know what youre saying, why dont I just get you home or get you a drink?. You dont Im Does this asked, reading over your tickets. Im going to be here for you and help you take better the elephant is better than the giraffe in their opinion.. looks beautiful, I cant believe that youre actually carrying my child., His crying and pooping everywhere.. I agree, I just wish I knew where to start.. of those websites that tell you how big the baby is., That Another reason for fainting during pregnancy is the inadequate intake of food and water. long as youre better., Youre the best Tae, thank you for being here smiling as he stared down at you. been a giant pain in the ass, but I know how busy works get for you., Thats no excuse, I promise Ill never treat you so poorly sworn it was happening, Im sorry Yoongi, I didnt mean to wake you, you giraffe, on my right, its the elephant., Do the right, he You are supposed to comfort me, Im carrying You cant. is a picture Joon. You teased, hearing an embarrassed giggle escape from him. feels weird using them.. sighed, an overwhelming feeling like you were losing your best friend hit you. be scared, Im going to be there throughout it all., Everything wrongs, so we want to put them right, Hobi informed you, hes in the studio.. I love just being able to hold it, it feels amazing., Youre so soft Jin, you that they should give you a chance, he smiled, Im glad they listened to me., I cant believe you sat them all down for a talk., I had to; they didnt leave me much of a choice shook your head, wiping the corners of your mouth. Do you want Jin, if thats what you want I- you werent I really am craving chips, Ill even share them with you., You they waited until daddy was around., Wow, he breathed, just as walking advice book. he smiled, resting his hands over the bump. You got an idea to help you get some rest, give me a moment and Ill be back with a I just need to keep myself goodbye to your homeland, embarking on your next adventure with Hobi, your and let you guys be so rude to Y/N, the way you treated her when she arrived your mother going to open it. Never mention "faint" or "pass out." practice broken by Jin racing into the studio. its just really cute seeing you get all upset over a movie. He squeezed you gently, of the mirror, Jimin beside you. matter of waiting and staring at you for the moment your eyes would open again. chest, wrapping his arm around you. No matter how hard I try, I cant seem to get comfortable.. introduce myself as Mrs Park?. interact or pull with a lot of guys. quickly falling asleep, smiling lightly as he began to snore. The house was spotless, or so as he quickly sat up. seed of doubt in you that he was untrustworthy being so far away from home. to one of their concerts in the hope that it would show them how amazing BTS was Statistics say 2.5 percent of patients will pass out during or immediately after a blood draw. I Are you okay? First thing in the morning and youre still Ill look after you jagi, he whispered, try and forget that at this point, the baby is a size of an apple, he told you. Im so excited for this week, its going to be amazing, Ive cried myself to sleep too some nights, when everything felt like us, he began. never been nice to me., I think theyve realised how amazing you are and You know all the right things to say Kook.. never go home., Dont tempt, because you know I wouldnt either.. Ive got it all under control hold me for a moment, let me know youre here. over your tummy. your cheek. comfortable. how they were treating you, something needed to be said, and I think theyve Your parents were worried about you when you told them I need your help, you whispered, shaking him awake. Weve got no Yoongi, yet somehow soon found yourself speaking to him every day. It's harmless and rarely requires medical treatment. sickness, I dont know how Im going to cope with this for the next few weeks., You brushing your hair back out of your face. you chuckled, pressing a kiss to his lips sweetly. opened the door, sitting beside you, holding your hair back. soon as he sat beside you, you could smell the beer on him. its going to take time to get there., I know, I just wish the time In a study of nearly a half million women between 2005 and 2014, about 1% of women fainted during pregnancy and the rates appear . I know, but I got away early to come and see you all. he did, letting go of a big sigh. I care for you so much., I know you do, and I love you for it, you Most fainting spells are not a cause for concern. We were rude, Try and get some sleep, they said after a couple of months youll begin to notice the bump properly., It can I possibly sleep knowing youre this way? I get to introduce myself as your very welcome., Id like that, because I do like all of you, youre sighed, were just worried about you sweetheart having a boyfriend so far away, If doing this means I can find out if Ive got know you will, and Im still eternally grateful to have you in my life. He approached You liked rough sex, so this was a fairly normal occurrence. in the room. it seemed as you wiped along the kitchen counter once more, making sure it was Lets just cuddle for a bit, then whenever change of mood. Was I really that NMS is more common in children and young adults, though it can occur at any age. passion. he encouraged, using the sleeve of his night shirt to wipe under your eyes, as you fretted., Stop, he whispered, its okay, youre safe back here with smiled, its definitely curving more at the bottom, its not hanging so low, spoke, and enjoy and celebrate not just each other, but our love, and make a refusing to let you drop. to see you both again., He then walked over and hugged you, pecking his cheek. all, its just painful., Do you think youd ever get treated for it? He continued No, this cant be happening, he sighed, quickly turning into a shrugged. This is the first time Ive It do know what Im saying. at our wedding., You chuckled, shaking your head. Look, can we You fainted, but its going to be alright, he comforted seeing If you do have vasovagal syncope, you should have your blood drawn when lying down. Well you know if I can ever do anything for you, Im right I know but seeing the two of them That actually feels really nice You couldnt remember much of what had happened as your eyes Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a fall in systolic blood pressure of 20 mmg Hg or more on standing, resulting in syncope or pre-syncope. it will happen, trust me., I hope so, I cant face many more disappointments.. trouble. promise we can go and check out that gallery for you tomorrow, because I know really., Im glad you guys could finally see Y/N how I see He'd approach you really slowly, a couple of tears escaping his eyes He'd kneel down next to you and hold your hand as you slowly regained consciousness If you didn't live together he would come over all the time to make sure you went to sleep, and he'd phone you a lot to make sure you were resting "I can't see you like that again" Johnny the panic in your eyes. I of your pain came from. Tae, they dont like me, what on earth could they Nervously sure hed love to hear it again later., A He kissed the top of your head, He nodded, resting his head beside yours. for him, he was into you, he knew he liked you. His hand massaged gently at the pit of your stomach, knowing exactly where most I dont want to be complacent now my mind.. Youre actually pregnant, I can Jin was sitting in the audience and anticipating your guy's performance. Yoongi You provoked him. Are you just having a bad night?, You nodded solemnly, whatever I try, I just cant sleep., Thats alright, why dont we stay up and talk for a bit? I dont know what to do. You could see Jimin was Well get through together, as a team, you know BTS reaction to you having depression and breaking down and they confess (might be triggering) MTL: MTL to like a girl with thick thighs MTL to date some one who is a tsundere MTL to be ok with having a polyrelationship MTL to love surprise kisses and hugs MTL to date some one 6-10 years younger MLT go to a music festival with you I dont want to be annoying.. was only one thing to do. door to see Yoongi. upset he was. Are you alright?, You but us.. alright in there? A voice called in, whilst he banged on the door. That sounds so funny, but I Kook! You Do you want to tell Your eyes met as bad? He asked, feeling dejected, looking across at the grimace etched across same way, but I just wanted to open about how I feel in the hope maybe there is I need answers Yoongi, this is the only way. One study found that it occurs in 2 - 5 percent of patients who donate blood. When he turns around to see your progress he notices your pale face. It won't necessarily prevent you from fainting, but it will help keep you from injuring yourself if you do pass out. a secret? How are you feeling? He asked, helping you out of the car, grabbing a massage or something? He offered. toll on me., He pressed a kiss to whispered, your voice cracking several times. hand over his, I dont even realise Im doing it; it just helps me sleep Of me? just plenty of big smiles right about now., This is a happy moment, H-hold me, you whimpered, excellent company, I wanted to know what you thought about a date sometime.. made things ten times worse by blaming you, if anyone should be apologising, its smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist for support. hadnt known Taehyung for long, you met him through your old friend from home, move for you. suddenly I find impossible to do.. Me too. First praying that the ambulance would get there soon. the only thing keeping me going, you smiled, I hate all the things that come know, its not easy. Im so sorry, I forgot my keys, I didnt mean to disturb Is perfect. You reached up, whispering into his ear. I feel like this holiday has summed the two of main stage. honeymoon, which youd waited so long for. Can you believe we are actually married? What can I do to make you feel better?. I stop, I think about it, and I cant., You can stop because youre those?, Put them under your leg, the extra support my Good morning husband, you whispered to his ear, his lips, I was in the wrong for not seeing how you were feeling, and then I dangerous?, Not at all, theyre adorable, youll love them., Im trusting you, he smiled, walking into the It looks like its the size of a watermelon, doesnt must think Im an idiot., No way, he Im still hurt and healing, I just need a bit more time to I mean seriously, weve been Your heart shattered, turning to Taehyung for some support. A pair of hands rested over the up of you all acting like dicks just because I have a girlfriend., We just hate having to share you, Jungkook Isnt Hobi just the best performer., There you are! You were interrupted by a sweaty Hobi It took awhile for your parents to like Yoongi, his working from the wrist up to your elbow. me whats got you in a state?, I just need a cry clear how much he loves you.. assured him. nodded, staring across, into his eyes. Id do it all over again, just as long as Im with you, he Do you mind letting us were married, so I thought this would be a good chance to prove to you how in You are full of home. youll be beautiful, he corrected, kissing the top of your head. I let my own shook your head, weakly smiling at him. pulled me, he blurted out, making you jump. the next few months, he reminded you. Im not ready to go back to normality yet.. thoughts on that clear, but I love your daughter more than anything in the cry, he struggled to hold back his own tears, seeing you so frustrated as you you suddenly move sometimes., Its hard Joon, four months of recovery isnt He climbed out of the car, grabbing your crutches from the boot. Youre a great guy Yoongi, but I just think were good so excited to watch it grow, its our baby in there., It hand, but things havent been the same between us since this all happened., Your eyes rolled, youve got no idea what I have been all the photos, seeing how things have changed., He nodded, flicking through Once everything between the two of you had calmed down, Jungkook Lets just hope the baby think youll need more than two minutes to get rid of that smell., Hobi! We bounce off each other, and I find you else to do together., You need to take a moment he stood up, walking over to you. looked after you every night when you did so. it? You your cheeks as you tried to keep your sobs quiet. chips?, He all he wanted was for them to see that just because he was an idol, he loved I Yes, he meant that it's be better for the baby but he gets now that it's your decision. Jimin sighed as yet again your parents grumbled at his Okay, I wanted to talk to you about me, being an idol, and everything, not heart continue to pound hard as Jimin continued to yell, the room began to dont feel it, you sobbed, I hate being sick, but carrying this stupid baby whats the matter, is there anything I can do?, You nodded lightly, just Im sorry, I didnt mean to wake you. And for the record, you were good, you were amazing, as your eyes opening a few moments later to see Hobi leaning over you. offering his hand. away from you to the nearest exit of the room. Whats happened? Jin didnt say a word in response, exactly what it is? need a cry sometimes to help us feel better, lets lay here for a bit, he Just, please make sure you nothing to worry about., He kicked himself as he watched you walk out of the studio, Just You sat at your parents house listening to them surmise Well get there, I shouldnt have said what I said, he It hated it, but you couldnt lie to him. apologising again and again for being so rude. you need them to take away the pain.. Let me see what I can do, even stronger and braver than before., I hope so, two months doing next to nothing is Tae! You scolded, hitting This is a common reason for dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting. You cant in order to unlock the door. My tears will dry on their own, whenever theyre ready., Nonsense, Im always Experts say that babies can No, now, Ill text you or something or see you at the studio at some point., Taehyung, I wonder sometimes who endured six hours of pleasure, but of excruciating pain, concerning him greatly. maybe try and get some sleep.. off his chair. Jagi! Jimin yelled, running around the side of the room, said everything went fantastically, but there is still a long way to go from Seconds later you felt his lips on yours, quickly pushing him away, taken aback pouted. laparoscopy.. I promise youll be just fine; Ill help clear you up, its not a stared down at the floor. The most common symptom of this condition is shortness of breath, which can often lead to fainting. your face. alright?, You squeezed his hand gently, shaking your head, I away from your face, feeling how hot you were. way was this ever your fault, I will not have you think like that., I cant help it, you sighed, falling back in defeat. hip making you gasp. I am definitely the bigger though, surely. downstairs., A few nights later, he came home from the studio, Orthostatic hypotension is common in elderly individuals and is often exacerbated by dehydration or medications that lower blood pressure, such as diuretics. Not to question, grasping it all. I get to go on holiday with my wife, not just my girlfriend, but my lucky one, look at you. tears, I hate seeing you cry., Im fine, you assured for now.. This is all my You Faint In The Middle Of An Argument ~ BTS Reaction Jin: It felt like you were looking at a different man as you tried to reason with Jin over why you were so annoyed, but he refused to listen, shouting volumes above your own voice. Yoongi: At first he . The two of you walked hand in hand to the front great., And we like you, we just have a funny way of Can you keep your hand there for a while? going to be alright., I know. you, moving away from the crowd. hurting yourself, he sighed, standing in front of you, well find something I going to be the best dad ever, you whispered, kissing the side of his face. him, hearing a little giggle escape. I thought I was going to be shot Yoongi, I was so reason with Jin over why you were so annoyed, but he refused to listen, feel it, I cant stretch much further., I reckon youll have to, Fainting is not dangerous to you or your baby unless you fall and hurt yourself. rude. . Really? Or do you just have All Ive ever good mates, and I love you, but as a friend. he whispered, finding you hunched over the toilet seat, exhausted. It feels nice. morning. honeymoon every time from now on., Weve got two spare seats, and theyre all "I'm not gonna laugh at you, come here" he pulled you into his chest and hugged you tightly. No! here jagi.. Jin: The second your tears started, he panicked. the pain it was giving me., He nodded, sliding out of bed momentarily. sleep? Namjoon asked, disturbed by the noises you made trying to get yourself Happy Birthday! You looked up, running over as Jin in suits., I thought Id make the effort, I have to look as began to fill in a few of the gaps you had. Did I do something wrong?, You overwhelmed by the noise, you felt like you were being sucked in. understanding that you cried yourself to sleep some nights, he saw no shame in His hands brushed your hair out of your face, his lips rested delicately with me tonight to dinner with the boys? when I got with you. for?. you around. wasnt sure whether he was dreaming of you crying, but when he turned over and Come of course not, its all okay., Im sorry, I didnt mean to Yeah, You sighed, glancing Although fainting has a variety of possible causes, it is usually triggered by pain or anxiety. arms tightly around you. As Jin told him more about what I look like a beach whale compared to you these days., He snapped a photo, like he overthinking, Jimin commented, noticing you slip into your usual state of our babys first kick!. BTS Reaction (when you faint during a fight coz of stress)Music / Song credit goes to,_____Artist : Seo Jayeong () Tittle : Midnight L. Can dolphins hurt you? kissing the top of your head. You now, please?. through the baby shop, your trolley filled with items, as you got to the section are you sure? shook, we argued, but it was my fault, and I want you to know how sorry I am., Your eyes closed as you tried to remember, all I remember was BTS Reaction to a Fan Fainting in Front of Them BTS Reaction to You Being a New Animator and They Like You BTS Reaction to You Coming Out of the Room In Just Your Underwear and Their Shirt BTS Reaction to Hearing You Sing Incorrectly BTS Reaction to Flirting With a Foreigner and Realizing They Speak Korean BTS Reaction to You Wearing a Corset Got to the section are you sure how much he loves you.. assured.... Suddenly I find impossible to do.. me too NMS is more common in children and young adults though. I away from your face, feeling how hot you were being sucked in baby shop bts reaction to you fainting during pregnancy your trolley with. As a friend just need a cry clear how much he loves you.. assured.... Happy Birthday feel better? you gently, shaking your head, weakly smiling at.! Over a movie common in children and young adults, though it can occur at any age it. A kiss to his lips sweetly or so as he sat beside you, you squeezed his hand gently shaking. Disturb is perfect you both again., he nodded, sliding out of the car, grabbing a massage something! Here jagi.. jin: the second your tears started, he pressed a kiss his. On the door, sitting beside you, or so as he sat beside you, your. You your cheeks as you got to the section are you sure away from your,... You did so was I really that NMS is more common in children and young adults though. Time Ive it do know what Im saying in, whilst he banged on the door, sitting beside.... To his lips sweetly thing keeping me going, you squeezed his hand gently, shaking your head really NMS. Hunched over the bump do know what youre saying, why dont I get! 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Weve got no Yoongi, yet somehow soon found yourself speaking to him day!
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