on him. Heidi, I just got your comment and I will email you today right after I reply here. Now that we addressed the first objection itll be much easier to explain the second passage that we quoted. I have been divered from these dark spirits. Because there is always hope if you chose to hold on to Jesus. Hes the God who parted the Red Sea, fed the 5,000, healed the multitudes. I have a book published called The God Ultimatum. We all suffer from the temptation of negative thoughts. The feelings/symptoms were there to challenge me, in attempt to convince me it was not leaving. It sucks soo bad because Satan tournaments me in believing that my life is over and Im dying. God Bless you and your family. I was set free instantly on that scripture about him having given us a Sound Mind. The light that can fulfill you and provide you with so much happiness and contentment in life, waiting for you to see it. When I did meet him I was immediately Drawn to him because of his Christian values and his kindness to those around him. 1). I believe the Holy Spirit revealed to me one day that depression is a spirit, that I had the power to cast away. Gods word tells us about fear. Praise God!!!! This may take months. I thank God for everyone here who reached out and prayed for you. I give you power OVER ALLLL the power of the enemy. I agree with every factor that you have pointed out. Which means, youre not only going to win this battle, you are going to gain from it! Hi Maria, I hope you have been doing better. Show me a new way to handle life according to Your Way. Believe that the Lord came that you might have life with exceeding joy in the midst of everything. Ive made some progress and I was delivered from the kundalini awakening but I struggle everyday with condemnation and deep rooted pain and fear etc. I dont want to lose my son nor to the streets because the devil is always trying . Dear Bethany, It will take hard work, but it will come and it will work, and it is worth every bit of effort. As mentioned above, praying in the Spirit is the same as speaking in tongues. He is the author of multiple books and speaks at churches, conferences, and other events. Meditate on these Scriptures, and your mind and emotions will become freer and more positive. Say your prayers and come to the Lord. Jesus is there, right beside you, also when you dont see or feel it. Its the same for healing or casting out a devil. Sometimes it does feel as if the Holy Spirit has left us; but if we are not aware of any sin we are committing and on a daily basis remain in an attitude of repentance why would the Holy Spirit leave us? Please pray for my daughter Lauren she has been suffering from depression for over 7 years she has been on numerous meds without improvement my husband mother or should I say family is deep in the occult she hates me and my girls I refuse to associate with them I believe this depression comes from them. I pray you will surround yourself with other Christ-loving people who can come alongside you in prayer. And spiritual blessing to fight against those things that try to steal my peace books. Praying out loud been saved yet, call on the topic sometimes we give into fear time... Face are just hard turned a deaf ear to you and a demon lying to you it. 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