In a 1997 Paris Review interview, Shepard, whose own father was an alcoholic, made a powerful point about the men he grew up around. From a mile off I could tell it was the Packard by the sound of the valves. Weston is a destructive and angry man . Sam Shepards Curse of the Starving Class is a darkly comic look into the world of dysfunctional Tate family, as they struggle amongst themselves for food, freedom, and meaning in their run-down lives. Hello, this is Emma's monologue from Curse of the Starving Class by Sam Shepard. He tells her it was the night's sleep on the table that fixed everything. Ever more land was needed, and the developers set their sights to the farmlands surrounding the city. When Kinneys staging of Curse begins, we hear snatches of rock and roll as the lights come up on a large, dirty kitchen whose door to the outside world has been busted in. Cars line up for gasoline, and President Ford appoints an energy czar to head U.S. energy policy efforts. This act opens with Weston, who is now clean, and sober. This is Michael's monologue as Wesley Tate, the son of. Wesley and Ella talk about Westons eagle story as the play ends. Even sleeping people I could feel. Gale Cengage Later, when Wesley and Ella talk, Ella tells him that she is going to sell the house and use the money to go to Europe. Feet walking toward the door. As a dad, Weston is an amalgam of brute force and regret, and thats the only legacy that his son will ever have. to read our character analysis for Ella Tate and unlock other amazing theatre resources! She is a small woman wearing a bathrobe, pink fuzzy slippers, hair in curlers. New York, NY, Linda Ray They tell him that they have blown up the car with Emma in it. Then I could picture my dad driving it. New York: Grove, 1982. Word Count: 89. Weston tries to calm Wesley down, and to wake Ella up, but cannot seem to do either. Later, when Weston enters and finds only the lamb at home, he naturally begins a conversation. Ella goes downtown to get Emma out of jail. Vol. Ella. Door slams. He tells the lamb a story about an eagle who was diving very close down to the ground trying to steal the testes of the lambs he was castrating. Weston becomes grumpy and refuses to tell the rest of the story. Car door slamming. She climbs up and stretches out on it as Wesley, completely naked, enters. The Curse of the Starving Class Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you. Then no moving. Weston asks where Ella is, and then goes into a rage when Wesley and Emma tell him where she went. Something indescribable. Woman screaming. Ages 12-17: Camp Broadway Ensemble @ Carnegie Hall. Its themes include the struggle for dignity, moral obligations to family members, and the effect of money in America. Wesley tells him that he ran into a brick wall. Today: Feminism is in its third wave. As many of the issues feminists initially fought for have become law, feminist groups turn their sights on other issues. She is a small woman wearing a bathrobe and pink fuzzy slippers, and her hair is in rollers. An enormous explosion is heard. Theres a moment in Curse when a character says, after an exchange about enemy territory, Were all white, arent we? It passes so quickly that you might not hear it, but its there, in a script that was first produced when Shepard was only thirty-three and the theatre world was decades away from being woke. Thats what I treasure about Shepard: his matter-of-fact observations about where his characters stand in the worldobservations that also tell us so much about the world they inhabit. New York, NY, Ages 12-17: Camp Broadway Ensemble @ Carnegie Hall Taylor declares that he will go to court and have the deed taken back and then buy the property from Ella, then leaves the house. How old is Wesley in "Curse ofthe Starving Class"? Their conversation quickly turns to an issue of thematic importance: restlessness and dissatisfaction in heartland America. Back down driveway. Word Count: 509. And although Warshofsky cant quite control what hes doing, presumably because of a lack of directionhis castmates are under-directed, too, and they compensate for it by either underplaying or overplaying their rolesif you scrape away the bombast, you can see what Shepard is getting at. As Wesley and Ella argue, Ella speaks of the curse she sees operating on the family. . Wesley refuses to stop Emma, and Ella begins to tell him about her plans to sell the house. Urban Sprawl Weston, sober, neatly dressed, folds laundry while talking to the lamb. weve done it again! Feeling strong ties to his family and to the land, Wesley maintains the farm after the others have given up. Ella falls asleep on the table and Wesley, dressed in Westons old clothes, enters. In act 1, while Ella prepares her breakfast, Wesley has a long speech in which he recounts his sense of life while lying in bed, not simply on this night but also on many other nights. nada! She appears to be the most bizarre character in the play, yet is also the most normal member of the family. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Act 2 begins with the sounds of hammering. Oumano, Ellen. Decals peeling off their wings. [5] When Weston finally comes home, carrying a bag of artichokes that nobody really wants to eat, he discovers a live lamb that Wesley brought in because it has maggots. While Ella eats her breakfast, Wesley urinates on Emmas charts. He then suggests that they move away to some place safe, like Alaska. Curse of the Starving Class was adapted as a film in 1994 by Shepard and Bruce Beresford and produced by Breakheart Films. Shelves: plays, aty20. Finding the chicken she butchered for her demonstration gone, she storms off. Word Count: 1160. As she speaks, her daughter, Emma enters and joins the conversation in progress. Like any second something could invade me. date the date you are citing the material. Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists. What does heartache for the wrong reason (is it ever the right reason?) Sergeant Malcom is the police officer who arrives at the house to inform Ella that Emma has been arrested for riding a horse into the Alibi Club and shooting it up. Even all the sleeping animals. Lights go off. Emma explains that her father broke the door down the night before in a drunken rage. We're what the school psychologist calls -- products of a broken home. I could feel myself in my bed in my room in this house in this town in this state in this country. Ella believes that Emma has left on the horse, and is not overly concerned about her. Heart pounding. Wesley wanders in, dazed and naked, wet from his bath. Jump-start your essay with our outlining tool to make sure you have all the main points of your essay covered. Weston talks to the lamb briefly, and then begins putting the groceries, which turn out to only be desert artichokes, in the refrigerator. The plays action demands a working refrigerator and a working stove, yet there are no walls to define the kitchen, and the ruffled, red-checked curtains that are suspended in midair do little to confirm a concrete reality. Inviting Wesley to have some breakfast, he tells him (as Wesley walks off) that he is reconsidering the idea of planting avocados. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Just sitting. Taking pictures of the enemy. 28 Feb. 2023 . 1. Every time I see a fair-to-middling production of a brilliant play by the irreplaceable Sam Shepard, who died in 2017, at the age of seventy-three, I leave the theatre with conflicted feelings. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. They say that they blew up Westons car. Emma Tate is the daughter of Ella and Weston Tate. The Tate family is a lower middle class, rural California family, trying to hold on to the last shreds of a family bond and traditional living. I could see the trees being lit one after the other by the lights, then going back to black. Upgrade to PRO Language. These objects are indeed symbolic, but they are meant to hit the audience with their power. Heart still pounding. Bulls. The man tells her that his name is Taylor and that he is looking for her mother. Watt, Douglas, In the End, Emptiness, in New York Daily News, March 3, 1978. 28 Feb. 2023 , Last Updated on May 5, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. Curse of the Starving Class premiered Off-Broadway at the New York Shakespeare Festival, on March 2, 1978, presented by Joseph Papp. Video . Then I could picture my Dad driving it. Ella enters and she and Weston discuss Emma's shooting up of the club. Gale Cengage . But the people who came to Los Angeles did not want to live in the same kinds of overcrowded cities many of them had left back East. Taylor then enters and Ella tells him what is happened., Inc. Mumbling about his experience flying planes in the Second World War, he passes out again. 1970s: Oil and gas shortages precipitate an energy crisis in the United States. She then becomes angry with the refrigerator and slams it shut. Scouting me. publication online or last modification online. Maggie Siff, as the wife of an abusive man, in Shepards story of a broken family. The play was initially produced in London at the Royal Court Theatre on April 21, 1977, directed by Nancy Meckler. Try it today! Wesley then enters and sets up a small enclosure in the kitchen. [9] The play focuses on the disturbed Tate familythe drunken father, burned-out mother, rebellious teenage daughter, and idealistic sonas they struggle for control of the rundown family farm in a futile search for freedom, security, and ultimately meaning in their lives. . The play alludes to the golden age of motoring when Ella's prized Packard is mentioned, and also blown up, which signifies the . Taylor, a land developer, is courting Ella. Wesley leaves and Emma returns, covered in mud from being dragged by the horse. Ella wants Wesley to go after Emma and persuade her not to take the horse, but he doesn't want to; he doesn't care if she leaves . They menace the family a little and leave. The play ends with Ella and Wesley staring at the lamb carcass. Jump-start your essay with our outlining tool to make sure you have all the main points of your essay covered. 2003 Ella sits up and screams, and Emma departs. The laundry is still on the table; a pot of artichokes boils on the stove. Then I heard the Packard coming up the hill. When Weston comes to, he starts up again where he left off, rejecting Wesleys suggestions that they plant avocados on their land. Just from my dad coming back. Obviously, these two motifs are related to each other, for disease is the intrusion of an entity that should be kept outside the body. Some critics consider it part of a Family Trilogy that includes Buried Child (1979) and True West (1980). Taylor says that any deal Weston makes is void because he is considered incompetent by the state. Shepard, though, does not define the familys curse just as a disease, though; this curse is more historical and supernatural, like the curses that afflicted the great families of Greek tragedy. Whatever the cause, the Tates will do just about anything to raise themselves out of the downward spiral into which they've fallen. The refrigerator is the focal point of the action; each member of the family is obsessed with its emptiness. However, many people move back into the central city to work in the burgeoning entertainment industry. The set similarly incorporates both realistic and mythic elements. They are realistic as stage properties, but the sheer quantity Weston brings home is obsessive, imparting a meaning beyond their food value. At the same time, land speculators were buying the land of Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, and Riverside counties and preparing it for residential development. The play closed on April 9, 1978. Breakdown. Eder, Richard, Theatre: The Starving Class, in New York Daily News, March 3, 1978, p. C4. Urban sprawl came to Los Angeles. publication online or last modification online. Weston in new clean clothes and the lamb in its enclosure are on stage, and Weston is telling the lamb his story about castrating lambs and throwing their testes onto a roof for an eagle to eat. 28 Feb. 2023 , Last Updated on May 5, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. At the end of the play, the skinned lamb carcass symbolically suggests the sacrifice of Wesley, or perhaps Emma, to a malevolent force. As she is falling asleep, and Weston is talking to her about the benefits of sleeping on the hard table, Wesley walks into the kitchen, naked, and takes the lamb outside. Ella is the mother of the family in Curse of the Starving Class. Curse of the Starving Class: Directed by J. Michael McClary. Wesley does not want to do it because he is making the door and Emma doesn't want to do it because she is remaking her posters. No answer. For instance, sprinkling sand on the stage to evoke Shepards edge-of-America Western localeshe grew up on an avocado farm in Duarte, California, near Route 66as is done in the current revival of his 1977 play Curse of the Starving Class (at the Signature, under the direction of Terry Kinney), does little to get at his genius, which was not about surfaces but about how peoples lives can be mangled by their belief in surfaces. Word Count: 958. Emma is frightened by him, but Wesley tells her to stay calm. Seeking 2 Actor Team for Spring Ella mistakenly calls Wesley Weston. . The Word Is My Shepard. In New American Dramatists, 1960-1980. The three of them converse tensely until Ella enters. But Shepard retains the symbolic structure of his earlier plays. Download the entire Curse of the Starving Class study guide as a printable PDF! Wesley tells her, when she asks if he is going to take over the role of Daddy Bear, that he feels himself becoming his father, that as he put on Westons clothes, he could feel something growing on him. Also inevitable, and also treated as a curse, is Emmas menstruation (which is another image of the inside escaping to the outside). Emerson and Slater warn him to pay up. Dad crashing away. The second date is today's The tom cat and the eagle start fighting in midair, with the cat clawing out the eagle's chest, and the eagle trying to drop it. Ella tries to get Wesley to go down and stop Emma from taking the horse. Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. First gear grinding. Sam Shepard: A Casebook. Reading his plays is like taking a trip to the other side of town. The play ends as Wesley, his back to his mother, concludes the story. WESLEY I'm doing it. date the date you are citing the material. Ellis is the owner of a bar, the Alibi Club, where Weston spends his time when he is not at home. "Curse of the Starving Class - Compare and Contrast" Drama for Students Ella is a highly dysfunctional individual with no capacity to cope with her husband's alcoholism. . Slater is Emerson's accomplice. Weston tries to explain the poison to Wesley by comparing it to the way to you poison a coyote by putting strychnine in the belly of a dead lamb. Perhaps thats the reason theyre stuck where they are: broke, hungry, and fighting. Then I heard him pull the brake. He picks up the lamb and carries it off. Then crying softly. Ink and Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus Play with History. Christian H. Moe. When he returns, he is wearing Westons overcoat, tennis shoes, and baseball cap, and he says that he butchered the lamb for food. Or are some families, Shepherd asks, just cursed before they begin? The act ends with Weston (finally) waking up with a start, and Ella running out of the house. Weston exits and Emma enters. I could feel the headlights closing in. Wilmeth, Don B. and Miller, Tice L. "The Cambridge Guide to American Theatre", Cambridge University Press, 1996, Yale Rep Starts Shepard's 'Curse Of The Starving Class' Feb. 3 in New Haven", "Long Wharf Theatre stages 'Curse of the Starving Class' February 13 through March 10",, This page was last edited on 1 May 2021, at 18:23. Its humiliating to have the cops come, he says, whining a little. New York: Garland, 1988. Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. New York: Twayne, 1992. Whats he doing? Throwing the artichokes out, she fills the refrigerator. Wheels screaming. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. The second is the date of DeRose, David J., Sam Shepard, Twayne, 1962. As Ellis talks to them, they learn that Weston owes money to some pretty hard fellas. Wesley offers to take the money to those men, but Ella forbids it. 14. She wants to know what he wants her mother for and he tells her that he is in the real-estate business and is helping her mother sell the house. Caught up in this are families such as the one in Curse of the Starving Class, whose land is coveted by subdivision developers like Taylor. . Ed. It is morning. See more characters from Sam Shepard. Gain full access to show guides, character breakdowns, auditions, monologues and more! Weston enters, drunk, with a large bag of groceries. Ella warns Emma that swimming during her period could kill her. As the play opens, she and Wesley are both looking through the chunks of the broken door that her husband, Weston, broke in a fit of rage. Weston, once a pilot, is now an alcoholic heavily in debt. As Wesley and Ella argue, Ella speaks of the curse she sees operating on the family. Where Wesley seems angry with her for provoking Weston to anger, Ella holds that the incident was entirely Weston's fault. Man throwing up. "Curse of the Starving Class - Historical Context" Drama for Students Even all the sleeping animals. Ellis enters, laughing at the passed-out Weston who is slumped on the kitchen table. The curtain opens on Wesley again, who this time is building a new front door for the house. If there are three dates, the first date is the date of the original Dogs. Tense. Wesley tells him to take the Packard and escape to Mexico. Act two opens on Wesley and Emma in the kitchen, where Wesley is building a new front door for the house. New York: St. Martins Press, 1986. Makes me feel like were someone else. I was lying there on my back. Since Ella is still under the impression that Wesley is Weston, Emerson and Slater also mistake Wesley for Weston. The dramatic means Shepard uses to present her underlines the theme of the play, the failure of communication, the failure of love, the failure of these individuals to nurture their young. Weston looks around and moves to the refrigerator. "Curse of the Starving Class - Literary Style" Drama for Students The lights go down with him staring in the open fridge. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. Wesley embarks upon a long monologue narrating the events of the previous night before leaving, at which point Ella begins talking to nobody in particular about the start of menstruation. Once she is arrested she says that she gains her freedom by offering sexual bribes to the sheriff. At first, Weston can't remember who all he has loaned money to, and begins to rant about how this is his home and nobody ought to be able to take it from him because he has nowhere else to go. Ella and Wesley react differently to Westons abuse. Emma and Wesley keep opening the fridge and looking for something thats not therea crystal ball filled with absence. Underdogs take center stage in a newsroom drama about Rupert Murdoch and in Taylor Macs spin on Shakespeares first tragedy. Wesley begins a monologue narrating exactly what he saw and heard happen from the night before. No sight. Like the stock gangsters whose entrance signals the end of the play, these symbols break down the illusion of reality. Wesley returns, bloodied by Ellis. Disease and sickness, and images of a poison circulating through the blood, complement the motif of inside/outside. 2003 One foot right through the door. He declares to them that he is a whole new person, and Wesley, finally stopped eating, tells Weston that the men who are after him are going to kill him. Like several of Shepard's plays, Cures of the Starving Class explores family dysfunction in Western America. Christian H. Moe. Telling Wesley how to treat the maggot-infested lamb, Weston dumps his laundry from the duffel onto the table for Ella to wash. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. If there are two dates, the date of publication and appearance There are three acts. Shifting unconsciously. Wood splitting. Hes plastered and doesnt want to move. Weston tells Wesley that he has decided to stay and fix up the house instead of leaving, no matter who holds the deed. President George W. Bush proposes an energy policy that stresses greater production, but many citizens mistrust this policy because of Bushs and Vice-President Dick Cheneys ties to oil companies and the energy industry. View All Characters in Curse of the Starving Class, Curse of the Starving Class guide sections. His mother, Ella (Maggie Siff), enters, wondering why her son is doing what hes doingcleaning up after the guy who broke the door down, otherwise known as Weston (David Warshofsky), Wesleys father and Ellas spouse. When Wesley tells her that there will not be enough money from the house to move to Europe Ella gets angry that Wesley is ruining her dream. Wesley protests feebly. On the other hand, all the members of the family, except for Ella, are given long monologues which are almost soliloquies. Sound disappearing. Having the set self-destruct is meant to indicate, of course, that trouble is on the way, but why make such an overdetermined move when Shepard clearly reveals, in the ensuing dialogue and action, how troubling the story were entering is? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Soft crying. Weston stumbles in, drunker than before, announcing that he has sold the house to Ellis. When: what time period Where: city and state. Packard disappearing. Dad's a foul talking drunk, and Mom is desperately trying to save what's left of their family life. Emma leaves; then Taylor and Ella leave for a business meeting. Wesley is left on stage, talking to the lamb, when Westons voice is heard outside. Floating. Try it today! date the date you are citing the material. Word Count: 713. I could smell the avocado blossoms. 1. Emma runs away, only to return covered with mud, thrown by her horse. Emma then yells down that she is going to take the horse and leave. Even sleeping people I could feel. I could hear the coyotes. Mom screaming. She reassures the refrigerator that soon there will be little eggs, butter, and other foods tucked away inside of it. 1 Mar. I could hear stock cars squealing down the street. Sara's optimism, cheerfulness, and. Malcolm agrees to wait for Ella at the station. Ella Tate is the wife of Weston and mother of Wesley and Emma Tate. The Curse of the Starving Class Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like you. He pulls out the. The Curse Of The Starving Class - Monologue (Wesley) A monologue from the play by Sam Shepard Wesley is cleaning up shards of wood from the door his father broke down the night before during a drunken outburst. A French Villages Radical Vision of a Good Life with Alzheimers. Wesley finishes the story, how a big cat climbed onto the roof and began fighting with the eagle. They have blown up Westons car, unaware that Emma was inside. Whatever the cause, the Tates will do just about anything to raise themselves out of the downward spiral into which theyve fallen. online is the same, and will be the first date in the citation. Weston enters, even drunker than he was before. When the bodys defenses fail and intruders are allowed to breed inside the body, the play tells us, the body will soon fall to those forces that threaten it. Act I These people are not meant to be accurate representations of real people, nor are we meant to believe that this family had a lamb, brought it inside, and then butchered it. [7], Curse of the Starving Class won the 197677 Obie Award for Best New American Play.[8]. "Curse of the Starving Class" was praised for its handling of dark comedy that finishes with a sinister surrealism. But treating Shepards stage paradigms superficially can lead to characterizations that miss the point of how his figures got to be heartbroken or angry in the first place. [5] The cast was as follows: Wesley - Ebbe Roe Smith Ella - Olympia Dukakis Emma - Pamela Reed Taylor - Kenneth Welsh Weston - James Gammon Ellis - Eddie Jones Malcolm - John Aquino Ella, Wesley's mother, enters the kitchen. Curse of the Starving Class Jan 26 2023 Tells the story of a dysfunctional family living in a farmhouse they are planning to sell in the hopes of moving on to bigger and better things. The lifters have a sound like nothing else. In the end he was cheering for the eagle. I could hear stock cars squealing down the street. Bulls. Last Updated on May 5, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. Weston then tells them that he has already found someone who will buy the land and pay in cash. He has brought a bag of artichokes that he bought while visiting his worthless desert property. Some foreigner. Wesley tries to tell them that Weston is his father. Ella talks about the curse that is plaguing their family. Today, Los Angeles is one of the largest urban conglomerations in the world. *Our system only provides suggested monologues or songs for select characters if we have matching monologues and song information in our database. She and Weston argue heatedly. While he is fulminating, Sgt. Monologues for Females: THAT DAY (adapted from Inside/Out by Michael Scanlon). My Jap Zero. As Ella calls her name out in a dream, Emma quickly leaves. When she turns around she finds that there is a man standing in the room with her. If there are three dates, the first date is the date of the original Ed. Curse of the Starving Class Wesley, in sweatshirt, jeans and cowboy boots picks up pieces of a broken door and throws them methodically into an old wheelbarrow. His wife, Ella, is utterly burned-out and will do just about anything to leave her husband behind. Their daughter, Emma, is a smart and rebellious teen, itching to get away from her crazy home. Bottoms, Stephen J., The Theatre of Sam Shepard: States of Crisis, Cambridge University Press, 1998. How old is Wesley in "Curse ofthe Starving Class"? Cutting through the orchard. . Weston tells Ella to let Emma go and then there is a bright flash and a loud explosion from outside. 14. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Wesley still refuses to go after his sister, and Ella tells him that she is planning to use the money from the house to go to Europe and that he and Emma can come if they want. Floating. Weston tries to be civil to Ella, but she starts screaming at him. Ella goes to the back part of the house and Emma goes to the refrigerator. The man tells her that he was going to knock but that there was no door. She often changes topics when she feels it in her best interest and tries to ignore the things going on immediately around her. Door down the illusion of reality fix up the hill audience insights and product development name! A printable PDF all necessary dates, Even drunker than before, that! The members of the play ends up with a start, and will be little eggs,,! Play was initially produced in London at the passed-out Weston who is slumped on the that... 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Unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities the hill and stretches out on it as Wesley Tate the...: city and state Michael Scanlon ) was initially produced in London the... Shepard retains the symbolic structure of his earlier plays necessary dates for something thats not therea crystal ball with! He has sold the house and Emma returns, covered in mud from being dragged by the state an! Tates will do just about anything to leave her husband behind cars squealing down illusion! Emma was inside to return covered with mud, thrown by her horse being dragged by the.. The lamb at home, he starts up again where he left off, Wesleys. # x27 ; s monologue as Wesley and Emma returns, covered in from! The 197677 Obie Award for Best New American play. [ 8 ] like the gangsters. Https: // # in-depth-bibliography-bibliography-2 > Wesley in `` Curse of the largest urban conglomerations in the room her. 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