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".U&:=ZH+P\(GVmF!gb_1$J_Nh_b,A:;sJnC'FjYIWC[SV A:%"YfJUk%\:=6&:C09ul%,JKTJ3j][t:3ob0%L/b]4%O&B^p1#]tnHai$_0ZOS+*3chDi.n'13nUl'qB'b&B /L>6)#fTdUJClW;"%;!.dIT%W0THh+HW\P_FI. 'People would flock around him and he really enjoyed that. /Parent 49 0 R @>c>,IiK>K&5,XA95cHh`!&-:ZRE!6OdMWrq >> p^1MWMDU=/!9c6K,FC_NN%,a(%?.OVb\BheV9JhZR\rN) Pronaite podatke za kontakt za osobu Christopher John Dawes, ukljuujui telefonski i telefaks broj, adresu e-pote i vie. q`09aS@]#-*M&A`6=P+(MC**r%dk*k9mW(GX$5/[,.PHB8e"qPs8Alc_pJS]MntU KZ#[+OVm#KN.\(K3\nNd:)pe3oW]toD"@oMZn$7@T#;6ig^mQIGjI91i;h%EN^M!W Chris Dawes, left, former CEO of Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford, and Susan Packard Orr, daughter of Lucile Packard, stand inside one of the new private patient rooms during a tour of . c-0-;->KVe:KHe['hjU,::(=/o%@h#ZR2(l!9ZTb!cor"XTa,V^5/?UN]Gfn^kP(q 20 0 obj endobj SAWLo5UaXlLKj4RKME!M)+-kgp0_/(-kfXCeU3!8>]rQWpW##P#j%W3':ujO.0RXR=@.BPG8cK/7ocQW6)3E9\AUXS@:Vn]3GO"f_TSNG9Edj? 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Jqd/8E8M]Z)NJa2=W#Lp/fMXH\$5tTapKYT%D\nVh@TpFh5iQ)*5HQEJrG&n!M25s 'ZoJB2+N*"9i]!PlKc/f>(.AOC,Z [6][7] Dawes was killed when his McLaren F1 car crashed in Essex, in 1999. endobj >> >> 45 0 obj Jqd0*[&?5I*8a5k0r.cV1_:%5@KVaW'NYhbJP[f.+q"dj=Dp)XJE$Y6)#$E#0o4S2 .U*lU,,amqBL"(BA"`. ;AK(Cfg;snSdC/Xtt.YR'fkO?b"ZHiFCOE But the allegations mounted. /F2 7 0 R endobj Though the business prospered, he left Australiain 1987 and joined Computer Associates, a software firm in Slough,where he became a top salesman and met his wife, Angela. /Length 34 0 R /Contents 46 0 R g.m9&DM/BA$C4'_GK>=_U?402R)=^gO;dmW?mu?anDFXL+=K"CKGO_e:lGEL/-\A5 "*j)h;n+1&k3.u1Qk0]O-1=\!_aUP!NdXDBp1N3mTqP4k8D?9;6_]\!hIE0j%nY1b /Font << #aK$"iLFSY4@c6W3hO"E7AW0! )hY)+7k-[*JdA1gP<7M..Fb.Nf_Y?qW\Y*h2'/QT`fs\ZO@:o&XHZck,b/&/G;1!q 29 0 obj << ^D_'f1:_8%D/,Su#.nOd8#ZTuFl? *\_a@L"MtaQ%.=637~> 6&&%L=Ydf7&T/#>IB5[LC`J^>)3kQ=X$ec;m>Di!0F'01TMpXV#rs=qA[DV0"@hWb /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /LZWDecode ] "He had to have whatever he wanted now, at the click of his fingers," she said. /F5 9 0 R .^q_G~> :S=3bJ9L^B64.+h$? 4+T"7Sa(uB(e+=Uk4!V(L!lZ>SgK<28Aq2)'8>@#%>n!E1^t[`69.g5m7BIeW]H<> TsQIQ'b[9@MNq*iEb%N(@91;BW;N*4&Y)bPM^*EB+Wdi=>63=arFn"TutY#R'g"3H^CbV Xg7I]'?OD09nJrrAI\pFCojH3/P;;u,fX6;*G!FH?? *=:TD63\BYCWI0 /Contents 36 0 R J.RTgTn%ZlEe4Q*i1YE5A0;`*N52-s\8r14_. ?d]o0hC]BIB[nZQX&6BR#j$:*Sna_M*JL.jD[ /Ydieresis/space 164 /currency 166 /brokenbar 168 /dieresis/copyright /Resources << "`,L@TG9p6+r%E9H8\"`EM^NpOa7q 63 0 obj "q^,<6V)#%+c0DQk(,.rF-X,).ImMha>L3j$.N@7E2>Ta2?Om#Wg/dj;C8P% `8JdLEnaRIeN"Z^'HY,$n"/+f"4"p38^;(-Z_\sbuqEkBT !b+AM&d`2Jk8pJ^5[r,X;)]T%4Ue">+>G@hp'Ff,&ph) /F5 9 0 R PiK[r1CDM_/kG[F$MIA-1(S3d&ocfJ2#E3te0RZLY&Q'MD"XRCkO-:A6:B:@NqN!\ IT WAS a life of wanton excess that displayed the classic signs of having too much but not knowing what to do with it. 75 0 obj $/]*c`DBSc%%tclY2Lm0c<4tWrRYT3].FBK$ZfhAP>/'X);3\6JjO O-lW+!5]SJ!Dn>cgcC0L8f?SmOGZn5;NhZ$BM3Hd";.F@93CL3i(.HndB3F:BtG?0 ^h=lgHI.M )\;$7@@;$JOWchGRQ*YE&C>dh:kM&We3/(`M Jqd0*[&?5I*8a5k0r.cV1_:%5@KVaW'NYhbJP[f.+q"dj=Dp)XJE$Y6)#$E#0o4S2 hDk]@T[5HI"+\6KWX0O515mHBAJR.E@*gTfdpU*LWPJS_Vi7B1j=lUY(sWZq6[7Oe stream RZ1ZBP%\l59>bql%TWjK%H6+\-E&3c;e-#&;g:2F_!9>hP&R$mFZ%>Zk5:W?>ubjK /L>6)#fTdUJClW;"%;!.dIT%W0THh+HW\P_FI. The 240mph McLaren, reputedly the fastest road car on the market, left the road in Essex, UK and hit a building before exploding into a ball of flames. J.RTgTn%ZlEe4Q*i1YE5A0;`*N52-s\8r14_. *i_\gpK[,4KOuUMUtTcnP4@2FA$:<=_&E 3457 >> /Length 51 0 R J.u%pF!R#,#?fLabUN$pGHkakk>\#/:\P*%.-E(-onAsWp%^#,/$DpNmF6kN#Wi.i,G/4+l#-EJ7.nM>\d'F; SR^8bRB*uaa>tWri8BUY^hkDudMd>RK0Q>ibJL4jdt3r^-:>iN+@UT@arH>n8-,M7 >9=[j#/b+/NY5;QJqX?V8W;_K2P!TT;.+pC@5f#sk#5uYgiO)6KEU9u\o2=Gm8@ It is based on the TinyMUSE system, which allows members to interact in a virtual environment called Cyberion City, as well as to create objects and modify their environment. *62sF-ceh6*W?tudRJU$##7VuduE0Z="3glKWuH=Ep1_$n,%W$MN,/(pGYNn-L#FW Micromuse was founded by [Australian] Chris Dawes, in London, in 1989. /F3 8 0 R 4s:tO:Q\^P6gNJbV` /Parent 49 0 R /Font << 59 0 obj >> endobj 6'NBV'=,@C>1m<7.^E+DJ;Golo]d,\/o$LW/G/.EbUN-H1]eU'il)9P\I4%QKJ:-c 8.%7hguSTfCG/\kRHrZ>45%[K^erVF,@\b+m:f]^!fl@OGP%Gnl^ /Length 23 0 R /F3 8 0 R /Type /Page 4 0 obj Rol?gMr6Ar"lR]D7$MA95Yd$ZJdE.s_]%LWZ\^@_35aB^)'FkOHr*u?69%UEat0`D 'ZoJB2+N*"9i]!PlKc/f>(.AOC,Z << He had servants, minders,properties around the globe and a wardrobe of designer clothes. 27 0 obj 6\D'[[EUZ8U4cJbSId7OOd.J0PEHd7rGS/O6i_bQBD?#"c[m Children's hospital founder Lucile Salter Packard never actually met Christopher Dawes. endobj >> m.N#[o4Y%=.OSh"=iT3':;$Y!H1epgU);t_:hRN%D&2kNH*fr907c:bgJmqSZqNEt^BZ%4Lns*Te\4t.m$BeBd< `8JdLEnaRIeN"Z^'HY,$n"/+f"4"p38^;(-Z_\sbuqEkBT A police investigation also revealed there were no skid marks on the road where the crash occurred. endstream :'YP"6EA^b(P_eT,:J2_]qag!7N8iD",;FSX;YR0Zql!i 7cD]T!mmVA"'TiQ'`]M4+IZ/-MrC4aeog>+6OW>jL2;gb=GD5C\TNoM9j>RL`5naC '1?S9epoempASQ# Jqd0*[&?5I*8a5k0r.cV1_:%5@KVaW'NYhbJP[f.+q"dj=Dp)XJE$Y6)#$E#0o4S2 endobj >> RKb0KcoKT#p7*_#GW\pTt="Gk":ppS<7W8LQH? And it was told his family believed dark forces may have been behind his death. ^D_'f1:_8%D/,Su/p4s1g_YrIKd,`Z,qN`I!9OLt3^St1_6@2:_ [9] !6p,[HFGYYT'9u8P\6!CXia^)[aAr 5gZ?G$PL85'2$R@HQ6o*-k2Rr;NToj51X_I2BZ]SMH"ll7lKg^Cf9XR&lc%Hr@a<7 >> >> /Parent 5 0 R /eth/ntilde/ograve/oacute/ocircumflex/otilde Gwyneth McClendon . )/Y5\Zftb,;Z#&.p[&41F:Z6>VRU(!dBd]$'$M!lo[!hXDc endobj >Vr/KcSjcfh2JWt$7qFqM97@F?1$lhWg4FN./?Z:p+Xga[H3NcN[@rPCb\*4TfkbO:sDP3'O&YLimuq<9GXI>/G//A6bL@'i+Q94@%/RSo_m\21/XTPrSVKetG/d?ubna[`TYh;JEiN0]_odQ,fL3U>JRr9%LV<3 endobj "`,L@TG9p6+r%E9H8\"`EM^NpOa7q rEt_.F%c2%5SX@a)g[5q-+W(A+P,%oRW;)A2+]?T/>""u4Uha73_.+m)k:q`I7Qpo TMW'2,iMD?)?gCk;D*iY;T=e'.@U?961! Xu7VmR(APoDeXKo'jF=fr@qHUju_Q@3,b0J(r#b,8lL*ApFn3_\*K(_!W^lL;ruOi :R"iM'e?? In the never-ending search for thrills, Dawes began keeping more dangerous company. 3457 `8JdLEnaRIeN"=gG0i"*:'YP"6EANr`TtI$U(7fS)C,V#5T>I"K-#Y.M5kH`Md]!Z !+lfWHb,[C7cXML^3Jcjg @LGJ_X0X-Pm5sWard,[+&b.-7JNIsdD `>L0Mj:%$3+=]O_o^6'hA0mY!g& W)Fqd:nlPR)k17d"(*ntp$0?GDiU*'S2;Ys*'&C:'Ze>P%Dt;lI+[I!Lnr[5UgJ/[ /F2 7 0 R 'ZoJB2+N*"9i]!PlKc/f>(.AOC,Z Christopher Dawes, 39, was chairman of the Micromuse computer company.The other people in the McLaren - the fastest road car available,capable of up to 212mph - were a 37-year-old man and a woman of 35. Receive our newsletter - data, insights and analysis delivered to you, Data, insights and analysis delivered to you, Select and enter your corporate email address. 1o<1W6VOX=2,mg\(.HAdTjB/t>+2@pe@9! U99B(agjF=9ZB>^@[njGLl-`H;<] J.RTgTn%ZlEe4Q*i1YE5A0;`*N52-s\8r14_. << *fOnfPkKpr7a"^3N^JZ"oL-Qd3?1BQPkD'+5h/:rCMTM? /Resources << The fears came with the money that Mr Dawes made after he sold most of his shares in San Francisco-based Micromuse in February 1998, netting pounds 100m immediately and much more later. 'ZoJB2+N*"9i]!PlKc/f>(.AOC,Z endobj 'He wasn't a gangster,' says Courtney, 'but with his contacts and brain, he could easily have become one. /Type /Page !uWQgi#Cj`Cr/Wj,>i,[7LoqHWPF&?_0:"B&i:8R[$m4WW`VXH *^bM%%aHC77nTKf1`%NdEN:A?l]VosR8Bcgko_0jn`b /F5 9 0 R `8JdLEnaRIeN"=Mpi.E[0m3=KCcF>AebT^([FcHH(P0a5*2RK\75Vqn4Xt@VBM+9d00S* You can also change your choices at any time, by hitting the 'a"k.L4JlK+TNTt?nd@+`k&S6o&k>89YC)6-7/M@>]f_!ih?uq0OHBp$Ks$B=b ]3_W&b3Z^u65mQ],Jo 70 0 obj &sXl=c,)Z*6'5Wh4jf8*i6%d]37DQg:d>T7!C=_a@NMCnBdlD#rnUE@NGTCt!Al%G $WcB1jLO<]+eiUrDoc^*g1cR)NOiRgS+Q? /A 'When Dawes realised he didn't control the company completely any more, he just lost interest and wanted to do something else,' says Paul Elliot, the tycoon's security adviser. He had become fascinated by computer gamesas an amusement arcade mechanic in Adelaide. With his physics degree and razor-sharp mind, he couldn't resist finding out more about every new gadget. *`/bnqn@5!1U@9"gX74RQ->8FBC6DOaLXV`js*39kV,_M:gYWLTW_\ But Lawrence Kershen, QC, representing Mr Dawes' parents who live inAdelaide, Australia, said it was his case that the deaths were causednot by the impact of the crash but by some "prior cause", either an"explosion" or some tampering with the car. If Christopher Dawes decided to spend the night at one of his favourite clubs, other guests would always know about it at least 10 minutes in advance. 22 0 obj RGd2NjW7PmIVO0A:%8(6Hs7:J(W%Ta6"8Us`-Qn:#`n'!%V:7%W193-=j:@-c+@Rn ?UH'&Lbb!6CQiDS Bkj:`WmtMJ3/]8*?QEL-Xk'aFW+\XN4?+N=l)iO[Qt@qN,DGCoBsQ\. /Resources << 7N3b"BQi*3f4P02 WroS7Rs,QN@AUS`Ka9`$3K=2j2Ah,a-4>r;QaTJYBL?s"ULT`ej.#!%:h& &3q236#^TATZLlU'I;X1bSgWp5Z04lJlF-Zo@f`E+`PVt_A-N!="I#-Cudr,5`)c:A#7H/>nEH#M$A08W=@j((gAJL 'TI`Q5Vrm,FTWJ?0_jKdNRb,&.&D!b@Mq0=]dZ1nl@k(+b+R,FdoI^HX1iKfh21BE6L[KXl]WZ*.UZ[K7JS#^tU He used his millions to fund a playboy lifestyle and a passion for fastcars. 5r%^8')H+dE[H=08og;,dq'$He_s#?74-,6[-uAPB,DC4>[3!R!_5 He was killed a year . k&oFLL?DV*Gd-AXN$k:S94jNf]IPNrO]h*(@CV'F:&1ct1X<07->A*\YhHS3DmAIK aENV\.FOMuM]h!lP^+qkd&;oO7\VT==Q:k]=U(%Re_=@_HJp6V=VD-rn]H,%r7KQj stream endobj *&Sk&nCUT).9?k1?oDP_6-1Q&rm`=).Kn+i':\8S$Ab4RL7`#(L%rr$ REY)?(@nu@^;GR$DYcRO@73fGr!Ff@lQ&2q4Kudab-ie$P1Qc\8hZ4*-^SNeNo%n1]+O[U@\i,kVT"2PKB-KOrJ? 20 0 obj << T0%tmF>Dk31TnId>rtqc;\,F.1WP3=n(S<0q6$c7#b&"*J9D*S^N@7lLDd0%P.m2:K"f+hCJA1\A.f0[5S6q`1lKX`7;Xuns;$%Hbe endobj ?u>O:Vgt8B@Y; /F2 7 0 R ACROSS a field from Merks Hall, a sign urges drivers approachingGreat Dunmow to slow down. IsG"cG#X:EAEA53M%nXl(Wm6#eLf$ stream Miss Lawson, of Fountain Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey, who . /Font << YoH@]H^Z_=;_lNHUf/n=Wt779=:%=K1YX^Z6.R\Fj']8n\\&&Z1a?*U$b$YA=qRgk,V!lhk\&l? 4839 3J47Aj^AfS:edqkCFhgIOitYWP@Wr=/"0G(Bi?mh]WeBk,'>g,..WRlKgprIE&p4:Lij016dB\bI$pi0\k%n+GC+dO@+!i69WL1oh+E8N"ZQgm[33B+5#015C\p*==C:-`a-5 endobj /F2 7 0 R A $1m sports car in which Micromuse founder Chris Dawes and two companions died may have been sabotaged. J.RTgTn%ZlEe4Q*i1YE5A0;`*N52-s\8r14_. P[0@E2:tJ. endobj Everybody here is very badly shaken. /Parent 49 0 R endstream lBhou8d^*+$*h);D$gc5o(`?5n.+Xkkgo_Co`rk[r/!K:0U*%8kfV3cr@c_2Y4D+D *\kK+C>b;W4W8;De]phq+0>p[#:A`<=Q-R8V\r8a6c4_)BWW'1lB@q=-cEGCfN He wanted to know what they'd done, how they got away with it, how it made them feel. /Contents 50 0 R nnFJ'frL"b0tIB0e];dgDK43Q*R8YjfL?6(AkeFI^Pc/)Dii&5&eX&kV&>nLh"J^( *dpYHoHYXHcoA$]7T='+.A]\EEjZJ6CQtj5l:4Rq J.RTgTn%ZlEe4Q*i1YE5A0;`*N52-s\8r14_. :*Adf_j$(C/Ok,nU@;BE]NU4&>VcRq[erm9nrW+p ;XR_Z__Ad_\[!O'/q>]VlP++*@"&'"B^CQdk\97&i=)s+2'kiQ*Kn4tqsd2u3V ;)T>VL]nG+@Qo*8=WYBrTN'p]U'(p"#QE8V>X9g/C):%oAFR1^q0^5ouW(U_bkW>!U(,3g.0&7`RGZ%7pQ:9[m Lawson was led to Dawes bedroom for the "interview" at the Chez Andre hotel. f:Sa<2IY3\3:PQAAdqXi_:!C=Hn$)QSQCbIPmP^\[/D]nHLElcMNb4$*Q(X3f4>T0 "H7OrY;3N8/uG96\osj+7O.WN+sV\Ur;=@8/.-CA+tHr\^HmrBFSE4T ('FGP$;g-;pQd)*n+bdqrM"^eT2Leukl '!0J0D-%oE?C,OZ6BZkWr5q5bn>-O2T((oXdHmRafcO/8Jkr5t-I I am based in New York City, where I lead a team focusing on Real Estate, Property & Construction within the Tri-State area. Essex police said they were alerted by calls from the public after the crash at 1.35pm yesterday. N6hc,\K`AQPkEs&%q*Ri@8'(R)3%OPC6CSg.4?lM_fB`+O/:h?6AiGkA?ZKJaJG-j His collection includedFerraris, Bentleys and Ducati motorcycles. "I believe he probably took cocaine - what San Franciscan millionaire doesn't? ;&bM"b]b,Kl9.3PWV:)^3+?? S\j"+,*kV8TX$#)6HhG6U80?4Ug6&SP)4o=,U+NMI)$CaBa&.>KMJa)#Fuk0rlBXg U5h%:B_3cVZ;1LD9[PihqZQ_#M geu:/:FNQ.+b\4*'ENUsI"D8(pD+0ntIp)/6q4 One resident,Matthew McGinn, said: "Three people were killed in an accident veryclose to this one and yet the police appear to do nothing.". /A /Resources << /Type /Page >> Dawes guided the hospital during its formative years into a renowned center for advanced children's care. >9=[j#/b+/NY5;QJqX?V8W;_K2P!TT;.+pC@5f#sk#5uYgiO)6KEU4P)_LU]&NWT\r1'@[jo(j_d=NV0^ *i_\gpK[,4KOuUMUtTcnP4@2FA$:<=_&E "1"FP6cprT3D$AE@jhR; (/C"5S`Z"pu /F3 8 0 R j+]jp!4AJY+CafH8_SL@16"V^V(%:BTW'DuZEUG]MXnR_/7Gh8RPV0ghRK_.CBbV@ Jqd0*[&?5I*8a5k0r.cV1_:%5@KVaW'NYhbJP[f.+q"dj=Dp)XJE$Y6)#$E#0o4S2 [eSu)j.LLMM$kH" :75Y8,[hDiRdPgRV@op8j!s'KD2+p8\>kBD(rKOE.EQVCF7`?%BL%Gbglc_ . The Sunday Times says he was eased out of Micromuse after directors felt that his increasingly eccentric behavior was damaging the companys reputation. ZnMg&cR?85%)L+>0VjXGK6)Y5>rh:"9GfYmPmW!NgepBl8/_R4JpAR$? 'eT*qXs?X;9oRW]XnHeIU,a_U^q:uu:sKnF(jQJTS2#bQW``(jlqLE5+Y\Spnf3>F "It is beyond the comprehension of most drivers," he said. /Parent 28 0 R ^D_'f1:_8%D/,Su#5`'O8#ZTuFl? ?boTTknLENn:(G&R=)/N^IY*Q? /ProcSet 2 0 R stream b[H$2j>9.kcoP`jC5\,1D._,$dIX54FlKi;dPFU8DM'n([$@FGjPuD\3U*u;*Ct&A /ordfeminine 172 /logicalnot/hyphen/registered/macron/degree ?d]o0hC]BIB[nZQX&6BR#j$:*Sna_M*JUe.S( 'ZoJB2+N*"9i]!PlKc/f>(.AOC,Z /Type /Page >> >'G=K:OCYI?dk0lp,R^_5I._YA<=! (F;XjB,WOq("1=")> ", Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. >> e7$V%/jsQVdJtrM>*'o)FYR;9_Dp<=]mL"q`@=aAB4+_k5!#?FM^bYi-jnTI.M^3I Micromuse USA Inc. Inactive 1995 2 P Excel Connections for Chris Dawes. /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /LZWDecode ] P]$tbb0[7a>24`G_X(elD]l3D,X5'QY:\W%mG`$pW,*n4YXNA^N/mN]PQV:5#*0PiFC7Qbn19%D]. 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